unit 2 THE GLOBAL LANGUAGE m Objetivos: Observar o uso do inglês como língua de comunicação internacional e discutir o fenômeno de como um determinado idioma tornou-se a língua da globalização. Gêneros discursivos: Interação escrita de mensagens instantâneas e fórum de discussões online. Sistemas linguísticos: Presente progressivo, preposições.


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Objetivos: Observar o uso do inglês como língua de comunicação internacional e discutir o fenômeno de como um determinado idioma tornou-se a língua da globalização.

Gêneros discursivos: Interação escrita de mensagens instantâneas e fórum de discussões online.Sistemas linguísticos: Presente progressivo, preposições.




Speak your mind Suppose you are going on an exchange program to a foreign country. What are

you going to do with your time?

Respostas pessoais. food for thought

“Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides.”(Rita Mae Brown, Starting from Scratch, 1988)

“A linguagem exerce um poder oculto, como uma lua sobre as marés”.Discutir com os alunos o quanto o domínio de um idioma pode nos abrir portas, nos livrar de difi culdades e nos ajudar a pensar e perceber melhor o mundo.

Spend a lot of time at the computer chatting with my friends in Brazil.

Make friends from that country.

Make friends from di� erent countries.

Travel to see new places.

Study a lot.

Work in my free time.

Get a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

Os alunos escolhem suas opções individualmente e depois trocam suas ideias com um colega.

Reading 1 Scanning, skimming, intensive reading, and establishing genre

1 Read on the next page an instant messaging talk between a Brazilian girl on an exchange program and a friend of hers. Check the things above she is doing.

Making friends from that country. / Making friends from diff erent countries.

2 Is the information below correct? If not, make the necessary changes.

Martha is in the U.S. and is talking to her friend Cris who lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

Cris is in the U.S. and is talking to her friend Martha who lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

3 Now choose the best answers according to the text.



a. is not the � rst one to send a message.

b. frequently talks to Martha.

c. is in Brazil.

d. is working in the U.S.A.

e. x is in the U.S.A. for six months.

f. has no American friends.

g. x has some good-looking friends.

h. is traveling a lot.

i. is in Florida.

j. is planning to go to Florida with her Brazilian family.


a. is not surprised.

b. x lives in South Africa.

c. is going to a di� erent school now.

d. is in love with Pieter.

e. has no boyfriend.

4 Instant messaging is usually fast and informal. Because of that the text usually has the characteristics below. Find examples of them in the text.

a. absence of some initial capital lettershey cris / that’s right / fl orida in may / what r u up to / capetown

b. unconventional punctuationin the land of Obama?????? / I'm in the US!!!! / thanks!!

c. missing punctuationI’m taking part in this exchange program / I'm here for six months / Some cute guys too / I'm not traveling much [...] / He's not as cute [...]

d. incomplete sentenceslots of friends from the US… / Some cute guys too / Not much. / Still living in capetown / going to the same school

e. letters and numbers representing words e.g. 4=forr = are / u = you / Gr8 = Great / brb = (I’ll) be right back




the global language

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:Martha, r u there?

Martha L seize the day says:hey cris, long time no talk.

Martha L seize the day says:In the land of Obama??????? What is that?

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:that’s right! I’m in the US!!!!

Martha L seize the day says:Cool! And what r u doing there?

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:I’m taking part in this exchange program

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:I’m here for six months

Martha L seize the day says:Congrats cris! You’ve always wanted to do that!

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:Thanks!!

Martha L seize the day says:Tell me all about it. Do u have lots of friends? r u traveling a lot?

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:Yeah, lots of friends from the US and also Indonesians, Mexicans and a Polish girl. Some cute guys too

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:I’m not traveling much, but my host family and I are planning to go to � orida in may

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:What about u? what r u up to?

Martha L seize the day says:Not much. Still living in capetown going to the same school . I'm not going out with Pieter anymore. I'm now seeing this other guy. He’s not as cute but much incer

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:Phone is ringing.

Martha L seize the day says:nicer

Martha L seize the day says:OK.

Cris Costa In the land of Obama says:Gr8! Pieter was not for you. brb

Based on a real-life interaction between two close acquaintances.

For more on this topic, check:






Word study IN, ON, AT referring to space

1 Write in, on or at.

a. Your present is in this box.

b. Martha is at the bus stop on her way to school.

c. We’re on the freeway to Belo Horizonte.

d. Let’s just wait in the living room.

e. Look at that cool gra� ti on the wall.

f. We normally sit at the kitchen table to have breakfast.

Other important prepositionsCris’ s family prays before they eat. before = antes

Martha goes home after school. after = depois / após

She then plays with her dog. with = com

Brazilians can enter Argentina without a passport. without = sem

I’m reading about exchange programs. about = sobre / acerca de

Martha L comes from South Africa. from = de (no sentido de origem)

Let’s go to the computer lab. to = ao / para (em direção a)

Pieter is not ideal for Martha. for = para (em benefício de)

2 Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentences.

a. Jess, there’s an e-mail for you.before / to / for

b. This package is going to the U.S.A.to / for / in

c. I’m not Brazilian. I am from Portugal.from / of / on

d. First make sure your computer is online. After that you can open your instant messenger.Before / After / About

INMartha is in her room.

ONThere’s a message on the screen.

Cris is now on the road to Florida.


There’s a cute guy at the door.

Observar que on se refere a dois conceitos de espaço: unidimensional, em posições que acompanham linhas, rios, ruas, estradas etc.; bidimensional, em contato com superfícies.


the global language

Figure it out Observe estes trechos da conversa entre Cris e Martha:

And what r u (are you) doing there?

I’m taking part in this exchange program

r u (Are you) traveling a lot?

I‘m not traveling much

my host family and I are planning to go to � orida in may

I’m not going out with Pieter anymore.

I’m now seeing this other guy.

Phone is ringing

Com base nos trechos acima escolha a alternativa incorreta.

a. Todos contêm uma forma do verbo to be (am, is ou are).b. As formas do verbo to be estão no presente.c. Todos contêm um verbo com � nal -ing.d. Em perguntas, o verbo to be está à frente do sujeito.e. x Nas orações negativas a partícula not aparece logo após o sujeito. (Ela ocorre após o verbo to be.)


Este tempo verbal descreve uma ação que está acontecendo agora.

O present progressive é formado pelo sujeito + am, is ou are + verbo com terminação -ing (speaking, learning, doing etc.).

I’m taking part in this exchange program.Martha is still living in Cape Town.

Forma negativaSujeito + am, is ou are + not + verbo com terminação -ing.

I’m not seeing Pieter anymore.We aren’t planning to go to California.Cris isn’t going out with a cute guy.






1 Use the prompts below to form sentences that describe what is / is not happeningnow. Follow the example.

a. I / watch / TV I’m not watching TV.

b. the teacher / play / the guitar The teacher is / isn’t playing the guitar.

c. my mother / work My mother is / isn’t working.

d. I / study / English I’m / I’m not studying English.

e. we / do / an exercise We’re / We aren’t doing an exercise.

f. my colleagues / read / a magazine My colleagues are / aren’t reading a magazine.

g. the wind / blow The wind is / isn’t blowing.

Observing LanguageForma interrogativaAm, is ou are + sujeito + verbo com terminação -ing.

Are your brother and sister watching TV?What are you doing in the U.S.?Is Cris studying a lot?

3 Circle the correct answer.

a. Do you like / Are you like / You are like computer games?

b. I’m not understanding / liking / learning this subject.

c. Now I don’t talk to you / understand you / send you a message.

d. What you study / you are studying / are you studying ?

2 Match the columns.

a. What are you and your friends doing? b Yes, it is.

b. Is it raining? d No, you aren’t.

c. Are you having fun? e Yes, he is.

d. Am I bothering you with my questions? a We are watching a movie.

e. Is the actor speaking English? c Yes, I am.

Observing LanguageObserve o uso dos verbos destacados nestas sentenças.

Martha likes her conversation with Cris.I need some assistance with my homework.Cris wants to go back home.

Os verbos like, love, hate, understand, want e need não são normalmente usados no present progressive, mesmo que a ação esteja acontecendo agora.


the global language


Speak your mindIn pairs, talk about these questions. A discussão pode ser feita em inglês ou português.

a. Where is English used by Brazilians today?

b. In what ways may English be important for you in the future?

Reading 2 Recognizing cognates, intensive reading, and deducing meaning from context

1 Read part of an online discussion about English as a global language to answer thequestions that follow.

Respostas possíveis: Pop music, cable & satellite TV, new words, relationships with people from other countries independent of their � rst language, trips, web searches and web quests, instruction manuals etc.

Respostas possíveis: research, studies, selection exams (vestibulares, concursos públicos), trips, sales, services to non-Brazilians, international conferences, correspondence etc.

No exercício a seguir as questões foram colocadas em português para melhor verifi car a compreensão do aluno e simular exames vestibulares e outros que o aluno enfrentará.

Tip stripObserve e utilize tudo o que você já sabe de inglês. Com isso você valoriza o seu conhecimento e aumenta a sua autocon� ança.

A Chat with David Crystal


pasargada usa

Professor, English is the new universal Lingua Franca. Isn’t that a big responsibility?

David Crystal (Guest Speaker)

Absolutely! And there are no precedents to it. We just don’t know what happens to a language when it is used by so many people. A quarter of the world’s population use English now. The good thing is that the responsibility is shared. Nobody ‘owns’ English now. What happens to it is on the shoulders of all of us.

Gillian Scotland

Do you consider that as world economy changes and countries such as India or China begin to dominate that English will lose its place as the only global language?

David Crystal (Guest Speaker)

If that happens, then yes. A language becomes a world language for one reason only – the political, economic, technological, and cultural power of the people who speak it. For historical reasons, English is now the global language. But it could lose this status if there were some major changes in world power. I don’t believe it’s possible in the immediate future – but who can predict very far ahead? Who would have predicted, 1000 years ago, that Latin would be negligible today?

Atnes Slovenia

Professor Crystal, do you think that a ‘lingua franca’ as English can kill languages of limited di� usion – languages used by a small number of people?

David Crystal (Guest Speaker)

Yes – this has already happened in Australia and North America, where most of the indigenous languages have been killed by English. But it isn’t just English. In South America, Spanish and Portuguese have been the killers. All powerful languages are a danger. Small languages need our respect and protection.

Adapted from: wordsmith.org/chat/dc.html










a. David Crystal...

... questiona se o inglês é realmente a língua global.

... refuta a ideia de que o inglês possa ser a língua global.

x ... diz que, por ser uma língua universal, todos os usuários do inglês têm grande responsabilidade.

... diz que há uma certa previsibilidade no que vai acontecer com o inglês.

... diz que o inglês pertence a todos.

b. Com relação ao possível domínio da economia mundial pela China e Índia, David Crystal acredita que...

... isto nunca acontecerá.

x ... se isto acontecer, o inglês perderá sua posição como única língua global.

... não há relação entre a língua global e o poder.

... isto pode acontecer em breve.

... o latim pode voltar a ser a língua global.

c. As línguas de difusão limitada...

... existem na América do Norte e Austrália.

... começarão a desaparecer se o inglês ampliar sua in� uência.

... já foram todas mortas.

x ... vêm sendo mortas por línguas de colonizadores como o inglês, o espanhol e o português.

... estão sendo respeitadas e protegidas.

2 Cognates are words that look similar and have similar meaning in two di� erent languages. Read the text again and � nd at least � ve cognates.

Respostas possíveis: responsibility, precedents, language, population, consider, universal, economy, dominate, global, political, technological, cultural, historical, status, immediate, future, predict, Latin, limited, di� usion, respect, protection.


b. c.

d. e.

Discuss: How can cognates help you read?

3 Read the text again and check the correct meaning of each word according to context.

a. absolutely (line 6)

yes no x of course

b. shared (line 8)

separate x conjunct

c. on the shoulders (lines 9 and 10)

on a part of our bodies heavy for x the responsibility

4 Post-reading. Discuss the following questions with your classmates.

a. If English weren’t an important language, would you be studying it? Why (not)?

b. If Chinese becomes a global language, will you study it?

Pode-se pedir que os alunos expliquem quais dicas contextuais os ajudaram a chegar nas respostas.


the global language

Think and write Instant messages

You are chatting with Pande, a friend from Indonesia. Quickly write messages that go well in this dialogue.

Pande says:

hey there!!!

(your name or nick here)

Pande says:where r u? Brazil?

Pande says:and what r u doing?

Pande says:r u studying a lot?

Pande says:just going to school and studying for my � nals. its a lot of work

Pande says:

im at home now. its raining a lot today.

Pande says:phone ringing. brb

É importante destacar para os alunos que o texto sem maiúsculas é aceitável apenas em e-mails informais, chats e messengers. Você pode propor aos alunos que o texto abaixo seja reescrito como a transcrição de um diálogo oral com a pontuação e palavras em formato original.





Listening Skimming and scanning

Listen to the recording and choose the alternative that best answers these questions.

1 Where is this announcement being made?

a. x On an airplane.

b. On a train.

c. In an airport.

2 Who is speaking to the passengers?

a. Captain Lucas Franchi.

b. Captain Luis Franchi.

c. x Captain Luigi Franchi.

3 Where are they going?

a. x Rome.

b. Milan.

c. Pisa.

4 What is the estimated time of arrival in Rome?

a. 10:30 am

b. x 11:30 am

c. 11:30 pm

5 What are the weather conditions at the destination?

a. It’s raining.

b. It’s snowing.

c. x A light wind is blowing.

6 What’s the temperature like?

a. It’s hot.

b. x It’s not very hot.

c. It’s freezing. Local temperature is 17 oC.

Web Search Look up the following countries on the Internet. What can you � nd out

about the languages spoken in them?

• China

• India

• Israel

• New Zealand

• Nigeria

• Puerto Rico

• Scotland

• Singapore

• South Africa

• WalesPedir aos alunos que apresentem apenas os fatos que encontraram e as referências dos sites sem que leiam textos a esse respeito. Dessa forma eles aprendem a garimpar informações na rede mundial. Discutir até que ponto

esta ou aquela referência é mais ou menos confi ável, por exemplo, sites de instituições conhecidas como as Nações Unidas, universidades etc. são mais confi áveis. A Wikipédia é razoavelmente confi ável. Blogs e sites pessoais normalmente podem trazer informações tendenciosas ou erradas.



further practice

the global language

1 Match the sentence in English with its appropriate translation to Portuguese.

4. Tom will have co� ee after the milk.

5. Tom will have co� ee before milk.

6. Tom will have co� ee with milk.

7. Tom will have co� ee without milk.

7 Tom vai tomar o café sem o leite.5 Tom vai tomar o café antes do leite.6 Tom vai tomar o café com o leite.4 Tom vai tomar o café depois do leite.

8. This is an e-mail from Mr. Burke.

9. This is an e-mail to Mr. Burke.

10. This is an e-mail about Mr. Burke.

9 Este é um e-mail para o Sr. Burke.

10 Este é um e-mail sobre o Sr. Burke.8 Este é um e-mail do Sr. Burke.

2 Answer the questions related to this picture.

a. In what Brazilian state � ag can you see it?Minas Gerais.

b. What historical period is it related to?Inconfi dência Mineira.

c. What do these Latin words mean?Liberdade ainda que tardia.

d. Latin is a dead language that in� uenced many languages spoken today. Which of these languages were not in� uenced by Latin?












Spanish x Hindi x Arabic

1. I can write for you.

2. I can write to you.

3. I can write about you.

3 Eu posso escrever sobre você.1 Eu posso escrever por você.2 Eu posso escrever para você.




3 Complete the instant messages from an exchange student with the appropriate verb form. Follow the example.

4 Compare the pictures. Tell your classmate what is di� erent in picture B.

Neitah Sturm says:

Yeah, april 21 is a holiday here in Brazil. Most people are not working (work)

Neitah Sturm says:

my brazilian family and I are spending (spend) the day at home today

Neitah Sturm says:

my poor host dad works like a dog, so today he is watching (watch) TV and resting

Neitah Sturm says:

she’s a yapper!!!! She is talking (talk) to her sister, aunt Luisa, but won’t let her speak! It`s a monologue really…

Neitah Sturm says:

My two little sisters are sweethearts! They are playing (play) with their toys, and having a good time

Neitah Sturm says:

me? I am not doing (not / do) anything special. just catching up with my friends in Germany

Incentivar os alunos a descrever as diferenças em inglês. Por exemplo: In A, the girl is eating an ice cream and in B, she is eating an apple. In A, the man in reading the

paper and in B, he is reading a book etc.

a. b.