0- I i I Ml j < I i 1e 7 t nll- Ii L N i- l pljJl4lu- nr1 r tU1W t I- lrllln8 Lo iPtQ J- So a 111 00 11I No ai lI ean J f altCl m rrrlv- oNoari I1L 1 1 JI llt Mail IIII II m- No Jl JIxeil j ri 1110 ilin- WrUe 0 IIIrerIunotion- No I Fjist M ill 12 p ro- Nn = 21 2jllseil i 15 a in- hriilM fSIIUIu 1 Jf LeiiveiUlvor Junction J- So iKost Mtll fiSOlp in- No 22Mixed TULitju m nlve nt UHIPLBT vL 5- No 1 2Fast Mall y Jj t I m No 2 > IVfi p m Vrrlxe 1enuicol- aNoi FistMiiU i > 110 Mi m- No22Jilxeit Ct ii n- fi oo i Train NJa Soulb II1UkeSIJ11IUfdhlt T- cllon lin wlthjho F C te 1 fo Jacksonville uidull point South Prsin No 2 North niAti vniiimptliin n- ilomatonWith train Vii Montgomery loi- wj I polntsVolb Kant and Wett also will In for MobileNew Urlunnftund thodouil Vest Train 63 aud No i carry sleeper For further Information address JW LIR TON- 1cnsiicola Kla Pout Office Olr ciory Office hours 7 am to8 pmi except Sun ILv Eistbound mull closes at 1030 am- Wealbound mall clnsm ut 0SO pm Mall from Vernjii no I Iracevllle ar rives at 13 m aud loaves ut 1 pm dally copt SL ndaYIi I Mall from Orange Illll lUvhead and St f Vnlrews arrives atrt pm and leaves at- am dallv < ecept Suud H Sunday hotiis 8 am to 10 am 11 am u 1 m and f iom 5pm in 8 Monev Orders Issued HIull hours when mce IsoP oo oPt SlndaI- Cft PM- Loqnl Qijd PersonoS- eo nillco of runawxy bjy Inanother column > Seo tax collectlors notice und bo gov- erned ¬ thereby Seo n itlco of application for bids for re lairs on courthouse Mr T Y Watts foft Tuesday forGe leva Ala on business Mr Sessomsof Bonlfar transacted bus 4nes In Chlpley Saturday The brickVrorJc on OJ Allens store vas commenced Tuesday Profi A II Lewis ol Orango Hill paid jVploasant call Saturday W B Lassltier nf Vernon was among tho visitors here Thursday Hon John Brett of Bonlfiv WIU fono- jf tho visitors IMTO Suturdav- Mr W A Evans of Iracevllle came In Wednesday and spent tin luy Read tlio announcement for County of ices some new ones are added Mr A M1wathlsof Uonlfay was the joest of friends hero Satuidav- Mr nndMrs L Hall vMled their anghtor at Econlinatthls week Section foreman Williams put In u new Bossing on nth street this week Mr J S Coleman and wife of Bonlfay sited frlnnds hero last Saturday If In pour health consult Dr Vlncen- nhawk Building JacksonvllU Fla- IndgoI R Wells came up from Vernon d transacted business here Saturday ICD On Wednesday afternoon the tie child of Mr and Mrs J B Farrlor- J J R McGeachy has received and iced In poMtfon In his store a cash reg er Uil Mlitle Wilson of Union prlnsr Is visiting Mr anti Mrs Dokle hern- i wok t Ir W J Stephens of DeFunluk came sr lust Friday und spent the day A lib ends here T > T xj > The wood workof the Deklcbrick bloc- s merrily tinder thu guidance tif Mr- IT Markham r Ir JI Vlam9 has been real sick Is week bulwe hope lo see him out nln In u feivdays- rrelty bjby capat ijUs iraMlesat- undic eacli Also n new lot of hats e trimmings iT t- hTO r Is but ono Chronic Tl IIr f Rpe list of noto In FlorldaOr Vincent Jacksonville Write him forsymptoM- K okM too 4 R A Rotter was oill sick sevnr days ihg weekr but her ninny friends Ipashu will soon rrciivnr 0 Till Bent Blood Purtllrr lie blo > d UwnsiHotlj biliis1 inmrlrtl lfl- ungn Ihcr aod Lltfnutw ICVeji th U- IIIIDbelthr nttttlO1 I- Wregllll linerroIl will have no neiil uf H- I purlfterIt > rlbllll urjIIc tl t o- ihln uni v ti i i r lni fiID II41h Ller Tablets onn ilo> e ol fhciu will do- 1it mr gooa lhMiifi1li IJblUifoIr tliel- bjdod fI UrlflerrPrie i au tle < fr o V L K rrlr dm store SfeVSTT J r r i i r > 4 1 + M 1 1 t OTHTntr ITT Trrriitiifr- my o 1- hY n TXCOtLKCT li f J ttcliftlII i e set fa candidate for Tux Cqll ctor o i aahlDgton Co snbjcci- tb tht1icllouof be Dtniwratlij party W W A BUY AN UU cL mktl itcilir CtJJRT- I I 1 bei uby Klinonnc in ntlf a candidate foi- the1 odlco jpfcicrk Circuit Ionrf of nBh- inittoifjiotiiily tulJfut tnthe ncjlot thi- D P ny I liroml8dlfelecled K- lufittiiediitfu oribeotHc with eredlt to mltt t1te rWbO Iectlno- r 4jM W E ROC r Jr 4 FOU IJolJNTV TUFAaiHKHv I hereby noiiouocfi myself a eandldiile f the oftlce of Couhy r of V III- ODCQunty subject to tho uetloitcof tin pHDpcratlo part > arnhproralstv Ir elected a fimlilul dUcbiirge olmy duties as bucb t t Jj W1IUAM9 FOR TAX 8h8 ll rKVeby nnnonljcam eelf a candidate fo- re uon to of Tux Asseevor of Washington county subject to the acjtlo of the Democratic part > tf elected Iprom- IsLjtu heretofore to discharge duties o tbe offlco to the best Inten st nf the county JOHN W WiLL U8 FOR SI CHI PK- At tbe sollcflallon of my many friends nnd fellow citizen I announce myself a candidate tor Sheriff of Washington count Biibjeit to the uctlon of tho Democrat part 9 Uesptctnilly- T V WATTS FOR UhEKK CIltOlHT COURT At the solicitation of lIumerou8 tr lends I be ruby onnoinictl myself U candidate for office of Clerk Circuit Court ot Unuhliigtni county subject to nction of lemociatl party JAUKS M JENKINS Mr S S Alderman of Wewabltchki Fin was a visitor here Thursday Mr Leslie Wells expects to cowl hun In the lower part of the county next week We regret bear of till Illness of Mr J W Williams hope he will soon bn atif- to > bo out again Mr W H jloler and Mrs E V Porer of Izogora Fla were guust of DrR A Rozler two davs this week Mr S P Johnson Informs us that tho prko of ties has advanced to 25c this wll- he good news to tie cutters Misses Corn Lo and Salllo Wilson and Miss Nonie Dtkle of Marlauna are vis- Iting relatives here this week Capt A J Gay a prominent navn stores man of Gay Fla eamn up Tuesday evening aud spent a fow dUI Mr and Mrs J R Lockny was quite Sick for several days but we aro pleusec to learn that they urn better now Mr Cbarllo Cotton camo over from Ponce de Lion Sunday to sec his baby wo aVe ajways glad to see Charley Mr U L Howen came In Monday from Uallay Cnlhoun county wlicru ho has been teaching school for some time Wo are glad to know that Mr Cliff Da- vis ¬ who nas been very SCK ut thn home of his uncle D I Davis Is much better Dont throw away money buying pat- ent ¬ medicines Dr Vincents advice alonn Is worth a gallon of cure all stuff Mltcli Jacoby Mnrlnnna was a uleuxant nt onr olllce lust Friday he was full of politics and good naturec- Messrs 1111 alwaYlI Crocket Roler John Collier R C Home W II Shepaitl and I > C Kctchum spent a portion of this week at Gap Pond lUhlng- MARRIED On last Snnduv Mr SW Davis to Mrs Doni Rooks Rev Owes ofllclatlng The BANNKR extend congrat- ulations and best wishes WANTED A ladv as companion and to assist and to do general 11 good home to the right Apply tj rs W H BLISS Chlpley Fla- Mr I Crnyton Tiller of Alpine WHS hero bn says tho am lull of candidates but some of them wllltt left us It only requites one man nil each illlce If troubled by a weak digestion loss of appetite or constipation try u few doses of bbamberlalna Stomach and Liver TubHe- Kvery uoj warranted For eie It y W I F rriir drnviclat- Mr C M Furnas of Indianapolis Ind ntn 1nlat Frldar Mr Furnas who hall a nice form one mile from town Is a regular visitor here und his friends are always glad of his arrival We call the attention of our renders this week to the announcement of Mr T V Watts for till oftlce nf Sheriff Mr Watts Ii too well known In this county to nird my comments from us He was reared UT hn Dili d the ofllcn of Sheriff befoie und has be n Deputy U S lhll ever ilnce appointed under the Cleveland nd- mlntirailoti You all know Tom Walls U elected lin will make good MicrliT- Tho members of the Democratic Becn thn Committee call Deal Meetings to- deterniliio whether thnlr constituents wish a Primary election or Convention and they can MI Instruct tliilr committee mAn W H GAIXKI- IChriu Dem Ex Com- PS Thn Execvtlvo Commlltet Is called to meet at Vernon on Monday I Aprll 3J 10X- 1Vncall f lIt 1 fli our rp d ers to tho announcement of MrJannvM I Jenkins for tho offUn of Clerk of t4ie Clr- LnltCotirtof thlscoiiuty In this Issun of thA ltAN < iii Mr Jenkins comes before I Von listing four orl and he Is thor roinp tent having recomtnendn- lousnf tbn hlehpsl ordir horn noinn of tliivmost > omlnpnt mprchantairt linsl- neM men nf Georgia Including rallrunl superintendents bankers and whole ale III nrcliantawllli whom lie has been u> clatocIIbookknf1plr man Ber etc Wo < forhimiyour for > that 1 j lYr t > ft- t 4 1- 11I 1 u > t KEErlNOlltXSJ J Ih Ir tilt UANNKH MiEaoli morn as to his dally round He went with hurried e- Al J t certain point hU footfall ccaacxl And sli ncocamit apace long hud known thu limn and place Nor mlyscd thu wonted puiisn lint hitherto liud l edletia been Of 1 hat mljjbtbu jtn cause litiiouec my errand led that way lutlllIrtdlnly 1fonnd I hasting feit refused to move 1 dtoiiil ouholy ground t For l ii rfllng thern beside the wuV lllnfiot had dally trod A sal Ht hud stopped amid his cures To kt op bis tryst IIIh Upd I RV U OrangnU 111 April 01UOO < Supervisor Warren of DnFunlak cami over SYcdnnaday and spent ho day slth section foreman Williams PAY YOUR TAXES < I will hn atChlnley on Friday the 20th day of April AUlIlOO for tho purpose collecting the State and County taxes for the year 1803 all those who not paid thplr taxes will i meet IDA tlllro and xcttle i Hooks will closo Jlavl 1000 i A Q JONKB Tax Culegtor MOO REWARD t fl Last Thursday morning my nn Thom- as ¬ Harley run rotn Jflc ho Is about 13 years old leliltrOll11 to his age color blucU roiiid faco mouth rather full ho- rtork ii black Hack coat wlien ho left had his clothes paclted Inn basket disposi- tion ¬ stndv I par to do UVerlug him to moor liberal irlcn for Information that will assist mn to get him lIe has relatives at CotUiudale and Vallti ho has always worked at turpentine work WIIIIAW IlArtLttv Duncan Fla Apr 10 1000 PROGRAM rOll n V P U MEETING Subject The Glory of Obedience I 1 Scripture reading Matt 21s 2 Recitation conceit Twentythird- Psalm d Prayer 4 Song The Lord limy Shepherd ft Reading Miss 110 d r Recitation Miss LuelleCook 7 Song Us Worklq My Vltioyard 8 Reading of n series of ¬ in rs on ourtltlc Iluptlst Young Peoples UnlonUnllttlt J X Uanll- Iflt from previous mcotlna 9 Essay on Japan Pastor S II HoriJ- O SonltOo vo Into nil the World 11 Open mentlti for twomlnutn talks 12 call answer on subject 13 Song After An Iloucnt itlc lUliio for I u Grippe Jeo W Vmtt ill hoiith Onrdlner Me flivs Inive hiul the woist counh cold cbllU and grip mill have token tots ot trash of no acLOtint hut profit to semlor Cham- berlnln8 Cough Remedy Is the only thing tnat bus donu IIngoodwhlltevr I have used ono ftOc bottle and he cliHIs cold and grip hoe left me 1 conirratulutotho roan ufacturcrH or on honest medicine For sale by W L Furrlor druifglst- VCUNON 1 ITEMS Ono of tho visitors hern Saturday was S W Davis a candidate Mr Ans J Potter visited Vernon onc day lust week we uro always glad to i i- Mr Pottnr A C Yo B M arId S L here In Verno- on n sell more goods tor u dollar than UIlY merchant In town Rev Dwindle preached an lutcrcstln- ermon to a good confirmation at th- cudemy a few nights since The farmers through thW section ar- ioy hn < v owlnz to tno ood wnathcr- wnrni nights etc tha conditions are goni for u tine crop this jiarD- urliikT tlu dull times lu Vernon ther- s but little news Uutwe can say thn- Or W E Ioleman Is tho happiest man In even states Ills a linu baby bov- Rnv J E Stanley preached a pood ser men at the Academv Sunday night Mr Stanley Is nn earnost Corker and will ireach we suppose onco each month liirlns lie year Capt Jon Jenkins of the guvernmon- uac boat wus In town Sunday There III being some good work dnno on Holme- Iver and we hopo oon to sue a steame lie 11 at the Vgrnon aock Thero Is no ciindldale from this DIs- trlct except for clerk J K Ilrock jr has roml ed to accept that place There Is ID candidate for senator PO suppose wo- ry Esqr US Laird he will give per ect sailfuctlon ECHO WEST HAY UIPPLLgH- OIIN to M Ill A J Llghtfoot a son W e UTe told that ho Is named De ey may he admiral bu as successful In ghtlng lifeV battles as was his Illnstrl OilS numosnko thn battle of Manila A fow days airo a little came to thn of Mr mid Mrs Znck Knowles and imaged board Und lodging for an Indotl- Ite nt time This accounts for ho broad smiles that Mr K has Iccn- earlngof late M AititiKi at he residence of the brides arnnt Mr and Mrs > IiWvC Rodgers holr dUlllthlolMozolI r William iullnrd Thucer motiv wan performed hy Rev H N Johnnm Miss Lotlin Hull rd sister to the MIssKprttnRodg- rs sister to bride and Miss Nora Sowoll elect as brldesmalds and Messrs John tiro rrul ilnndy uud J T Thompson ere best mono Thn cerulI1onfeIClrd- Iall that of tho Christian linrch of nhlrh tho bride Is a memlie- rIr Ilitllard u vninir man of sterling uulltlh inlvrnnl Industrious and the rldn Is oilier W i II ivg falfest daugh- ert Tnev wi I Imve in a few for unkcr vheiv Mr Itiillardownsahome- Kucdcurully Vi t EX- LaGrlpltC TremleJ I liavejdht recouTifl from the second attack of Ugiippe this hjI jsMrJu- Aonis puliluherof the Ixnder Mexia- Tvifc n tile luttercao I uted ChatnlerI- nlnN Cough Remedy and I think With con elderrtlilj HurueMi only being In bed a little mcr two flnjB rtgHinn ten dn > Btortbo for- mer uttxck t fl KTn <l alt tj ln atlB- HM woo Id Inn bieniMjnnllj HH Lad UH tliar- frfct < iul Tor the nw of this remedy nil T had 10 to to IKXI In iiUitit klr hours jftcr belhg- Rtrnek with It while In tnc Brut case I- MTHI able Inulirnil l < kl > tiAluvM U > utHlka d iI li d i rt1- W I 1rlor1dtUiti- a i x c e I- IIf t- i r J f- a 1 5- to < Ij- t A t It IJ I I r- I r lUHJKuw tt aul t lut 1IltS I sep that llin DoFunlak Herald has put the Hnn S MiRoberloi kml1 for Commissioner of Agrlciilurn subject Ir- course to tin action of till Democratic fjtuto Convention No bolter million could be hiado in our Slate for omission rr He I tine of pnr substantial unil snc- co < sfiil farmers and fruit flat tl lce ally represented our eountv In thft- lcRiilalnrt r < i H citizen and an In- llueiiclnfr Deimierjat UiM fully icomii- iUhtto dlscluil t dut ofllco 1hlf Ullm CraI Yinrty wllllinnor Itself und OUP pioplrt greatly appreciate Its action they luiroluittn tbq olq onourni- edvKerau I DI MOJATI- I TO THE CON 111IJElhfF VETERANS OF THE MVATR FLORIDA 1 Pnnsninln l a Airll Olooo Comrade tin 11I11I near nt when upon tho Invitation of Camp Word XoJO CYI nIiDrlJO meet In the hospltabhrclty Pimacoln Tho Camp for your onior- tulnmcnt and rtmifort tliu railroads have ttlvon ram nf one cent u mile traveled from nil nolntsln the e Slatn Firstclass- boird mid lodging can bn hud from Uto- J per day A our beautiful lIo < and 1 Fish will boa of the Thn oration will he dcllv Ned on thc3Un Decoration Day by Ma E > l Law The VRlTant of West Florida want to meet lhi tlio Veterans from East Middle and South Florida Thn Indies of tIll Memorial Association and thn Daughters tif thii Confederacy uro expected to come from all parts of tnn State Let Camps urge tho uttendhtico of nil members possible WH umiapldlv passing away and wo should be to thn last In doing honor lo the memory of our hravo comrades who gave fur their country ionor RKEI- KHrlgndlerOen First Fla Brigade W L WITTIO- IIAdJtGen First Fla Hrlgadp- DuugorN of the Grip Tilt greatest danger from fu Jrlppo It of rfuitlliix pneumonia ilf reiiNooahlu- 1iuo Is used however nrd CliuuilierlalnH ouuh Uemtdy taken nil danger will fc- oiyolded Amoni tho lens ol thousands who 1inp used this remedy foi In grippe wehavu vet to learn of single uooehaMug resulted n nieumonln wliluhAhova conclusively Illit this remedy Is I certain rv > cntathp- fthnt dangerous disease It will cure In- 1rlnpo In less tlmetlmntiin other Imilinent- It IB pleasant nml nnfo to take F sale b- VT I Firrlnr clrueslst I State of Florida NOJI CI County ofWatUilnijtoii f 1 hereby announco iinself u candidate for tho office ofSherlfl bUhject to the iictloi- of the Republican party All Democrats wUhlng to rldo on thin train should seouru tickets UII our conductor dors not wish to collect extra rates IL WHIDDUN ISUTOIIK- RAfPLKJATHA KOIt H1DS1 On motion of 1 M SlmtnonH It U ordered that this Hoard wHerllsp inr hills in The hlplcy Jlnnnfr lor tho reimlrint ouit House hltlB to lie re ut tho llIv meeting ol the Hoard Uniiiinlahioncrs re- senlnt the rlulil to r j ct iiny and nil Mdn- 1laiiB fbrrepul Inc to lie fiuiul on tile In lie Clerk ofll nt Vcrnon HIii This April 3 1000 W HORNK Chairman ro I m- WII < v LAHfiTmi elk lird toms XI JCEon lf 1I11A11I IN Oepai tmc nt nf the Interior LlHid Ollloe at Oalnpsvllle Ha April O 100- 0otICII here sheii that tliu lollowln- iimifiUettler hUt flcd notice nt his Inten i mi KI miiko tlnnl ironf In Kiipiort or hill cl m and Hint sulil proof vlll lie nniilu b- fnie Clei Circuit Court at ti non Kla on Max Sotli 1000 lzi nin < B lolmson o- liiiley Fill No M703 for the Ntf o- NVVf anil NVtf of N Sec 20 Tp 4 N- it 14 V Tie nnnits the following witnesses to proteins eontlmioiJH ruiifdcncQ upon mu- iiilihiittnn ot snul hind Iz W T fili8 Xorx Jones J C Wlilttlogton James- hlle all ofClilploi Ha Hltl I1INSON Kit fee raid Register NOTICE FOR PUULlUArioN- Dcpnrtment or the Interior Innd Ullleo lit Inlretvllle Fla- Maieli A 1000 Notice In hereby pltiii hill the lollowln nuncd sntiltr hax tiled notice of his Inton linn to iiniktflnul iroof In npport of his cl ilm iinil that flO 111roQ will lie mado he fine l lerk licnlt Uonrt at Veinoi Kin on ril 2181 1000 x Iz John S < lenimnns of illlUr un Kla JId Nir stlKHfi nr thu 11 is 410 iind II cc 2 Tp 2NII 10 W- Mo mures thu following witnesses in rn > e hUuoutlnnriua residence upua old nllivijloii RAld Innrl lz Mog g 1nrfsb- tumns Kntn Montoincrv Uasblngto- niiinuelfhfyeldHllofMlllcis tVrry Kla n Jl08I N- Kd fee pAid Ite leter City lonsorinl Parlor Lee Thomas Propr- Mj prices ure- AVB 10eent- IAIRCUT iJcents SHAMPOO I I i oJ to coots tjfefoumry trade Bolloltcd aleomn- Jnlv Fii t DUNS Work Uone City Market I Mg M M < r1 t h i tJ S vi J i I 1 H 4 t ll o 0 v Vhdvt hhvh J 1 IJ j- ii l I NOW 0 > iIti4 Ixapoodilmo tojmy n heavy pilr of I rthifor Siw s < < t You mid them this weather Yon will i > find leiiijit onr stcre No mlsrepresi- iprmltted E 7v ta lolIlI Hverv thing on tho- TK IIqu rl S I Our mammoth stock or- S Spring Diy Hood b I Is being opened every day ju t as fast as I i wican make room for them Buying k largely before the tremendous ndvanco In > t prices enables ns to offer you a great many articles at tho 0111 inuKS I + 0111101i lotof that yard wide Illeech 1E hIlt now ic at S cents as longns It last So We have also Just opened up our new lino of Fenthorliono Corspts no idvunce < In prices hern We cant half tIll > nn of k Ihe values In this m line sonsk you to come Inspect them < > Wo have placed on our bargain counter I a lot of OIc1 lallt1I > good goods which must go regardless of < f > cost Also on tho same counter some nice Metis nnd Roys lints worth from We to tl to close out nt J cen- tsCampboll I > nt t and S- h 1 Ju1 I cr- t t t t 1 WONDERS NEVER CEASE r J > VI IIr J A fttI- s now In the ring with one of the best stocks of General Mer- chandise ¬ ever brought t- oGHIPLEY Watch this space for prices All kinds of Country Produce bought nnd sold Prices on Drj Goods and Groceries low Como see for jourMilf no faklI mean business Locatfd in T D White Wells nrick Store Agt J I STEPHENS n AIm I- NI> inmoii < IVntclioN Jiiul Tcvehy The 1lace To But Good Clteal- Vatlbu aud Jcivclrj urnll Itciiilrc Oilrul Work Uoue 15 > c- llSSoiUhPnlttfnxSt Exumlutlulld HIU IA 11IUlcI i Fln n k McMillan Bros Co- Coppersmiths General Metal Workers 1anul ilurcrs ofn Headers for io TLL Celebrated Median Seamless Turpentine Still Complete Outfits akojs on bud ard repaiiing dne In te Ciuniy T MOBILE ALA j n JJONES ArOltNEVATLA i f- cJ W- Il1IlIPlEY R WDLLS- m > t < ormiy at Law OH I ILKV FLORIDA lVUIIItelil intention chen to al mat fis entrusttd to nu care H S hIlto Attunnt iC Coitnticllur- Voriion lIJtA vr Florida l < i 01 J vvilliractlw In all the courts of Flor- dii anil niUtbenWiAlnbiinin Collcctlonn- speelnhy l- Dr J I IRozieri- it ill epl1 I Chi f lei Florida jCharLeslleasonnble- J on f ultatlon mu advice reasonable NOTICE hi lIlSSUIUrION f Notice Isbereby phcti IbMc he coparl- nerrlilpherttdf rdtxlHlloR Ixlwxen WutBou nndIF Harllelilt under bq tlrm- haoHMf A il Wutboa Iio Btablemcn JI this dnv by multntl e insen- tAMWiitfton J V Uartleld ftI- I11I111lIIlIl1l1l1blllllfo Tbl < Mnrcb Olb IttXAM V- J AT60X- l I IlARKUCt- DV I r i py lR1 n V YEARS Xrs VlnilowsBoothinK Syrup bus bleD uied by nlllll 3ri < lraQtUir f9r their cbll- dren while teethliig with perfect IC811 Kxxbcs ehldf ofuiiB ihogums IIII1f all rnlncilreiwlild colle and IB tbe Mkl- rcmcilv for IHnrrbooi Mt will rellee Ibi- poorijiulo ynere immwllutcly Sold b > 18rl of the 25e a- Kitfle tiesitre nol nk tot Mn Window otbln KTupRnd ute no Mhe kird- K j L J i- n I YOUR ATTENTION Havlngpurchsed the entire lulojest of vs J F IJurlleld In tho drag and Grocery HuNluesK- I now offer to the BUYING PUBLIC1m- y I eiitlro Block of Drugs and Groceries at- hardtime I nowv nr prices I will keop- a a full stock o- tatnily Groceries ut nil times When you want any thing In t my lloej come and BCO me Every- thingJLBARblELD Cheap for Cash 1IKNJ S LlDDOl JOHN KAQAN- KxChlefJiistlce i Atty nnd Con HtAtoof Klfwr 8nllor ut Law I I Liddoii Eapn J Attorneys Counsellors j At law 1 IfliiKiinilii Klorldn 4- WIIlITUIIIIIC ID all tbe Courts of First I Inilielal Ircult of Florida In the United 3Btilp Cotm nt Pensucola and TnllahrtBbee- nnd in IheHitprenie iournl the Sitle ot- Floilda Juil e Llddon will cUe special attention to butlneo In Wnehlncton i Holmes JaoKSOn and adjoining conntle Mr agan will vlve special attention to bnsineis tbe United dtatvi cnurt A D CAR31ICHAEL Attorney nt Linv- Collootloos u Specialty Mipley Fla If- r t d- f 1 u

J hhvh i NOWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › UF › 00 › 07 › 58 › 91 › 00149 › 0792.pdf · 0-I i I Ml j < I i 1e 7 t nll- Ii L N i- l pljJl4lu- nr1 r tU1W t I- lrllln8 Lo iPtQ

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No Jl JIxeilj ri 1110 ilin-


IIIrerIunotion-No I Fjist M ill 12 p ro-

Nn= 21 2jllseil i 15 a in-

hriilMfSIIUIu 1 JfLeiiveiUlvor Junction J-

So iKost Mtll fiSOlp in-

No 22Mixed TULitju m

nlve nt UHIPLBT vL 5-



2Fast Mall y Jj t I m

No 2 > IVfi p m

Vrrlxe 1enuicol-aNoi FistMiiU i >110 Mi m-

No22Jilxeit Ct ii n-fi oo i

Train NJa Soulb II1UkeSIJ11IUfdhlt T-


wlthjho F C te 1 fo Jacksonvilleuidull point South

Prsin No 2 North niAti vniiimptliin n-

ilomatonWith train Vii Montgomery loi-

wj I polntsVolb Kant and Wett also willIn for MobileNew Urlunnftund thodouil

VestTrain 63 aud No i carry sleeperFor further Information address


1cnsiicola Kla

Pout Office Olr cioryOffice hours 7 am to8 pmi except Sun

ILvEistbound mull closes at 1030 am-Wealbound mall clnsm ut 0SO pmMall from Vernjii no I Iracevllle ar

rives at 13 m aud loaves ut 1 pm dallycopt SL ndaYIi

I Mall from Orange Illll lUvhead and Stf Vnlrews arrives atrt p m and leaves at-

am dallv < ecept Suud HSunday hotiis 8 am to 10 am 11 am

u 1 m and f iom 5 p m in 8Monev Orders Issued HIull hours when

mce IsoP oo oPt SlndaI-Cft PM-

Loqnl Qijd PersonoS-

eo nillco of runawxy bjy Inanothercolumn >

Seo tax collectlors notice und bo gov-




Seo n itlco of application for bids for re

lairs on courthouse

Mr T Y Watts foft Tuesday forGeleva Ala on business

Mr Sessomsof Bonlfar transacted bus4nes In Chlpley Saturday

The brickVrorJc on OJ Allens storevas commenced Tuesday

Profi A II Lewis ol Orango Hill paidjVploasant call Saturday

W B Lassltier nf Vernon was amongtho visitors here Thursday

Hon John Brett of Bonlfiv WIU fono-jf tho visitors IMTO Suturdav-

Mr W A Evans of Iracevllle came In

Wednesday and spent tin luy

Read tlio announcement for County ofices some new ones are added

Mr A M1wathlsof Uonlfay was thejoest of friends hero Satuidav-

Mr nndMrs L Hall vMled theiranghtor at Econlinatthls week

Section foreman Williams put In u newBossing on nth street this week

Mr J S Coleman and wife of Bonlfaysited frlnnds hero last Saturday

If In pour health consult Dr Vlncen-nhawk Building JacksonvllU Fla-

IndgoI R Wells came up from Vernond transacted business here Saturday

ICD On Wednesday afternoon thetie child of Mr and Mrs J B Farrlor-

J J R McGeachy has received andiced In poMtfon In his store a cash regerUil Mlitle Wilson of Union prlnsr

Is visiting Mr anti Mrs Dokle hern-i wok tIr W J Stephens of DeFunluk camesr lust Friday und spent the day A libends here

T > T xj>

The wood workof the Deklcbrick bloc-s merrily tinder thu guidance tif Mr-

IT Markhamr

Ir JI Vlam9 has been real sickIs week bulwe hope lo see him outnln In u feivdays-

rrelty bjby capat ijUs iraMlesat-undic eacli Also n new lot of hatse trimmings iT t-


Is but ono Chronic Tl IIr f Rpelist of noto In FlorldaOr VincentJacksonville Write him forsymptoM-


okM too4

R A Rotter was oill sick sevnrdays ihg weekr but her ninny friends

Ipashu will soon rrciivnr 0

Till Bent Blood Purtllrrlie blo > d UwnsiHotlj biliis1 inmrlrtl lfl-ungn Ihcr aod Lltfnutw ICVeji th U-

IIIIDbelthr nttttlO1 I-Wregllll linerroIl will have no neiil uf H-


purlfterIt >rlbllll urjIIc tl t o-

ihln uni v ti i i r lni fiID II41h

Ller Tablets onn ilo> e ol fhciu will do-


mr gooa lhMiifi1li IJblUifoIr tliel-bjdod fI UrlflerrPrie iau tle< fr o

V L K rrlr dm store SfeVSTTJ

r ri i

r> 4 1 + M

1 1 t

OTHTntr ITT Trrriitiifr-


o 1-

hY n TXCOtLKCT li f

J ttcliftlII i e set fa candidate forTux Cqll ctor o i aahlDgton Co snbjcci-

tb tht1icllouof be Dtniwratlij partyW W A BUYAN

UU cL mktl itcilir CtJJRT-I

I1 bei uby Klinonnc in ntlf a candidate foi-

the1 odlco jpfcicrk Circuit Ionrf of nBh-

inittoifjiotiiily tulJfut tnthe ncjlot thi-

D P ny I liroml8dlfelecled K-

lufittiiediitfu oribeotHc with eredlt to

mltt t1te rWbO Iectlno-r 4jM W E ROC r Jr

4 FOU IJolJNTV TUFAaiHKHvI hereby noiiouocfi myself a eandldiile f

the oftlce of Couhy r of V III-

ODCQunty subject to tho uetloitcof tinpHDpcratlo part > arnhproralstv Ir electeda fimlilul dUcbiirge olmy duties as bucb

t t Jj W1IUAM9

FOR TAX 8h8 llrKVeby nnnonljcam eelf a candidate fo-

re uon to of Tux Asseevor ofWashington county subject to the acjtlo

of the Democratic part > tf elected Iprom-IsLjtu heretofore to discharge duties o

tbe offlco to the best Inten st nf the countyJOHN W WiLL U8


At tbe sollcflallon of my many friendsnnd fellow citizen I announce myself acandidate tor Sheriff of Washington countBiibjeit to the uctlon of tho Democrat part

9 Uesptctnilly-T V WATTS


At the solicitation of lIumerou8 tr lends Ibe ruby onnoinictl myself U candidate foroffice of Clerk Circuit Court ot Unuhliigtnicounty subject to nction of lemociatlparty


Mr S S Alderman of WewabltchkiFin was a visitor here Thursday

Mr Leslie Wells expects to cowl hunIn the lower part of the county next week

We regret bear of till Illness of MrJ W Williams hope he will soon bn atif-


bo out again

Mr W H jloler and Mrs E V Porerof Izogora Fla were guust of DrR A

Rozler two davs this week

Mr S P Johnson Informs us that thoprko of ties has advanced to 25c this wll-

he good news to tie cuttersMisses Corn Lo and Salllo Wilson and

Miss Nonie Dtkle of Marlauna are vis-

Iting relatives here this week

Capt A J Gay a prominent navnstores man of Gay Fla eamn up Tuesdayevening aud spent a fow dUI

Mr and Mrs J R Lockny was quiteSick for several days but we aro pleusecto learn that they urn better now

Mr Cbarllo Cotton camo over fromPonce de Lion Sunday to sec his babywo aVe ajways glad to see Charley

Mr U L Howen came In Monday fromUallay Cnlhoun county wlicru ho hasbeen teaching school for some time

Wo are glad to know that Mr Cliff Da-



who nas been very SCK ut thn homeof his uncle D I Davis Is much better

Dont throw away money buying pat-



medicines Dr Vincents advicealonn Is worth a gallon of cure all

stuffMltcli Jacoby Mnrlnnna was a

uleuxant nt onr olllce lust Fridayhe was full of politics and good naturec-


1111 alwaYlI

Crocket Roler John CollierR C Home W II Shepaitl and I > CKctchum spent a portion of this week atGap Pond lUhlng-

MARRIED On last Snnduv Mr S WDavis to Mrs Doni Rooks Rev Owesofllclatlng The BANNKR extend congrat-ulations and best wishes

WANTED A ladv as companion andto assist and to do general 11

good home to the right Apply tjrs W H BLISS Chlpley Fla-


Crnyton Tiller of Alpine WHS herobn says tho am lull of

candidates but some of them wllltt leftus It only requites one man nil eachilllce

If troubled by a weak digestion loss ofappetite or constipation try u few doses ofbbamberlalna Stomach and Liver TubHe-Kvery uoj warranted For eie It y W I

F rriir drnviclat-

Mr C M Furnas of Indianapolis Indntn 1nlat Frldar Mr Furnas who

hall a nice form one mile from town Is aregular visitor here und his friends arealways glad of his arrival

We call the attention of our renders thisweek to the announcement of Mr T VWatts for till oftlce nf Sheriff Mr WattsIi too well known In this county to nirdmy comments from us He was rearedUT hn Dili d the ofllcn of Sheriff befoie

und has be n Deputy U S lhll everilnce appointed under the Cleveland nd-

mlntirailoti You all know Tom WallsU elected lin will make good MicrliT-

Tho members of the Democratic Becnthn Committee call Deal Meetings to-

deterniliio whether thnlr constituentswish a Primary election or Conventionand they can MI Instruct tliilr committeemAn W H GAIXKI-

IChriu Dem Ex Com-

P S Thn Execvtlvo Commlltet Iscalled to meet at Vernon on Monday IAprll 3J 10X-

1Vncall f lIt 1 fli our rp ders to tho announcement of MrJannvM IJenkins for tho offUn of Clerk of t4ie Clr-

LnltCotirtof thlscoiiuty In this Issun ofthA ltAN < iii Mr Jenkins comes before IVon listing four orl and he Is thor

roinp tent having recomtnendn-lousnf tbn hlehpsl ordir horn noinn of

tliivmost > omlnpnt mprchantairt linsl-

neM men nf Georgia Including rallrunlsuperintendents bankers and whole aleIIInrcliantawllli whom lie has been u>

clatocIIbookknf1plr man Ber etc Wo< forhimiyour for > that

1 jlYr


ft-t 4



1 u >


MiEaoli morn as to his dally roundHe went with hurried e-

AlJ t

certain point hU footfall ccaacxlAnd sli ncocamit apace

long hud known thu limn and placeNor mlyscd thu wonted puiisn

lint hitherto liud l edletia beenOf 1 hat mljjbtbu jtn cause

litiiouec my errand led that waylutlllIrtdlnly 1fonnd

I hasting feit refused to move1 dtoiiil ouholy ground

t For l ii rfllng thern beside the wuVlllnfiot had dally trod

A sal Ht hud stopped amid his curesTo kt op bis tryst IIIh Upd


OrangnU 111 April 01UOO

<Supervisor Warren of DnFunlak camiover SYcdnnaday and spent ho day slthsection foreman Williams


I will hn atChlnley on Friday the 20thday of April AUlIlOO for tho purposecollecting the State and County taxesfor the year 1803 all those who notpaid thplr taxes will i meet IDA tlllroand xcttle i Hooks will closo Jlavl 1000 i

A Q JONKB Tax Culegtor

MOO REWARD t flLast Thursday morning my nn Thom-


Harley run rotn Jflc ho Is about13 years old leliltrOll11 to his age colorblucU roiiid faco mouth rather full ho-

rtork ii black Hack coat wlien ho left hadhis clothes paclted Inn basket disposi-tion


stndv I par to doUVerlug him to moor liberal irlcn forInformation that will assist mn to get himlIe has relatives at CotUiudale and Vallti

ho has always worked at turpentinework

WIIIIAW IlArtLttvDuncan Fla Apr 10 1000


Subject The Glory of ObedienceI

1 Scripture reading Matt 21s2 Recitation conceit Twentythird-

Psalmd Prayer4 Song The Lord limy Shepherdft Reading Miss 110 dr Recitation Miss LuelleCook7 Song Us Worklq My Vltioyard8 Reading of n series of ¬

in rs on ourtltlc Iluptlst Young PeoplesUnlonUnllttlt J X Uanll-Iflt from previous mcotlna9 Essay on Japan Pastor

S II HoriJ-O SonltOo vo Into nil the World11 Open mentlti for twomlnutn talks12 call answer on subject13 Song After

An Iloucnt itlc lUliio for I u GrippeJeo W Vmtt ill hoiith Onrdlner Me

flivs Inive hiul the woist counh coldcbllU and grip mill have token tots ot trashof no acLOtint hut profit to semlor Cham-

berlnln8 Cough Remedy Is the only thingtnat bus donu IIngoodwhlltevr I haveused ono ftOc bottle and he cliHIs cold andgrip hoe left me 1 conirratulutotho roanufacturcrH or on honest medicine Forsale by W L Furrlor druifglst-



Ono of tho visitors hern Saturday wasS W Davis a candidate

Mr Ans J Potter visited Vernon oncday lust week we uro always glad to i i-

Mr PottnrA C Yo B M arId S L here In Verno-

on n sell more goods tor u dollar than UIlYmerchant In town

Rev Dwindle preached an lutcrcstln-ermon to a good confirmation at th-cudemy a few nights sinceThe farmers through thW section ar-

ioy hn < v owlnz to tno ood wnathcr-wnrni nights etc tha conditions are gonifor u tine crop this jiarD-

urliikT tlu dull times lu Vernon ther-s but little news Uutwe can say thn-

Or W E Ioleman Is tho happiest man Ineven states Ills a linu baby bov-

Rnv J E Stanley preached a pood sermen at the Academv Sunday night MrStanley Is nn earnost Corker and willireach we suppose onco each monthliirlns lie year

Capt Jon Jenkins of the guvernmon-uac boat wus In town Sunday There III

being some good work dnno on Holme-Iver and we hopo oon to sue a steame

lie 11 at the Vgrnon aockThero Is no ciindldale from this DIs-

trlct except for clerk J K Ilrock jr hasroml ed to accept that place There Is

ID candidate for senator PO suppose wo-

ry Esqr US Laird he will give perect sailfuctlon



OIIN to M Ill A J Llghtfoot a sonW e UTe told that ho Is named De ey mayhe admiral bu as successful Inghtlng lifeV battles as was his Illnstrl

OilS numosnko thn battle of ManilaA fow days airo a little came to thn

of Mr mid Mrs Znck Knowles andimaged board Und lodging for an Indotl-Ite nt time This accounts for

ho broad smiles that Mr K has Iccn-earlngof lateM AititiKi at he residence of the bridesarnnt Mr and Mrs >IiWvC Rodgersholr dUlllthlolMozolI r William

iullnrd Thucer motiv wan performedhy Rev H N Johnnm Miss Lotlin Hull

rd sister to the MIssKprttnRodg-rs sister to bride and Miss Nora Sowoll

elect as brldesmalds and Messrs Johntiro rrul ilnndy uud J T Thompsonere best mono Thn cerulI1onfeIClrd-

Iall that of tho Christianlinrch of nhlrh tho bride Is a memlie-rIr Ilitllard u vninir man of sterlinguulltlh inlvrnnl Industrious and therldn Is oilier W i II ivg falfest daugh-ert Tnev wi I Imve in a few forunkcr vheiv Mr Itiillardownsahome-


Vi t EX-

LaGrlpltC TremleJI liavejdht recouTifl from the second

attack of Ugiippe this hjI jsMrJu-Aonis puliluherof the Ixnder Mexia-

Tvifc n tile luttercao I uted ChatnlerI-

nlnN Cough Remedy and I think With conelderrtlilj HurueMi only being In bed a littlemcr two flnjB rtgHinn ten dn > Btortbo for-

mer uttxck t fl KTn <l alt tj ln atlB-

HM woo Id Inn bieniMjnnllj HH Lad UH tliar-

frfct < iul Tor the nw of this remedy nil T had10 to to IKXI In iiUitit klr hours jftcr belhg-

Rtrnek with It while In tnc Brut case I-

MTHI able Inulirnil l< kl> tiAluvM U>utHlkad iI li d i rt1-W I 1rlor1dtUiti-

a ix ce I-


ir J f-

a1 5-

to< Ij-


t It IJ I I r-

I r lUHJKuw tt aul t lut 1IltSI sep that llin DoFunlak Herald has

put the Hnn S MiRoberloi kml1 forCommissioner of Agrlciilurn subject Ir-

course to tin action of till Democraticfjtuto Convention No bolter millioncould be hiado in our Slate for omissionrr He I tine of pnr substantial unil snc-co < sfiil farmers and fruit flattl lce ally represented our eountv In thft-

lcRiilalnrt r < i H citizen and an In-

llueiiclnfr Deimierjat UiM fully icomii-iUhtto dlscluil t dut ofllco1hlf Ullm CraI Yinrty wllllinnor Itselfund OUP pioplrt greatly appreciate Itsaction they luiroluittn tbq olq onourni-edvKerau



1 Pnnsninln l a Airll OloooComrade tin 11I11I near nt

when upon tho Invitation of Camp WordXoJO CYI nIiDrlJO meet In thehospltabhrclty Pimacoln Tho Camp

for your onior-tulnmcnt and rtmifort tliu railroads havettlvon ram nf one cent u mile traveledfrom nil nolntsln thee Slatn Firstclass-boird mid lodging can bn hud from Uto-J per day A our beautiful

lIo < and 1 Fish will boa ofthe Thn oration will he dcllvNed on thc3Un Decoration Day by Ma

E > l LawThe VRlTant of West Florida want to

meet lhi tlio Veterans from East Middleand South Florida Thn Indies of tIllMemorial Association and thn Daughterstif thii Confederacy uro expected to comefrom all parts of tnn State

Let Camps urge tho uttendhtico ofnil members possible

WH umiapldlv passing away and woshould be to thn lastIn doing honor lo the memory of our hravocomrades who gave fur theircountry

ionor RKEI-KHrlgndlerOen First Fla Brigade

W L WITTIO-IIAdJtGen First Fla Hrlgadp-

DuugorN of the GripTilt greatest danger from fu Jrlppo It of

rfuitlliix pneumonia ilf reiiNooahlu-

1iuo Is used however nrd CliuuilierlalnHouuh Uemtdy taken nil danger will fc-

oiyolded Amoni tho lens ol thousands who1inp used this remedy foi In grippe wehavuvet to learn of single uooehaMug resultedn nieumonln wliluhAhova conclusively

Illit this remedy Is I certain rv > cntathp-fthnt dangerous disease It will cure In-

1rlnpo In less tlmetlmntiin other Imilinent-It IB pleasant nml nnfo to take F sale b-

VT I Firrlnr clrueslstI

State of Florida NOJI CICounty ofWatUilnijtoii f

1 hereby announco iinself u candidatefor tho office ofSherlfl bUhject to the iictloi-of the Republican party All DemocratswUhlng to rldo on thin train should seourutickets UII our conductor dors not wish tocollect extra rates



On motion of 1 M SlmtnonH It U orderedthat this Hoard wHerllsp inr hills in The

hlplcy Jlnnnfr lor tho reimlrint ouitHouse hltlB to lie re ut tho llIvmeeting ol the Hoard Uniiiinlahioncrs re-

senlnt the rlulil to r j ct iiny and nil Mdn-1laiiB fbrrepul Inc to lie fiuiul on tile Inlie Clerk ofll nt Vcrnon HIiiThis April 3 1000

W HORNKChairman ro I m-

WII< v LAHfiTmi elk lird toms

XI JCEon lf 1I11A11I INOepai tmc nt nf the Interior

LlHid Ollloe at Oalnpsvllle HaApril O 100-

0otICII here sheii that tliu lollowln-iimifiUettler hUt flcd notice nt his Inten

i mi KI miiko tlnnl ironf In Kiipiort or hillcl m and Hint sulil proof vlll lie nniilu b-

fnie Clei Circuit Court at ti non Kla onMax Sotli 1000 lzi nin < B lolmson o-

liiiley Fill No M703 for the Ntf o-

NVVf anil NVtf of N Sec 20 Tp 4 N-

it 14 VTie nnnits the following witnesses to

proteins eontlmioiJH ruiifdcncQ upon mu-

iiilihiittnn ot snul hind Iz W Tfili8 Xorx Jones J C Wlilttlogton James-

hlle all ofClilploi HaHltl I1INSON

Kit fee raid Register

NOTICE FOR PUULlUArioN-Dcpnrtment or the Interior

Innd Ullleo lit Inlretvllle Fla-Maieli A 1000

Notice In hereby pltiii hill the lollowlnnuncd sntiltr hax tiled notice of his Intonlinn to iiniktflnul iroof In npport of hiscl ilm iinil that flO 111roQ will lie mado hefine l lerk licnlt Uonrt at Veinoi Kin on

ril 2181 1000 x Iz John S < lenimnns ofilllUr un Kla JId Nir stlKHfi nr thu11 is 410 iind II cc 2 Tp 2NII 10 W-

Mo mures thu following witnesses inrn > e hUuoutlnnriua residence upua oldnllivijloii RAld Innrl lz Mog g 1nrfsb-

tumns Kntn Montoincrv Uasblngto-niiinuelfhfyeldHllofMlllcis tVrry Kla

n Jl08I N-

Kd fee pAid Ite leter

City lonsorinl Parlor

Lee Thomas Propr-Mj prices ure-

AVB 10eent-

IAIRCUT iJcentsSHAMPOO I I i oJ to coots

tjfefoumry trade Bolloltcd aleomn-Jnlv Fii t DUNS Work Uone

City Market


Mg M M

< r1



tJ S vi J i



H 4 t ll o 0v Vhdvt hhvh J 1IJ j-


lI NOW 0>

iIti4 Ixapoodilmo tojmy n heavy pilr ofI rthifor Siw s <

<t You mid them this weather Yon will i> find leiiijit onr stcre No mlsrepresi-


7v ta lolIlI Hverv thing on tho-


IIqu rl SI Our mammoth stock or-

S Spring Diy Hood bI Is being opened every day ju t as fast as I iwican make room for them Buyingk largely before the tremendous ndvanco In >t prices enables ns to offer you a great

many articles at tho 0111 inuKSI + 0111101i lotof that yard wide Illeech

1E hIlt now ic at S cents as longns It last SoWe have also Just opened up our new

lino of Fenthorliono Corspts no idvunce< In prices hern We cant half tIll > nn of kIhe values In thism line sonsk you to come

Inspect them< > Wo have placed on our bargain counter Ia lot of

OIc1 lallt1I >good goods which must go regardless of

< f> cost Also on tho same counter somenice Metis nnd Roys lints worth from Weto tl to close out nt J cen-


> ntt and


h 1Ju1 Icr-

t t t t1


s now In the ring with one of the best stocks of General Mer-chandise


ever brought t-oGHIPLEY

Watch this space for prices All kinds of Country Producebought nnd sold Prices on Drj Goods and Groceries lowComo see for jourMilf no faklI mean business

Locatfd in T D WhiteWells nrick Store Agt


NI>inmoii < IVntclioN Jiiul TcvehyThe 1lace To But Good Clteal-

Vatlbu aud Jcivclrj urnll Itciiilrc Oilrul Work Uoue 15 > c-


Exumlutlulld HIU IA 11IUlcI

i Flnn k

McMillan Bros Co-Coppersmiths

General Metal Workers1anul ilurcrs ofn Headers for io


Celebrated Median Seamless Turpentine Still

Complete Outfits akojs on bud ard repaiiing dne In te Ciuniy



i f-






t < ormiy at LawOH I ILKV FLORIDA

lVUIIItelil intention chen to al matfis entrusttd to nu care

H S hIltoAttunnt iC Coitnticllur-

VoriionlIJtA vrFlorida

l < i 01 J

vvilliractlw In all the courts of Flor-

dii anil niUtbenWiAlnbiinin Collcctlonn-

speelnhy l-

Dr J


it ill epl1I

Chiflei FloridajCharLeslleasonnble- J

onf ultatlon mu advice reasonable

NOTICE hi lIlSSUIUrIONfNotice Isbereby phcti IbMc he coparl-

nerrlilpherttdf rdtxlHlloR IxlwxenWutBou nndIF Harllelilt under bq tlrm-

haoHMf A il Wutboa Iio BtablemcnJI this dnv by multntl e insen-tAMWiitfton J V Uartleld ftI-


Tbl < Mnrcb Olb IttXAM V-





ri py lR1 n V YEARS

Xrs VlnilowsBoothinK Syrup bus bleDuied by nlllll 3ri < lraQtUir f9r their cbll-dren while teethliig with perfect IC811Kxxbcs ehldf ofuiiB ihogums IIII1fall rnlncilreiwlild colle and IB tbe Mkl-

rcmcilv for IHnrrbooi Mt will rellee Ibi-

poorijiulo ynere immwllutcly Sold b>

18rl of the 25e a-

Kitfle tiesitre nol nk tot Mn Windowotbln KTupRnd ute no Mhe kird-



L J i-



Havlngpurchsed the entire lulojest ofvs

J F IJurlleld In tho

drag and Grocery HuNluesK-

I now offer to the

BUYING PUBLIC1m-yI eiitlro Block of Drugs and Groceries at-

hardtimeI nowv nr prices I will keop-

aa full stock o-

tatnily Groceriesut nil times When you want any thing In tmy lloej come and BCO me Every-


Cheap for Cash

1IKNJ S LlDDOl JOHN KAQAN-KxChlefJiistlce iAtty nnd Con

HtAtoof Klfwr 8nllor ut Law I


Liddoii Eapn JAttorneys Counsellors

j At law 1

IfliiKiinilii Klorldn 4-

WIIlITUIIIIIC ID all tbe Courts of FirstI Inilielal Ircult of Florida In the United3Btilp Cotm nt Pensucola and TnllahrtBbee-nnd in IheHitprenie iournl the Sitle ot-Floilda Juil e Llddon will cUe specialattention to butlneo In Wnehlncton i

Holmes JaoKSOn and adjoining conntleMr agan will vlve special attention tobnsineis tbe United dtatvi cnurt

A D CAR31ICHAELAttorney nt Linv-

Collootloos u Specialty

Mipley Fla If-


t d-f

1 u