Page 1: Festa do Sócio 12 de · Infelizmente apenas 90 pessoas apareceram e eu pergunto: ... feijoada para o jantar,

Peço desculpa a todos que tem estado à espera ansiosamente durante os últimos meses, tran-quilamente antecipando a chegada do nosso boletim. Aqueles de vocês que nos deram o seu endereço de e-mail têm sido actualizados com informações do centro, mas infelizmente escrever, imprimir e o envio do Mensal leva tempo que eu nem sempre tenho. Obrigado pela sua paciência. Isto dito, eu gostaria de pedir a todos que tenha um endereço de e-mail para visitar o nosso website no e se inscrever para o Mensal digital - você vai receber notícias do NPCC mais rápido, você vai salvar algumas árvores e vai ajudar a aliviar a nossa carga de trabalho. Para aqueles que não visitaram o nosso site nos últimos meses. Na primeira página temos uma lista dos próximos eventos, que está sendo constantemente

actualizado, links para sites dos nossos patrocinadores e um arquivo de O Mensal. No futuro eu vou estar adicionando imagens e vídeo também.

Eu gostaria de começar com algumas pala-vras de desapontamento em relação ao nosso jantar Bolsas para estudantes no dia 17 de Setembro. Como todos sabem, nós o nosso primeiro premio de Bolsas para estudantes Luso-canadianos foi concedido em Junho - um projecto que foi iniciado pelo ACAPO.

Os 34 clubes foram convidados a apresen-tar cada um dos alunos de seu clube com uma bolsa num valor entre $ 500 e $ 2000. O nosso Centro aceitou o desafio e no dia da apresentação fomos um dos dez clubes que apresentou um prémio. Sandra Inácio, Teresa Rainho e eu trabalhamos arduamente para angariar o máximo de $ 2000. Graças à generosidade de alguns patrocinadores maravilhosos, fizemos isso sem usar nenhum centavo do nosso Centro. Embora a cerimó-nia oficial foi realizada pelo ACAPO na Casa das Beiras, a nossa direcção decidiu organi-zar uma segunda cerimónia em Oshawa. As razões foram as seguintes: 1. Sentimos que era necessário oferecer um sinal de gratidão aos patrocinadores - muitos deles não têm ligações directas com a nossa comunidade, 2. Sentimos que era importante dar aos nossos membros a oportunidade de se envolverem, especialmente quando consideramos a maio-ria temos filhos ou netos que são ou serão um dia elegíveis para a bolsa de estudos, 3. Finalmente, após dois meses de pouca renda achamos que era uma óptima oportunidade para colocamos algum dinheiro nos cofres do Centro! Infelizmente apenas 90 pessoas apareceram e eu pergunto: “por quê?”. A banda foi ótima, a comida foi ótima, as razões eram importantes. A comissão fez tudo certo, mas a maioria ficou em casa. Peço desculpas por dedicar tanto tempo a este assunto, mas acho que é importante, e depois de algumas conversas que tive com alguns dos nossos sócios, acho que é necessário educar todos sobre o processo na esperança de que a Bolsa de Estudos 2012 será um grande sucesso. Se apoiarmos os jovens e eles serão nossos fu-turos líderes.

David Ganhão Relações Publicas , NPCC

Yard Sale e BBQ 15 Outubro, 09:00Está na hora de limpar o porão, doar seus artigos indesejados, levar para casa algumas novidades e juntar-nos para um BBQ. Estare-mos vendendo um hotdog, chips e pop por $ 3,00 ou um hamburger, chips e pop por $ 5,00. Por favor, traga qualquer itens que você esteja doando ao centro antes de sexta-feira 14 de Outubro.

Festa do Sócio 12 de NovembroNós celebraremos este evento anual por volta do Dia de São Martinho (11 de Novembro), que é historicamente quando o Português, prova o vinho novo, tradicionalmente ao redor de uma fogueira enquanto comem castanhas assadas. Estaremos servindo feijoada para o jantar, seguido por ranchos folclóricas e castanhas assadas. Este é um evento grátis para todos os nossos membros, os preços para não-sócios estarão disponíveis no nosso site em breve.

Passagem de Ano 31 de Dezembro, 18:00 Vamos dizer adeus a 2011 no nosso Centro com a música animada dos Jovem Império e uma refeição de quatro pratos! Carne assada com batatas e legumes, carnes assadas Halibut com arroz e salada, crepes com gelado para sobremesa e champanhe servido com Bolo Rei à meia-noite. Compre seus bilhetes cedo - os preços sobem 16 de Dezembro Preços: sócios $ 85, não-sócios $ 90, jovens (12-17) $ 45, crianças (7-11) $ 20 crianças de 6 anos ou menos não pagam Preços após 15 de Dezembro: sócios $ 90, não-sócios $ 100 jovens (12-17) $ 45, crianças (7-11) $ 20 crianças de 6 ou menos não pagam.

OUTUBRO 2011 www.nor thernpor tugal .org

José Manuel & Sharlene

Elvis Carvalho

Page 2: Festa do Sócio 12 de · Infelizmente apenas 90 pessoas apareceram e eu pergunto: ... feijoada para o jantar,

My apologies to everyone that has been anxiously checking their mailbox over the last few months, quietly anticipating the arrival of our humble newsletter. Those of you who gave us your email address have been kept up to date with club info, but unfortunately writing, printing, and mailing the Mensal takes time that I don’t always have. Thank you for your patience. That said, I’d like to ask everyone who has an email address to please go to our website at and sign up for the digital Mensal – you’ll receive club news quicker, you’ll save a few trees and it will help keep our work-load down. For those who haven’t been to our site in a while, please take some time to visit. I spent some time over the summer redesigning it to make it more informative. On the front page we have a list of upcoming events, which is constantly being updated, as well as links to sponsor websites and an archive of O Mensal. In future I’ll be adding pictures and video as well.I’d like to start with some words of disappointment regarding our Scholarship Dinner on September 17th. As everyone knows, we awarded our first NPCC Luso-Canadian Scholarship in June – a project which was initiated by ACAPO. The 34 clubs were each asked to present one student from their club with a cash scholarship valued at $500 - $2000. Our Centre accepted the challenge and on the day of the presentation we were one of ten clubs that awarded a

prize. Sandra Inacio, Teresa Rainho and myself worked very hard to raise the $2000 maximum. Thanks to the generosity of some wonderful sponsors, we did this without using any of our Centre’s money. Although the official ceremony was held by ACAPO at Casa das Beiras, our committee decided to host a second ceremony here. The reasons were as follows: 1. We felt it was necessary to offer a token of gratitude to the sponsors – many of them have no direct ties to our community; 2. We felt it was important to give our members the opportunity to be involved, especially when we consider most of us have children or grandchildren who are or will one day be eligible for the scholarship; 3. Finally, after two months of very little income we thought it was a great opportunity to put some money into the Centre’s coffers! Unfortunately only 90 people showed up and I ask myself, “why?”. The band was great, the food was great, the reasons were great. The committee did everything right, yet most of us didn’t care. I apologize for dedicating so much time to this issue, but I find it important, and after a few conversations I had with some of our members, I find it necessary to educate everyone on the process in hopes that the 2012 Scholarship will be a bigger success. Support the youth and they will be our leaders.David Ganhao, Public Relations, NPCC

Yard Sale and BBQ October 15th at 9amIt’s time to clean out the basement, donate your unwanted items, take home some new ones and join us for a BBQ. We will be selling a hotdog, chips and pop for $3.00 or a ham-burger, chips and pop $5.00 Anyone donating items is asked to drop them off at the club by Friday Oct 14th.

Festa do SoçioNovember 12, 2011, 6pm We hold this annual event around St Mar-tin’s Day (November 11), which is histori-cally when the Portuguese taste the new wine, traditionally around a bonfire while eating roasted chestnuts. We will be serving feijoada for dinner, followed by folklore, dancing and roasted chestnuts. This is a free event for all of our members, prices for non-members will be available on our website soon.

New Year’s Eve CelebrationDecember 31st, 6pmWelcome 2012 at our Centre with the lively music of Jovem Imperio and a four-course meal! Roast beef with potatoes and veggies, baked halibut steaks with rice and salad, crepes with ice cream for desert and cham-pagne served with Bolo Rei at midnight. Buy your tickets early – prices go up December 16th Prices: members $85, non-members $90, youths (12-17) $45, children (7-11) $20, children 6 and under are free. Prices after De-cember 15th: members $90, non-members $100, youths (12-17) $45, children (7-11) $20, children 6 and under are free.

Tina & Breanna

Page 3: Festa do Sócio 12 de · Infelizmente apenas 90 pessoas apareceram e eu pergunto: ... feijoada para o jantar,

Quero em primeiro lugar agradecer a todos os que participaram na festa do Marcelo Neves e o Cozido a Portuguesa que estava uma delicia.Quero agradecer as minhas colegas por terem aceitado o meu convite para formar uma Direcção só de Senhoras, no entanto tenho a agradecer aos Senhores que nos tem ajudado muito, o Miguel Araújo que nos tem ajudado muito nas (Contas)e no Bar, ao David Ganhão que nos tem ajudado com tudo (tudo o que diz respeito a convites, cartazes, organizar as mesas e com o nosso Mensal etc.), ao Custodio Fernandes que tem trabalhado muito no bar, e quem se encarrega de todas as bebidas alcoólicas do bar, ao Sr. Manuel Araújo que faz a matinense do clube, não esquecendo o nosso Chefe de cozinha que e o Sr. Carlos Dias. A todos o meu Muito Obrigado.Como todos sabem eu tenho tentado fazer com que o nosso Clube seja conhecido, para assim arranjarmos mais Sócios, o que já aconteceu (já temos novos Sócios), já foi Publicado em diversos Jornais em Toronto, assim como no Jornal dos Arcos de Valdevez, Graças à Maria Gil por escrever os artigos. Também já falei na Rádio com Maria Fernanda.

Desde já agradeço a colaboração de todos os Sócios. Madalena Matos, Presidente, NPCCI first would like to thank all those who participated in our last celebration – Marcelo Neves was great and the Portuguese stew which was delicious.I want to thank my colleagues for having accepted my invitation to form a ladies only Committee, however I have to thank the gentlemen that have helped us. Miguel Araújo, who has helped us greatly (Accounting and in the bar), David Ganhão who has helped us with everything (invitations, posters, seating arrangements, writing the Mensal, maintaining our website, etc.), Custodio Fernandes who works hard in the bar and who also takes care of purchasing and stocking it. Mr. Manuel Araújo who is in charge of the centre’s maintenance, and lastly our chef Mr. Carlos Dias. I am grateful to all of you.As everyone knows I’ve tried to publicize our club in an attempt to bring in new members, which has already happened (yes, we have new members), we have had articles published in several Toronto newspapers, as

well as the Noticias dos Arcos de Valdevez in Portugal. Thanks to Maria Gil for writing the articles. I have also spoken with Maria Fernanda on the Radio.Finally, I appreciate and am very grateful for the cooperation of all of our members.Madalena Matos, President, NPCC

Seasons change and Spring is here. We watch the temperature rise and flowers bloom and we think about the wonderful things we’ll do over the next few months. The same thing is happening at the NPCC – change. Our new committee has been running the centre since March 1st and they’ve brought some fresh ideas to the table that are sure to keep us all excited and busy. The committee held their first festa on March 26th and it was a grand night by all accounts. The night started with a traditional meal – Cuzido á Portuguesa and was followed by the singing of Tânia Barbosa opening the show for Marcelo Neves who once again put on a great performance and kept the dance floor busy for the entire night.

Honorary Member - For those who missed our last general meeting (and shame on you!), our members voted Henrique Pereira as our 2010 Honorary Member. Congratulations Henrique and thank you for the many years you’ve served as the driving rhythm behind of our rancho. To honour Henrique we don’t have money or prizes, but his name will join Carlos Dias’ (the 2009 winner) on the plaque in our member’s lounge. 2011 Committees - I am proud to announce a very strong group of volunteers that will be running our club this year. Not only are they working hard to prepare a schedule of quality events they are also off to a great start promoting our club. They’ve been featured in five newspapers, including Notiçias dos Arcos and our president spent a few minutes chatting with Maria Fernanda on CIRV radio about future events. They are intelligent, organized and most importantly share a passion for our club and all things portuguese as do all the members of our various committees. Thanks to everyone involved.CommitteePresident- Madelena Matos Vice President - Cristina Coito Galrão Secretary - Sandra Inacio Vice-Secretary - Carminda Pereira

Treasurer - Melennie deSousa Vogal - Maria Araujo Vogal - Laurinda VieiraGeneral Assembly President - Miguel Araujo Vice President - Carlos deSousaFinancial Committee Antonio Galvão Jackie Galvão deSousa Grace Brito RockfordRancho Directors Bruno e Torcato Vieira Coreographer - Albert Fernandes Assistant Choreographer - Carma deSousaKitchen Commmittee Chef - Carlos Dias Chef - Carminda Pereira Assistant - Maria Araujo Assistant - Laurinda VieiraBar Committee Manager - Custodio FernandesBartenders - Cláudio Abreu , Henrique Costa, Sandra Dantas, Cristina Galrão, Carlos Inácio, Madalena Matos, Alcides Pereira e Carminda PereiraMaintenance Committee Manuel Araujo Armando BritoPublic Relations David GanhãoWe are looking for a few more volunteers to work in the bar please contact Custodio if you are interested.Fiesta Week - Our annual showcase of portuguese culture kicks off on Sunday June 19th with a BBQ lunch after the fiesta parade and our club will be open from June 23th to June 25th. Many hands are needed to make Fiesta Week happen which is why are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of running this event – kitchen, set-up, clean-up or bar staff. If you can volunteer some time and most of you can, please contact a member of the committee.Contact Information - We ask that members notify the committee of any change in their contact information. It is important to keep your contact information up to date so that you can be informed of all meetings and upcoming events.Finally, we’d like to remind anyone who hasn’t paid their membership dues to please do so soon. Dues are due by March 31st every year.

Dança da Juventude - O Grupo da Juventude do Northern Portugal Cultural Centre realizou o seu primeiro evento na sexta-feira dia 18 de Março. Tivemos uma dança para nós, as crianças das 8 ás 11 da noite. Nenhum pai foi permitido entrar!. Todos nós tivemos um bom tempo. A música era boa (graças ao Mark Ganhão por nos emprestar seu equipamento). Noah e Anthony foram grandes DJs. A banda mana tocaram um mini concerto para nós! Todos dançaram e se divertiram-se juntos! Estamos todos ansiosos para o próximo evento do Grupo de Jovens. Esperemos que da próxima vez, mais crianças vão sair e se juntar à nossa diversão. O Grupo de Jovens gostaria de ter eventos mensais no clube. Convido a todos interessados para juntarem-se ao nosso grupo. Quantos mais melhor!Relatório da Olivia PereiraDurham Has Talent - No mês passado, dois dos nossos membros mais novos, Anthony Araújo e Anthony Dantas, entraram no concurso Durham Has Talent no Oshawa Centre. Eu vi os vídeos na internet, e votei muitas vezes para os artistas. São dois rapazes com muita ambição e talento e eu admiro isso.

Anthony Dantas teve um desempenho estrondoso a tocar á bateria e ficou no top 5 durante alguns dias da votação, mas infelizmente não recebeu votos suficientes para passar às finais. Anthony Araújo levou seus passos de break dance para o palco e ao fim da primeira faz recebeu 1.540 votos tornando-se um dos finalistas! Infelizmente, a competição foi difícil e apesar de uma grande actuação o Anthony não venceu, mas isso não parece incomodou o nosso jovem dançarino. Ele estava muito feliz por ter participado e também estava contente que os seus amigos do Grupo de Jovens tinham unido na noite anterior para fazer cartazes e foram apoiá-lo nas finais.mana - Olá a todos. mana gostaria de dizer um agradecimento especial para o clube por nos deixar tocar e pelo apoio. Nós estamos gostando de tocar no conjunto. Nós já aprendemos cinco músicas e nós desenhamos um logotipo que eu acho que é bastante fixe. Se não fosse o apoio do centro, ainda estaríamos praticando no porão da Alexa e o Anthony! Outro agradecimento especial aos nossos pais, porque se não fosse por eles, mana não existiria. Na nossa próxima actuação, esperamos que haverá outro conjunto de jovens, há que começar a praticar!Artigo da Maya Ganhão

Youth Dance - The Northern Portugal Cultural Centre Youth Group held their first event on Friday March 18th. We had a dance for us kids from 8-11pm. No parents allowed!. We all had a great time. The music was great (thanks to Mark for lending us his equipment). Noah and Anthony were great DJs. The band mana put on a great performance for us! Everybody danced and had a good time together! We’re all looking forward to the next Youth Group event. Hopefully next time, more kids will come out and join the fun. The Youth Group would like to have monthly events at the Club, if you’re interested in joining us at our get togethers, just come out. The more the better!Article by Olivia PereiraDurham Has Talent - Last month two of our younger members, Anthony Araujo and Anthony Dantas, entered the Durham Has Talent at the Oshawa Centre. I watched both performances online, placed many votes for both artists and must say that I admire both boys for their ambition and talent.Anthony Dantas gave a thundering performance on his drum kit and was in the top 5 for a few days of the voting but sadly didn’t garner enough votes to move on to the finals.

Madalena Matos

Anthony Araujo took his break dancing moves to the stage and ultimately received 1540 votes making him one of the finalists! Unfortunately the competition was stiff and despite a great performance Anthony didn’t win, but this didn’t seem to bother our young dancer. He was very happy to have participated and was also grateful to his peers in the youth group who got together the night before to make posters and showed up to the final to support and cheer him on.mana - Hi everyone, mana would like to say a special thank you to the club for letting us play and for the support. We’re having lot’s of fun. We’ve already learned five songs and we’ve designed a logo which i think is pretty awesome. If it wasn’t for the club we would still be practicing in Alexa and Anthony’s basement! Another special thanks is to our parents because if it wasn’t for them, mana wouldn’t exist. At our next performance we hope there will be an opening act, so start practicing!Article by Maya Ganhão

Marcelo e Custodio

Quero em primeiro lugar agradecer a todos os que participaram na festa do Marcelo Neves e o Cozido a Portuguesa que estava uma delicia.Quero agradecer as minhas colegas por terem aceitado o meu convite para formar uma Direcção só de Senhoras, no entanto tenho a agradecer aos Senhores que nos tem ajudado muito, o Miguel Araújo que nos tem ajudado muito nas (Contas)e no Bar, ao David Ganhão que nos tem ajudado com tudo (tudo o que diz respeito a convites, cartazes, organizar as mesas e com o nosso Mensal etc.), ao Custodio Fernandes que tem trabalhado muito no bar, e quem se encarrega de todas as bebidas alcoólicas do bar, ao Sr. Manuel Araújo que faz a matinense do clube, não esquecendo o nosso Chefe de cozinha que e o Sr. Carlos Dias. A todos o meu Muito Obrigado.Como todos sabem eu tenho tentado fazer com que o nosso Clube seja conhecido, para assim arranjarmos mais Sócios, o que já aconteceu (já temos novos Sócios), já foi Publicado em diversos Jornais em Toronto, assim como no Jornal dos Arcos de Valdevez, Graças à Maria Gil por escrever os artigos. Também já falei na Rádio com Maria Fernanda.

Desde já agradeço a colaboração de todos os Sócios. Madalena Matos, Presidente, NPCCI first would like to thank all those who participated in our last celebration – Marcelo Neves was great and the Portuguese stew which was delicious.I want to thank my colleagues for having accepted my invitation to form a ladies only Committee, however I have to thank the gentlemen that have helped us. Miguel Araújo, who has helped us greatly (Accounting and in the bar), David Ganhão who has helped us with everything (invitations, posters, seating arrangements, writing the Mensal, maintaining our website, etc.), Custodio Fernandes who works hard in the bar and who also takes care of purchasing and stocking it. Mr. Manuel Araújo who is in charge of the centre’s maintenance, and lastly our chef Mr. Carlos Dias. I am grateful to all of you.As everyone knows I’ve tried to publicize our club in an attempt to bring in new members, which has already happened (yes, we have new members), we have had articles published in several Toronto newspapers, as

well as the Noticias dos Arcos de Valdevez in Portugal. Thanks to Maria Gil for writing the articles. I have also spoken with Maria Fernanda on the Radio.Finally, I appreciate and am very grateful for the cooperation of all of our members.Madalena Matos, President, NPCC

Seasons change and Spring is here. We watch the temperature rise and flowers bloom and we think about the wonderful things we’ll do over the next few months. The same thing is happening at the NPCC – change. Our new committee has been running the centre since March 1st and they’ve brought some fresh ideas to the table that are sure to keep us all excited and busy. The committee held their first festa on March 26th and it was a grand night by all accounts. The night started with a traditional meal – Cuzido á Portuguesa and was followed by the singing of Tânia Barbosa opening the show for Marcelo Neves who once again put on a great performance and kept the dance floor busy for the entire night.

Honorary Member - For those who missed our last general meeting (and shame on you!), our members voted Henrique Pereira as our 2010 Honorary Member. Congratulations Henrique and thank you for the many years you’ve served as the driving rhythm behind of our rancho. To honour Henrique we don’t have money or prizes, but his name will join Carlos Dias’ (the 2009 winner) on the plaque in our member’s lounge. 2011 Committees - I am proud to announce a very strong group of volunteers that will be running our club this year. Not only are they working hard to prepare a schedule of quality events they are also off to a great start promoting our club. They’ve been featured in five newspapers, including Notiçias dos Arcos and our president spent a few minutes chatting with Maria Fernanda on CIRV radio about future events. They are intelligent, organized and most importantly share a passion for our club and all things portuguese as do all the members of our various committees. Thanks to everyone involved.CommitteePresident- Madelena Matos Vice President - Cristina Coito Galrão Secretary - Sandra Inacio Vice-Secretary - Carminda Pereira

Treasurer - Melennie deSousa Vogal - Maria Araujo Vogal - Laurinda VieiraGeneral Assembly President - Miguel Araujo Vice President - Carlos deSousaFinancial Committee Antonio Galvão Jackie Galvão deSousa Grace Brito RockfordRancho Directors Bruno e Torcato Vieira Coreographer - Albert Fernandes Assistant Choreographer - Carma deSousaKitchen Commmittee Chef - Carlos Dias Chef - Carminda Pereira Assistant - Maria Araujo Assistant - Laurinda VieiraBar Committee Manager - Custodio FernandesBartenders - Cláudio Abreu , Henrique Costa, Sandra Dantas, Cristina Galrão, Carlos Inácio, Madalena Matos, Alcides Pereira e Carminda PereiraMaintenance Committee Manuel Araujo Armando BritoPublic Relations David GanhãoWe are looking for a few more volunteers to work in the bar please contact Custodio if you are interested.Fiesta Week - Our annual showcase of portuguese culture kicks off on Sunday June 19th with a BBQ lunch after the fiesta parade and our club will be open from June 23th to June 25th. Many hands are needed to make Fiesta Week happen which is why are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of running this event – kitchen, set-up, clean-up or bar staff. If you can volunteer some time and most of you can, please contact a member of the committee.Contact Information - We ask that members notify the committee of any change in their contact information. It is important to keep your contact information up to date so that you can be informed of all meetings and upcoming events.Finally, we’d like to remind anyone who hasn’t paid their membership dues to please do so soon. Dues are due by March 31st every year.

Dança da Juventude - O Grupo da Juventude do Northern Portugal Cultural Centre realizou o seu primeiro evento na sexta-feira dia 18 de Março. Tivemos uma dança para nós, as crianças das 8 ás 11 da noite. Nenhum pai foi permitido entrar!. Todos nós tivemos um bom tempo. A música era boa (graças ao Mark Ganhão por nos emprestar seu equipamento). Noah e Anthony foram grandes DJs. A banda mana tocaram um mini concerto para nós! Todos dançaram e se divertiram-se juntos! Estamos todos ansiosos para o próximo evento do Grupo de Jovens. Esperemos que da próxima vez, mais crianças vão sair e se juntar à nossa diversão. O Grupo de Jovens gostaria de ter eventos mensais no clube. Convido a todos interessados para juntarem-se ao nosso grupo. Quantos mais melhor!Relatório da Olivia PereiraDurham Has Talent - No mês passado, dois dos nossos membros mais novos, Anthony Araújo e Anthony Dantas, entraram no concurso Durham Has Talent no Oshawa Centre. Eu vi os vídeos na internet, e votei muitas vezes para os artistas. São dois rapazes com muita ambição e talento e eu admiro isso.

Anthony Dantas teve um desempenho estrondoso a tocar á bateria e ficou no top 5 durante alguns dias da votação, mas infelizmente não recebeu votos suficientes para passar às finais. Anthony Araújo levou seus passos de break dance para o palco e ao fim da primeira faz recebeu 1.540 votos tornando-se um dos finalistas! Infelizmente, a competição foi difícil e apesar de uma grande actuação o Anthony não venceu, mas isso não parece incomodou o nosso jovem dançarino. Ele estava muito feliz por ter participado e também estava contente que os seus amigos do Grupo de Jovens tinham unido na noite anterior para fazer cartazes e foram apoiá-lo nas finais.mana - Olá a todos. mana gostaria de dizer um agradecimento especial para o clube por nos deixar tocar e pelo apoio. Nós estamos gostando de tocar no conjunto. Nós já aprendemos cinco músicas e nós desenhamos um logotipo que eu acho que é bastante fixe. Se não fosse o apoio do centro, ainda estaríamos praticando no porão da Alexa e o Anthony! Outro agradecimento especial aos nossos pais, porque se não fosse por eles, mana não existiria. Na nossa próxima actuação, esperamos que haverá outro conjunto de jovens, há que começar a praticar!Artigo da Maya Ganhão

Youth Dance - The Northern Portugal Cultural Centre Youth Group held their first event on Friday March 18th. We had a dance for us kids from 8-11pm. No parents allowed!. We all had a great time. The music was great (thanks to Mark for lending us his equipment). Noah and Anthony were great DJs. The band mana put on a great performance for us! Everybody danced and had a good time together! We’re all looking forward to the next Youth Group event. Hopefully next time, more kids will come out and join the fun. The Youth Group would like to have monthly events at the Club, if you’re interested in joining us at our get togethers, just come out. The more the better!Article by Olivia PereiraDurham Has Talent - Last month two of our younger members, Anthony Araujo and Anthony Dantas, entered the Durham Has Talent at the Oshawa Centre. I watched both performances online, placed many votes for both artists and must say that I admire both boys for their ambition and talent.Anthony Dantas gave a thundering performance on his drum kit and was in the top 5 for a few days of the voting but sadly didn’t garner enough votes to move on to the finals.

Madalena Matos

Anthony Araujo took his break dancing moves to the stage and ultimately received 1540 votes making him one of the finalists! Unfortunately the competition was stiff and despite a great performance Anthony didn’t win, but this didn’t seem to bother our young dancer. He was very happy to have participated and was also grateful to his peers in the youth group who got together the night before to make posters and showed up to the final to support and cheer him on.mana - Hi everyone, mana would like to say a special thank you to the club for letting us play and for the support. We’re having lot’s of fun. We’ve already learned five songs and we’ve designed a logo which i think is pretty awesome. If it wasn’t for the club we would still be practicing in Alexa and Anthony’s basement! Another special thanks is to our parents because if it wasn’t for them, mana wouldn’t exist. At our next performance we hope there will be an opening act, so start practicing!Article by Maya Ganhão

Marcelo e Custodio

Voluntários JovensEu gostaria, mais uma vez lembrar aos nossos estudantes que gostariam de se voluntariem no nosso centro para entrem em contacto com um membro da comissão. O tempo que você regista no centro pode ser usado para as horas necessárias para o OSSD Community involvement activites.

Youth VolunteersI’d like once again remind our high school students who would like to volunteer some time at our centre to please contact a member wpof the committee. The time you log at the centre can be used towards the required OSSD Community involvement activites.

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