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  • 7/31/2019 2011_04_paixao_vinho


    paixopelovin ho . wine passion . 2011022 |

    O Porto Canal gravou um dos programasOs Imperdveis com cinco chefes decozinha do norte. O local escolhido foi aQuinta da Aveleda, em Penafiel. Um dia

    bem passado, entre aromas e sabores, numperfeito elogio ao que de melhor a naturezaoferece: gastronomia e vinhos.~

    The TV channel Porto Canal recorded one of theepisodes of Os Imperdveis with five chefs from

    Northern Portugal. The venue was Quinta da Aveleda,in Penafiel. A pleasant day, among aromas and

    flavours, in a perfect eulogy to the best nature has to

    offer us: gastronomy and wines.

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    2011 . win epassion . paixopelo vin ho | 023

    O dia 2 de maro estava convidativo, fazendoadivinhar a chegada da primavera. Na Quinta daAveleda, em Penafiel, reinava a animao e aazfama para a produo de mais um programa

    Os Imperdveis, do Porto Canal (um programaque d a conhecer o melhor da gastronomiado norte do pas, do tradicional ao gourmet).Juntar cinco chefes de cozinha do norte foi omote escolhido, partilhando com a audinciado programa a qualidade da cozinha nortenha,procurando compensar de alguma forma asopes de escolha de um outro programa deteleviso que escolheu somente chefes decozinha de Lisboa para demonstrar a realidadegastronmica portuguesa.Afinal, por todo o Portugal h cada vez maisprofissionais de grande valor. Na diversidadeest o conhecimento e esta iniciativa veiocomplementar a partilha de saberes e saborescom os apreciadores, juntando uma componentefundamental: a ligao com o vinho.Na Quinta da Aveleda, recentemente distinguidacom o Prmio Internacional Best of Wine TourismAward na categoria Arquitetura, Parques eJardins, reuniram-se cinco nomes nortenhos degrande valor na gastronomia portuguesa, com umdenominador comum - a paixo pela gastronomiae pelo vinho: Vtor Matos (Casa da Calada),Renato Cunha (Ferrugem), Rui Paula (DOC/DOP),

    Antnio Vieira (Shis) e Lus Amrico (Mesa).Para acompanhar as iguarias por eles preparadasos vinhos: Quinta da Aveleda 2010 (elaborado apartir das castas Alvarinho, Loureiro e Trajadura,

    um vinho harmonioso, com aroma fresco, frutadoe delicado, evidenciando a presena de frutostropicais e agradveis notas florais, deixandoum final de boca longo e persistente); FolliesAlvarinho 2010 (com aromas frutados eflorais, bem casados num vinho complexo eequilibrado, de paladar macio e aveludado,a evidenciar ainda a presena de algumasnotas minerais, num final de boca elegantee persistente); Grande Follies branco 2009(elaborado a partir das castas Chardonnay eMaria Gomes, tem complexidade aromtica quese caracteriza pela extrema subtileza de umapalete rica em fruta, destacando-se as notas depera madura, alperce, lchia assim como floresbrancas, na boca redondo e fresco, oferecendouma sensao de subtileza e elegncia pautadapor notas frutadas e uma sucrosidade que terminanum final longo, suave e rico); Follies TourigaNacional/Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 (apresentaum aroma apetecvel e intenso, evidenciando apresena de frutos silvestres e um ligeiro toque amadeira, dando a sensao de baunilha, tem umaboca muito fresca, com taninos macios e elegnciano seu conjunto, um vinho personalizado e muito

    apelativo); e por fim o Follies Touriga Nacional

    2007 (os aromas de cassis, cereja e chocolate

    sobressaem integradas com notas de madeira,

    na boca muito encorpado mas equilibrado

    e elegante, tem notas de frutos pretos, figo eespeciarias, com taninos firmes e redondos, deixa

    um final de boca muito longo e cremoso).

    Manuel Soares o enlogo responsvel e, para

    ele, pr os vinhos prova e fazer a ligao com

    os pratos destes excelentes chefes foi um

    grande desafio. Todos os vinhos escolhidos ou

    chegaram recentemente ao mercado e vo chegar

    em breve. Os vinhos da Aveleda pretendem

    abranger o maior leque de apreciadores

    possvel, o consumidor novo mundo prevalece e,

    felizmente, estamos a conseguir chegar cada vez

    mais longe, aumentando as exportaes, referiu

    o enlogo, acrescentando que os portugueses

    bebem menos, mas cada vez mais vinhos de maiorqualidade, valorizando o nosso trabalho.

    Manuel Soares partilhou com a Paixo pelo Vinho

    que acha que os chefes de cozinha deviam saber

    mais de vinhos e os enlogos deviam saber mais

    de cozinha, tal como os sommeliers, pois h a

    necessidade dos profissionais das vrias reas se

    adaptarem ao que o consumidor quer e de terem a

    capacidade de saber aconselhar.

    Cinco chefes Imperdveis

    textotextmaria helena duarte traduotranslationjoana morais almeida FotoGraFiaPHotodario silva

    ~ FIve CheFs nOt tO be mIssed



  • 7/31/2019 2011_04_paixao_vinho


    paixopelovin ho . wine passion . 2011024 |

    A experincia na Casa da Calada, em Amarante,tem sido muito positiva, garante Vtor Matos, que

    j conquistou uma Estrela Michelin, afirmandoser uma casa que lhe d margem para progredir epara fazer aquilo que gosta. "A Casa da Calada um sonho, salientou o Chef Paixo pelo Vinho.Esta iniciativa do Porto Canal para Vtor Matosuma boa forma de demonstrar que Portugalno acaba em Lisboa, que no norte temos bons

    restaurantes e muito bons chefes. Em Lisboah de facto profissionais notveis, como o ChefCordeiro ou o Chef Leonel, mas na verdade temosde trabalhar todos unidos, e a realidade queaprendemos muito uns com os outros, destacou.O Chef foi o primeiro a entrar em cena, coma preparao de uma entrada: A Sapateira eo Lavagante - sapateira desfiada com molhode Moscatel de Setbal, lavagante glaceado,maracuj e esferificao de laranja algarvia.A cozinha para mim divertida, o vinho fazparte e eu adoro, brincou o Chef quandoquestionado acerca da relao entre os vinhos e agastronomia, afirmando que preciso privilegiaros nossos vinhos e a nossa cozinha.

    Quando questionado sobre o futuro, o chef VtorMatos afirmou que j tinha atingido o maisprovvel: ganhar uma Estrela Michelin. Agorapoderia ganhar outra, mas em Portugal deve serdifcil, referiu. O objetivo de qualquer cozinheiro ter o seu prprio restaurante, apostar emprodutos com uma boa relao qualidade/preo,com uma cozinha mais simples, mas depoisno vou poder fazer aquilo que eu gosto.... Noentanto, o Chef garante que nunca entra numprojeto por menos de cinco anos, e s depoisavalia as perspetivas. E depois h a vida pessoale o bem-estar da minha famlia que vem sempreem primeiro plano, confidenciou.

    O Ferrugem fez cinco anos de crescente sucesso.Superamos as expectativas e conquistamosvrios prmios, queremos continuar estepercurso, afirmou Renato Cunha.Sempre em contnua inovao, fazendo inmerasexperincias e absorvendo conhecimentos, quehabitualmente partilha, Renato trouxe para estainiciativa na Quinta da Aveleda a mais recentenovidade do Ferrugem: o pastel de (bacalhau com)

    natas, que j tem a patente registada. No fundo,um pastel de nata de textura salgada (bacalhau). Ofeedback tem sido muito positivo, garantiu o Chef.Cada dia que passa acho que poderamos ter umlocal estratgico para completar ao restauranteFerrugem, com um conceito novo, talvez no centrode Famalico. uma ideia O nosso projeto parao futuro a consolidao, salientou.O vinho e a gastronomia no podem existir umsem o outro. Sou f incondicional dos VinhosVerdes, nicos em todo o mundo, de uma grandepotencialidade pela sua elegncia e frescura.Renato Cunha acrescentou ainda que estamosna regio que os produz e devemos lev-loscomo bandeira. Para o Chef o vinho um

    produto cultural.Questionado sobre a importncia da opovinho a copo, Renato afirmou que, em Portugal,a sua implementao est para alm das suasexpectativas. O Chef no concebe uma refeio,com vrias experiencias gastronmicas, semvinho a combinar, e o vinho a copo permiteuma relao qualidade/preo, sendo umaforma excelente de harmonizar um vinho paracada prato, no esquecendo o tipo de copos,as temperaturas, referiu, salientando aindaque basta haver alguns vinhos de qualidadeque definam um certo perfil - mais fresco, maisestruturado, terminando num Porto ou numMadeira, por exemplo.Para Renato Cunha cozinhar um ato depaixo, de carinho e de partilha com as pessoas,esperando que elas o sintam, pois se assim nofor no faz sentido o que estamos a fazer.

    A abertura do DOP, no Porto, foi a sua maisrecente aventura. Evoluir, aprender e serhumilde, so os trs lemas de Rui Paula. Tudoo que tenho feito, com a minha equipa, leva aque se chegue ao reconhecimento, partilhou oChef. De facto o trabalho em equipa sempreprivilegiado e a partilha de conhecimentosfundamental, uma das razes porque se juntaram

    nesta iniciativa os cinco chefes de cozinha, e razopela qual Rui Paula procura os ensinamentosde profissionais reconhecidos, dentro e fora dopas. O resultado o que tem vindo a acontecernos seus restaurantes DOP e DOC, cada vezmais procurados pelos apreciadores de boagastronomia e experincias sensoriais.O que me d mais prazer fazer so asamuse bouche, as coisas mais pequenas, querepresentam uma oferta do Chef ao consumidor,e so resultado de um trabalho rduo de todelicadas, como acontece por exemplo com umatortilha invertida ou trs queijos com trufa, e quesurpreendem as pessoas, partilhou Rui Paula Paixo pelo Vinho.

    Para o Chef o facto de chegar mesa e ver aspessoas contentes a melhor compensao quepode ter, e algo que o motiva, e sua equipa, acontinuar a seguir o percurso escolhido.Toda a gente sabe que a comida e o vinho casamna perfeio e so essenciais um para o outro.Combinar os vinhos com a comida essencial,referiu Rui Paula. Para esta reunio de cincochefes do norte, Rui Paula foi o terceiro a ocupara bancada partilhando com os presentes etelespectadores do programa um peixe-galo comrisotto de lima com molho de trs queijos e trufapreta. Provei o vinho, falei com o enlogo e acheique esta era uma boa ligao, referiu quandoquestionado sobre a sua es

    Para finalizar Rui Paula salientou que h umaprocura e h interesse pela boa gastronomia, preciso no parar e evoluir sempre mais!

    vtor matos renato cunha rui paulaFao comida de sentidos Cozinhar um ato de paixo Combinar os vinhos essencial



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    Atualmente frente dos destinos do restauranteShis, na Foz do Douro, Porto, Antnio Vieiraconcentra o seu dia a dia na continuidade de umagastronomia com qualidade. Para um futuro breveest a construir um espao para fazer workshops,complementando a oferta atravs da formao,que considera de fundamental importncia.Um espao novo surgir no Porto com a suaassinatura, e mais no desvendou, ficamos a

    aguardar novidades...Esta iniciativa do Porto Canal muito positiva,

    juntos podemos trocar ideias e transportar parafora que estamos unidos. Este intercmbio econvvio de chefes permite trocar experincias,e hoje fomos brindados com um dia magnfico,numa envolvncia nica como a Quinta daAveleda, referiu Antnio Vieira que trouxe paraesta gravao do programa Os Imperdveisum Borrego em duas confees com crumble decastanha e cogumelos, acompanhado de espargosverdes O vinho eleito foi o Follies TourigaNacional, que gosto bastante e estou certoacompanhar muito bem, confidenciou.Estamos no bom caminho, as pessoas procuram

    cada vez mais gastronomia de qualidade e a sualigao com bons vinhos, o vinho a copo umaboa alternativa e que, cada vez mais, deve serpromovido. O futuro , por isso, promissor.

    O restaurante Mesa, no Porto, a base habitualde Lus Amrico. O Chef tem vindo a traar umpercurso de continuidade, e os projetos vo-se sucedendo. Recentemente abriu, com doisscios, um novo espao na Afurada - Forneria deSo Pedro - um conceito que permite reunir aspessoas num espao alternativo, usufruindo deuma boa relao qualidade/preo. Em finais de

    julho, Lus Amrico tem programada a abertura

    de um restaurante em Macau, juntamente comoutro chefe de cozinha, isto porque Portugalest bem presente e h uma cozinha macaenseque no deixa de ser uma cozinha portuguesareinterpretada, afirmou o Chef.Para Lus Amrico, hoje em dia os chefespromovem a gastronomia por excelncia, cadavez mais em conjunto, e foi tambm assim queo Porto conseguiu renascer. H mais hotis,mais vida noturna, mais projetos, mais espaoscom alma, e mais clientes. Temos no norte umaforma mais prxima de estar com as pessoas, etemos de fazer do norte um destino de excelncia.Iniciativas como esta do Porto Canal do um bomcontributo, salientou.

    Preparei um arroz doce, acompanhado de masalteada que vou servir dentro de um frasquinhode compota, um recipiente diferente para criaruma mais-valia sobremesa, criando mesaum tema de conversa, a recordar memrias Oequilbrio com o vinho, vai certamente resultarbem, pois o toque da baunilha e o caramelizadoda ma potenciam algumas caractersticas doGrande Follies, partilhou o Chef Paixopelo Vinho.No que toca ao consumo do vinho, experimentarmais vinhos a copo tema da atualidade, apostarem vinhos de qualidade, recomendando aosconsumidores que provem sempre o vinho antespara verem se gostam e poderem provar um vinhopara cada prato. Para o Chef a equipa deve tera capacidade de ajudar o consumidor nas suasescolhas, ajudando a perceber as ligaes entreos sabores e os aromas.

    antnio vieira lus amrico

    Lder de mercado na Regio dos VinhosVerdes, a Aveleda uma empresafamiliar que h mais de trs sculos dirigida e orientada por geraes damesma famlia, cujo talento foi desdesempre devotado a produzir vinhos coma qualidade que se lhes reconhece ecuja fama desde h muito ultrapassoufronteiras. A Aveleda encontra-se entreas empresas portuguesas que maisexportam vinhos engarrafados, compresena em mais de 90 pases emtodos os continentes. A marca CasalGarcia constitui o Vinho Verde mais

    exportado e, ao mesmo tempo, o vinhobranco portugus mais vendido em todoo mundo. Quinta da Aveleda, AveledaFonte, Charamba, Gama Follies e aaguardente vnica Adega Velha so asprincipais marcas atualmente produzidaspela Aveleda. A qualidade e a perfeioso objetivos pelos quais esta empresatem trabalhado ao longo dos seus 300anos de histria. A sua misso passa porpartilhar os valores e o esprito Aveledapelo mundo. A luta pela concretizaodos seus objetivos ergue-se sobrepilares como dedicao, excelncia,inovao e responsabilidade social.

    Recentemente a Quinta da Aveleda foidistinguida com o Prmio InternacionalBest of Wine Tourism Award na categoriaArquitetura, Parques e Jardins.


    O futuro promissor Experimentar mais vinhos a copo



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    paixopelovin ho . wine passion . 2011026 |



    2nd March was an appealing day, reminding the

    arrival of spring. At Quinta da Aveleda, in Penafiel,

    ruled the enthusiasm and bustle for the production

    of another episode of the TV show Os Imperdveis

    (not to be missed), of the TV channel Porto Canal

    (a program that presents the best gastronomy

    in Northern Portugal, ranging from traditional

    to gourmet cuisine). To gather five chefs from

    Northern Portugal was the motto chosen, sharing

    with the audience of the program the quality of

    the cuisine from Northern Portugal, trying to

    balance in some way the options of another TV

    program that chose only Chef from Lisbon to show

    the Portuguese gastronomic reality. After all, all

    around Portugal there are more and more great

    professional. In the diversity is the knowledge and

    this initiative came to complement the sharing

    of knowledge and flavours with lovers, adding an

    essential element: the pairing with wines.

    At Quinta da Aveleda, which has recently won

    the International Award Best of Wine Tourism

    Award in the category Architecture, Parks and

    Gardens, met five chefs from northern Portugal

    of great value for the Portuguese gastronomy,

    with a common denominator the passion for

    gastronomy and wine: Vtor Matos (Casa da

    Calada), Renato Cunha (Ferrugem), Rui Paula

    (DOC/DOP), Antnio Vieira (Shis) and Lus Amrico

    (Mesa). To pair with the delicacies prepared were

    wines such as Quinta da Aveleda 2010 (produced

    with varietals such as Alvarinho, Loureiro and

    Trajadura, an harmonious wine, with fresh aroma,

    fruity and delicate, showing the presence of tropical

    fruits and elegant floral notes; long, persistent

    finish); Follies Alvarinho 2010 (with fruity, floral

    aromas, well matched in a complex, balanced

    with, smooth, velvety palate, still displaying some

    mineral notes, persistent, elegant finish); Grande

    Follies white 2009 (produced with varietals such

    as Chardonnay and Maria Gomes, it has aromatic

    complexity that is characterized by the extreme

    subtlety of a pallet rich in fruit, highlighting noted

    of ripe pear, apricot, lychee, as well as white

    flowers; in the mouth it is round and fresh, offering

    a feeling of subtlety and elegance characterized

    by fruity notes and a sucrose that ends in a long,

    smooth, rich finish); Follies Touriga Nacional/

    Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 (it has a desirable,

    intense, showing the presence of wild fruits and

    a slight touch of wood, with a feeling of vanilla;

    it has a quite fresh mouth, smooth tannins and

    elegance in its set, it is a customized, appealing

    wine); and finally Follies Touriga Nacional 2007

    (aromas of cassis, cherry and chocolate stand

    out together with notes of wood, in the mouth it

    is full-bodied, yet balanced and elegant, it shows

    notes of black fruits, fids and spices, with fierce,

    round tannins; long, creamy mouth finish). Manuel

    Soares is the oenologist in charge, and according

    to him to taste these wines and pair them with

    the courses of these excellent chefs was a great

    challenge. All the wines choses have recently

    been or will soon be launched on the market. The

    Aveleda wine aims at reaching the largest number

    possible of wine lovers, the new world consumer

    prevails and, fortunately, we are getting further

    and further, increasing exports, the oenologist

    mentioned, adding that the Portuguese drink less,

    but are drinking more and more higher quality

    wines, praising our work. Manuel Soares shared

    with the Wine Passion that he believes that chefs

    should know more about wines, and oenologists

    should know more about cuisine, as for example

    sommeliers, as there the need for professionals

    from several areas to adjust to what consumers

    wants and to be able to recommend.

    "Os chefes de cozinha

    deviam saber mais de vinhos

    e os enlogos deviam saber

    mais de cozinha, tal como

    os sommeliers."


    "Chefs should know more about wines,and oenologists should

    know more about cuisine, as for

    example sommeliers."


    v mSapateira desfiada com molho de moscatelde Setbal, lavagante glaceado, maracuj eesferificao de laranja algarvia.Shredded edible crab with Moscatel de Setbalsauce, glaze shrimp, passion fruit and Algarveorange spherification.

    r cPastel de (bacalhau com) natas.Pastry of (salt cod with) cream.

    r pPeixe galo com risotto de lima com molho detrs queijos e trufa preta.Angelfish with lime risotto with three cheesesand black truffle sauce.

    a vBorrego em Duas Confees com Crumble deCastanha e CogumelosLamb in Two Confection with Chestnut andMushroom Crumble

    l aArroz doce com ma caramelizada e canela.

    Rice pudding with caramelized apple andcinnamon.

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    The experience in Casa da Calada, in Amarante,

    has been quite positive, Vtor Matos assures, who

    has already won a Michelin Star, adding that it is a

    place that allows him to progress and make what

    he likes. "Casa da Calada is a dream, the Chef

    pointed out to the Wine Passion. This initiative of

    Porto Canal is, according to Vtor Matos, a good

    way to show that Portugal does not end in Lisbon,

    that in the north part of the country there are good

    restaurants and very good chefs. In Lisbon there

    are in fact remarkable professionals, such as Chef

    Cordeiro or Chef Leonel, but the truth is that we

    have to work all together, and the reality is that we

    learn a lot from each other, he highlighted.

    This Chef was the first to cook with the preparation

    of a starter: Edible Crab and European Lobster

    Shredded edible crab with Moscatel de Setbal

    sauce, glaze shrimp, passion fruit and Algarve

    orange spherification. For me cooking is fun,

    wine is part of it and I love it, the Chef joked

    when questioned about the wine and gastronomy

    relation, saying that one has to privilege our

    wines and our cuisine. When questioned aboutthe future, Chef Vtor Matos said he had already

    achieved the most likely: to win a Michelin Star.

    Now he could win another one, but in Portugal it

    will be difficult, he mentioned. The goal of any

    chef is to own his restaurant, bet in products with

    a good quality/ price ratio, with a simpler cuisine,

    but then I wont be able to do what I like the best

    However, the Chef assures that he never starts a

    project to last less than five years, and only then

    does he analyses the perspectives. And then there

    is the private life, the well-being of my family that

    always comes first, he confessed.

    Ferrugem celebrated five years of growing success.

    We have exceeded expectations and won several

    awards, and we wish to continue this path, Renato

    Cunha said. Always in continuous innovation,

    carrying out several experiences and absorbing

    knowledge, that Renato usually shares, he brought

    to this initiative at Quinta da Aveleda the most

    recent suggestion in the Ferrugem menu: Pastry

    of (salt cod with) cream, which is already patented.

    It is in fact a custard tart with a salty texture (salt

    cod). The feedback has been quite positive, the

    Chef assured. Every day that goes by I believe that

    we could have a strategic place to complement the

    Ferrugem restaurant, with a new concept, maybe

    in the centre of the city of Famalico. It is an idea

    Our project for the future is our consolidation, he

    pointed out.

    Wine and gastronomy cannot exist without each

    other. I am an absolute fan of Vinhos Verdes,

    unique in the world, with great potential due to

    their elegance and freshness. Renato Cunha also

    added that we are in the region that produces

    them and we should use them as a flag. Accordingto the Chef wine is a cultural product.

    When questioned about the importance of

    the option wine by the glass Renato said that

    in Portugal its implementation is exceeding

    expectations. The Chef cannot conceive a meal,

    with several gastronomic experiences, without

    a wine pairing it, and wine by the glass allows

    a quality/price ratio and it is an excellent way

    of pairing a wine with each course, without

    forgetting the type of glass and temperature, he

    mentioned, pointing also out that it is enough to

    have some quality wines that determine a certain

    profile fresher, more structured, finishing with a

    Port or a Madeira wine, for example.

    According to Renato Cunha to cook is an act of

    passion, of care and sharing with people, expecting

    them to feel it, because if it is not like that it does

    not make sense.

    The opening of DOP, in Porto, has been his latest

    adventure. Evolving, learning and being humble

    are Rui Paulas three mottos. Everything I have

    done with my team leads to be acknowledged, the

    Chef told us. In fact, team work is always privileged

    and the sharing of knowledge, which was one of the

    reasons why this five chefs accepted to participate

    in this action and the reason why Rui Paula

    seeks the teaching of recognized professionals,

    in Portugal and abroad. The result is what can

    be seen in his restaurants DOP and DOC, more

    and more sought after by the food and sensorial

    experience lovers.

    What gives me more pleasure to make are the

    amuse bouche, the smaller things that represent

    an offer of the Chef to consumers and are the

    result of the hard work of such delicate items, as

    it happens for instance with an inverted tortilla

    or three cheeses with truffle and which surprise

    people, Rui Paula shared with Wine Passion.

    According to the Chef to arrive at the table and see

    people happy is the pay he can have and something

    that motivates him and his team to continue in thepath chosen.

    Everyone knows that food and wine match

    perfectly and are essential to each other. Pairing

    wines with food is essential, Rui Paula said. For

    this encounter of five chefs of Northern Portugal,

    Rui Paula was the third to occupy the counter

    sharing with those attending and viewers of the

    show an angelfish with lime risotto with three

    cheeses and black truffle sauce. I tasted the wine,

    spoke with oenologists and thought this was a good

    pairing, he said when asked about his choice.

    To finish off Rui Paula pointed out that there is a

    demand and there is interest in good gastronomy,

    it is necessary not to spot and always evolve!

    vtor matos renato cunha rui paulaI make food of the senses To cook is an act of passion To pair wines is essential

    Q a 2010 F a 2010F tg n/cb sg 2009

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    paixopelovin ho . wine passion . 2011paixopelovin ho . wine passion . 2011028 |



    Currently in charge of the restaurant Shis, in Foz

    do Douro, Porto, Antnio Vieira focuses his daily life

    in contributing to quality gastronomy. For the near

    future he is building a space to conduct workshops,

    to complete the offer through training, which he

    considers of vital importance. A new space with

    his signature will be available in Porto but he did

    not say more about this, so we will await further


    This initiative by Porto Canal is very positive;

    together we can exchange ideas and convey to

    the outside that we are united. This exchange and

    meeting of chefs allows sharing experiences and

    today we were gifted with a wonderful day in such a

    unique space as Quinta da Aveleda, Antnio Vieira

    said and he brought to the recording of the show

    Os Imperdveis a Lamb in two confections with

    a chestnut and mushroom crumble, served with

    green asparagus The chosen wine was o Follies

    Touriga Nacional, which I like a lot and I am sure

    will pair beautifully with the food, he told us.

    We are on the right track, people look even more

    for quality gastronomy and their connection withgood wines; wine by the glass is a nice alternative

    and which should be more and more promoted.

    The future is therefore promising.

    The restaurant Mesa, in Porto, is Lus Amricos

    usual home. The Chef has been making a continuity

    path and he has been involved in more and more

    projects. Recently he opened with two partners

    a new space in Afurada - Forneria de So Pedro

    a concept that allows gathering people in an

    alternative space, taking advantage of a nice

    quality/price ratio. In late July, Lus Amrico has

    already scheduled the opening of a restaurant in

    Macao, together with another chef, since Portugal

    is widely represented and there is a Macao cuisine

    that is still a reinterpretation of the Portuguese

    cuisine, the Chef said.

    According to Lus Amrico, nowadays chefs

    promote gastronomy par excellence, even more

    together, and it was in this way that Porto was

    able to be reborn. There are more hotels, more

    nightlife, more projects, more soulful spaces and

    more clients. We have in Northern Portugal a

    warmer way of dealing with people and we have

    to turn Northern Portugal into a destination of

    excellence. Initiatives such as this by Porto Canal

    are a good contribution, he pointed out.I prepared a rice pudding, accompanied with

    sauted Apple which I will serve inside a jam jar,

    a different container to give added value to the

    dessert, giving people at the table something to

    talk about, to take a walk down memory lane The

    balance with wine will certainly work beautifully,

    since the touch of vanilla and the caramelized

    apple make some of the characteristics of the

    Grande Follies stand out, the Chef told Wine

    Passion. As far as wine consumption is concerned,

    experimenting more wines by the glass is a much

    discussed topic nowadays, betting in quality wines,

    recommending to consumers to always taste the

    wine first to see if they like it and be able to taste

    a wine for each course. According to the Chef the

    team has to have the capacity to help the consumer

    in his choices, helping him realize the connections

    between the flavours and the aromas.

    antnio vieira lus amricoI make food of the senses Experimenting more wines by the glass

    Market leader in the Vinhos Verdes

    Region, Aveleda is a family company that

    for over three centuries is managed and

    led by generations of the same family,

    whose talent has always been devoted

    to produce wines with the quality that is

    recognized to this company and which for

    a long time has not simply been limited

    to Portugal. Aveleda is among the biggest

    Portuguese exporting companies of

    bottled wines, being represented in over

    90 countries in all continents. The Casal

    Garcia brand is the most exported Vinho

    Verde and at the same time the top selling

    white wine all over the world. Quinta da

    Aveleda, Aveleda Fonte, Charamba, Gama

    Follies and the Adega Velha brandy are

    the main brands currently produced by

    Aveleda. The quality and perfection are

    objectives that this company has worked

    for during its 300 years of history. Its

    mission involves sharing the values and

    spirit of Aveleda all over the world. The

    fight to achieve its goals is based on

    pillars such as dedication, excellence,

    innovation and social responsibility.

    Recently Quinta da Aveleda won the

    International Award Best of Wine Tourism

    Award in the category Architecture,

    Parks and Gardens.


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