FUNDAMENTOS DE ENSINO DE LÍNGUA INGLESA E LITERATURA Professora MSc. Márcia Cristina Rocha Figliolini Professora Esp. Renata Pessoa Silva Módulo Unidade Didática – Língua Inglesa – Gramática Módulo01_Letras_3sem_Un01.indd 1 12/4/08 1:53:55 PM


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Professora MSc. Márcia Cristina Rocha Figliolini

Professora Esp. Renata Pessoa Silva


Unidade Didática – Língua Inglesa – Gramática

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



Caro aluno,

Iniciamos mais uma unidade didática relacionada à língua inglesa. Gostaríamos de dizer a você que nos

empenhamos muito para tornar este livro didático o mais apropriado possível para o auto-estudo que você

deve empreender. As lições são claras, os exercícios oferecem exemplos e as imagens utilizadas buscam tor-

nar ainda mais sugestivo o conteúdo apresentado. Sabemos da importância da autonomia na aprendizagem

de qualquer língua estrangeira, portanto buscaremos incentivá-lo por meio de textos complementares e de

exercícios que o leve a exercer a autonomia na aprendizagem. As aulas serão dinâmicas e motivadoras, com

a utilização de recursos ricos e variados. A nossa unidade didática permite que utilizemos filmes, músicas,

dramaturgia, imagens, entrevistas, enfim, todos os recursos áudio-visuais disponíveis para tornar a aprendi-

zagem prazerosa, interessante e diversificada! Lembre-se: nunca deixe de ficar atento a qualquer material que

possa vir a enriquecer seu aprendizado.

Enjoy your time!

Professora MSc. Márcia Cristina Rocha Figliolini

Professora Esp. Renata Pessoa Silva

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AULA 1 — Present Perfect


Conteúdo• Present Perfect

Competências e habilidades• Compreender e expressar frases comunicativas com o tempo verbal Present Perfect e associar as

expressões em Língua Inglesa com seus equivalentes em Língua Portuguesa

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios sobre Present Perfect

Duração2 h/a – via satélite com professor interativo

2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


1____________________PRESENT PERFECT



e D



– Lí





– G



a“Good things come in small packages.”

O tempo verbal “Present Perfect” é muito fre-

qüente em língua inglesa e imprime uma caracte-

rística marcante no idioma. Embora muitos estu-

dantes da língua inglesa consigam se expressar bem

evitando o uso desse tempo verbal (substituindo-o

freqüentemente pelo Simple Past), o uso correto do

Perfect Tense confere maior elegância, tanto no ato

de falar como no de escrever.

Veja alguns exemplos de conjugação do Present


Conjugação (verbo de exemplo ‘study’):

Sujeito Auxiliar Verbo principal

I have studied

You have studied

We have studied

They have studied

Sujeito Auxiliar Verbo principal

He has studied

She has studied

It has studied

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


As contrações são:

Sujeito Auxiliar Verbo principal

I ‘ve studied

You ‘ve studied

We ‘ve studied

They ‘ve studied

Sujeito Auxiliar Verbo principal

He ‘s studied

She ‘s studied

It ‘s studied

Estas são as principais características desse tempo

verbal tão peculiar:

• Usamos o Present Perfect para nos referirmos

a algo que aconteceu no passado, mas que mantém

algum tipo de conexão com o presente. O verbo

principal encontra-se no Past Participle. Quando

usamos o Present Perfect, estamos pensando no

passado e no presente ao mesmo tempo, tanto que

podemos modificar uma sentença no Present Per-

fect transformando-a em uma frase no Simple Pre-

sent, sem alterar seu sentido.


I’ve broken my arm. (= My arm is broken now.)

(Eu quebrei meu braço./Meu braço está quebrado


• O Present Perfect, porém, não é usado quando

não nos referimos ao presente:

I missed the bus yesterday. (e não I have missed

the bus yesterday.)

(Eu perdi o ônibus ontem.)

Mas não se preocupe muito com essas diferenças

agora, pois o próximo capítulo tratará exclusiva-

mente disso.

• O Present Perfect também é usado quando nos

referimos às conseqüências que ações consumadas

têm no presente:

Suzy has had a baby. [Isso significa que, agora (em

virtude de uma ação passada), Suzy tem um filho.]

• Também usamos o Present Perfect para afir-

marmos e/ou perguntarmos/negarmos se algo já

aconteceu alguma vez, se já aconteceu antes, se

nunca aconteceu, se aconteceu até certa data, se não

aconteceu até certo período, se algo ainda não acon-

teceu. Alguns exemplos (note que a tradução dos

exemplos é impossível de ser feita conservando-se

as nuances do tempo, particular à língua inglesa):

Have you ever seen Madonna? (= Você já viu, algu-

ma vez, a Madonna?)

I’ve never seen Madonna. (= Eu nunca vi a Ma-


I think I’ve already done it. (= Eu acho que eu já

fiz isso.)

Has Amanda studied for the test? (= Amanda es-

tudou para o teste?)

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AULA 1 — Present Perfect


• O Present Perfect pode indicar ações que ti-

veram início no passado e vêm acontecendo até o


I’ve studied English for years. (= Eu venho estu-

dando inglês por muitos anos.)

I’ve tried to call you since two o’clock. (= Tenho

tentado te ligar desde as duas horas.)

He’s known him since 1997. (E nunca He knows

him since 1997.)

(= Ele o conhece desde 1997.)

• Nunca usamos o Present Perfect em sentenças

em que existam advérbios de tempo definido, tais

como yesterday, last year, then, ten years ago, in

1990 etc.

Recapitulando, podemos dizer que:

O Present Perfect representa uma idéia muito cla-ra: a de ações passadas em momento que não é rele-vante ou conhecido, ou ainda idéias que fazem uma varredura do passado até o momento presente.

ex: Have you ever been to England? (= Você já este-

ve alguma vez na Inglaterra?)

Ricardo Schutz coloca muito bem a relação entre

o Present Perfect em inglês e em português:

“A maioria das idéias representadas pelo Perfect

Tense em inglês correspondem curiosamente em

português a combinações de certos advérbios, pre-

posições, cláusulas adverbiais com verbos, ou a ver-

bos compostos com o verbo principal no presente,

no passado, no gerúndio ou no infinitivo.” (Dispo-

nível em: <www.sk.com.br/sk-perf.html>.)

Vejamos alguns exemplos colocados por este




ter + particípio passado (igual ao inglês, neste

caso), andar + gerúndio ou vir + gerúndio:

I have studied English a lot since last year. (= Des-

de o ano passado, tenho estudado muito inglês.)

The weather has been nice. (= Tem feito bom tempo./

O tempo tem estado bom.)

Passado (sempre que o momento em que a

ação ocorreu não estiver especificado):

They have moved into a new apartment. (= Eles se

mudaram para um apartamento novo.)

The boy has broken a window. (= O menino que-

brou uma janela.)

Pretérito imperfeito:

Where have you been? (= Onde é que você andava?)

já + passado:

I have traveled by airplane many times. (= Já via-

jei de avião muitas vezes.)

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


I have met a lot of people since I came. (= Já co-

nheci muitas pessoas desde que cheguei.)

Have you ever visited Mexico? (= Você já visitou

o México?)

há (faz) + presente:

They have lived in the same house for over 30 ye-

ars. (= Há (faz) mais de 30 anos que eles moram na

mesma casa.)

I haven’t seen a good movie on TV for a long time.

(= Há (faz) muito tempo que eu não vejo um filme

bom na TV.)

I have known him for many years. (= Eu o conhe-

ço há (faz) muitos anos.)

nunca + passado:

I have never been to Africa. (= Nunca estive na


Haven’t you ever eaten lobster? (= Você nunca co-

meu lagosta?)

ainda não + passado:

The doctor hasn’t arrived yet. (= O médico ainda

não chegou.)

sempre + passado:

I have always studied hard. (= Eu sempre estudei


desde + presente:

I have lived in Santa Cruz since I was born. (= Moro

em Santa Cruz desde que nasci.)

I have been here since 7 o’clock. (= Estou aqui des-

de as 7 horas.)

acabou (acaba) de + infinitivo:

He has just arrived. (= Ele acabou (acaba) de chegar.)

The boy has just broken a window. (= O menino

acabou (acaba) de quebrar uma janela.)

recém + passado:

Winter has just begun. (= O inverno recém começou.)

He has just called me. (= Ele recém ligou.)

! ATTENTIONPronunciation!

A dificuldade de pronúncia das frases no Present Per-

fect é notória e persistente. Professor e aluno devem

trabalhar na pronúncia com paciência até que esta seja

satisfatória. A dificuldade maior está nas frases afirma-

tivas e o segredo é não colocar ênfase no verbo auxiliar

have para se obter a correta entonação.


1. Complete the dialogues.

Complete the dialogues below with the cor-

rect form of the present perfect.

Example: Have you written (write/you) that

letter to Judy yet?

No, I haven’t done it yet (do/not). But I’ve

spoken (I/speak) to her mother on the phone.

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AULA 1 — Present Perfect


a. ________________________ (you/finish) painting the house yet?

No, I ________________ (not/do) it yet. But I _____________ (paint) all the inside walls.

b. I ____________ (not/see) Geoffrey today.

He _____________ (go) to London.

__________________ (he/go) there before?

c. Mary __________________ (break) those beautiful glasses.

________________ (she/tell) her mother?

d. ________________ (John/bring) the food?

No, he ________________ (not/be) to the shop yet. He ___________ (lose) his money.

e. Paul ______________ (know) Susan ever since they were children.

f. I _________ (be) in New York for five days now; it’s a city I ________________ (always/want) to visit.

2. What’s happened? Match and say the senten-ces.

Sarah has taken my pencils. I can’t find them.

1 – I’ve bought you a hat.

2 – He’s been to Recife.

3 – I haven’t eaten all day.

4 – Nick hasn’t done his homework.

5 – Jenny has cut her finger.

6 – You haven’t combed your hair.

7 – I’ve caught a cold.

8 – He’s passed his exam.

9 – The bank hasn’t opened yet.

10 – I’ve lost my key.

( ) He can’t go out.

( ) He’s got a sun-tan.

( ) I can’t open the door.

( ) He’s very happy.

( ) It looks untidy.

( ) I’m staying in bed.

( ) I’m very hungry.

( ) It’s bleeding.

( ) Try it on.

( ) I can’t get any money.

3. Reading and writing exercise

Jodie Foster (1962) ___________ (1. be) an actress __________ (2. for/since) most of her life. At the age of three, she began appearing in television commercials. She made her first mo-vie in 1972 and ________________________ (3. appear) in dozens of movies __________ (4. for/since) then. In 1985, she graduated with honors from Yale University. _______ (5. for/since) her graduation, she __________________ (6. receive) two Oscars for Best Actress, _____________________ (7. direct) her first film, and _________________ (8. form) her own production company, called Egg Pictures.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



Called = chamado(a); com o nome de

Dozen = dúzia

Graduation = formatura

Honors = com louvor

4. Read the situations and write sentences with the

present perfect. Choose one of the following

break – drop – go up – grow

improve – lose – turn on

a) John is looking for his wallet. He can’t find it.

He has lost his wallet.

b) Mira can’t walk and her leg is in a cast.

She ________________________________


c) Susan’s Italian wasn’t very good. Now it is

much better.

It __________________________________


d) Jonas didn’t have a moustache last month.

Now he has a moustache.

He _________________________________


e) Last week the petrol was $2. Now it is


It __________________________________


f) The temperature was 23 degrees. Now it is

only 12.

The temperature ______________________


g) The light was off. Now it is on.

Somebody __________________________

_________________________________.(Exercício adaptado de Murphy, 2002, p. 15.)


“Good things come in small packages.”


The meaning of this proverb is opposite to that

of “The bigger, the better.” You use this proverb

to say that the size of things doesn’t always indica-

te their quality, and small things often have better

quality than big ones.

If someone says, “Good things come in small pa-

ckages”, he/she means that something is small, but

it has better quality than big ones.


A: Why did you decide to buy such an important

thing from such a small store? They don’t have a

wide selection of engagement rings.

B: Well, I know big stores offer wider selections,

but, I found that store sells only the best products.

They never sell second-class products. Good things

come in small packages, you know.


This picture was electronically drawn by Erika Aoyama on February 23, 2003 <(http://humanities.byu.edu/elc/student/idioms/idiomsmain.html)>.


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AULA 2 — Present Perfect versus Simple Past


“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Neste capítulo estudaremos os principais usos do

“Present Perfect” e do “Simple Past” e aprenderemos

quando devemos utilizar um e quando devemos utilizar o outro.

Vamos começar analisando mais um pouco o Present Perfect:

O Present Perfect representa uma idéia muito cla-ra: a de ações passadas em momento que não é rele-vante ou conhecido, ou ainda idéias que fazem uma

varredura do passado até o momento presente.

Conteúdo• Simple Past versus Present Perfect

Competências e habilidades• Saber usar comunicativamente os tempos verbais Present Perfect e Simple Past

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios sobre Present Perfect

Duração2 h/a – via satélite com professor interativo

2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


2____________________PRESENT PERFECT VERSUS




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– Lí





– G




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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Have you ever been to England?

(Você já esteve alguma vez na Inglaterra?)

Ou seja, usamos o Present Perfect quando:

1. Algo que começou no passado e ainda está


She has been a teacher since 1989.

(Ela tem sido professora desde 1989.)

(Ela ainda é professora.)

2. Não sabemos quando aconteceu alguma coisa

no passado.

Yes, she has read that book.

(Sim, ela leu aquele livro.) (Não sabemos

quando ela o leu.)

3. O usamos com just para algo que acabou de


The game has just finished.

(O jogo acabou de terminar.)

O Simple Past, por seu turno, é o tempo que deve

ser usado sempre que o momento do passado em

que a ação ocorreu estiver mencionado ou implícito

no contexto.

Did you go to Canada last year?

(Você foi ao Canadá no ano passado?)

Ou seja, usamos o Simple Past quando:

1. Sabemos quando algo aconteceu.

I saw him last Tuesday.

(Eu o vi na terça-feira passada.)

2. Não sabemos exatamente quando algo aconte-

ceu, mas podemos adivinhar.

He met his wife in Rome. (Ele conheceu a sua

esposa em Roma.) (Não sabemos quando exa-

tamente ele encontrou sua esposa, mas sabe-

mos que foi quando ele esteve em Roma).

3. Algo terminou no passado, mesmo que em um

passado recente.

The game finished three minutes ago.

(O jogo terminou três minutos atrás.)

4. Usamos “for” para algo que já terminou.

They lived in Italy for four years. They left

Italy in 1996.

(Eles moraram na Itália por quatro anos. Eles

deixaram a Itália em 1996.)

Conversation Practice

1. Business trips

(Este é um exercício oral para ser realizado em

sala de aula, em pares.)

Mr. Smith has made a lot of business trips in the

past few years.

Say which cities he has been to.

Then say when he went there.

Use the present perfect simple and the past simple.

Eg.: He has been to Dallas.

He went there in 1988 and in 1990.

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AULA 2 — Present Perfect versus Simple Past



January Dallas

May Paris

September Athens

November Sydney

December Alexandria


February Paris

March Istanbul

April Barcelona

June Munich

July Athens


January Rome

May Alexandria

October Mexico City

November Dallas

December Berlin


February Tokyo

April Moscow

May Barcelona

June Rome

October Istanbul

2. Write the answers. Use the Present Perfect Simple

or the Past Simple.

How many cities did Mr. Bell go to in 1988? In

1988 he went to five cities.

Has he been to Munich since 1990?

No, he hasn’t.

1 – How many cities did Mr. Bell go to in 1989?

2 – Did he go to Paris in 1989?

3 – How many cities did he go to in 1991?

4 – When did he go to Rome the last time?

5 – Has he been to Sydney since 1988?

6 – Has he been to Dallas more than once?

7 – Where did he go to in September 1988?

8 – How many different cities did he go to in 1990?

9 – How many times has he been to Alexandria?

10 – Did he go to Istanbul in 1989?

11 – When did he go to Barcelona the last time?

12 – Has he been to Dallas since 1989?

13 – How many times has he been to Mexico City?

14 – Where did he go in March 1989?

15 – How many times has he been to Paris?

16 – Has he been to Tokyo more than once?

17 – How many times has he been to Moscow?

18 – How many different cities has he been to alto-

gether on business?

3. Complete the table with Simple Past or Present Perfect.

Last Year This Year

1. Ted answered fifteen employment ads. Ted has answered twenty ads.

2. ____________________ three job interviews. Ted has had four job interviews.

3. ____________________ two job offers. Ted has gotten three job offers.

4. Ted made $ 25,000. Ted ____________________ the same amount of


5. Ted was sick once. Ted ____________________ sick twice.

6. ____________________ well. Ted has looked tired.

7. ____________________ a new camera. Ted has bought a DVD player.

8. Ted paid with cash. Ted ____________________ by credit card.

9. Ted read five books. Ted ____________________ three books.

10. Ted ____________________ discouraged. Ted has felt more encouraged.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Conversation Practice

(Este é um exercício oral para ser realizado em sala de aula, em pares.)

With a partner, say six dialogues. Use the Present Perfect Simple and the Past Simple, like this:

buy a new video game last Saturday

– I’ve bought a new video game.

– Oh, great! When did you buy it?

– I bought it last Saturday.


Verb Noun Time expression

1 see a horror film on Friday evening

2 buy a new computer game


3 get a new cassette recorder

for my birthday last week

4 hear a great new cd last night on the radio

5 mend my bicycle last weekend

6 sell my old skateboard two weeks ago


“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”


You use this proverb to tell someone that he/she

shouldn’t waste money or there is not enough money

to buy something expensive.

If someone says, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” he/

she means that it is not easy to earn money, so it is valu-

able, and you have only a limited amount of money.

You should be careful how much money you spend.


A: Mom, can I buy a new dress?

B: We can’t afford one now. Money doesn’t grow

on trees.

Our lab computers are getting old, but we can’t

afford to buy new ones this semester. Money doesn’t

grow on trees, you know.




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AULA 3 — Present Perfect with for and since


“Home is where the heart is.”


Neste capítulo, estudaremos mais um pouco sobre

o Present Perfect. Não podemos nos esquecer que esse

tempo verbal é empregado para descrever um passado

não acabado, isto é, a ação começou no passado e con-

tinua até o presente. Nesse caso, apresenta, geralmente,

uma preposição ou um adjunto adverbial de tempo.

O Present Perfect expressa uma ação ou situação que tem início no passado e continua no presente,

tendo certo destaque o período de tempo de ocor-rência da ação. Nesse caso, freqüentemente, usamos as preposições for e since.


1. Nós usamos ‘for’ com o Present Perfect quando falamos sobre um período de tempo, significando ‘durante’, ‘há’.

Mary has had her new computer for two months.

(Mary tem seu novo computador há dois meses.)

Conteúdo• Present Perfect (For/Since/How long...?)/Character adjectives

Competências e habilidades• Utilizar For/Since e How long...? no tempo verbal Present Perfect assim como adjetivos relaciona-

dos a traços de personalidade

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios sobre For/Since e How long...? no tempo verbal Present Perfect assim como adjetivos

relacionados a traços de personalidade

Duração2 h/a – via satélite com professor interativo

2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


3____________________PRESENT PERFECT WITH




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– Lí





– G




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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


2. Nós usamos since com o Present Perfect quan-

do falamos sobre um ponto no tempo, como uma

data ou um evento, significando ‘desde’ (a partir de

um determinado momento).

Richard has had his new car since Christmas.

(Richard tem seu carro desde o Natal.)

Ou seja, usamos o Present Perfect com since ou

for quando alguma coisa ainda está acontecendo.

They have lived in Italy since 1996 (and still live


(Eles moram na Itália desde 1996.)

They have lived in Italy for ten years (and still live


(Eles moram na Itália há dez anos.)

How long

Usamos o Present Perfect com how long para

falar sobre o período de tempo em que algo vem

acontecendo. Veja o exemplo a seguir:

Bob and Alice are married. They got married ex-

actly 15 years ago, so today is their 15th wedding an-


They have been married for 15 years.

How long have they been married?

They have been married for 15 years.

They have been married since 1991.


1. Time

Make two lists. Put the time expressions in the

correct list.

yesterday – a long time – Easter – two years – a week – two months – June – a long time – three years – Wednesday – my birthday – six hours – last month – five days – several weeks – 1987 – lunch-time – three weeks – friday evening – eight

o’clock – last summer

For Since

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AULA 3 — Present Perfect with for and since


2. How long?

Put in for or since.

Eg.: The Stantons have lived in London for six years.

They have been at their present address since 1999.

1 – Mr. Stanton has worked for his company __

_______ 1987.

2 – Mr. Stanton is i n Paris now. He has been

there _______ last week.

3 – Mrs. Stanton has been at the hairdresser’s

__________ nine o’clock.

4 – Fluffy has been with the Bells ____________

he was a puppy.

5 – Nick has known Tom _________ he moved

to London.

6 – Tom has played in the school football team

_________ four months.

7 – The team hasn’t lost a match __________

four months.

8 – Miss Blake has be en Sarah’s class teacher ___

______ six months.

9 – Mr. Johnson has been Nick’s class teacher

_________ last year.

10 – The Stantons have had their new car ______

______ the summer.

11 – The Todds have lived in Baker Road ______

________ many years.

12 – The Smiths have lived in Roger Avenue ___

_______ 2003.

3. Fill in the blanks with for or since:

1 – I’ve lived here ________ six years.

2 – I’ve been ill ________ last night.

3 – I have known about that _______ yesterday.

4 – My family has lived in this house ________

over a century.

5 – I’ve been in my job ________ September.

6 – My cat has been missing ___ Saturday night.

7 – I’ve been travelling now ________ two days.

8 – I have been studying English _____ I was 12.

9 – I’ve known her ________ a long time.

10 – I’ve known him ______ ages.

11 – She has been in the post ______ 5 months.

12 – There have been rumours about that ______ last summer.

13 – Johnny has been popular in France ______ the 1960s.

14 – I’ve had a pain in my stomach ___ lunch-time.

15 – We have had peace in this country ____ 1945.

16 – This company has been very successful ______ the last ten years.

17 – I haven’t had a break ______ six hours.

18 – It’s the best news I’ve heard ____ a long time.

4. Read the situations and write questions from the

words in parentheses.

John tells you that his brother is in hospital. You ask him:

(how long/be/in the hospital)

How long has your brother been in the hospital?

a. You meet a woman who tells you she has a pain in the stomach. You ask her:

(how long/had/a pain in the stomach?)

________________________________________________________________________b. You know that Jane is a good friend of Carol’s. You ask Jane:

(how long/know/Carol?)

________________________________________________________________________c. John always wears the same coat. It’s a very old coat. You ask him:

(how long/have/that coat?)


d. A friend of yours has recently got married. You ask him:

(how long/be/married?)


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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Vocabulary and speaking

Character Adjectives

1. Look at these adjectives to describe character.

Match them with the pictures.

disobedient happybad-

temperedshy stubborn

lazy friendly seriouswell-


helpful depressed arrogant nervous envious

a) _________________ b) _________________

c) _________________ d) _________________

e) _________________ f) _________________

g) _________________ h) _________________

i) _________________ j) _________________

k) _________________ l) _________________

m) ________________ n) _________________

o) _________________


Verb to be – past simple

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was I wasn’t Was I?

You were You weren’t Were You?




wasn’t Was


She She She?

It It It?




weren’t Were


You You You?

They They They?

Communication practice

1. What were you like as a child? Choose adjec-tives to describe yourself.

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AULA 3 — Present Perfect with for and since


Work in pairs. Now ask and say what you were like as a child.

Eg.: What were you like as a child?

I was quiet, friendly and well-behaved. What were you like?

I was disobedient.

2. Write three true sentences and one false sentence about you and your family when you were a child.

Eg.: I was lazy at school.

I was happy at home.

My brother was very disobedient.

My sister was very depressed.

Proverb“Home is where the heart is.”


You use this proverb to say if you are with the person or at the place you love most, it becomes your true home.


Don’t worry about where you’re going to live next year. Home is where the heart is.


This picture was drawn by Erika Aoyama on November 16, 2002.



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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Conteúdo• Relative Pronouns/Parts of the body

Competências e habilidades• Formular frases complexas com a utilização dos Relative Pronouns

Falar sobre as partes do corpo humano

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios relacionados aos Relative Pronouns e seus usos

Exercícios sobre as partes do corpo humano

Duração2 h/a – via satélite com o professor interativo

2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


4____________________RELATIVE PRONOUNS



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– Lí





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“The best advice is found on the pillow.”

Quando aprendemos uma língua (mesmo a nos-

sa, L1), começamos elaborando períodos simples,

orações curtas, nada complexo. Em outra fase, já

com certo domínio de vocabulário e com conheci-

mentos básicos, passamos a formular períodos mais

complexos. Observe:

Marilyn Monroe was a famous actress. (Marilyn

Monroe era uma atriz famosa.)

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AULA 4 — Relative Pronouns


She starred in How to Marry a Millionaire. (Ela

estrelou Como agarrar um milionário.)

Marilyn Monroe, who starred in How to Marry a

Millionaire, was a famous actress. (Marylin Monroe,

que estrelou em Como agarrar um milionário, era

uma atriz famosa.)

Elaboramos períodos compostos ligando perío-

dos simples com um conectivo. É o que aprendere-

mos a fazer neste capítulo. Na verdade, estudaremos

os conectivos que introduzem as orações subordi-

nadas adjetivas (adjective clauses) – os pronomes

relativos (Relative Pronouns).

Quando mencionamos alguém ou algo em uma

oração e queremos dar mais informações a respeito

da pessoa ou da coisa, podemos fazê-lo introduzin-

do uma outra oração. Para ligar as duas orações,

utilizamos os pronomes relativos.

Um Relative Pronoun refere-se a uma determina-

da pessoa, animal ou objeto e substitui um substanti-

vo que já foi mencionado na oração anterior.

1. Usamos ‘who’ para pessoas (quando exerce a

função de sujeito), significando que, o qual, a qual,

os quais, as quais.

I know a teacher who can help you.

(Eu conheço um professor que pode ajudá-lo.)

2. Usamos ‘which’ para animais ou coisas, signi-

ficando que, o qual, a qual, os quais, as quais.

She told a lie which made me furious.

(Ela contou uma mentira que me deixou furioso.)

3. Usamos ‘that’ para pessoas, animais ou coisas, significando que, o qual, a qual, os quais, as quais.

I spoke to the girl that lied to you.

(Eu falei com a garota que mentiu para você.)

The horse that won the race belongs to me.

(O cavalo que ganhou a corrida me pertence.)

4. Usamos ‘whom’ para pessoas (quando exerce a função de objeto direto), significando que, quem, o qual, a qual, os quais, as quais.

The writer whom they admire is Virginia Woolf.

(O escritor que eles admiram é Virginia Woolf.)

5. Usamos ‘whose’ para pessoas ou coisas quando queremos indicar posse, significando cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas.

(The woman has gone to live in France. Her fa-ther died last year.)

The woman whose father died last year has gone to France.

(A mulher cujo pai morreu ano passado foi para a França.)

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


(The New York Yankees is a baseball team. Its home city is New York.)

The New York Yankees is a baseball team whose home city is New York.

(O New York Yankees é um time de beisebol cuja cidade natal é New York.)

Um Relative Pronoun relaciona uma oração su-bordinada ao resto da frase. Ele pode ser encontra-do em orações adjetivas ou substantivas. Um Relati-ve Pronoun só pode ser encontrado em sentenças com mais de uma oração.

Existem cinco Relative Pronouns na língua ingle-sa moderna: that, which, who, whom, e whose.

Todos eles, com exceção do that, podem também ser pronomes interrogativos (eg.: Which is your car? Who is that woman? Whom did he give it to? Whose is that car?).

That também pode ser um pronome demonstra-tivo (eg.: That is my house.)


He who laughs last laughs best. (Adjective clause)

(Quem ri por último, ri melhor.)

I cannot believe that he said it. (Noun clause)

(Eu não posso acreditar que ele disse isso.)

Vocabulary Parts of the body

Fonte: <www.multicultural-art.com.uk/primary.html>

Exercise1. Complete the sentences with who or which:

a) The man _____________ is married to Nicole has been an actor for 20 years.

b) I liked the dress _____________ was on dis-play in the shop window.

c) Give me the plates _____________ are on the shelf over there.

d) She knows all about the accident __________ happened last week.

e) I haven’t seen anybody _____________ looks like Antonio in here.

f) I want the three dolls _____________ cost $20 each.

g) The school ___________ opened last month has a very well-known head teacher.

2. Complete the dialogue with who or which.

Tim: Do you know the girl?

Jim: Which girl?

Tim: The girl (1) _____________ lives next door to you.

Jim: Of course. And she has a great car (2) _____________ does 200 km an hour.

Tim: She doesn’t drive it at 200 kph, does she?

Jim: Oh yes, she does. In Germany, she drives on the road (3) _____________ goes from Berlin to Hamburg.

Tim: But that’s dangerous!

Jim: No! Everyone (4) _____________ travels on that road goes very fast.

Tim: It is dangerous. People (5) _____________ drive very fast are dangerous.

Jim: But these are roads (6) _____________ are made for fast drivers.

Tim: No. They are roads for people (7) ________ don’t want to go through town centres.

Jim: It’s the same thing. I have a friend (8) _____________ drives slowly. He doesn’t go on these fast roads.

Tim: Fast cars are dangerous.

Jim: No. People are dangerous. And people (9) _____________ are dangerous mustn’t drive cars

(10) _____________ go fast.

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AULA 4 — Relative Pronouns


3. Write the parts of the body:

Fonte: <http://www.city.chiyoda.tokyo.jp/english/e-guide/medical.html>.

1) ______________________ 14) ______________________

2) ______________________ 15) ______________________

3) ______________________ 16) ______________________

4) ______________________ 17) ______________________

5) ______________________ 18) ______________________

6) ______________________ 19) ______________________

7) ______________________ 20) ______________________

8) ______________________ 21) ______________________

9) ______________________ 22) ______________________

10) ______________________ 23) ______________________

11) ______________________ 24) ______________________

12) ______________________ 25) ______________________

13) ______________________ 26) ______________________


“The best advice is found on the pillow.”


You use this proverb to say that if you have a dif-

ficult problem and cannot find the answer now, just

go to bed and have a good night’s sleep. You may

find it tomorrow morning.

If someone says, “The best advice is found on the

pillow,” he/she means that it might not be good to

worry about your problem now. You may be able to

solve the problem after a good night’s sleep. People

often say “I’ll sleep on it” to express the same idea.


Let’s end this meeting now. I don’t think we can

come up with the answer tonight. We’re all tired.

Let’s sleep on it. The best advice is found on the


Don’t worry about it too much today. Go to bed

now. The best advice is found on the pillow.


This picture was drawn by Erika Aoyama on January 22, 2003



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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


“Don’t count your chickens before they are

hatched.” Conversation practice


Dialog 1

Situation: Susan walks into a shoe store. She

wants to buy a pair of new boots for herself...


• Possessive Pronouns/Clothes

Competências e habilidades

• Saber utilizar os pronomes possessivos e compreender textos comunicativos com vocabulário

relacionado à compras e ao vestuário feminino

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal

• Exercícios relacionados aos pronomes possessivos e vocabulário relacionado ao vestuário


2 h/a – via satélite com o professor interativo

2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


5____________________GOING SHOPPING



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AULA 5 — Going Shopping


Clerk: May I help you?

Susan: Yes. Do you have these boots in size six?

Clerk: I’m not sure. If you can’t find them on the

rack, they may be out of stock. But let me look in

the stockroom.

Susan: Thanks. I’d like to try on a pair if you have


Clerk: I’ll be right back.

Dialog 2: Are you being helped?

Situation: Susan walks into a boutique. She wants

to buy a coat....

Shop assistant: Hi, are you being helped?

Susan: No, I’m not. I’m interested in a coat.

Shop assistant: All our coats are in this section. What

do you think of this one here? It’s made of pure cotton.

Susan: Hm, it looks nice, but I’d like to have so-

mething warm for the winter.

Shop assistant: Maybe you would like a heavy

wool coat. How about this one?

Susan: I think that’s what I want. My mother has

a blue one like that and I want one just like hers.

How much is it?

Shop assistant: It’s...ninety-five dollars plus tax.

Susan: It’s a little expensive. Do you think it’s

possible to get a discount?

Shop assistant: Hm, since you like it so much,

how about a 5 percent discount and it’s yours!

That’s the best I can offer.

Susan: That’s good. Could I try it on?

Shop assistant: Sure. Is there anything else I can get for you?

Susan: No, that should be it. Thank you.

Dialog 3: Do you want to have every color in the rainbow?

Situation: Samantha is very interested in a blue skirt in the catalog she just received. She tells Peter that she wants to get one....

Samantha: Look at this catalog, John. I think I want to get this blue skirt.

Peter: Don’t you have one like this in green?

Samantha: Yeah, but I don’t have a blue one. And I´d like this one to be mine!

Peter: Do you need every color in the rainbow?

Samantha: Yes!

Peter: (The husband shakes his head.) Tsk... tsk... women!

Dialog 4: This miniskirt has gone out this year!

Sarah: Look at this catalog, Dad. The miniskirt is on sale.

Dad: What’s on your mind? You have one already.

Sarah: But I bought it a long time ago.

Dad: Yeah right! Two months is long!?

Sarah: You don’t understand! This was last season’s style.

Dad: I think it still looks perfect even though it has gone out this season.

Sarah: That’s because you’re not a woman!

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



Um Possessive Pronoun indica que o pronome está agindo como um marcador de posse e define quem possui um objeto ou pessoa em particular. Os possessive personal pronouns são ‘mine,’ ‘yours,’ ‘hers,’ ‘his,’ ‘ours,’ e ‘theirs.’ Observe que os Posses-sive Personal Pronouns são muito parecidos com os Possessive Adjectives como ‘my,’ ‘her,’ e ‘their.’

Em cada uma das frases a seguir, as palavras em negrito são Possessive Personal Pronouns:

Aqui o Possessive Pronoun ‘mine’ exerce a fun-ção de complemento do sujeito.

The smallest gift is mine.(O presente menor é meu.)

Aqui o Possessive Pronoun ‘yours’ também exerce a função de complemento do sujeito.

This is yours.(This is your letter.)(Isto é seu./Esta é a sua carta.)

Neste exemplo, o Possessive Pronoun ‘his’ é o sujeito da frase.

His is on the kitchen counter. (His sandwich is on the kitchen counter.)(O dele está no balcão da cozinha./O sanduíche

dele está no balcão da cozinha.)

Nesta frase, o Possessive Pronoun ‘theirs’ é o su-jeito da frase.

Theirs will be delivered tomorrow.

(Their TV will be delivered tomorrow.)

(A deles será entregue amanhã./A TV deles será entregue amanhã.)

Aqui, o Possessive Pronoun ‘ours’ é o sujeito da frase.

Ours is the green one on the corner.

(Our house is the green one on the corner.)

(A nossa é a verde na esquina./A nossa casa é a verde na esquina.)

Observe as frases a seguir. Todas elas são sobre o que pertence a quem:

That’s my book. And that pen is mine.

(Esse é o meu livro. E essa caneta é minha.)

That book is yours. And that’s your pen.

(Esse livro é seu. E essa é a sua caneta.)

Existem duas maneiras de dizer que algo pertence a você: utilizar os Possessive Pronouns, como aca-bamos de ver, ou utilizar os Possessive Adjectives, que vamos recordar a seguir:

Possessive Adjective



favourite place.








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AULA 5 — Going Shopping


Possessive Pronoun

That car is








• O Possessive Pronoun é formado acrescen-tando-se ‘s’ ao Possessive Adjective, com exce-ção do ‘his’, que já termina em ‘s’ e do ‘mine’.

• Não existe Possessive Pronoun para ‘its’, que geralmente se refere a um animal.

Review Complete the sentences with the correct Posses-

sive Adjective.

Eg.: He’s taken his car to the garage.

1. John gave ___________bicycle to his brother.

2. That’s ___________book. I bought it last week.

3. Mary and John spent ________ holiday in Paris.

4. Malcolm lost ____________ job.

5. All animals protect __________ babies.

6. Jane has lost ___________ watch.

7. Gilda was proud of ___________ garden.

8. The teacher got very angry with _________ students.

9. That biscuit was very hard. I’ve broken ______ tooth.

10. They’re _________ chocolates. John gave them to you.

11. This is __________ new dog. We got him last week.

12. William and Jane gave me __________ cat to look after when they went away.

Exercises1. Rewrite the sentences using a Possessive Pronoun.

1. The house belongs to them.


2. The cats belong to them.


3. The atlas belongs to me.


4. The books belong to her.


5. The watch belongs to him.


6. The dogs belong to us.


7. The guitar belongs to you.


8. The computer belongs to them.


9. That car belongs to John.


10. Those shoes belong to Mary.


11. Those dirty clothes belong to you.


12. That house over there belongs to the teacher.


13. The boat over there belongs to my brother.


14. Those cars over there belong to my parents.



Question word ‘Whose’ and genitive ‘s’:

Write questions and answers to say who the items belong to.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson (computer). Whose is the computer? It´s Mr. and Mrs. Gibson’s. It’s theirs.

2. Lana (cds)

3. Mrs. Smith (dress)

4. Nicholas (T-shirt)

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



Men’s Clothing

Fonte: <http://www.languageguide.org/english/br/>

Women’s clothing

Fonte: <http://www.languageguide.org/english/br/>

1. Shirt (sleeve/collar/pocket)

2. T-shirt

3. Pants/trousers

4. jeans

5. shorts

6. buttons

7. belt (buckle)

8. hat

9. cap

10. shoe (shoe lace/sole)

11. tennis shoe

12. boot

13. slippers

14. suit

15. tie (knot)

16. sandal

17. flip-flops

18. vest

19. tuxedo (bow-tie)

20. underwear (boxers/briefs)

21. socks

22. bathrobe

1. dress (skirt)

2. blouse

3. veil

4. slip

5. bra

6. panties

7. hose/stockings

8. purse (strap)

9. glasses (lens)

10. sunglasses

11. necklace (jewelry)

12. earring

13. bracelet

14. ring

15. jewelry box

16. gloves

17. mittens

18. sweater

19. sweats

20. coat

21. scarf

22. ear muffs

23. jacket

24. leather jacket

25. trench coat

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AULA 5 — Going Shopping



“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”


You use this proverb to warn someone not to plan anything that depends on a good thing you expect to happen in the future, and tell him/her to wait until it really happens. It is used to tell people not to be too sure that something good you hope for will really happen. It might not happen after all.

It is often shortened to “Don’t count your chickens”.

The “before they hatch” part can be substituted by “before they are hatched” or “before they’ve hatched”.


A: Here’s the list of the things I’m going to buy next month when I get money.

B: It looks great, but don’t count your chickens

before they hatch.

You might think the new president will fix all the

problems in our company and we will get a raise,

but don’t count your chickens (before they are



This picture was drawn by Erika Aoyama on February 11, 2003.



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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


“Water dripping day by day

wears the hardest rock away.”

Acreditamos que você está percebendo até ago-ra que não é tão difícil entender os mecanismos da língua inglesa. Vamos, então, ver qual a idéia que passamos quando utilizamos este novo tempo verbal?!

O Past Continuous, também chamado de Past Progressive, é formado com o passado do verbo ‘to be’ + o verbo principal com -ING.

Affirmative form: He was watching tv last night. (Ele estava assistindo à tv na noite passada.)

Negative form: He wasn´t watching tv last night.

Interrogative form: Was he watching tv last night?

Affirmative form: You were studying last Tuesday. (Você estava estudando na última terça.)

Negative form: You weren´t studying last Tuesday.

Interrogative form: Were you studying last Tuesday?


• Expressar uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento, no passado.

It was raining this morning.

(Estava chovendo nessa manhã.)

• Com ‘while’, expressar duas ações contínuas e simultâneas no passado.

While Jack was preparing dinner, Ana was cook-ing dessert.

(Enquanto Jack estava preparando o jantar, Ana

estava fazendo a sobremesa.)

Conteúdo• Past Continuous

Competências e habilidades• Expressar uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento, no passado; expressar

ações contínuas no passado

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios de gramática e compreensão textual

Duração2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo





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AULA 6 — Past Progressive or Past Continuous








Pronoun/Subject Past of TO BE Verb + ING

I was sleeping

You were sleeping

He was sleeping

She was sleeping

It was sleeping

We were sleeping

You were sleeping

They were sleeping

Vamos colocar em prática?

1. Look at the picture and say what each person was doing (estava fazendo):

Sandra was playing volleyball

Jessica and Paul ___________________________________________________________________

Mr. Silva_________________________________________________________________________

Mrs. Oliveira_____________________________________________________________________


Lucas and Glauco__________________________________________________________________

2. Olhe o quadro a seguir. Ele mostra as ativida-des que William e Harry fizeram nas últimas férias.

William Harry

1st weekVisit his friends in São Borja

Travel to Ivinhema

2nd weekWrite e-mails to his friends

Listen to rock music

3rd week Go to the beachRide horses on the farm

4th weekTaste different fish dishes in Corumbá

Drink Tereré in Dourados

Now answer the questions using the information from the box:

a) What was Willian doing while Harry was travell-ing to Ivinhema?


b) What was Harry doing while Willian was writ-ing e-mails to his friends?


c) What was Willian doing while Harry was rid-ing horses on the farm?


d) What was Harry doing while Willian was tast-ing some different fish dishes in Corumbá?


e) When was Willian writing e-mails?


f) When was Harry riding horses?


3. Fill in the text with Simple Past or Past Con-tinuous, pay carefully attention to the meaning of

the sentences:


Last e ago são indicadores de passado.

While significa “enquanto”.

Lucas and Glauco Sandra

Mrs. Oliveira Lisa

Mr. Silva Jessica and Paul

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


I took my first motorcycle ride on a summer day

in the middle of July. With warm temperatures,

people in my part of downtown San Francisco city

________________ (to do) the things they real-

ly wanted to do. The bakery owner on the corner

opened the front door widely and turned on the

radio. The old ladies took their bags and _______

_______________ (to go) shopping. Some women

__________________ (to talk) while their children

__________________ (to play) volleyball at the

playground. And my father was on his motorcycle,

a beautiful machine. From the back of his bike,

within a helmet, I felt transported beyond the noise

of San Francisco.


ride – passeio

downtown – centro da cidade

owner – proprietário

widely – amplamente

machine – máquina

helmet – capacete


Places in the city

Test yourself!

a) Match the places and the objects/professionals

you find there:

Drugstore ( ) medicine, aspirin

School ( ) bread, milk, cakes

Bakery ( ) books, dictionaries

Library ( ) detective, policemen

Police Station ( ) money, coins, checks

Bank ( ) dirty and clean clothes

Laundromat ( ) shoes, sandals, socks

Butcher shop ( ) meat, sausage, chicken

Shoe store ( ) teacher, students

Clinic ( ) doctors, nurses

b) Match the places and the pictures:

1 - Barber shop 6 - Zoo

2 - post office 7 - Airport

3 - museum 8 - Shopping mall

4 - playground 9 - Concert hall

5 - park 10 - court house

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

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AULA 6 — Past Progressive or Past Continuous


c) Give names for these places according to the

ones in your city, example: Pet Shop – Ducão

Church ________________________________

Cafeteria _______________________________

Supermarket ____________________________

Hotel _________________________________

Beauty parlor ___________________________

Hairdresser´s ___________________________

Hospital _______________________________

Bus station _____________________________

Tv station ______________________________

Could you describe your neighborhood? Look at

this example:

I really like my neighborhood because I can find

everything here. I live on Joaquim Murtinho avenue.

Opposite my house there is a traditional bakery

which bakes the most delicious cakes I have ever

eaten. Beside the bakery there is a drug store where

I usually buy my aspirins. Between my house and

the supermarket there is a new hairdresser´s where

my mum usually has her hair cut.

On Sundays I usually go with my friends to the

park that is near here, just behind the zoo. When

the park is closed, me and my friends go to the club

which is across from the Chinese restaurant. Their

“sobá” is out of this world and my family often has

its lunch there.

My favorite place is…can you imagine? The church

on the corner of Paulista and Afonso Pena streets.

The ice cream shop next to the church is always full

of people after eight o´clock on Sundays.

Now look at the map above and the example and

write a small paragraph about this neighborhood.
























Dialogue – Conversation Practice

Pay attention to the example and form new dia-

logues with the information from number 1 to 7:

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Texto retirado do livro: MOLINSKY, Steven J., BLISS, ill. Side by Side,

Book 2. 2. ed., Prentice Hall Regents. New Jersey, 1989. p.77.

Reading ComprehensionLeia o texto e responda as


Walter Elias Disney

Walt Disney was born in Chi-cago, on December 5th, 1901, and he died in 1966. He was considered a legend, a hero of the 20th century, a man of un-limited success. He was the inventor of the most popular character in the history of the planet, Mickey Mouse. Mickey was created in 1928, and made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie, the world´s first sound cartoon. Walt Disney was the founder of Disneyland in Los Angeles, in 1955, at a cost of $ 17 million. Because of its success many others were opened: The Disney World, in Florida, The Tokyo Disneyland, in Japan, and EuroDisney, near Paris. Some of his famous movies are: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia,

Dumbo, Bambi, Ali Baba and many others.

a) What does the test talk about?



b) When was Mickey created?



c) How much was spent to open the Disney land?



d) What are Snow White and The seven Dwarfs,

Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi and Ali Baba?



e) Do you know any theme park like this?




to be born – nasceu

to be considered – ser considerado

character – personagem

to be created – foi criado

others – outros


Você tem uma boa memória? Vamos testá-la?

Use the Past Continuous to fill in the text below:

Life is interesting, isn´t it? While the Brazilian

team was receiving the World Cup medal me and

my friends __________________________. While

the Pope was giving his last speech I __________

____________________. While my parents were

relaxing on holidays I_______________________

____________. While the Rolling Stones were play-

ing in Rio the Janeiro me and my (wife, girlfriend/

husband, boyfriend) ________________________

_________. While many Brazilians were watching

the last Big Brother episode me and my classmates

________________________. And last but not the

least, while my teacher was explaining the subject a

few minutes ago I______________________.

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AULA 7 — Past Progressive versus Simple Past


“Don´t put the cart before the horses.”

O Passado Simples será usado com o Passado

Contínuo para expressar uma ação que interrom-

peu outra que estava acontecendo.


Portanto, esse tempo além de:

• Expressar uma ação que estava acontecendo em

determinado momento, no passado.

I was dancing with Paul.

(Eu estava dançando com Paul.)

• Com ‘while’, ele expressa duas ações contínuas e simultâneas no passado.

While Jack was preparing dinner, Ana was cooking dessert.

(Enquanto Jack estava preparando o jantar, Ana es-tava fazendo a sobremesa.)

Ao utilizarmos o conector ‘when’ podemos:

• Expressar uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento no passado, quando outra ação ocorreu.

Conteúdo• Past Progressive versus Simple Past

Competências e habilidades• Expressar uma ação que estava acontecendo em determinado momento, no passado

Expressar ações contínuas no passado e indicar interrupção de uma ação que estava acontecendo também no passado

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios de gramática e produção textual

Duração2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


7____________________PAST PROGRESSIVE VERSUS




e D



– Lí





– G




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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Vitor was watching some films when the telepho-

ne rang.

(Vitor estava assistindo a alguns filmes quando o

telefone tocou.)

Vamos colocar em prática? Procure ficar atento à

idéia do contexto.

1. Use the Simple Past and the Past Continuous

of the verbs given to fill in the sentences:

A: My bicycle ____________ (to break) down

when I _____________ (to drive) to school last


B: What a pity!

A: Those children _______________ (to run)

when we ________________ (to see) them.

B: What __________________ (they/to do)?

A: They ______________________ (to play)

hide and seek.

A: I´m terribly sorry! I___________________

(to serve) some juice when the jug _____________

(to fall) down.

B: Don´t worry! It ___________________ (to

be) an old jug.

A: What _____________________ (he/to do) at

about 6 p.m.?

B: He _______________________(to fix) his car.

2. Write down sentences using the words in the


Ex: (I/to fall/asleep when I/watch/television)

I fell asleep when I was watching television.

a) (the phone/to ring/when I/to have/a shower)

The phone_______________________________________________________________________

b) (It/to begin/to rain when I/walk/home)


c) (We/to see/an accident when we/to wait/for the bus)


d) (George/to fall/off the ladder while/he/to paint/the ceiling)


e) (Last night I/to read/in the bed when suddenly I/to hear/a scream)


3. What were they doing?

a) They (wait) _______________________ for the bus when it started to snow.

b) She (wash)________________________her hair when her friends arrived.

c) They (sing)___________________________ when their boyfriends phoned.

d) I (take) __________________________ a bath when the plumber arrived.

e) We (leave)_________________________ the cinema when we met the Spanish teacher.

f) He (look for)_____________________ his to-ols when the car broke down.

g) My children (make) ___________________ breakfast when we got up.

h) The boys (talk)________________________when the teacher asked them a question.

Reading ComprehensionPut the parentheses in order:

My Journal

( ) I’m an eighteen-year-old student and I am planning to be a veterinarian in a few years. I am

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AULA 7 — Past Progressive versus Simple Past


studying at a good college. I am learning how to deal with and treat every kind of animals. It is an interest-ing course, full of new emotions and discoveries.

( ) When you are far away from your family, sometimes you feel lonely, but I don’t feel it a lot be-cause I have many friends. They are always inviting me to do something together.

( ) Here I am in my own bedroom, after one year in college. It is a happy moment when you see yourself in your room with all your stuff again.

( ) In two weeks´ time I am going back to col-lege to start a new school year, and I’m sure that I am working toward the right career.

( ) Now my parents are planning to travel to Mexico. I know they want to take me with them. I am helping them, saving money for the trip. I am not buying a lot of clothes and I am not going out every Saturday. In short, I am not asking them for any extra money.

( ) My parents give me great support in all senses: they send me money every month, they en-courage me to do extra courses to improve myself, they are always ready to listen to me, they don´t complain about anything.

Glossarycollege – universidade

discoveries – descobertas

far away – distante

together – juntos

yourself – você mesmo

toward – na direção

to save money – economizar

support – apoio

to improve – melhorar

ready – pronto


Está percebendo como é simples? Agora leia com atenção e relate seu dia terrível!!

Imagine that you had a terrible day. It’s 22:30 after university you arrive at home and describe your day to your family. Fill in the story using the words in the parentheses. Use ‘while’ and the Past Continuous in the first clause and the Simple Past in the second.

You wouldn’t believe what a terrible day I had! (I

try to sleep/the cat jump on my chest) While I was

trying to sleep the cat jumped on my chest. So I got

up to let him out, but (I go down the stairs/I trip on

a shoe)___________________________________


____________________________. By this time, I

was fully awake even though It was just 4:30 in the

morning. So I decided to make breakfast. Would

you believe that (I make coffee/I spill nearly a whole

can of coffee on the floor)_____________________







But (I take a shower/the phone ring) _________





(I rush out of the shower/I slip on the wet floor)



_______________. Who was it, but an old friend

who drove me crazy! He asked to come and stay

with me for two weeks. (I try to explain how busy I

am/he hang up on me)______________________





Well, I got to school all right. The most important

thing that I had to do today was to type a paper for

my Linguistics class. Well, guess what? (I type the

paper/the computer system go down)___________




______________________ I had to go to class

without my paper. On my way there (the elevator

go up/it suddenly stop and the alarm go off)____


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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


___________________________________I was twenty minutes late, so I missed most of my class. Fortunately, my professor has a sense of humor. (I explain what happened/he begin laughing) ______________________________________________________________________________________.

Now I’m safe at home and I’m not leaving here until tomorrow morning. Thanks for listening to all of this nonsense! How was your day?

VocabularyDaily Activities

Vamos relembrar algumas atividades já estuda-das no semestre anterior e ver algumas novas?

Texto retirado: ABBS, Brian; BARKER, Chris; FREEBAIRN, Ingrid. SNAPSHOT, Starter. Longman, 2000; p. 66.

Now write six sentences telling what you did

yesterday. Remember that´s Simple Past. Don´t

forget to write the time.

Example: I visited my friends at night.









Dialogue – Conversation Practice

There was a party at Brad Pitty´s house last night.

During the party the lights went out and everybody

heard a strange noise. When Brad turned the lights

on the guests and the family noticed that his beloved

cat had disappeared. Brad was very sad and phoned

the police, all the guests like Julia Roberts, Richard

Gere, Madonna, Cameron Diaz were interrogated

by the police officer.

Dialogue 1

Police officer: Hi Mr. Gere! Where were you

when the lights went out?

Gere: I was in the living room with my friend


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AULA 7 — Past Progressive versus Simple Past


Police officer: What were you doing?

Gere: I was talking about the pictures, they are so


Police officer: Ok! But, did you see the cat any-


Gere: No, I was drinking and talking to my

friends. I saw nothing.

Police officer: Thanks for while. We phone you


Dialogue 2

Police officer: Hello girls!

Julia and Cameron: Hello sir!

Police officer: What time did you arrive at the party?

Julia and Cameron: We arrived at nine o´clock.

Police officer: Where were you when the lights went out?

Julia and Cameron: We were having some snacks in the garden.

The cookies were really delicious!

Police officer: Did you see the cat anywhere?

Julia and Cameron: No, we were telling jokes and having fun only.

Now practice them with your partner! Who

would like to be Julia Roberts?!


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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


“Beauty eyes in lover´s eyes.”


A forma superlativa dos adjetivos é formada por

‘-est’ ou ‘most’. Nós utilizamos ‘-est’ para adjeti-

vos considerados “curtos” e ‘most’ para adjetivos

considerados “longos”.

Também usamos ‘the’ antes do superlativo:

Yesterday was the coldest day of the year.

(Ontem foi o dia mais frio do ano.)

Janet is the most beautiful girl in the group.

(Janet é a menina mais bonita no grupo.)

Adjetivos “curtos”/uma sílaba

THE + adjective + EST

Adjetivos “longos”/duas ou mais sílabas

THE MOST + adjective

The smallest, the cleverest


-The hottest, the biggest = monossílabo C+V+C = dobre a última letra

-The funniest = funny = consoante + y = IEST

The most intelligent, the most beautiful

Sujeito VerboAdjetivo curto + Superlativo



Carol and Peter



the tallest

the laziest

girl in the team

people in this office.


• Superlative

Competências e habilidades

• Expressar diferenças utilizando adjetivos entre objetos, pessoas, atividades etc.

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal

• Exercícios de gramática e leitura de artigos


2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo





e D



– Lí





– G




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AULA 8 — Superlative


• Susan é a garota mais alta do time.

• Carol e Peter são as pessoas mais preguiçosas

neste escritório.

Sujeito VerboAdjetivo longo + Superlativo


Eric and Ana




the most attractive

the most patient student

people in the group.

I have ever met.

• Eric e Ana são as pessoas mais atraentes no


• Luis é o aluno mais paciente que eu já conheci.

Adjetivos Irregulares Superlativo de Superioridade







The best

The worst

The farthest/furthest

The least

The most

The oldest/the eldest

Vamos colocar em prática?

1. Organize the adjectives below in long and

short ones:

beautiful, small, big, cheap, expensive, dangerous, clear, difficult, intelligent, dirty, easy, calm, strong, weak, wonderful, marvelous, good, bad, thin, tall, short, polite, rude, stupid, boring, pretty, happy, loud, large, important, efficient, useful, creative, narrow, elegant, comfortable

Short adjectives Long adjectives

2. Fill in the sentences using the Superlative form

of the adjectives in the parentheses:

a) It´s _________________ film I´ve ever seen.


b) Are you the _____________ in your family?


c) He´s one of _______________________ men

in the world. (rich)

d) What was ______________________ day in

your life? (happy)

e) Sydney is _____________________ city in

Australia. (large)

f) What is ____________________ thing you´ve

ever done? (unusual)

g) Ken is a good player but he isn´t ___________

in the team. (good)

h) Why does he always come to see at the______

____________ possible moments? (bad)

i) Is Christina Aguilera ____________________

teenage singer at the moment? (pretty)

3. Choose the best option:

a) Deddy is ______ of my sisters.

1- the most taller

2- the most tall

3- the tallest

b) That´s ______ lesson in the book.

1- the easiest

2- easiest

3- the most easy

c) That´s _______ book I have.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


1- the better

2- the best

3- the goodest

d) Mr. Clark has____________ house in town.

1- the bigest

2- biggest

3- the biggest

e) Jessie is ___________ beautiful girl at school.

1- the most

2- the more

3- the better

f) São Paulo is ______________ city in Brazil.

1- the more important

2- the most important

3- a most important


Fill in with the Superlative:

Texto retirado do livro: MOLINSKY, Steven J., BLISS, Bill. Side by Side, Book 2. ed., Prentice Hall Regents. New Jersey, 1989. p. 54.


A forma superlativa dos adjetivos na inferiorida-

de é formada por ‘least’. Nós utilizamos ‘least’ para

adjetivos “longos” e “curtos”.

Também usamos ‘the’ antes do superlativo de


Yesterday was the least interesting day in my life.

(Ontem foi o dia menos interessante da minha


This is the least easy Maths exercises I have done.

(Este é o exercício de matemática menos fácil que

eu já fiz.)

Sujeito VerboAdjetivo curto + Superlativo



The students


The Browns





the least comfortable

the least studious

the least tall

the least rude

place at home.

in the school.

girl in the


family I know.

• Este é o lugar menos confortável da casa.

• Os alunos são os menos estudiosos da sala.

• Vera é a menina menos alta do time.

• Os Brown são a família menos mal educada

que eu conheço.

1. Write down sentences:

boring, energetic, honest, lazy, polite, stubborn, bright, generous, interesting, patient, stingy, talented

a) Steve always says “ thank you”. He´s very polite.

In fact, he´s the most polite person I know.

b) Helen is a wonderful violinist. She´s very ____


In fact, she´s ____________________________

person I know.

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AULA 8 — Superlative


c) Peter always buys expensive gifts for his friends.

He´s very_________________________.

In fact, he´s ____________________________

person I know.

d) Luis swims everyday before work. He’s very__


In fact, he´s____________________________

person I know.

e) Jim never does his homework. He´s very____


In fact, he´s __________________________

person I know.

f) My boss never wants to give me more money.


In fact, he´s the ________________________

person I know.

g) Becky never gets angry. She´s ____________


In fact, she´s ______________________ person

I know.

h) My nephew Carlos always talks about the

weather. He´s_____________.

In fact, he´s _______________________ person

I know.

i) Simon knows the answers to all the questions.


In fact, he´s ___________________________

person I know.

j) Aunt Jessica always says what she thinks. She´s


In fact, she´s ___________________ person I


k) I’m never bored when I´m with Jackson. He´s


In fact, he´s _______________________ person

I know.

l) Harry is always sure he´s right. He´s very_____


In fact, he´s __________________________

person I know.

Reading Comprehension

Read de dialogue

Dany: Can you pass the milk, please, Peter?

John: How many elephants can you get in a


Dany: Oh, no! Not another elephant joke!

Vera: Go on. Tell us!

John: Two in the front and two in the back.

Vera: I know a better one. Why did an elephant

put on a red t-shirt?

John: I don´t know. Why?

Vera: Because his brown one was in the laundry.

John: I think my joke is better than yours.

Dany: Shut up you two! I´m trying to do this


John: What quiz?

Dany: There is a quiz in the back of this cornflakes

packet. I bet you can´t answer this one. Which is the

longest river in the wolrd: the Nile, the Mississipi or

the Amazon?

Jessica: Everybody knows that. The Nile is the

longest river in the world!

Mother: Come on, you lot! It´s time to go to



to pass – passar

another – outra

laundry – lavanderia

quiz – brincadeira/jogo com perguntas

to get in – colocar

to put on – vestir

to shut up – calar a boca

back – no verso

Now answer the questions below:

What time of the day is it?



What meal are they having?



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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


What sort of jokes are they telling?



What is Dany interested in the back of the packet?




Use the adjectives in the box and write about the

best things in your city.

Example: The parks are the most wonderful.

dangerous – wonderful – small – important – old – new – comfortable – pleasant – attractive – delicious – chea – visited – calm – quiet




















Apologies and responses

• Para pedir desculpas você pode utilizar as se-

guintes expressões:


I´m terribly sorry.

I´m awfully sorry.

I´m really sorry.

A thousand apologies.

• Para responder ao pedido de desculpas você po-

derá utilizar estas expressões:

That´s ok.

That´s all right.

Don´t worry about it.

Never mind. It´s nothing to worry about.

It doesn´t matter.

Now read and see them in dialogues: Practice it

orally! Change the apologies!

Harry: Hi! I brought your new U2 cd!

Lucas: Nice, I was looking for it.

Harry: Let me take it! Ohh! Where is it? I think I

forgot it at home.

Lucas: Don´t worry about it. Tomorrow you give

it to me.

Ana: May I take some water?

Vitor: Of course!

Ana: Ops! Sorry! I have spilled some on your sofa.

Vitor: Never mind. It´s nothing to worry about.

Later I call the laundry.

Dialogue – Conversation Practice

Father: What kind of time do you call this?

Girl: I´m sorry.

Father: It´s two a.m.

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AULA 8 — Superlative


Girl: Oh Dad stop complaining. I´m over seven-

teen. It´s up to me what time I come in.

Father: Not while you are living here. What were you doing until now?

Girl: We were talking.

Father: I was worried about you.

Girl: Honestly, I´m really sorry.

Father: Ok. But next time let me know where you are.

Girl: Yes, I´ll let you know next time. Sorry, Dad.

Father: That´s ok.


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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


“Handsome is as handsome does.”

Vamos relembrar o que vimos na primeira aula desta unidade temática e acrescentar alguns detalhes?


• Nós usamos o Present Perfect para relatar coisas que tem acontecido do passado até o presente:

0 ---------------------- 0 -------

Past Present

I have lived in London for 6 years. (Eu morei em Londres por seis anos.)

• Para coisas que nós já fizemos na nossa vida e não falamos a data exata:

I have been on television 3 times. (Eu estive na televisão por três vezes.)

• Se nós falarmos sobre um período de tempo que ainda não terminou:

I have drunk three cups of coffee today. (Eu bebi

três xícaras de café hoje.)

I haven´t seen Mary this morning. (Eu não vi

Mary pela manhã.)

• Se o que aconteceu no passado é ainda relevan-

te para o presente:

Be carefull! I have broken a glass. (Tome cuidado!

Eu quebrei um copo.)

• Dar uma nova informação ou acontecimento

que ocorreu recentemente:

Conteúdo• Present Perfect (yet, already, just)

Competências e habilidades• Expressar uma ação que já aconteceu no passado uma ou várias vezes sem relatar o momento exato

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios de gramática e compreensão textual

Duração2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


9____________________PRESENT PERFECT



e D



– Lí





– G




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AULA 9 — Present Perfect


Ow! I have cut my finger. (Eu cortei meu dedo.)

The road is closed. There has been an accident. (A

estrada está fechada. Houve uma acidente.)

• com as expressões primeira, segunda, terceira

vez… que algo acontece:

It´s the first time she has driven a car. She´s very

nervous. (É a primeira vez que ela dirige um carro. Ela

está muito nervosa.)

Affirmative form

Subject/pronoun Present Perfect Complement

She has worked here.

The boys have played that song twice.

• Ela tem trabalhado aqui.

• Os meninos têm tocado aquela canção.

Negative Form

Subject/pronoun Present Perfect Complement

She hasn´t worked here.

The boys haven´t played that song twice.

• Ela não tem trabalhado aqui.

• Os meninos não têm tocado aquela canção.

Interrogative form

HAS she worked here? (apenas has vai para frente do sujeito)

HAVE the boys played that song twice? (apenas have vai para a frente do sujeito)

• Ela tem trabalhado aqui?

• Os meninos têm tocado aquela canção?


Just = um curto tempo atrás

Are you hungry? No, I´ve just had lunch.

(Você está com fome? Não, eu acabei de almoçar.)

Did you do your homework? Yes, I´ve just finished it.

(Você fez sua tarefa? Sim, eu acabei de fazê-la.)

Already = para dizer que algo aconteceu mais

cedo do que o esperado

Don´t forget to mail the letter. I´ve already mailed it.

(Não se esqueça de postar a carta. Eu já a postei.)

Did you talk to your mother? Yes, she has already

phoned me.

(Você falou com sua mãe? Sim, ela já me telefo-


Yet = até agora. Mostra que o falante está espe-

rando que algo aconteça.

Has it stopped raining yet?

(Não parou de chover ainda?)

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


c) He__________________________________.


d) I don´t know. I________________________


e) No, she __________________________ the

film. (just/watch)

f) Yes, They___________________________

here. (just/get)

g) I________________________________.


3. Read the situations and write sentences with

the words in the parentheses and just, already or


a) After lunch you go to see a friend at her house.

She says: “Would you like something to eat?” You say:

“No, thank you, I’ve just had lunch”. (have lunch)

b) Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings

and the caller says: “Can I speak to Joe?” You say:

“I’m sorry,________________________________

_______________________.” (go out)

c) You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks

you have finished and starts to take your plate away.

You say: “Wait a minute!_____________________


d) You are going to a restaurant this evening.

You call to reserve a table. Later your friend says:

“Should I call to reserve a table?” You say: “No,____

__________________________________it.” (do)

e) You know that a friend of yours is looking for

a job. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You

say: “____________________________________

______________________________?” (find)

f) Laura went to the bank, and she returned a few

minutes ago. Somebody asks: “Is Laura still at the

bank?” You say: “No,________________________

_____________________________.” (come back)

I wrote the letter, but I haven´t mailed it yet.

(Eu escrevi a carta mas eu ainda não a postei.)

Vamos colocar em prática?

1. Leia as situações e escreva frases com o Presen-te Perfeito. Escolha um destes verbos:

break – drop – go up – grow –

improve – lose – turn on

a) Mike is looking for his key. He can´t find it. He has lost his key.

b) Jennifer can´t walk and her leg is in a cast.

She ___________________________________

c) Ana´s English wasn´t very good. Now it is much better.____________________________________________________________________________

d) Jason didn´t have a beard last month. Now he has a beard._________________________________________________________________________

e) Last week the bus fare was 80 cents. Now it is 90._______________________________________________________________________________

f) The temperature was 55 degrees. Now it is only 36. The temperature__________________________________________________________________

g) The light was off. Now it is on. Somebody_____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete B´s sentences. Use the verb in the parentheses + just/already/yet.

a) Would you like something to drink?

b) Do you know where Juliana is?

c) What time is Daniel leaving?

d) What´s in the newspaper today?

e) Is Ana going to the movies with him?

f) Are your parents here yet?

g) What does Tom think about your plan?

a) No thanks, I´ve just drunk some lemonade. (just/drink)

b) Yes, I______________________________her. (just/see)

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AULA 9 — Present Perfect


4. Are the underlined parts of these sentences

right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong.

a) It has snowed last night. It snowed.

b) Have you seen my purse?________________



c) Don’t forget to pay the gas bill. I’ve already

done it.__________________________________


d) The accident has happened three days ago.__



e) Sue hasn’t been at work yesterday.__________



f) Jerry gave me his address, but I’ve lost it._____



g) Have you seen Brad on Monday? ___________



h) Where is the newspaper? What have you done

with it? ___________________________________


i) We have bought our house in 1985. _________



Exercícios 3 e 4 retirados de: MURPHY, Raymond., Grammar in use, Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2000. p.15.


Write about the most special things you have

done in your life. Remember you can use already,

once, twice, three times…

Example: I have visited Japan twice.






























Reading Comprehension

Você conhece esta música? Ela ficou muito famo-

sa na voz de Frank Sinatra. Vamos descobrir sobre

o que ela fala?

Read carefully the song below and answer the


My Way – Frank Sinatra

And now, the end is near;

And so I face the final curtain.

My friend, I’ll say it clear,

I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


I’ve lived a life that’s full.

I’ve traveled each and every highway;

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few;

But then again, too few to mention.

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course;

Each careful step along the way,

But more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew.

But through it all, when there was doubt,

I ate it up and spit it out.

I faced it all and I stood tall;

And did it my way.

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried.

I’ve had my fill; my share of losing.

And now, as tears subside,

I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;

And may I say – not in a shy way,

No, oh no not me,

I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught.

To say the things he truly feels;

And not the words of one who kneels.

The record shows I took the blows –

And did it my way!


state my case – falarei sobre meu caso/situação

regrets – arrependimentos

without – sem

step – passo

bit off more than – um pouco mais que

stood tall – fiquei firme

as tears subside – as lágrimas sumiram

naught – errar

one who kneels – alguém que se ajoelha

a) Did he have more good or bad moments?




b) What did he do in the difficult moment?




c) Do you fell the same as the composer feels

about your life?




Dialogue – Conversation Practice

Acredito que com todas as atividades que fize-

mos até agora, você já captou a idéia que o “Present

Perfect” transmite, vamos colocá-lo em prática na


First read it carefully then practice it with your


David: Hi Mr. Wilson! How are you?

Mr. Wilson: I´m fine.What are you doing here


David: I have to meet some friends to study


Mr. Wilson: Geography? That´s interesting. Do

you know I´m a Geography teacher?

David: Yes, I do. My sister Angela always tells me

that you know about different places.

Mr. Wilson: Is she your sister? That´s nice, I

didn´t know. Yes, I know a bit.

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AULA 9 — Present Perfect


What about a film now? Let´s watch one?

THE KID- Duas Vidas

Russ Duritz (Bruce Willis) is a very successful

image consultant who works really hard. One night,

coming after work, something weird happens.

1. Before you watch the film, fill in the blanks with

the Simple Present of the verbs in the parentheses

and circle the option you think is right to complete

the sentences.

a) Russ________ (drive) a convertible car/a


b) He ___________________ (live) in a house/

an apartment.

c) To feel safe, he_________________ (have) a

dog/a security system.

d) One night, he____________________(find)

a letter/a toy inside his home.

e) At the same night, he ___________________

(see) a boy/a man inside his home.

f) He ____________ (go) after the person/____

____________ (call) the police.

g) The person______________________ (ride)

a bike/a motorbike.

h) Russ_____________________ (decide) to

talk to a friend/a therapist about the situation.

i) He______________________ (ask) for advice/


David: Have you only studied all about those

places you told the students?

Mr. Wilson: Yes, I have, but some I have already


David: Visited? Wow, Where have you been?

Mr. Wilson: I´ve visited to many places. Egypt,

Australia, New Zealand and the Latin America.

David: Have you already visited Brazil?

Mr. Wilson: In fact I´ve just arrived from there.

That´s a great country, they have a great variety of

animals and vegetation.

David: What about Greece? Have you visited


Mr. Wilson: No, I haven´t visited there yet but I

would like to.

David: Wow, I´m really amazed. I hope you are

my teacher next semester. It was a pleasure to talk

to you.

Mr. Wilson: You are welcome, see you next



What kind of film do you like? Do you know how

to say the kind of films in English? Here are some of

them! Read carefully and match the names to the


Musical, Gangster, Disaster, Love Story,

Comedy, Science Fiction

( ) A film in which something terrible hap-


( ) A film in which creatures from another

planet appear.

( ) A film in which the main characters are


( ) A film in which there is always a romantic


( ) A film or stage play with singing.

( ) This kind of film that makes you laugh.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


After watching it…

a) Did you like it? Why?



b) What kind of film is it?



c) What was your favorite part?



Adaptado de: Adriana Motta, Mônica Souza


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AULA 10 — Future Will/Won’t


Conteúdo• Present Perfect (yet, already, just)

Competências e habilidades• Expressar uma ação que ainda acontecerá e que não foi planejada

• Expressar a provável realização de uma ação no futuro

• Expressar confirmação de idéias afirmativas ou negativas

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios de gramática e produção textual

Duração2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo


10____________________FUTURE WILL/WON’T



e D



– Lí





– G




“He put his foot in his mouth.”

Você, alguma vez, já imaginou como podemos

relatar uma ação que ainda acontecerá? No inglês

nós temos duas possibilidades: uma em que indi-

camos que a ação foi planejada e outra que não foi

planejada, trata-se de uma decisão tomada no mo-

mento. Vamos dar uma olhadinha nesta ação futu-

ra não planejada?


• Nós usamos ‘will’ para relatarmos uma ação que

foi decidida na hora da fala. Quando um amigo nos

liga e convida para irmos ao cinema, por exemplo,

a resposta que daremos para ele naquele momento

deverá ser feita com ‘will’, afinal não havíamos pla-

nejado tal ligação, nem mesmo o convite.

Oh, I left the door open. I will go and close it.

(Eu deixei a porta aberta. Eu irei fechá-la.)

What would you like to eat? I´ll have some cake.

(O que você gostaria de comer? Eu irei comer


• No Inglês falado a negativa de ‘will’ é geralmente

‘won´t = will not’.

I can see you are busy so, I won´t stay long.

(Posso ver que você está ocupado portanto, eu não

ficarei por muito tempo.)

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


I know you are afraid, I won´t leave you.

(Eu sei que você está com medo, eu não irei deixá-la.)

• Nós geralmente usamos will em situações que:

– nós oferecemos para fazer algo:

Oh, it´s cold. Ok, I´ll close the window. – forma


(Está frio. Ok, eu fecharei a porta.)

That bag looks heavy. I´ll help you with it. – forma


(Aquela bolsa parece pesada. Eu irei ajudá-la.)

– concordamos em fazer algo:

“A: You know that book I lent you. Could I have it


B: Of course. I´ll give it to you this afternoon.”

(A: Você sabe aquele livro que te emprestei. Você

pode me devolvê-lo?

B: Claro. Eu devolverei a você esta tarde.)

– prometemos fazer algo:

Thanks for lending me the money. I´ll pay you back

on Friday.

(Obrigada por me emprestar o dinheiro. Eu irei

pagá-lo na sexta feira.)

I won´t tell anyone what happened. I promise.

(Eu não direi a ninguém o que ocorreu. Eu pro-


– pedimos a alguém alguma coisa:

Will you please be quiet? I´m trying to concentrate.

(Você poderia ficar quieto? Eu estou tentando me


Will you shut the door, please?

(Feche a porta por favor.)

Affirmative Form

Subject/Pronoun Future Complement

I will visit Mary.

Carlos and John will have some salad.

• Eu visitarei Mary.

• Carlos e John comerão salada.

Negative Form

Subject/Pronoun Future Complement

She won’t buy some candies.

We won’t take a shower.

• Ela não comprará doces.

• Nós não tomaremos um banho.

Interrogative form


Verb Complement

Will Ivan bring his book?

Will you close the windows?

• O Ivan trará o livro dele?

• Você fechará as portas?

Short Answers

Yes, he will. No, he won´t.

Yes, I will. No, I won´t.

• Sim, ele trará. Não, ele não trará.

• Sim, eu fecharei. Não, eu não fecharei.


A seguir estão algumas palavras e expressões que

indicam futuro.

Tomorrow – amanhã

Next – próximo/a

Next week – próxima semana

In a few minutes, hours – daqui uns minutos/


in two years time – daqui dois anos/em dois anos

in three week´s time – daqui três semanas

Soon – em breve

Vamos agora colocar em prática? Preste sempre

bastante atenção na idéia da frase e no contexto em

que ela está inserida.

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AULA 10 — Future Will/Won’t


h) Ask him and he ________________________

everything you ask.

i) It´s cold in here. I____________________ the

windows and the doors.

3. Complete the sentences with ‘I´ll’ and an ap-

propriate verb.

a) I´m too tired to go to that class. I think I´ll go

only tomorrow.

b) It´s a little cold in this room. You´re right.___

______________on the heat.

c) We don´t have any coke. We don´t?_________

_____________ and get some.

d) I don´t know them. Ok, ______________

them to you.

e) Would you like tea or coffee? _____________

_______ some tea, please.

f) Bye, have nice holidays! Thanks, ___________

___ you an e-mail.

g) Are you joining us? Yes, _________________

with you.


‘so’ e ‘neither’ são {auxiliar} + {sujeito}

I like swimming... So do I. (Eu gosto de nadar… Eu

também gosto.)

I can dance… So can I. (Eu posso dançar… Eu

também posso.)

• Quando confirmamos uma idéia negativa nós

usamos ‘neither’:

{neither/nor} + {modal/auxiliar} + {sujeito}

I don’t like Jeremy... Neither do I. ou Nor do I.

I will visit Ana... Neither will I. ou Nor will I.

• Nós podemos também substituir uma sentença

inteira com ‘so’:

I think he has gone. = I think so.

Expression Example

So Janet likes dogs. So do I.

Neither/norJanet doesn´t like birds. Neither do I./Nor do I.

1. Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the

parentheses in the future with ‘will’.

a) He will probably eat pretzels and potato

chips. (eat.)

b) _____________they _______ the computer

tomorrow? (use)

c) His father __________________________

dinner tonight. He will eat a sandwich. (have)

d) I think I______________________ learning

Japanese. (give up)

e) __________she_______at Maracanã tonight?


f) We____________________ the competition

on Friday. We´ll start on Monday. (start)

g) I think it_______________snowy this week-

end. (be)

h) ___________the doctor probably _________

late today? (arrive)

i) I don´t think they________________ this week-

end. They are very busy. (run)

j) He_____________ probably ___________

you in front of the theater. (wait for)

2. Use the verbs from the box to complete the

sentences. Use ‘will’ or ‘won´t’.

answer, open, help, have, invite, go, arrive, buy, play

a) It´s very hot. I think I_____________ to the

beach this Saturday.

b) They don´t have much money. They________

probably________that motorcycle.

c) We are very busy today. We__________ pro-

bably ___________home late.

d) She doesn´t want to have dinner today. She

thinks she ____________ just some fruit.

e) Karen is very upset. I don´t think she _______

_________ volleyball with him today.

f) She liked your brother. She thinks she ______

_________ him to go out with her.

g) Melissa is asleep. She _________________ me

with my homework.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


• Janet gosta de cachorro. Eu também gosto.

• Janet não gosta de pássaros. Eu também não


Vamos tentar fazer alguns exercícios? Se surgir al-

guma dúvida volte à explicação e releia-a com calma.

1. Make a positive (SO) or negative (NEITHER)

addition to the statements:

a) I am a doctor. So am I___________________


b) She does her homework everyday. ________

So do I__________________________________.

c) Paul has never been to Greece._____________


d) We won´t buy a new car._________________


e) James is not practicing gymnastics._________


f) We went to the theatre yesterday.___________


g) I´ll telephone him tonight.________________


h) They didn´t come to our party.____________


i) Mary was looking sad.____________________


j) She will call you tomorrow.________________


k) Cathy is late. __________________________


l) Mark doesn´t have a computer.____________


m) I can´t play tennis._____________________


n) We saw the movie last night.______________


o) The secretary speaks French.______________


p) You didn´t do the exercise.________________


Reading Comprehension

Texto retirado: AUN, Eliana; MORAES, Maria Clara Prete de; SANSANOVICZ. New English Point:Book 1. Editora Saraiva.1999. São Paulo.

1. There are four diseases mentioned in the text. Which of them are carried by mosquitoes?

They are_________________________________________________________________________

2. Answer the questions in full in Portuguese:

a) O que o aumento do número de mosquitos poderá ocasionar no futuro?


b) Por que o Dr. Paul Epstein usou a palavra tro-pical, referindo-se a doenças?


3. Mark the alternative that has the best transla-tion for the words in blod type:

a) And it means that microorganisms will spread to new habitats, bringing diseases to new populations.

( ) menciona – viverão – causando

( ) quer dizer – esperarão – causando

( ) significa – se espalharão – levando

b) Another deadly threat in the resurgence of cho-lera.

( ) ameaça mortal – ressurgimento

( ) surpresa agradável – resolução

( ) provocação diária – reaparecimento

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AULA 10 — Future Will/Won’t


Tell me three things you think you will do next


Eg.: I think I´ll help my family at home.






And what about your next semester what are

your promises for it? Tell me three of them:

Eg.: I promise I´ll study more.






Dialogue – Conversation Practice

Now practice with your classmate:

Texto retirado do livro: MOLINSKY, Steven J., BLISS, Bill. Side by

Side, Book 2. 2. ed., Prentice Hall Regents. New Jersey, 1989. p. 27.

4. Find in the text and copy:

a) The noun and verb for the adjective deadly./

death die.

b) The verb for the adjective carrying.


c) The noun for the adjective warm.


d) A synonym for the verb expand.



1. Answer these questions using the time expres-

sions in the box.

in a few minutes, in an hour,

in a little while, next month, in a few hours,

in a few days, next weekend.

a) Will the movie begin soon? Yes, it will begin in

a few minutes.

b) Will George be here soon? Yes,____________


c) Will the girls return soon? Yes, ____________


d) Will your father get up soon? Yes, _________


e) Will the lunch be ready soon? Yes,__________


f) Will you do your homework soon? Yes, _____


g) Will Janet and John get married soon? Yes,


2. Have you thought about your next weekend?

And about the next semester?

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



Can you describe a person? Tell about the eyes

and color of hair?

Let´s see some of this vocabulary?

Eyes: Black, green, brown, dark, blue. (preto,

verde, castanho, escuro, azul)

Xuxa has blue eyes. (Xuxa tem olhos azuis.)

I have brown eyes. (Eu tenho olhos castanhos)

Hair: Black, brown, blonde, fair, dark, red. (pre-

to, castanho, loiro, loiro claro, escuro, ruivo)

Long, short, medium length. (longo, curto, ta-

manho médio)

Curly, wavy, straight. (encaracolado, ondulado,


Xuxa has short fair straight hair.

I have long brown curly hair.

Body: Tall, medium height, short. (alto, estatura

mediana, baixo)

Fat, slim, thin. (gordo, esbelto, magro)

Xuxa is tall and thin.

I am medium height and fat.

Now, try to describe:

Your best friend__________________________




Your favorite actor/actress _________________





Your favorite teacher______________________





Dialogue – Conversation Practice

Work with a partner. Make questions with yet

and give full answers using just, already or never.


A: Have you called your mother yet?

B: Yes, I have just called her.

1- mail the teacher

2- wash your hand

3- clean the house

4- make the dinner

5- meet your friend

6- have dinner

7- give your homework to the teacher

8- finish the activity


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AULA 11 — Review


“Don´t bite off more than you can chew.”

Olá, acadêmico.

Estamos na reta final, chegamos à nossa penúl-

tima aula de Língua Inglesa II. Nesta unidade, se-

paramos alguns exercícios que servirão de revisão

da nossa unidade didática, procure fazê-los com

bastante atenção e quando surgir qualquer dúvida

volte à aula em que o conteúdo foi explicado e faça

uma breve revisão. Bom estudo!

1. Past Continuous:

1.a) Look at the pictures and give full answers to

the questions:

What was Jill doing? ______________________


What was Mary buying?____________________


Where was Juli working?___________________


How was Vitor feeling?_____________________


What was Lucas watching?__________________


How many bags was Carol carrying?__________


What was Anderson carrying?_______________


Where were you studying?__________________



• Revisão geral desta unidade didática

Competências e habilidades

• Expressar sentimentos, dúvidas, acontecimentos que ocorram em diferentes momentos, presente,

passado e futuro

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal

• Exercícios de gramática e leitura de artigos


2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo





e D



– Lí





– G




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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


1.b) Write down sentences using the words in the


Ex: (I/to fall/when I/run)

I fell when I was running.

a) (the boy/to call/me when I/to go/to school.)

The boy called me when I___________________


b) (It/to begin/to rain when she/to drive/work)

It began snowing when she _________________


c) (We/to meet/Paul when we/to travel/by bus)

We met Paul when we _____________________


d) (Jessica/to take/some oranges while/she/to

walk/on the farm.)

Jessica took some oranges while she___________


e) (They/to arrive/when my parents/to leave)

They arrived when my parents ______________


2. Past Continuous versus Simple Past:

2.a) Use the Simple Past or Past Progressive to

fill in the sentences: PAY ATTENTION TO THE


a) This morning John (see) _________ an accident

when he (drive)________ to work.

b) I(watch)_________________when someone

(ring)_______________the doorbell.

c) (you/see)___________________many Indians

while you (live)_____________________in Ron-


d) Peter(fall) _____________________while he

(skate)_________________and (hurt)__________

_____ his knee.

e) We(not go)____________________anywhere

on the weekend because it (rain)______________.

f) I (talk) ____________________________with

Susan while we (wait)______________________

for a bus to go downtown.

g) When the waiter (serve)_________________

the food, he accidentally (spill)________________

_______some gravy on Mary´s dress.

2.b) Write sentences with the words in the


Example: (I; hurt/my leg/when I/play football) I

hurt my leg when I was playing football.

a) (It begin/to rain/while we drive/to the stadium.)



b) (Maggie/cut her finger/while she/slice tomatoes.)



c) (George/take a shower/when the electricity/go




d) (Mr Brown/make several phone calls/while

the mechanic/repair his car.)



e) (You be scared/when the plane/fly through the



_________________________________________Exercícios retirados: TORRES, Nelson. Gramática da Língua Inglesa:

O Inglês Descomplicado. São Paulo. Ed. Saraiva, 2000. p. 131.

3. Superlative: PAY ATTENTION TO THE


3.a) Complete the sentences. Use the superlative.

a) It´s a very nice room. It´s the nicest room in the


b) It´s a very cheap restaurant. It´s ___________

_____________________in the town.

c) It was a very happy day. It was_____________

____________________in my life.

d) She´s a very intelligent student. She_________

_____________________the class.

e) It´s a very valuable painting. It ____________

_________________in the gallery.

f) Spring is a very busy time for me. It ________

_____________________in the year.

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3.b) Complete the sentences. Use a superlative

(the –est or the most):

a) We stayed at the cheapest hotel in town. (cheap)

b) What´s ______________________________

________river in the world? (long)

c) It was an awful day. It was________________

__________day of my life. (bad)

d Everest is _____________________________

mountain in the world. (high)

e) We had a great vacation. It was on of the___

________________________ vacations we´ve ever

had. (enjoyable)

f) What´s the ________________________way

of getting from here to the bus station? (quick)

Exercícios retirados: MURPHY, Raymond. Grammar in Use: Intemediate. Cambridge University Press. 2000, p.209.

4. Present Perfect: PAY ATTENTION TO THE


4.a) Fill in with the Present Perfect:

a) That dog ______________________several

people. (bit)

b) All the birds _________________south for

the winter. (fly)

c) Helen _____________________ the same hat

for several years. (wear)

d) I_________________ them all the help I can.


e) I ________________________ John for many

years. (know)

f) They ___________________________ to each

other in weeks. (speak – not)

4.b) Read the situations and write sentences with

the words in the parentheses and just, already or


a) After dinner you go to visit your grandmother

at her flat. She says: “Would you like something to

drink?” You say: “No, thanks, I’ve just had some

lemon juice” (have lemon juice).

b) Joseph leaves his house. Ten minutes later,

the bell rings and the caller says: “Can I speak to

Joseph?” You say: “I’m sorry,_________________

________________________.” (leave)

c) She is eating in a snack bar. The waiter thinks

she has finished and starts to clear the table. She

says: “Wait a minute!_______________________

_______.” (not/finish)

d) Carlos is going to an ice cream shop this

afternoon. He calls there to ask the prices. Later his

friend says: “Should I call to ask for the price?” He

says: “No,__________________________it.” (call)

e) You know that a friend of yours was studying

for a test. Perhaps she has done it. Ask her. You say:


_________________?” (sit)

4.c) Put for or since.

a) It´s been snowing_________________ the


b) Jonathan has worked in Dourados_________

___________16 yeas.

c) Vera has lived in Ivinhema_______________


d) I´m tired of waiting. I´ve been standing here

_________________________ forty minutes.

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


e) I haven´t been to the Zoo________________

____ a long time.

f) Carlos is away. He´s been away____________


g) Sarah has been looking for a job___________

_______ she has graduated.

h) I wonder how Carla is. I haven´t seen her ____

_____________ ages.

4.d) Fill in with the “Present Perfect” or “Simple


a) I______________________ (not/play)golf

when I was on holiday last summer.

b) My bicycle isn´t here anymore. Someone____

_________________ (take) it.

c) Gina and Tom are married. They __________

_________(be) married for 38 years.

d) When ___________________ (you/stop)


e) How long______________________ your

English teacher? (you/know)

f) I_______________________ (lose) my key.

Can you help me look for it?

g) We_________________________ all that

book yet. (not/read)

5. Future/Will – won’t: PAY ATTENTION TO


Que tal uma musiquinha? Esta também é bem

conhecida e fez muito sucesso na década de 1980 na

voz do Sting com a banda The Police.

5.a) Read and listen it and them answer the


Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I’ll be watching you

Every single day

Every word you say

Every game you play

Every night you stay

I’ll be watching you

Oh, can’t you see

You belong to me

How my poor heart aches

With every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I’ll be watching you

Since you’ve gone I´ve been lost without a trace

I dream at night I can only see your face

I look around but it’s you I can’t replace

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

I keep crying baby, baby, please...

Oh, can’t you see

You belong to me

How my poor heart aches

With every breath you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I’ll be watching you

Every move you make

Every step you take

I’ll be watching you

I’ll be watching you

I’ll be watching you

I’ll be watching you

I’ll be watching you...

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Breath – hálito, respiração

Claim – pedido

Bond – elos, laços

Around – ao redor

To belong – pertencer

To replace – substituir

Vow – promessa

Long – aguardo, longo

To fake – fingir

To stake – fazer

According to the lyric from The Police.

a) Is he (the composer) always with her/the




b) What can´t she see?



c) How long is he feeling alone?



d) What will he do?



e) Do you know any Brazilian song that talks

about the same thing? Name one:



5.b) Fill in with the Future:

A: Excuse me, but I can´t reach those books on

the top shelf.

B: Move over. I___________________________

get them down for you.

A: Here´s $20.

B: Thank you. I promise I__________________

____pay you back next week.

A: Hey boys! Can we have some volunteers to

help paint the new homeless shelter?

B: Harry and I___________________________

do it. W e really want to help.

A: OOOPS! I´ve just spilled my drink all over


B: Don´t panic. I________________________

get a cloth.

A: Now kids I want you to be very good this

afternoon because I´m not feeling well.

B: It´s ok, Mrs Swanson. W e promise we______


6. So and Neither/Nor: PAY ATTENTION TO


6.a) Make a positive (SO) or negative (NEITHER)

addition to the statements:

a) I am a teacher _________ So am I__________


b) He does his exercises everyday. ____________

So do I_______________.

c) Peter has never eaten white beans.__________


d) She won´t buy a new pair of jeans._________


e) Lucas is not practicing singing.____________


f) They went to the cinema last night._________


g) We´ll call him tomorrow.________________


h) You didn´t invite me to your party._________


i) Gerry was feeling bad.___________________


j) It will come tonight._____________________


k) They are early. ________________________


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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


l) Marly doesn´t have a calculator.____________


m) Guga can play tennis.___________________


n) He saw that play last night._______________


o) My grandfather speaks German.___________


p) They didn´t correct the homework._________


7. Relative pronouns: PAY ATTENTION TO


7.a) Fill in with the correct relative pronoun:

a) The lady ______ was here yesterday has gone

to London.

b) I don´t like the house ________ he lives in.

c) The people___________________are looking

at tha house are my parents.

d) The little boy___________________brings

the milk hasn´t come for 3 days.

e) That´s the super model to _______________

he´s married.

f) Teresópolis is the city _________________ I

used to go to when I lived with my grandparents.

g) The man__________________cut your hair

did it very badly.

h) That´s the newspaper__________________

always tells the truth.

i) I love Beethoven_________________music

touches my soul

j) I can´t think___________ to buy for dinner.

k) By ______ was it written? By Cony.

l) She´s the person______________told me_____________you wanted for your birthday.

m) She´s the teacher about_____________I´ve told you.

8. Possessive Pronouns: PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUBJECT!

8.a) Answer using the possessive pronouns: Do it orally with a partner!

Example: Does the car belong to Cleitom?

Yes, it´s his.

Do these blouses belong to Angela?

Yes, they´re hers.

a) Does the horse belong to Mr. Walter?

b) Does the football belong to your father?

c) Does the motorcycle belong to you?

d) Do those shoes belong to Mary?

e) Do these dictionaries belong to you and your friend?

f) Does the wallet belong to Mrs. Silva?


Verbos Irregulares da Língua Inglesa

A tabela abaixo contém a relação dos verbos irregulares da língua inglesa.

Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

abide abode abode obedecer à lei; permanecer; sobreviver

awake awokeawoke awaked

acordar; despertar-se

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

be was been ser; estar; existir

bear boreborne born

dar à luz; sustentar; tolerar; sofrer; produzir; usar

beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar

become became become tornar-se; transformar-se; ser digno de; assentar

begin began begun começar

bend bent bent curvar; entortar; franzir; dirigir; desistir

bet bet bet apostar

bid bade bidden oferecer; convidar; ordenar; desejar; leiloar

bind bound bound atar; amarrar; obrigar

bite bitbit bitten

morder; engolir a isca

bleed bled bledsangrar, perder sangue; destilar; tirar dinheiro de alguém

blow blew blown soprar, encher; ventar; assobiar; estourar; fazer soar

break broke broken quebrar; romper; violar; interromper; cancelar; falir

breed bred bred procriar; gerar; fazer criação; educar; ensinar

bring brought brought trazer; servir; causar; executar; induzir

build built built construir, edificar; fabricar

burn burnt burnt queimar; incendiar; carbonizar

burst burst burst arrebentar; explodir; brotar; exclamar

buy bought bought comprar

cast cast castarremessar, jogar; derrubar; sobrepujar; espalhar; computar; calcular; moldar; imaginar; distribuir os papéis (no teatro)

catch caught caughtpegar; capturar; entender; adquirir (uma doença); surpreender; complicar-se

choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir

cling clung clung pegar-se; unir-se; aderir

clothe clad clad vestir, cobrir

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

come came come vir; chegar; consentir; suceder

cost cost cost custar; importar em

creep crept crept engatinhar; arrastar-se no chão; andar de rasto

crow crew crowed cacarejar; vociferar

cut cut cut cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar

deal dealt dealt dar; distribuir; repartir; dividir; espalhar; negociar

dig dug dug cavar; escavar; gostar; entender; começar; perceber

do did donefazer; funcionar; cuidar de; parar; mostrar; jogar; enganar

draw drew drawnpuxar; tirar; extrair; desenhar; descrever; traçar; adiantar-se; atrair

dream dreamt dreamt sonhar

drink drankdrunk drunken


drive drove driven dirigir; viajar; levar; conduzir; guiar; compelir

dwell dwelt dwelt residir; ficar por um tempo; enfatizar, insistir em

eat ate eaten comer; destruir; devorar; mastigar

fall fell fallencair; descer; abaixar-se; diminuir; ceder; morrer; abandonar

feed fed fed alimentar; nutrir; abastecer; satisfazer; manter

feel felt felt sentir; perceber; experimentar; apalpar

fight fought fought lutar, disputar; batalhar, combater, guerrear

find found foundachar; encontrar; descobrir; julgar; prover, fornecer, abastecer; perceber, notar; resolver

flee fled fled fugir, escapar; evitar; correr

fling flung flung lançar; arremessar; atirar; invadir; saltar; dedicar-se à

fly flew flownvoar; viajar (aérea); fazer voar; fugir; correr; pilotar; flutuar; saltar; lançar-se

forbear forbore forborne abster-se, deixar de, conter-se; evitar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir; impedir; evitar; vetar

forget forgot forgotten esquecer

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar; desculpar, absolver; abrir mão de

forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; abrir mão de

freeze froze frozen congelar; refrigerar; gelar

get got gotreceber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doença); entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; buscar

give gave givendar; entregar, conceder; render-se; premiar; pagar; enfraquecer-se; preparar (festas etc.)

go went gone ir; viajar; chegar; partir; caminhar; marchar; mover-se

grind ground groundtriturar; pulverizar; afiar; amolar; ralar; esfregar; ranger os dentes; persistir (nos estudos)

grow grew growncrescer; vegetar; cultivar; brotar; desenvolver-se; progredir; tornar-se

hang hung hungenforcar; ser enforcado; travar (informática), parar de funcionar

have had had ter; possuir; receber; pegar; necessitar; causar

hear heard heard escutar, ouvir

heave hove hove levantar, puxar; elevar; tirar; empurrar; arremessar

hew hewed hewn reduzir; cortar (com machado); talhar

hide hidhidden hid

esconder-se; esconder, ocultar

hit hit hit bater, ferir; atingir, alcançar

hold held heldsegurar; alimentar; guardar; pensar; acreditar; organizar; preparar; presidir

hurt hurt hurt ferir; doer; magoar; estragar; danificar

keep kept keptguardar; ficar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; dirigir; criar; possuir

kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar-se

knit knit knittricotar; atar; enlaçar; unir; ligar; fazer renda ou meia; trabalhar a ponto de malha

know knew knownsaber; conhecer; entender; perceber; ter conhecimento

lay laid laiddeitar; descansar; estar deitado; encostar-se; repousar; estar situado

lead led ledconduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, dirigir; governar; dominar-se; capitanear

lean leant leantinclinar, reclinar, apoiar, recurvar; amparar; firmar; apoiar-se, recurvar-se, inclinar-se; abaixar; desviar

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

leap leapt leapt saltar, pular, transportar

learn learnt learnt estudar; aprender; descobrir; informar-se; decorar

leave left leftdeixar; largar; sair; separar-se; abandonar; cessar; desistir de; renunciar a

lend lent lentemprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; combinar com; acrescentar

let let letdeixar; permitir; dar; alugar; fretar; conceder; descobrir

lie lay lain mentir; enganar

light lit litclarear; acender; queimar; descer (do carro etc.); cair (escolha); pousar; acontecer

lose lost lostperder; desperdiçar; arruinar; gastar; sofrer perdas; escapar de; não entender

make made made fazer; criar; causar; tornar

mean meant meantpensar; significar; ter em vista; tencionar; pretender; querer dizer

meet met metencontrar; encontrar-se; reunir-se; receber; conhecer; abastecer

melt melted moltenderreter; fundir; gastar; evaporar; dissolver; enternecer; consumir

pay paid paid pagar; saldar; satisfazer

put put putcolocar; pôr; enfiar; sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer

read read readler; aprender; aconselhar; avisar; estudar; interpretar

rend rent rent rasgar; arrancar

rid rid rid libertar; resgatar; livrar (-se)

ride rode ridden cavalgar; montar; passear

ring rang rung tocar (sino, campainha); telefonar; envolver

rise rose risen levantar; subir; elevar-se; erguer-se

run ran runcorrer; fugir; executar; executar um programa (informática); ativar; administrar; fazer; calcular; cumprir; continuar; vazar

saw sawed sawn serrar

say said said dizer; contar; recitar; pensar; alegar; afirmar

see saw seenver; entender; preocupar-se; verificar; experimentar; acompanhar; encontrar-se; observar

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

seek sought sought procurar, pedir; liberar; exigir; perseguir; tentar

sell sold soldvender; comerciar; negociar; liquidar; trapacear (gíria); atrair fregueses; trair (gíria)

send sent sentmandar; remeter; despachar; enviar; produzir; emitir; derramar; espalhar

set set setpôr, colocar; preparar; usar; arrumar; causar; marcar; servir; ajustar

sew sewed sewn costurar; juntar, pregar

shake shook shaken sacudir; agitar; tremer; chocar; apertar (mãos)

shed shed shedderramar; vazar; deixar cair; tirar, tirar roupa; fazer sangrar; projetar

shine shone shonebrilhar, luzir, cintilar, resplandecer; lustrar (sapato); distinguir

shoe shod shodcalçar; recobrir com finalidade de proteção ou reforço

shoot shot shotatirar; caçar; lançar; mandar; fotografar; voar; disparar; mandar; impor; arremessar

show showed shownmostrar; descobrir; testemunhar; provar; apresentar; mostrar-se; aparecer; ensinar; exibir

shred shred shred cortar em pedaços; picar; retalhar; rasgar

shrink shrankshrunk shrunken

contrair-se; encolher-se; contrair, encolher; recuar

shut shut shutfechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se

sing sang sungcantar; murmurar; rugir; zumbir; uivar; avisar; cortejar (gíria, como cantar)

sink sank sunkafundar; afogar; regar; mergulhar; descer, cair, descer; morrer, falecer

slay slew slain matar, assassinar; destruir, arruinar

sleep slept slept dormir; descansar; deitar (com alguém)

slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar

sling slung slungatirar na funda; elevar, erguer; atar; atirar, arremessar; pendurar, colocar na presilha

smell smelt smeltcheirar; feder; perfurmar; sentir cheiro; farejar; perceber; suspeitar

smite smote smittengolpear; ferir; matar; bater; castigar; mover; destruir; bater-se; chocar-se

sow sowed sown semear; espalhar, disseminar

speak spoke spokenfalar; dizer; contar; expressar; discursar; lembrar a; afirmar

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

speed sped spedapressar-se; mover com velocidade; dirigir muito rápido; ser feliz; ser bem sucedido; adiantar; aviar; despachar

spell spelt speltsoletrar; escrever de forma certa; ser algo que significa

spend spent spent gastar, tirar; perceber; divertir-se, passar (tempo)

spill spilt spiltentornar; derramar; escorregar; deixar cair; alcagüetar, contar

spin span spunprotelar; dilatar; prolongar, adiar; fiar; fazer girar; virar-se

spit spat spitcuspir; escarrar; vomitar; emitir o som do cuspe; expelir; pingar (chuva)

spoil spoilt spoiledestragar; corromper; mimar (de mais); estragar-se; roubar, saquear, furtar

spread spread spreaddilatar-se, estender-se; espalhar, esparramar; disseminar, difundir, propagar; arrumar (mesa); achatar

spring sprang sprungsaltar, lançar-se; libertar-se; aparecer, mostrar-se; brotar, nascer; deixar cair; cair sobre

stand stood stoodpôr de pé; suster; sustentar; colocar; agüentar; honrar; manter-se; permanecer

steal stole stolen roubar; furtar; infiltrar-se

stick stuck stuckcravar, fincar, meter, enterrar; pregar; aderir, prender; afixar; vacilar; parar; enganar; lograr

sting stung stungpicar, ferroar, ferretoar, aguilhoar; doer, atormentar; trapacear

stink stank stunk feder; enojar

strew strewed strewn espalhar, polvilhar, aspergir

stride strode stridden caminhar; cavalgar

strike struckstruck stricken

golpear; ferir; bater; surpreender; descobrir

string strung strung amarrar; pendurar; enfiar; esticar

strive strove striven aspirar; tentar, esforçar-se

swear swore sworn jurar; prestar juramento; xingar

sweat sweat sweat suar

sweep swept swept varrer; lavar; pentear; arrastar

swell swelledswelled swollen

inchar (-se); crescer; encher (os pneus)

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Present Tense Simple Past Past Participle Tradução

swim swam swum nadar; flutuar; boiar

swing swung swung balançar

take took takenpegar; tirar; tomar; segurar; agarrar; receber; capturar; aprisionar; aceitar; fotografar; empregar; adotar; entender; guiar; conseguir

teach taught taught ensinar; educar

tear tore torn chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar

tell told told contar; saber; perceber; descobrir; ordenar

think thought thought pensar; acreditar

thrive throve thriven ter sucesso

throw threw thrown jogar; parir; impressionar

thrust thrust thrust empurrar

tread trod trodden pisar, andar, pôr os pés

wake woke waked acordar; despertar; acordar-se

wear wore wornvestir; trancar; experimentar (roupas, jóias etc.); colocar (óculos); exibir; mostrar; gastar; cansar; esgotar; durar

weave wove woventecer, entrelaçar, trançar; contorcer-se (entre obstáculos); bordar; criar (trama); tramar

weep wept weptchorar; verter lágrimas; gotejar, deixar escapar; exudar, vazar

wet wet wetumedecer; sujar; molhar; fazer xixi na cama, molhar-se (à noite); urinar

win won wonvencer; ganhar; conseguir; obter; conseguir; alugar; convencer; ganhar o coração de

wind wound woundgirar, rodar; enrolar-se; enroscar-se; recobrir, encobrir, encapar; recobrir-se, revestir-se; modificar a direção

wring wrung wrungarrancar; obrigar, forçar; tirar à força; entortar; pressionar; segurar com força; espremer

write wrote written escrever; anotar; compor; inscrever

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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática


“A stitch in time saves nine.”

Olá acadêmicos,

Reservamos esta aula para podermos colocar em prática, porém de forma descontraída, o que estudamos

durante esta unidade didática. Esperamos que gostem! Sintam-se a vontade para fazerem perguntas, procure

trabalhar em conjunto com seus colegas e boa aula!











Conteúdo• Expressões idiomáticas apresentadas durante as aulas de Língua Inglesa – Gramática

Competências e habilidades• Expressar opinião, sentimento por meio das estruturas estudadas nesta unidade didática

Textos e atividades para auto-estudo disponibilizados no Portal• Exercícios de gramática, compreensão e produção textual


2 h/a – presenciais com professor local

2 h/a – atividades

6 h/a – mínimo sugerido para auto-estudo





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– Lí





– G




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AULA 12 — Activities














































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Unidade Didática — Língua Inglesa — Gramática



ABBS, Brian. BARKER, Chris, FREEBAIN, Ingrid. Snapshot, starter. Essex: Longman, 2000.

ABBS, Brian; FREEMAN, Ingrid. Blueprint one. Essex: Longman,1997.

ABBS, Brian; FREEMAN, Ingrid. Blueprint intermediate. Essex: Longman, 1997.

AUN, Eliana; MORAES, Maria Clara Pretede; SANSANOVICZ, Neuza. New English point, Book 1. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1999.

AUN, Eliana, MORAES, Maria Clara Pretede; SANSANOVICZ, Neuza. New English point, Book 3. São Paulo: Saraiva,1999.

FRODESEN, Jan; EYRING, Janet. Grammar dimensions, form, meaning and use. CIDADE: Heinle and Heinle, 1997.

MOLINSKY, Steven; J. BLISS, Bill. Side by side,

Book 2. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1989.

MURPHY, R., Smalzer, W. R. Grammar in use

intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 2002.

SEIDL, J. Grammar three. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1993.

SOARS, John and Liz. Headway one. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2001.

TORRES, Nelson. Gramática Prática da Língua

Inglesa. O Inglês descomplicado. São Paulo: Saraiva,


Disponível em: <http://www.sk.com.br/sk-perf.

html>. Acesso em 17 abr. 06.

Disponível em: <http://www.enchantedlearning.


Acesso em 24 abr. 06.

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