Pare Tape 12W Eng

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  • 8/8/2019 Pare Tape 12W Eng


    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    12 Week Fitness Program

    Prepared by:

    The Division Fitness & Lifestyle Advisor Team

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 2

    Table of Contents


    Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Components of Fitness.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Exercise Safety: Preventing Injuries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Before Starting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    The Program.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Warm-up.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Heart Rate Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Principles of Cardiovascular Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    12-Week Cardiovascular Training Program.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Interval Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Principles of Resistance Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    12-Week Resistance Training Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Cool-down and Stretching.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    Appendix 1: PAR-Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    Appendix 2: 12-Week Resistance Training Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 3


    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police promotes and supports the importance of fitness for duty,

    fitness for life. Most cadets leave Depot in the best physical condition of their lives. Striving to

    maintain this condition is important and challenging once working on detachment. There are anumber of important reasons why as a police officer you should maintain your fitness for duty

    throughout your career.

    professional image

    improved job performance

    quality backup

    increased ability to handle shiftwork

    reduced likelihood of excessive force

    prevention of health problems

    reduced disability

    better quality of life longer life.

    The Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (PARE) is a physical abilities evaluation which

    requires you to be in good physical fitness because it stresses all three energy systems of the body

    (aerobic, anaerobic alactate, and anaerobic lactate). In other words, you need to have a fit

    cardiovascular system as well as good muscular strength and endurance. In order to prepare to take

    PARE, it is recommended that you maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. This 12 week program is

    designed for anyone who wants to become fit, to achieve fitness for duty and to prepare for PARE.

    It outlines the components of fitness: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular

    endurance, flexibility and skill-related fitness; exercise safety; and provides a detailed program

    over a 12 week period.

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    Components of Fitness

    1. Cardiovascular Fitness: involves the large muscle groups, is continuous, repetitive and

    rhythmical. It is the efficiency with which the heart and lungs deliver oxygen to the working

    muscles and the removal of waste products from the creation of energy. It entails both Aerobicpower: the maximum rate of oxygen that the body uses to fuel the work it is doing and;

    Aerobic capacity: the ability to sustain a high level of work, to keep up with team members

    during a chase or to follow a track with a dog handler over an extended period of time, and can

    make the difference in the success of an arrest or track. Good cardiovascular fitness is also

    important for the development of the other components of fitness.

    2. Muscular Strength: is the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to exert force during specific

    movements. Muscular strength is very important in lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling,

    climbing, running, jumping, changing directions quickly, and in fighting. Muscular strength is

    also important in guarding against injuries and also forms the base for the development of

    speed and power. A physical fight with a suspect, sprinting up stairs, or jumping over barriers

    (in a full uniform) requires a significant level of muscular strength.

    3. Muscular Endurance: is often overlooked in strength training programs. It is the ability to

    sustain a series of muscle contractions (and/or postures) for a long period of time. Wearing a

    fully loaded duty belt throughout a shift or a physical altercation requires good muscular

    endurance. This component can be enhanced through resistance training, using moderate loads

    and high repetitions.

    4. Flexibility: is defined as the range of motion about a joint. Flexibility will improve the ability

    to get in and out of a police car. As we age, muscles shorten and range of motion about a jointmay be affected. A joint that has an abnormal range of motion is likely to contribute to an


    5. Skill-Related Fitness: includes accuracy, speed, balance, agility, and coordination. These

    abilities can be trained and improved by way of physical activity, especially with resistance

    training. Since this type of training places a heavy demand on the neuromuscular system,

    periodical unloading (sessions of reduced intensity and volume) are required to ensure proper


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    Energy Systems

    It is important to understand that in order to accomplish work (i.e., physical training), the body

    requires energy. This energy is derived from the food we consume. It is digested and broken down

    into its basic nutrients which are then converted into sugar or fat and used as energy. Two majorenergy systems (aerobic and anaerobic) are used to deliver fuel to the working muscles. The

    system or pathway used to deliver the energy is determined by the type (intensity and duration) of

    the work required by the body.

    1. Anaerobic Energy System: There are two primary anaerobic energy sources and both are

    limited by the amount of stored energy available. These are known as the ATP-PCr system

    (anaerobic alactic) and the Glycolytic system (anaerobic lactic).

    ATP-PCr Source: is a high powered system that is used for short term, high intensity

    activity, typically lasting no more than 10-12 seconds. Applying hand cuffs or running up a

    flight of stairs, are examples of activities that would primarily utilize the ATP-PCr system.

    Glycolytic Source: is another high powered energy producer that can sustain high intensity

    activity. The by-products of this system are pyruvic acid and lactic acid. These products can

    affect muscle contraction and cause fatigue. This system is used predominantly in activities

    lasting between 15-120 seconds, and is one of the dominant energy systems in fighting,

    short chases, and moving from cover to cover.

    2. Aerobic Energy System: provides energy for lower intensity activity. It contributes the

    majority of the energy we use to function throughout the day and is also the main contributor

    for long term physical activity such as long distance running or following a dog handler on atrack. The aerobic system also plays a crucial role in assisting with recovery in between

    anaerobic exertion.

    Its important to note that none of these

    pathways work in isolation. Rather they

    all contribute a portion of energy and

    their relative contribution will depend on

    the duration and intensity of work. The

    type of work involved with PARE can

    tax one or all of the energy systems used

    in the body. The Strength andConditioning Program is designed to

    train all of these energy systems.

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    Exercise Safety: Preventing Injuries

    The best advice in preventing injuries and exercising safelyis to use your common sense! It is

    also important to be aware of the environment you are exercising in, as well as how your body is

    responding. The following is a list of precautions/behaviors that will enhance your trainingexperience and provide a safer environment:

    Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q): Every member embarking on this

    program should complete the PAR-Q prior to starting the program.If you answer yes to any

    questions, please consult your Division Fitness & Lifestyle Advisor for further direction.

    Shoes and Clothing: Select shoes that fit properly and are designed for the intended activity.

    Wear comfortable clothing that doesnt restrict movement. Select clothing that is appropriate

    for the exercise environment. Clothes that wick moisture away are great for keeping you cool

    in hot environments. Wear layers when exercising outdoors in the cold and be mindful offrostbite, as well as the potential for hypothermia.

    Equipment: Before starting an exercise program, check the equipment to make sure it is safe

    to use. This includes making sure the bench is stable, collars on free weights are secure, the

    support pin in the weight stack is properly inserted, floor surface is free of clutter, cables are

    not frayed, and there is adequate space around you to perform the exercise.

    Exercise Technique: It is important that you know how to safely perform each exercise.

    Improper execution of an exercise is often cited as one of the major culprits leading to injury,

    as technique is compromised for increased resistance or number of reps.

    Warm-up and Cool-down: Start each session with a warm-up and end with a cool down. The

    warm-up should consist of a minimum of 5-10 minutes of light exercise that serves to warm up

    the muscle. At the end of each session 5-10 minutes of active cool-down accompanied with

    some stretching is ideal.

    Spotter. When training with heavy resistance or taking resistance exercises to failure, the use

    of a spotter is very important. Make sure that the spotter understands how many repetitions you

    are attempting and how you would like to be assisted during the exercise.

    Hydration: As you exercise, your body loses water through sweat. Failure to replace this fluid

    can result in fatigue, decrease work capacity, and increase susceptibility to infections andinjury. At the very minimum, you should replace all fluid lost during a workout. This can be

    achieved by drinking enough fluid to replace any weight loss during the workout.

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    Overtraining: When your body does not have adequate time to recuperate from training, it

    can experience a plateau or an actual drop in performance. This is usually a result of not

    following the recommended guidelines for proper recovery. Symptoms of overtraining include:

    prolonged muscle aches, unexplained weight loss,

    chronic fatigue,

    loss of appetite,

    inability to maintain performance,

    decreased resistance to illness,

    constipation or diarrhea,

    an increase in resting heart rate (8-10 bpm or greater) and training heart rate.

    If two or more symptoms develop, it is recommended that you reduce the intensity, frequency,

    and/or duration of your training session until these warning signs dissipate. The following

    recommendations will help prevent overtraining:

    Follow the program, including the scheduled rest and recovery.

    Get enough sleep (7-8 hours) by establishing good bedtime habits.

    Eat properly and make sure you are adequately hydrated.

    Minimize other stressors in your life.

    Injuries: Treat minor injuries such as abrasions, bruises, strains, and cuts right away to

    minimize damage and speed up the healing process. Use the RICE strategy when dealing with

    a muscle injury:

    < Rest the injured body part.< Ice the injured area for 10-20 minutes every 2-3 hours.

    < Compress the injured area with an elastic bandage or towel (if swelling occurs),

    < Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart. Seek medical attention as soon as

    possible after an injury or if a minor injury persists.

    Before Starting

    Prior to starting this program, you should make sure that:

    you are in good health,

    you have no current injury or duty restriction,

    you are accustomed to exercise,

    you have discussed your suitability to start this program with your DFLA.

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    Heart Rate Monitoring

    Achieving fitness for duty and training for PARE requires a commitment from you! The first step is

    to become physically fit. You should be able to work at an intensity equal to 80% of your maximum

    heart rate for 30 minutes of continuous, rhythmical activity. Activities that work the major musclegroups are ideal. Include activities such as running, cycling, swimming, paddling, cross-country skiing,

    skating or hiking. Work towards three to four 30-60 minutes sessions per week.

    Know Your Heart Rate

    Structured cardiovascular workouts require monitoring of your heart rate. Here are 2 simple ways to

    take your pulse at rest and during your exercise period:

    Radial pulse

    Using your index and middle finger, apply a gentle pressure at the radial

    (wrist) artery, located just below the base of the thumb..

    Carotid pulse

    Place the index and middle finger of your right hand on your Adams apple.

    Slide your fingers to the right, approximately one inch and you should feel

    a pulse when applying a gentle pressure with the tips of your fingers.

    Note: Do not apply too much pressure on the carotid as this may cause a

    ?reflex which could slow down the heart rate.

    To obtain your heart rate, count the number of beats during a 15-second period and then multiply by

    4 for a one minute count.

    Example: 35 beats (in 15 seconds) x 4 = 140 beats/minute.

    Target Heart Rate Zone

    The intensity at which you should train is determined by the percentage of your maximal heart rate

    which varies according to your age and gender. The target heart rate zone is used to determine the

    intensity. They were established by predicting the maximum heart rate for each age group. The

    most commonly used prediction method for calculating maximum heart rate is 220 minus the agefor males and 226 minus the age for females.

    Any activity that raises the heart rate 60-70 percent to your maximum is considered moderate

    intensity and offers many health benefits. To have an effect on cardiovascular fitness, activity must

    raise the heart rate so it is in the 60-90 percent range.

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    MEN - Target heart rate zone corresponding to different intensity levels


    % MAX


    60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100%

    Age Heart rates

    20 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 200

    22 119 129 139 149 158 168 178 198

    24 118 127 137 147 157 167 176 196

    26 116 126 136 146 155 165 175 194

    28 115 125 134 144 154 163 173 192

    30 114 124 133 143 152 162 171 190

    32 113 122 132 141 150 160 169 188

    34 112 121 130 140 149 158 167 186

    36 110 120 129 138 147 156 166 184

    38 109 118 127 137 146 155 164 182

    40 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 180

    42 107 116 125 134 142 151 160 178

    44 106 114 123 132 141 150 158 176

    46 104 113 122 131 139 148 157 174

    48 103 112 120 129 138 146 155 172

    50 102 111 119 128 136 145 153 170

    52 101 109 118 126 134 143 151 168

    54 100 108 116 125 133 141 149 166

    56 98 107 115 123 131 139 148 164

    58 97 105 113 122 130 138 146 162

    60 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 160

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    WOMEN - Target heart rate zone corresponding to different intensity levels


    % MAX


    60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 100%

    Age Heart rates

    20 124 134 144 155 165 175 185 206

    22 122 133 143 153 163 173 184 204

    24 121 131 141 152 162 172 182 202

    26 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 200

    28 119 129 139 149 158 168 178 198

    30 118 127 137 147 157 167 176 196

    32 116 126 136 145 155 165 175 194

    34 115 125 134 144 154 163 173 192

    36 114 124 133 143 152 162 171 190

    38 113 122 132 141 150 160 169 188

    40 112 121 130 140 149 158 167 186

    42 110 120 129 138 147 156 166 184

    44 109 118 127 137 146 155 164 182

    46 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 180

    48 107 116 125 134 142 151 160 178

    50 106 114 123 132 141 150 158 176

    52 104 113 122 131 139 148 157 174

    54 103 112 120 129 138 146 155 172

    56 102 111 119 128 136 145 153 170

    58 101 109 118 126 134 143 151 168

    60 100 108 116 125 133 141 149 166

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    Rate of Perceived Exertion

    If you have difficulty taking your pulse at the wrist or the neck, and you wish to determine whether

    your intensity level is adequate, think of yourself as a 10 speed bike and use the Rate of Perceived

    Exertion (RPE) scale. This is a well known scale (the Borg Scale) used in the fitness industry.

    Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) & Relative Intensity

    RPE (0-10 scale) % of Max im um Heart Rate


    Classification Talk Test

    2 Very, very light

    Regular conversation3

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    Principles of Cardiovascular Training

    Training for PARE requires the use of both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It is important to

    train both systems to be successful at PARE.

    When training for the PARE, this program includes:

    2-3 steady state exercise sessions per week.

    One long easy exercise session per week (starting week 5).

    One interval workout session per week (starting week 7).

    Steady state

    Steady state exercise is the highest exercise intensity that can be obtained for prolonged periods

    of time. It is a balance between the energy required by the working muscles and the rate of

    energy production in the presence of oxygen. It should be easy enough for conversation to

    occur during the exercise session.

    Each session should last 30-45 minutes. The recommended intensity is 65-85%.

    Long easy

    Once a week, an exercise session should be longer and done at an easy pace.

    Work towards 45-60 minutes.

    The recommended intensity is 60-70%.


    One interval session a week is included (starting week 7).

    Each work interval lasts 30-120 seconds and is performed at 75-85% max HR.

    For this program rest to work ratio varies.

    Active rest or slow easy activities are preferred during the rest phase.

    Different activities can be used for your cardiovascular program such as speed-walking, jogging,

    skipping rope, use of a stair climber or stationary bike. Choose one or two activities that you like

    and start your training program. Use the first 4-5 minutes of your workout at a lower intensity to

    warm yourself up and the last 4-5 minutes to progressively lower your heart rate.

    Note that at least one of the two cardiovascular activities that you choose should involve

    supporting your own body weight as they are more specific to the PARE which requires to run

    through an obstacle course.

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    12-Week Cardiovascular Training Program

    Here is an example of a 12-week cardiovascular training program that can be used to improve

    fitness and/or train for PARE. While participating in this program will increase your ability to meet

    the PARE requirement, it is not a guarantee of success. Results will vary from one participant toanother. Other programs can be developed by a fitness professional in your community to best

    meet your personal needs.

    12-Week Cardiovascular Training Program

    Week Monday

    Intensity / Time


    Intensity / Time


    Intensity / Time

    Saturday / Sunday

    Intensity / Time2

    1 65-75% / 15 min 65-75% / 15 min 65-75% / 15 min ----1

    2 65-75% / 16 min 65-75% / 16 min 65-75% / 16 min ----2

    3 65-75% / 18 min 65-75% / 18 min 65-75% / 18 min ----

    4 70-80% / 18 min 70-80% / 18 min 70-80% / 18 min ----

    5 70-80% / 20 min 70-80% / 20 min 70-80% / 20 min 60-70% / 25 min

    6 70-80% / 22 min 70-80% / 22 min 70-80% / 22 min 60-70% / 28 min

    7 75-85% / 18 min interval 1 75-85% / 18 min 60-70% / 30 min3

    8 75-85% / 20 min interval 2 75-85% / 20 min 60-70% / 33 min9 75-85% / 22 min interval 3 75-85% / 22 min 60-70% / 35 min

    10 75-85% / 24 min interval 4 75-85% / 24 min 60-70% / 40 min

    11 75-85% / 25 min interval 5 75-85% / 25 min 60-70% / 45 min

    12 75-85% / 25 min interval 6 75-85% / 25 min 60-70% / 50 min

    Monday: As an example, the first Monday you should start your cardiovascular training with 5-1

    10 minutes of warm-up, then do 15 minutes at 65-75%, and conclude with 5-10 minutes of cool-

    down. In total you will workout (run, swim, bike, etc.) between 25 and 35 minutes.

    Saturday/Sunday: The structured training session is optional and can be replaced by other sports2

    or recreational activities such as cross-country skiing, hiking, cycling, roller blading, skating,

    paddling, etc. (These types of activities should last approximately one hour.) Enjoy a day out with

    family and friends.

    Interval training begins at the start of the seventh week and is outlined in the following table:3

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    Interval Training

    Training (Intensity at 75-85% or 8 Gear)th

    Interval Sets Repetitions Work : Active Rest

    1* 1 5 30 sec : 1 min 30

    2 1 5 45 sec : 2 min

    3 1 5 60 sec : 3 min

    4 1 4 1 min 30 : 2 min

    5 1 4 1 min 45 : 2 min

    6 1 4 2 min : 2 min

    *Interval 1: As an example, start with 5-10 minutes of the activity at a moderate pace (60-70%).

    Next, accelerate to an intensity level of 75-85% and maintain it for 30 sec. Once this short work

    phase is completed, continue the activity at a slower pace (60-70%) for 1 minute 30 sec in order to

    lower you heart rate. Repeat this combination 4 more times. Once you have completed the five

    sets, conclude your cardiovascular activity with 5-10 minutes at a moderate pace. This will enable

    you to slowly lower your heart rate to a resting value.

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    Principles of Resistance Training

    Exercises and activities that tax the muscles beyond their normal capacity help to improve

    muscular strength and endurance. Activities of daily living like heavy yard work, raking and

    carrying leaves, shoveling snow, and chores around the house all contribute to healthymusculoskeletal fitness.

    Structured programs from simple calisthenics to resistance training routines using various kinds of

    equipment are particularly effective in training for police work and PARE. The following

    principles will ensure safety, proper progression and improvement in muscular strength and


    Program Design

    Program should be appropriate for ability level.

    Incorporate exercises for all major muscle groups.

    Promote balanced development of body segments. Increase preparedness for and/or complement daily responsibilities.

    Meet personal goals.

    Consider available equipment, available time to exercise, and accessibility of training


    Number of Exercises

    Beginners: 10 exercises.

    Advanced or experienced: Add exercises or variations to the initial program to meet

    your individual goals or job-specific needs.

    Order of Exercises

    Exercise large muscle groups before smaller muscle groups (e.g. chest before triceps).

    Alternate push with pull exercises (e.g. bench press/seated row).

    Complete multi-joint movements before single-joint movements (e.g. leg press/leg


    Design Variables

    Your program will be designed by choosing and progressively altering training

    variables such as number of repetitions/sets, number and choice of exercises, rest,

    frequency, intensity and amount of weight lifted, etc.

    Repetition - One complete action of an exercise.Set - A predetermined number of repetitions completed one right after the other.

    Resistance - The weight or load that a muscle works against per repetition measured in

    pounds or kilograms.

    Rest/Recovery - The amount of rest taken between sets of an exercise, between

    different exercises, or between training sessions.

    Frequency - The number of training sessions completed in a specified period of time.

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    Overload - A gradual and progressive increase in the difficulty of the program in some

    capacity, to continue to challenge the muscles.

    Overload Techniques Increase the amount of weight lifted.

    Increase the repetitions in a set.

    Increase the number of sets.

    Decrease the rest period between sets.

    Guidelines of Progression

    Increase only one variable at a time.

    Training variables influence each other.

    It may be necessary to decrease repetitions when a set is added.

    Increase resistance when able to complete one additional repetition above the required

    number with only moderate exertion.

    Do not overload or lift to maximal ability at every workout.

    Change Resistance Training Program

    For continued results, a program should offer you changes in the number of repetitions

    and resistance used every three weeks.

    Do not change more than 1-2 variables at a time.

    After this 12 week program exercises should be changed for continued results.

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    12-Week Resistance Training Program

    Here is an example of a 12-week resistance training program that can be used to become fit and

    train for PARE. Participating in this program will increase your ability to meet the PARE

    requirement, but is not a guarantee of success. Results will vary from one participant to another.Other programs can be developed by a fitness professional in your community to best meet your

    personal needs.

    This program includes 10 strength training exercises for the major muscle groups. Exercises may

    vary according to equipment available. During each exercise exhale on effort. After completing

    this 12 week program discuss with your fitness consultant which components may be changed in

    order to get continued results. During each exercise exhale on effort.

    Frequency: 2-3 times per week (every other day if doing 3 times per week)

    1) Leg Press - Adjust the seat so that your legs start at a ninety

    degree angle. Push and extend your legs until they are almost

    straight but ensure that your knees remain slightly flexed. Return

    to the starting position and begin the second repetition.

    2) Leg curl - Lie face down on the machine. Place your heels under

    top foot pad. Hold handles of machine for support. Curl your legs

    up until calves touch the hamstrings. Return to starting position.

    3) Bench Presswith bar or dumbbells - Grasp bar with hands

    positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width. Lower the bar to

    your chest (approximately one inch below the nipple line). Be

    careful not to arch your back and do not lift your hips off the

    surface of the bench. Press the bar back to original position.

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    4) Seated Row - Position your feet on the supports provided and

    grasp the bar by the handles. Pull the handles towards yourself

    until they reach the sides of your body just below your pectoral

    muscles. Inhale while pulling the handles towards you and exhalewhile returning it to the starting position. Keep your back straight

    and avoid any forward movement.

    5) Dumbbell Press - Raise dumbbells to shoulder height. Press

    dumbbells straight up to arm's length, palm in. Lower dumbbells

    to starting position. Keep body rigid. Do all the work with your

    shoulders and arms; don't lean from side to side.

    6) Front Lat Pull-down - Grasp the bar with hands slightly wider

    than shoulder-width apart. Pull the bar down to your chest.

    7) Standing biceps curl with barbell or dumbbells - Hold barbell

    with both hands, palm up at shoulder width. Stand erect, back

    straight, head up, feet about shoulder width apart. Start with bar at

    arms length against upper thighs. Curl bar up in semi-circular

    motion until forearms touch biceps. Keep upper arms close to

    sides. Lower to starting position using same path. Do not swing

    back and forth to help lift bar.

    8)Standing close grip triceps press down - Stand erect, head up, in

    front of machine and feet apart about 16 inches. Hold the bar with

    hands 8 inches apart, palms down. Bring upper arms to side and

    keep them there. Start with biceps and forearms touching. Press

    bar down in semicircular motion to arms length. Return to starting


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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 21

    9) Back Extensions - Position yourself with the ball under your hips

    and lower abdominal region. Your feet should remain on the floor

    the whole time during this exercise. Using a slow and controlled

    pace, arch your back by raising your chest up and away from theball. Pause briefly at the top. Slowly return to the starting position.

    Be careful NOT to bounce.

    - Your head and neck should remain in a neutral posture.

    - Do not lift your body beyond this position. You can also do

    this exercise with your arms crossed in front of you, with your

    hands on your shoulders, or with your hands behind your neck.

    The level of difficulty increases with each different arm


    10a) Plank- Lie on the floor face down. Place your elbows bent at a

    90-degree angle under your shoulders. Push up onto your knees

    and then straighten knees so that your weight is supported by

    your toes and forearms. Prop yourself up to form a bridge

    using your toes and forearms. Maintain a flat back and do not

    allow your hips to sag towards the ground.


    10b) Pelvic Roll (Abdominal) - Lie on your back with your knees

    bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your arms alongside your body

    with your palms on the floor. Perform a pelvic roll by bringingyour knees towards your shoulders and rolling your legs and

    pelvis up off the floor. Return to the starting position. Press

    your hands to the floor during the pelvic roll.

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 22

    12 Week Resistance Training Summary

    Resistance Training


    During weeks 4-5-6 perform two sets of 8-10 repetitions of each

    exercise. Use a load sufficient to do a minimum of 8 and a maximum of

    10 reps using good form. Exercises 1-8: The first phase should be

    performed in 2 seconds, then hold for one second, return to starting

    position in 3 seconds. Eventually you can vary the tempo as a way to

    create change.

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 23

    12 Week Training Program Log Sheet

    Muscular Strength Program for Sets and Reps

    Exercises Weeks

    1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12

    1 2 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    2 2 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    3 2 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 3 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    4 2 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 3 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    5 1 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    6 1 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    7 1 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    8 1 x 10-12 2 x 8-10 2 x 6-8 2 x 7-10

    9 1 x 12-14 1 x 14-16 1 x 16-18 2 x 16-18

    10a or 1 x 20 sec 2 x 20 sec 2 x 30 sec 2 x 30 sec

    10b 1 x 12-14 1 x 14-16 1 x 16-18 2 x 16-18

    Rest for approximately one minute at the completion of each set.

    Frequency: 2-3 times per week (every other day if doing 3 times per week)

    Week 1-2-3: As an example, the first 3 weeks perform 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each

    exercise. Use a load sufficient to do a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 reps

    using good form.

    Note: When you are able to complete the maximum number of repetitions of a particular exercise

    without much effort, you should slightly increase the amount of weight which you are using.

    Begin again with the minimum number of repetitions listed for the week in which you areworking.

    Example: If youre supposed to do 2 x 10-12 repetitions and you can easily do 2 x 12. For

    your next workout add weight and try to do 2 x 10 with the new weight.

    For those exercises which do not require weights, simply increase the number of repetitions.

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 25


    Stretching For each exercise you should feel a light stretch and maintain it

    20-30 seconds; the tension should ease gradually. If it doesnt,

    you are over-stretching and you should ease off the tension.

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 26


    Being fit for duty requires that you maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle throughout your working

    career. By following this 12 week strength and conditioning program you will be contributing to

    your fitness for duty which should enable you to complete your PARE. The more time and effortyou put into your training the more improvement you will see in your PARE time.

    As you develop an even greater interest in fitness and lifestyle information, consult the

    recommended websites.

    Recommended Websites

    American College of Sport Medicine -

    Can. Council for Health and Active Living at work -

    Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Institute -

    Canadian Institute for Health Information -

    Exercise Prescription on the net -

    Health Canada/Sant Canada -

    Lifestyle Information Network:-

    Medline Plus -

    National Strength and Conditioning Association -

    PARC Physical Activity Resource Center:-

    PARTICIPAction Archive Project -

    Public Health Agency of Canada -

    Runners World -

    Sport Information Resource Centre -
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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 27

    Appendix 1: PAR-Q

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    12 Week Fitness Program - September 2008 28

    Appendix 2: 12-Week Resistance Training Program

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