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o Os substantivos em inglês classificam–se em: contáveis, incontáveis,

concretos e abstratos.

o Os substantivos se modificam em inglês para fazer o plural dos mesmos e

para demonstrar posse.

o Os gêneros dos substantivos em inglês podem ser classificados em quatro:

masculino, feminino, neutro e comum.

a) Substantivos contáveis:

São normalmente concretos, podem ser contatos e têm plural;

Exemplo: a box, four boxes.

There are twenty-five computers in the computer room.

How many students are there in your classroom?

b) Substantivos incontáveis:

São normalmente abstratos e não podem ser contados e não têm plural;

Exemplo: coffee

(essa regra aplica-se a todos os tipos de bebidas: lemonade, tea, beer, water).

Would you like some coffee?

I need some water, please?

Outros exemplos de substantivos incontáveis em inglês;

o Accommodation:

She is looking for accommodation in Paris.

o Advice

The University will be able to give some advice.

o Bread (meat, cheese, cake)

Edward is going to buy some bread.

o Chaos

There was a complete chaos in the building during the fire.

o Furniture

We haven’t got any furniture in our flat yet.

o Hair

Albert has got brown hair and blue eyes.

o Information

Could you give-me some information, please?

o Luggage

Have you got any luggage? I can’t see any bags!

o Money

Could you lend me some money?

o News

The news is very shocking tonight.

o Paper

Have you got paper? I Would like to write down your address.

o Permission

You have to ask for permission, if you want to use the telephone.

o Progress

Your English is excellent, you have made progress.

o Scenery

What beautiful scenery you can see at the top of this bridge.

o Trouble

Martha had some trouble with her car this afternoon.

o Weather

When we were in Italy we had very good weather.

o Work

Joe is unemployed at the moment, he is looking for work.

Alguns exemplos de determinantes (determiner) utilizados antes dos substantivos


Some: Can I have some wine, please?

A slice of: Can I have a slice of cake, please?

An item of: Can I borrow an item of clothing from your mother?

A lump of: Can I have a lump of sugar, please?

A piece of: I will remove a piece of furniture from my bedroom.

A cup of/ a glass of: .Would you like a cup of tea?

.Would you like a glass of wine?

c) Plural dos substantivos contáveis:

1. Singular + S:

Para a maioria dos substantivos em inglês, forma-se o plural acrescentando “s” ao

singular dos mesmos:


Bag – bags; book – books; teacher – teachers; chair – chairs

2. Singular + ES:

Os substantivos terminados em O, X, CH, SH, S, SS, e Z fazem o plural em –ES.


Potato – potatoes

Fox – foxes

Watch – watches

Brush – brushes

Bus – buses

Boss – bosses

Waltz – waltzes

Não seguem a regra os substantivos terminados em –CH que têm na

pronúncia o som final de K.


Patriarch – patriarchs

Monarch - monarchs

Epoch – epochs

Stomach – stomachs

Também não seguem a regra os substantivos terminados em – O precedidos

de vogal, eles formam o plural em –S.


Bamboo – bamboos

Studio – studios

Os substantivos considerados estrangeiros também recebem apenas o –S

para formar o plural.


Photo – photos

Piano – pianos

Dynamo – dynamos

Magneto – magnetos

Kilo – kilos

Solo – solos

Memento - mementos

3. Singular terminado em Y:

Os substantivos terminados em Y precedidos de vogal formam o plural com –S.


Tray - trays

Boy – boys

Day – days

Monkey – monkeys

Os terminados em Y precedidos de consoante trocam o Y por –IES.


Family – families

Party – parties

Study – studies

Secretary - secretaries

Não seguem a regra os nomes próprios. Se o substantivo for nome próprio

terminado em Y precedido de consoante, acrescentamos apenas o –S.


Kennedy – Kenedys

Mary – Marys

4. Singular terminado em –F e –FE:

Os substantivos terminados em –F e –FE trocam o –F e –FE por –VES.


Leaf – leaves

Wolf – wolves

Shelf- shelves

Wife – wives

Knife – knives

Life – lives

Não seguem a essa regra os seguintes substantivos em inglês:

Dwarf – dwarfs

Grief – griefs

Chief – chiefs

Handkerchief – handkerchiefs

Roof – roofs

Proof – proofs

Safe –safes

Belief – beliefs

Sheriff – sheriffs

Turf – turfs

Cliff – cliffs

Scarf – scarfs/scarves

5. Singular terminado em –E:

Os substantivos terminados em –E formam o plural apenas com o –S:


Cake – cakes

Tape – tapes

Base – bases

Dice – dices

Face - faces

6. Singular/Plural Irregulares:

No inglês não existem muitos plurais irregulares, abaixo seguem alguns exemplos.


Tooth – teeth

Foot – feet

Goose – geese

Louse – lice

Mouse – mice

Man – men

Woman – women

Child – children

Ox – oxen

7. Singular/Plural com a mesma forma:

Alguns substantivos em inglês têm a mesma forma tanto para o singular como para

o plural.


Sheep – sheep

Deer – deer

Fish – fish

Swine – swine

8. Singular Composto:

Quando a forma é: substantivo + substantivo vai para o plural o elemento



Sister-in-law – sisters-in-law

Son-in-law – sons-in-laws

Armchair – armchairs

Toothbrush – toothbrushes

Quando a forma é adjetivo + substantivo só o substantivo vai para o plural.


Blackbird – blackbirds

Whiteboard – whiteboards

9. Formas Plurais:

Alguns substantivos em inglês são mais utilizados na forma do plural. Alguns deles

estão relacionados abaixo em categorias diferentes.


o Jogos (games): cards, dominoes, darts, bowls.

o Vestuário (clothing): jeans, pyjamas, trousers, trunks, dungarees, clothes.

o Ferramentas/Equipamentos (tools/equipment): pliers, scissors, glasses,


o Matérias/atividades (subjects/activities): maths, physics, economics, politics,

athletics, aerobics.

o Outros (others): thanks, stairs, remains, goods, news, whereabouts, proceeds.

d) Possessive case ou Genitive case:

Para indicarmos uma relação de posse entre dois substantivos em inglês utilizamos

o Caso Possessivo ou Caso Genitivo (‘S ou ‘) e também a construção: substantivo +

OF + substantivo.

1. Caso Possessivo (‘S):

É normalmente utilizado para os substantivos no singular e quando o

primeiro substantivo é uma pessoa ou animal.


Peter – Peter’s: Peter’s house is great.

Janeth – Janeth’s: Janeth’s car is pink.

Policeman – policeman’s: a policeman’s uniform is usually blue.

Horse – horse’s: The horse’s tail is very long.

a) É também utilizado com nomes próprios terminados em S;


Charles – Charles’s: Charles’s dog is cute.

James – James’s: James’s sister is Suzi.

b) E também com substantivos no plural não terminados em S.


Women – women’s: Women’s bags are always full.

Children – children’s: The children’s toys are in the box.

2. Caso Possessivo (‘):

a) É utilizado com substantivos no plural terminados em S.


Girls – girl’: The girls’ teacher is very professional.

Boys – boy’: The boys’ father is angry.

b) Usa-se também com nomes próprios clássicos ou famosos, terminados em S;


Prince Charles- Prince Charles’: Prince Charles’ wife is Camilla.

Pitagoras – Pitagoras’: We are studying Pitagoras’ theorems.

c) E também com nomes próprios terminados em S seguidos de substantivo

iniciado por S.


Mr. Evans: Mr. Evans’ shoes are brown.

Lewis: Lewis’ salary is not good at the moment.

3. Caso Possessivo (sustantivo + of + substantivo):

Usamos a construção substantivo + of + substantivo quando queremos especificar o

primeiro substantivo ou quando estão envolvidos na posse duas coisas e não há

envolvimento de pessoas.


Salvador/Church: The central church of Salvador is very large.

President/Chile: The President of Chile is very popular.

e) Gênero dos substantivos:

1. Masculino: substantivos que se referem a pessoas ou animais do sexo



Man, boy, cat, dog.

2. Feminino: substantivos que se referem a pessoas ou animais do sexo



Woman, girl, cow, bee.

3. Neutro: substantivos que se referem à coisas inanimadas.


School, house, book, party.

4. Comum: substantivos que designam pessoas ou animais, sem especificar o


Doctor, Dentist, friend, cousin.

f) Modos de especificar o gênero:

1. Acréscimo do sufixo –ESS do masculino (alguns substantivos sofrem

alteração ao receberem o sufixo*):


Jew – Jewess

Poet – Poetess

Giant – Giantess

Waiter – Waitress*

Actor – Actress*

Tiger – Tigress*

2. Com o uso de uma palavra diferente para as pessoas e animais:


o Pessoas:

King –Queen

Brother – Sister

Father – Mother

Gentleman – Lady

Husband – Wife

Sir – Madam

Nephew – Niece

Son – Daughter

Uncle – Aunt

Wizard – Witch

o Animais:

Bull – Cow

Horse – Mare

Cock – Hen

Gander – Goose

Drake – Duck

Fox – Vixen

Dog – Bitch

3. Com o acréscimo de uma palavra antes ou depois do substantivo de gênero



Boyfriend – Girlfriend

Schoolmaster – Schoolmistress

Landlord – Landlady

Manservant – Maidservant

Policeman – Policewoman

Businessman – Businesswoman

He wolf – She wolf

He goat –She goat

Billy goat –Nanny goat

Bull calf – Cow calf

Buck rabbit – Doe rabbit

Determinantes (Determiners)

São palavras que antecedem os substantivos: artigos, demonstrativos e


2.1. Artigos (Articles)

Os artigos em inglês são classificados em dois tipos:

o The – Artigo definido (o/ os/ a/ as)

o A/AN – Artigos indefinidos (um/ uma)

a) Artigo definido – The

O artigo definido “the” é usado tanto no singular como no plural e significa o/ a/ os/



o Singular:

The president of the team is injured.

The photo on the table is not real.

o Plural:

The books I am studying are very expensive.

The elephants are in the zoo for treatment.

Usos específicos do artigo THE:

1. Antes de substantivo no plural em sentido restrito:


The Brazilians were brilliant during the games in Rio.

The Russians are fond of vodka.

2. Antes de nomes de:

rios, oceanos e desertos, montanhas, pontos cardeais e nomes próprios geográficos:


The Amazon flows into the Atlantic.

The Pacific Ocean is around Europe.

The Sahara Desert is in Africa.

The Blue Mountain is in America.

The Western is a special area in the world.

The United States are famous by their basketball.

3. Antes de instrumentos musicais: The piano, The guitar, The violin.


I’ve been playing the piano since I was I child.

Kate can play the guitar better than the violin.

4. Antes de nomes de:

navios, aviões e caros:


The Titanic was a huge and comfortable ship.

The Concorde will land in a minute.

The Mercedes is the most economical car in Europe.

5. Antes de nomes de edifícios, hotéis, teatros, cinemas e museus:


The Empire State (building) is in New York.

The Ritz (hotel) is in Paris.

The Municipal theatre is special for ballet presentation.

The Victoria and Albert museum is in London.

6. Antes de substantives únicos, exclusivos: sun, Earth, death, moon:


The Earth goes round the sun.

The death is a mystery to all of us.

The moon is a kind of muse for poets.

7. Antes de números ordinais:


Adrian was the first to believe in ghosts in her family.

The second man to step on the moon was not famous.

8. Antes de nomes de jornais:


Ricardo reads the Times every morning, its an American newspaper.

The Daily Mirror is an English newspaper.

9. Antes de medidas:


You can buy mushrooms by the gram.

In Scotland you can buy whisky by the liters.

10. Antes dos adjetivos superlativos:


It is the best hotel in the city.

Where is the most expensive restaurant in town?

Quando não se usa o artigo THE:

1. Antes de nomes próprios:


Mr Kent came to see us this morning.

Sabrina went to London last week.

2. Antes de nomes de continentes, países, cidades ou estados:


You should visit Africa, it’s a lovely continent.

Brazil is famous for its beaches.

Paris is the city of lights.

Florida is full of beautiful people.

3. Antes de substâncias líquidas e gasosas:


Water is necessary for your good health.

Wine is good for your heart.

4. Antes de materiais:


This sweater is made of wool.

Tyres are made of rubber.

5. Antes de meios de transporte:


She is going by plane to Amsterdam, then by rail.

Michael is travelling by car next month.

6. Antes de meses, estações do ano e dias da semana:


We Celebrate Christmas in December.

Summer is the sun season.

Saturday is good to go the cinema.

7. Antes de jogos ou esportes:


Mellissa plays tennis very well.

Volleyball is my favourite sport.

8. Antes de refeições:


We have lunch about 2 o’clock pm.

Have you had breakfast today?

9. Antes de pronomes possesssivos:


My flat is very big and comfortable.

His family is very close to my brother.

10. Antes de doenças:


She has got breast cancer.

My husband has got diabetes.

11. Antes de idiomas:


French is a very romantic language.

Greek is a very complicated language to understand.

b) Artigos indefinidos – A, AN:

Os artigos indefinidos A, AN são usados antes de substantivos contáveis no singular

e significam um/uma.


I have a cat, her name is Clare.

My father has an aunt, who is a hundred years old.

o Antes de substantivos iniciados por consoante usamos A:


There is a tree in font of my house.

My mother is a nurse.

o Antes de substantivos iniciados por vogal usamos AN:


I always have an egg for breakfast.

My niece is an artist.

Demonstrativos (Demonstratives)

Os demonstrativos em inglês são usados para se referir a pessoas ou coisas que já

são conhecidas. São eles:

o This/That – Singular (esse/essa; aquele/ aquela)

o These/those – Plural (esses/essas; aqueles/aquelas)

a) This/That – Singular:

São usados para indicar distância e tempo: perto e longe.

This – Perto


This is my computer.

I prefer this blouse.

I’m visiting my parents this weekend.

I bought a new car this month.

That – Longe


That girl is looking at me.

I’m going to buy that hat.

Do you remember that teacher?

I went to that shop in 1994.

b) These/Those – Plural:

São também usados para indicar distância e tempo: perto e longe.

These – Perto


These boys are watching TV now.

She will read these books.

These days we can have better food.

These last months are very cold.

Those – Longe


Those telephones are out of order.

Can you see those birds on the roof?

There were no crimes those days.

Do you remember those cars?

Quantificadores (Quantifiers)

Quantificadores em ingles são palavras usadas para descrever a quantidade de

alguma coisa: half, several, each, all, a lot of, most, some, many/much, few/little.

a) Quantifier – Singular:


Half (metade) – She did only half of the task.

A lot of (vários, várias) – A lot of the conference is in Spanish.

Most (a maioria) – I stayed in bed most of the weekend.

Each (cada) – Each person has some thing special.

All (todo, toda) – All the problem was the raining during my vacation.

b) Quantifier – Plural:


Few (poucos, poucas) – There are few people who trust you.

Half (metade) – She did only half of the tasks.

Some (alguns, algumas) – I took some coins from my brother.

Several (muitos, muitas) – Several episodes are about crime in USA.

A lot of (vários, várias) – Mary had a lot of ideas about the show.

Many (muitos, muitas) – There are many watches on the counter.

Most (a maioria) – Most of the oranges in the basket are not good.

Each (cada) – Each of the boys went to the game yesterday.

All (todos, todas) - All the problems were the raining during my vacation.

c) Quantifier – Substantivos incontáveis:


Little (pouco, pouca) – I have little time to do my homework.

Half (metade) – She did only half of the work.

Some (sem tradução) – Can I have some water, please?

A lot of (vários, várias) – I have a lot of time to watch TV.

Much (muito, muita) – Pamela doesn’t have much money.

Most (a maioria) – Most of the beer is cold.

All (todo, toda) – Hunger is all of the trouble in Somalia.

Adjetivos (Adjectives)

o Os adjetivos em inglês são usados para qualificar e dar informações

extras sobre os substantivos.

o Os adjetivos em inglês não modificam sua forma para mostrar número ou

gênero, exceto para fazer o Comparativo e o Superlativo.

a) Adjetivos Comuns:

Os adjetivos comuns em inglês antecedem os substantivos.


Susan has got a beautiful house.

Joe bought a lovely ring to his wife.

I sold two fantastic washing machines to my neighbour.

That boy has got long hair and blue eyes.

b) Adjetivos com Particípio (-ing or -ed):

Normalmente usamos os particípios como adjetivos, eles são usados na mesma

posição dos adjetivos comuns, ou seja, antes dos substantivos.

1) Adjetivos com –ing:

Usamos a forma do adjetivo com –ing para descrever pessoas, ações ou coisas:


Paty is a vey interesting girl.

Paul is really a surprising man.

Doing the same exercise everyday is quite boring.

Looking for a new job is very depressing.

My job is really exciting, I work with different people.

It was a horrifying accident in Nigeria.

The film was very disappointing.

This situation is really confusing.

It is embarrassing to ask people for money.

He has a very tiring life.

2) Adjetivos com –ed:

Usamos a forma do adjetivo com –ed para descrever sentimentos e atitudes:


Sally is very interested in her new school.

Tom is surprised with his grades.

Jane is bored with her boyfriend.

Nancy is very depressed these days.

We were excited to hear about your wedding.

Mr. Sullivan was horrified at that movie.

People are extremely disappointed with the new president.

Aren’t you confused with this map?

I usually get embarrassed when I make a speech.

She was really tired after the party.

c) Adjetivos Comparativos:

Usamos os adjetivos comparativos para comparar duas ou mais pessoas ou coisas

em diferentes graus: igualdade, superioridade e inferioridade.

1. Comparativo de igualdade: as + adjetivo +as


Helen is as pretty as Janeth.

Marco is as intelligent as Brian.

My house is as big as my sister’s.

A Mercedes is as economical as a Ford.

o Obs. Para demonstrar desigualdade usa-se o not : not as + adjetivo +as


Helen is not as pretty as Janeth.

Marco is not as intelligent as Brian.

My house is not as big as my sister’s.

A Mercedes is not as economical as a Ford.

2. Comparativo de inferioridade: less + adjetivo + than


Helen is less pretty than Janeth.

Marco is less intelligent than Brian.

My house is less big than my sister’s.

A Mercedes is less economical than a Ford.

o Obs. Para demonstrar desigualdade usa-se o not :

not less + adjetivo +than


Helen is not less pretty than Janeth.

Marco is not less intelligent than Brian.

My house is not less big than my sister’s.

A Mercedes is not less economical than a Ford.

3. Comparativo de superioridade: adjetivo + -er + than

a) Usamos a regra –er…than para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas:

Exemplos: (old, young, cold, cheap)

Jane is older than Mary.

He is younger than his wife.

Tiradentes is colder than Ipatinga.

The t-shirt is cheaper than the sweater.

b) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em

consoante/vogal/consoante, a última consoante deverá ser dobrada:

Exemplos: (big, hot, thin)

My flat is bigger than my brother’s.

This summer is hotter than last summer.

You look thinner than the last time I saw you, are you on a diet?

c) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em Y precedidos de

consoante, eles perdem o Y, e recebem o -IER:

Exemplos: (pretty, shy, dry, easy)

Mary is prettier than Lynn.

Peter is shier than Gabriel.

This skirt is drier than the pants.

Going by train is easier than by car.

d) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em E, acrescentamos

apenas o –R:

Exemplos: (safe, nice)

This bank is safer than the other one.

Your mother is nicer than your father.

4. Comparativo de superioridade: more + adjetivo + than

Usamos a regra com more para os adjetivos com duas ou mais sílabas:

Exemplos: (intelligent, beautiful, expensive, difficult)

Laura is more intelligent than her sister.

Paris is more beautiful than London.

This coat is more expensive than the other one.

This exercise is more difficult than the first one.

5. Comparativo de superioridade: irregular

Exemplos: (bad, good, far, old)

The weather last year was worse than this year.

A hamburger is better than a cheeseburger.

Japan is further than Holland.

He is elder than I expected. (He is older than I expected)

d) Adjetivos Superlativos:

Usamos os adjetivos superlativos para distinguir uma pessoa ou coisa de algumas


1. the+ adjetivo + -est

a) Usamos a regra the+ adjetivo + -est para os adjetivos com uma ou duas


Exemplos: (old, young, cold, cheap)

Philip is the oldest boy in his class.

I am the youngest in my family.

June is the coldest month of the year.

The hot dog is the cheapest sandwich in that restaurant.

b) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em

consoante/vogal/consoante, a última consoante deverá ser dobrada:

Exemplos: (big, hot, thin)

My flat is the biggest in my building.

This summer is the hottest that I can remember.

My friend is always on a diet, so she is the thinnest among us.

c) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em Y precedidos de

consoante, eles perdem o Y, e recebem o -IER:

Exemplos: (pretty, shy, dry, easy)

Mary is the prettiest in the company.

Peter is the shiest boy I know.

The Sahara is the driest area in Africa.

Going by train is the easiest way to travel around.

d) Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas terminados em E, acrescentamos

apenas o –R:

Exemplos: (safe, nice)

This bank is the safest in the United States.

Your mother is the nicest mother in the world.

2. The + most + adjetivo

Usamos a regra com most para os adjetivos com duas ou mais sílabas:

Exemplos: (intelligent, beautiful, expensive, difficult)

Laura is the most intelligent in her family.

Paris is considered the most beautiful city in Europe.

This coat is the most expensive that I have ever bought.

This exercise is the most difficult one.

3. Irregular

Exemplos: (bad, good, far, old)

The weather last year was the worst during our holidays.

A hamburger is the best sandwich in that restaurant.

Japan is the furthest country to visit.

He is the eldest in my family. (He is the oldest in my family.)

Pronomes (Pronouns)

o Os pronomes são palavras que usamos para substituir os substantivos, com o

propósito de evitar repetição.

o Em inglês usamos os pronomes como sujeitos e objetos, possessivos,

reflexivos, indefinidos e interrogativos.











I Me My Mine Myself

You You Your Yours Yourself

He Him His His Himself

She Her Her Hers Herself

It It Its (no pronoun) Itself

We Us Our Ours Ourselves

You You Your Yours Yourselves

They Them Their Theirs Themselves

a) Pronomes Pessoais ( Sujeito):

Os pronomes pessoais em inglês são usados como sujeitos da frase.


Margareth loves fruits. She buys apples and pears every week.

Paul plans to travel this weekend. He is going to Austria.

Mark and Helen go to school at 7 o’clock. They study in Cambridge.

My house is very comfortable. It is in the countryside.

b) Pronomes objetivos:

Usamos os pronomes objetivos no lugar de um substantivo como objetos diretos ou

indiretos da frase.

1. Objeto direto:


I met your girlfriend yesterday. I like her.

Jack is my niece’s doctor. She likes him a lot.

Alison sits behind me during the lessons.

Mr. Hummer explains the lesson to us each morning.

2. Objeto indireto:


This book belongs to Paul. Can you give it to him, please?

She is looking at him, have a look!

The boss relies on her in many ways.

I talked to them last month.

c) Possessivos Adjetivos:

Usamos os possessivos adjetivos antes de substantivos para expressar o sentido do

verbo “pertencer”.


I think this is your credit card.

Paul drives to work in his car.

We enjoy our Italian Class.

I make my texts in my notebook.

d) Pronomes Possessivos:

Usamos os pronomes possessivos no lugar de um possessivo adjetivo +



It is not your car. It is mine.

This is not her dress. It is theirs.

Look at that photo. Can’t you see that it is ours?

Excuse-me! Is this wallet yours?

e) Pronomes Reflexivos:

Usamos os pronomes reflexivos quando o sujeito e o objeto são os mesmos na



Come here! She has burnet herself.

I was really annoyed with myself.

He hurt himself with a knife.

Did the boys behave themselves?

f) Pronomes Indefinidos (Some, Any , No):

Usamos os pronomes indefinidos, Some, Any e No antes de substantivos das

seguintes maneiras:


Significado: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas.


Frases afirmativas I have some magazines.

Frases interrogativas quando a resposta é afimativa .Would you like some


Yes, please!

Antes de substantivos incontáveis Can I have some coffee, please?


Significado: nenhum, nenhuma.


Frases negativas She doesn’t have any money.

Significado: algum, alguma, alguns, algumas.


Frases interrogativas Do you have any money?

Significado: qualquer, quaisquer.


Frases afirmativas I enjoy any kind of music.


Significado: nenhum, nenhuma.


Frases afirmativas She has no money to buy a house =

She doesn’t have any money to buy a house.

g) Pronomes Indefinidos derivados de: Some, Any, No:

Usamos os pronomes derivados de some, any e no para substituir os substantivos

das seguintes maneiras:


Significado: alguém.


Frases afirmativas I saw somebody (someone) here today.


Significado: de alguma forma.


Frases afirmativas I’ll see the movie somehow (someway) even if I have to ask

the manager.


Significado: em algum lugar.


Frases afirmativas I would like to go somewhere less noisy.


Significado: algo, alguma coisa.


Frases afirmativas I really need something to eat.


Significado: ninguém.


Frases negativas She didn’t see anybody (anyone) here today.

Significado: alguém.


Frases interrogativas Did you meet anybody (anyone) in Paris?

Significado: qualquer pessoa.


Frases afirmativas Call anybody (anyone), please. He needs help.


Significado: de nenhuma forma.


Frases negativas I can’t allow this anyway.

Significado: de qualquer forma.


Frases interrogativas Are you going anyway?

Significado: de alguma forma.


Frases afirmativas Anyway I will go there.


Significado: em nenhum lugar.


Frases negativas I don’t go anywhere without you.

Significado: em algum lugar.


Frases interrogativas Are you going anywhere?

Significado: em qualquer lugar.


Frases afirmativas Anywhere you choose is good for me.

Nobody/No one:

Significado: ninguém.


Frases afirmativas I saw nobody (no one) there.


Significado: nada.


Frases afirmativas Jane bought nothing at the supermarket.


Significado: em nenhum lugar


Frases afirmativas I met Paul nowhere, it’s a mistake!


Significado: nenhum, nenhuma.


Em final de respostas negativas .Do you have any CDs?

.No, I have none.

h) Pronomes Indefinidos derivados de: Ever:

Usamos os pronomes derivados de ever para substituir os substantivos das

seguintes maneiras:


Significado: quem quer que.


Frases afirmativas Whoever said that is not reliable.


Significado: o que quer que.


Frases afirmativas Say whatever you want, I’m listening.


Significado: onde quer que.


Frases afirmativas That teacher is welcomed wherever he goes.


Significado: quando quer que.


Frases afirmativas Call me whenever you need me.


Significado: qualquer que.


Frases afirmativas Sing whichever song you want.

i) Pronomes Interrogativos:

Usamos os pronomes interrogativos em inglês para fazer perguntas. Existe também

a nomenclatura WH QUESTIONS para os mesmos pronomes.


Significado: quem.

Exemplos Who is that woman with you?


Significado: onde.

Exemplos Where can I buy some cookies?


Significado: quando.

Exemplos When is your birthday?


Significado: de quem.

Exemplos Whose bag is this?


Significado: qual (quando há opções de escolha)

Exemplos Which is your favorite color?


Significado: como.

Exemplos How are you?

How far:

Significado: qual a distância.

Exemplos How far is your school from here?

How high:

Significado: que altura.

Exemplos How high is the Big Ben?

How old:

Significado: qual a idade.

Exemplos How old is your mother?

How long:

Significado: quanto tempo.

Exemplos How long will you stay in Brazil?

What time:

Significado: quantas horas.

Exemplos What time is your flight?


Significado: por que.

Exemplos Why are you crying?

How much:

Significado: quanto (coisas incontáveis).

Exemplos How much is that television?

How many:

Significado: quanto (coisas contáveis).

Exemplos How many brothers and sisters do you have?

How often:

Significado: qual a frequência.

Exemplos How often do you go to the dentist?

What else:

Significado: 0 que mais.

Exemplos What else do you like to drink?

What kind of:

Significado: que tipo de.

Exemplos What kind of food do you like?

What colour:

Significado: que cor.

Exemplos What colour is your car?

Advérbios (Adverbs)

o Os advérbios em inglês são palavras que modificam os verbos, os adjetivos e

os próprios advérbios.

o Os advérbios em inglês são classificados em: frequência, modo, intensidade,

tempo e lugar.

o A posição dos advérbios em uma frase, início, meio ou final, depende do seu

significado e da palavra que ele está modificando.

a) Advérbios de Frequência (Frequency Adverbs):


Always (sempre) – She always go to the cinema with her brother.

Seldom (raramente) – Mary seldom travels by plane.

Often (frequentemente) – I often go to fancy restaurants.

Never (nunca) – I have never been to Greece.

Once (uma vez) – I have been to Brussels once.

Sometimes (algumas vezes) – She feels lonely sometimes.

Daily (diariamente) – Paul reads the newspaper daily.

Monthly (mensalmente) – He gets his car’s magazines monthly.

Weekly (semanalmente) – Linda goes to the church weekly.

Yearly (anualmente) – She goes to the beach yearly.

Rarely (raramente) – Mary rarely travels by plane.

Frequently (frequentemente) – I frequently go to fancy restaurants.

b) Advérbios de Modo (Manner Adverbs):


Quickly/Fast (rapidamente) – Come over here quickly!

Slowly (lentamente) – Could you speak slowly, please?

Well (bem) – Are you felling well?

Badly (pessimamente) – She sings very badly.

Kindly (gentilmente) – The way he talks is very kindly.

Softly (suavemente) – The wind is touching her face softly.

Politely (educadamente) – Jack talks to the costumers politely.

c) Advérbios de Intensidade (Intensity Adverbs):


Maybe (talvez) – Maybe you should come with us to the bar.

Perhaps (talvez) – Perhaps you should come with us to the bar.

Probably (provavelmente) – She has probably missed the plane.

Possibly (provavelmente) – She has possibly missed the plane.

Too (demais) – Your house is too big only for you.

Very (muito) – She feels very bad after the accident.

Rather (bastante) – This exercise is rather difficult.

Quite (inteiramente, absolutamente) – She is quite pretty.

Hardly (mal, dificilmente) – They can hardly speak French.

d) Advérbios de Tempo (Time Adverbs):


Now (agora) – Let’s go now, I’m in a hurry!

Soon (logo, em breve) – We will be back soon, don’t worry!

Still (ainda) – The children are still studying. (Frases afirmativas)

Yet (ainda) – I haven’t been to Greece yet. (Frases negativas no final)

Then (então) – He used to have long hair, then.

Tomorrow (amanhã) – Anne will be back tomorrow.

Today (hoje) – Today is a good day for swimming.

Yesterday (ontem) – Did you come back yesterday?

Lately (ultimamente) – I haven’t talked to you lately.

e) Advérbios de Lugar (Place Adverbs):


Here (aqui) – You will find peace here.

There (lá) – You will find happiness there.

Everywhere (em qualquer lugar) – You can find roses everywhere!

Around (ao redor) – Look around your house, you’ll find the dog.

Beside (ao lado de) – He is standing beside my bed.

f) Posição dos advébios em uma frase:

Os advérbios em inglês obedecem uma posição nas frases:

o Os advérbios de frequência (Frequency Adverbs) são colocados após o verbo

to be, antes dos outros verbos e após o primeiro verbo auxilar se o tempo for



Mary is always in time for dinner.

They sometimes play volleyball at the weekends.

I have never visited other country.

o Os advérbios de de modo (Manner Adverbs) são colocados frequentemente

após o objeto direto, se houver um. Se não, após o verbo.


David speaks Portuguese well.

They run quickly.

He opened the door kindly.

o Os advérbios de intensidade (Intensity Adverbs) são colocados antes de um

adjetivo ou de um advérbio.


She was quite sure about the results.

Mr. Johnson plays the piano very well.

He is too young to learn how to swim.

o Os advérbios de tempo (Time Adverbs) são colocados no início ou final de

frase, sendo que a posição no final de frase é mais comum.


I will go to my farm today

Tomorrow Marianne is going to Italy.

I will speak to you soon.

o Os advérbios de lugar (Place Adverbs) são colocados após o objeto direto, se

houver. Se não, após o verbo.


Put your hands here, please.

We went there in 2002.

Look around your table.

Obs. Se houver mais de um advérbio em uma frase, deverá ser seguida a seguinte


1. Advérbio de intensidade (Intensity Adverbs)

2. Advérbio de modo (Manner Adverb)

3. Advérbio de lugar (Place Adverb)

4. Advérbio de tempo (Time Adverb)


The students did the exam very quickly in the class yesterday.

1 2 3 4

I will write a letter quite slowly in the post office tomorrow.

1 2 3 4

Preposições (Prepositions)

o As preposições em inglês são usadas para descrever a relação entre duas ou

mais coisas.

o As preposições podem unir substantivos, verbos ou adjetivos e podem ser

expressas por uma ou mais palavras.

o São classificadas em: lugar, direção, tempo, causa e modo.

a) Preposições de Lugar (Position Prepositions):


On (sobre) – I left my watch on the chair.

In (dentro de) – The kids are playing in the living-room.

Under (embaixo) – My wallet is under the table.

Near (perto) – The pencil is near the book.

Next to (próximo a) – The pencil is next to the book.

Far from (longe de) – The boys live far from their school.

Above (acima) – Look at the picture above and answer the questions.

Below (abaixo) – Look at the picture below and answer the questions.

Over (acima) – The magazines are on the shelf, over the books.

Between (entre) – The cake is between the bread and the coffee.

Among (entre vários) – The teacher is among her students

Behind (atrás de) – The bank is behind the coffee shop.

In front of (em frente a) – They live in front of my parents’ house.

b) Preposições de Direção (Direction Prepositions):


To (para, a) – She is going to Rome next year.

Out (para fora) – They are going out just now.

From (de, a partir de) – His car has broken a mile from here.

In (em, na, no) – My mother is in New York.

At (em, na, no) – Tania is at home studying for the test.

Down (para baixo) – The train is going down the mountain.

Up (para cima) – Go up the road and you find the hospital.

c) Preposições de tempo (Time Prepositions):


At (às) – I start to work at 8 o’clock in the morning.

By (mais ou menos em) – The plane will arrive by 9 o’clock.

For (por) – We haven’t seen you for two months.

From (de, a partir de) – Martha will be in San Francisco from May to July.

In (em) – The festival will be in January.

On (em) – She was born on April 29t, 1987. (data)

On (em) – I don’t go to work on Saturdays. (dias da semana)

To (para) – The movie will start at a quarter to eight.

Ater (depois de) – It’s after eleven, time to go bed.

Before (antes) – Before midnight I must finish this report.

Between (entre) – I’ll be in Hilton Hotel between November and December.

d) Preposições de causas (Reason Prepositions):


Because of (por causa de) – The trip was cancelled because of the rain.

Due to (devido a) – Due to bad weather, she can’t travel anymore.

From (de) – Children die in Somalia from starvation.

Through (através de) – The fire started through a careless cigarette.

For (por causa de) – We entered to the restaurant for a drink.

e) Preposicões de Modo (Manner Prepositions):


By (de) – Alan likes to travel by car.

Through (através de) – You can go through that street.

With (com) – He chased the cat with a bucket of water.

f) Outras Preposições:


Of (de) - Posse . It was a decision of the company.

. Please, give me one of your books.

With (com) - Companhia . Come with me, please.

. He is going to visit me with his father.

Along (ao longo de) - Extensão . She walked along the forest.

. We can see Venice along the river.

Across (ao long de) - Extensão .The girl walked across the playing field.

. He went across the road to find the house.

Apart from (com exceção de) - Exceção

. Apart from the rain, the trip was fine.

. Everyone was invited, apart from those who she has forgotten.

Except for (com exceção de) - Exceção

.Except for one question, Jill did very well.

.Fabian was fine after the accident, except for a broken leg.

Despite/for all/ in spite of (apesar de) - Contraste

. Despite/In spite of/ For all its benefits, I prefer the other one.

. Despite/In spite of/ For all his conquers, he is a sad man.

According to (de acordo com, segundo) - Informação

. According to many artists, this is the best film ever made.

. According to the statistics, Japan is the richest country.


FOLEY, Mark & HALL, Diane. Advanced Learners’ Grammar – A self-study reference

& practice book with answers: England: Longman, 2004.

MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar In Use – A self-study reference and practice

book for intermediate students: Great Britain: Cambrigge University Press, 1991.



Imaginative works have been written in

English for over a thousand years, and, in historical

terms, most of them are primarily the heritage of

England. As with the language itself, such literature

can be divided into Old, Middle, and Modern

periods, the modern phase subdividing conveniently

into compartments whose labels relate to monarchs

(Tudor, Elizabethan, Jacobean, Victorian), cultural

phases and assumptions (Augustan, Romantic,

Modernist, etc.), and, most recently, varieties

(American Literature, Indian English Literature,


Texts from Anglo-Saxon times survive in the

late manuscript form; their composition can seldom

be certainly dated and their authorship is often

unknown. They are among the oldest specimens of

literature in a European vernacular. The longest and

finest work, the heroic poem Beowulf, is known

only in a manuscript of c.1000, and tells in

alliterative verse a story concerning Germanic

speakers of the Baltic, where the earliest forms of

English originated. Like much other Old English

poetry, it contains traces of oral creation. The

heroic tradition includes The Battle of Maldon,

written soon after the battle against the Danes

(991) which it celebrates. There are also elegiac

and reflective poems, including ‘The Wanderer’ and

the ‘The Seafarer’, that may date from the 7c.

Old English prose consisted of translations

from Latin and such records as the Anglo-Saxon

Chronicle begun in 890 under the direction of King

Alfred of Wessex and continuing until 1154. It

records the principal events of contemporary

history, and is an important witness to the

development of English over the period. Most

extant Old English Literature is in West Saxon; few

traces remain from the earlier Northumbrian,

except such short pieces as the ‘Hymn of Caedmon’

c(670). After the Norman Conquest (1066), English

was subordinate to Latin as the language of

learning and religion and the Norman French of

court and government. Surviving manuscripts show

that poems were being written in English from the

12c onwards; many are fragmentary, but there are

lyrics and verse romances that attest to a vigorous

culture, embodying the pre-Conquest history and

legends, as in the 13c poem ‘Havelok the Dane’.

Gradual changes in the language, and the adoption

of rhymed metrical verse in place of the Old English

alliterative measure, can be traced through the

early medieval period.

In the 14c, English emerged as a new

language with few inflections and a strong

admixture of French vocabulary. Chaucer moved

from a close imitation of French and Italian poetry

to write the Canterbury Tales (c.1387), whose

styles often vary according to the teller of tale. He

wrote in the East Midland dialect, which in due

course became the standard literary language. In

the West Midland dialect, there was a revival of

alliterative verse: Langland (14c) wrote Piers

Plowman, a long moral and political allegory with

glimpses of contemporary life; and an unknown

poet or poets produced the allegorical Pearl and the

romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. At the

same time, vernacular prose was developing:

mainly the 14c homiletic and theological work of

Richard Rolle, John Wycliffe, and others.

Drama appeared in the mystery plays, whose

extant cycles come mainly from the Midlands and

the North of England, and provide evidence of the

speech of the period. The Arthurian legends that

had inspired many lays and romances were

collected by Thomas Malory (15c) in Morte

D’Arthur, whose prose style varies with the sources

from which he draws but reflects a sense of

assurance. The mystery plays continued to be acted

into the 16c, but a new type, the allegorical

morality play, in which characters are personified

virtues and vices, was a precursor of later secular


In early Tudor England, the influence of the

Italian Renaissance showed in the poetry of Thomas

Wyatt and Henry Howard, including the use of the

sonnet. A rougher, more satirical native tradition

was carried on by John Skelton (c.1460-1529), who

praised and sometimes imitated earlier writers,

while recognizing that their language was oldfashioned

, at the same time regarding

contemporary English as unstable and inadequate

for a poet.

The printer William Caxton shared this

concern. He was aware that printing made a

standard literary language preferable and it was

largely through the efforts of printers that written

English had by the 17c become more uniform. In

the later 16c, English came to be more fully

accepted as a medium in which the traditional

genres could be written, but many scholars

distrusted its stability and continued to use Latin for

their treatises. The vitality of Elizabethan writing

owed much to both free borrowings from ancient

and modern tongues.

The supreme achievement of the late 16c and

early 17c was drama performed by an organized

profession in permanent theatres. The primacy of

William Shakespeare should not overshadow the

work of his contemporaries: pioneers of a new type

of dramatic tragedy that used neither Biblical nor

classical subjects included Thomas Kyd and

Christopher Marlowe (1564—93). The drama

showed that literary English could be spoken

effectively for public purposes, in blank verse and in


In the first half of the 17c, a time of struggle

between Parliament and King, lyrics in the classical

manner of Jonson were written by Cavalier

(Royalist) poets. A distinctive new kind of poetry

was labeled metaphysical by Samuel Johnson from

its concern with philosophical and theological

issues. It is characterized by elaborate use of

language with unexpected images and quaint

conceits: elaborate and extended metaphors or

similes. The leading metaphysical poet was John

Donne, powerful in erotic and devotional poetry and

using similar language and figures for both.

John Milton, regarded by many as the greatest

poet of the century, was both Puritan and

Parliamentarian, his early poetry (lyrical, pastoral,

and elegiac) veiling his austerity in delicate, even

sensuous language. His greatest work was the

Christian epic Paradise Lost (1671).

The beginnings of the novel can be seen in the

narratives of Aphra Behn and Daniel Defoe. John

Bunyan in Pilgrims’s Progress (1678, 1684)

combined narrative allegory with Biblical themes

and cadences. The old open-air theatres, closed

through Puritan pressures in 1642, were reopened

with indoor stages, presenting mainly witty and

satirical comedies of manners, in prose that

remained elegant even when its content was coarse

and scurrilous.

For over a century after the Restoration, the

heroic couplet was the dominant poetic form, which

Dryden and Pope used to write largely satirical and

polemical works. Because of its attention to

classical principles and the craft of verse, the period

has been called neo-classical or Augustan.

However, the most important literary development

of the 18c was neither poetical nor classical. Within

a few decades, the novel was fully established, with

the work of Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding,

Tobias Smollet, and Laurence Stern. Continuous

narrative, divided into long chapters and

paragraphs, incorporated representations of speech

from different registers, classes, and dialects,

bringing the full resources of the language into

literary use.

1. Shifts in terms of style in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are frequently dependent on


A) main character’s point of view.

B) character types involved in the story.

C) narrator of the story.

D) author’s voice and mood.

2. Literary works written in English are said to be part of the most ancient texts

registered in a

A) Germanic dialect.

B) romance language.

C) dialect derived from Norman French.

D) European language.

3. Latin was the main source language for

A) the lyrics and verse romances.

B) translations into Old English prose.

C) heroic poems and hymns.

D) homiletic and theological works.

4. The strong presence of French vocabulary in the English language was

consolidated after the

A) conquest of England by the Normans.

B) loss of the French provinces.

C) Renaissance period.

D) transition from medieval to the modern world.

5. The level of uniformization achieved in written English by the 1600s should be

credited mainly to the

A) early modern age writers’ style.

B) endeavors of people in the printing business.

C) medieval scholars’ treatises.

D) Old English playwrights’ dialogues.

6. Using elaborate language and old-fashioned ideas is a significant feature in the

works of

A) most fourteenth century writers.

B) dramatists such as Christopher Marlowe.

C) Thomas Kyd and his contemporaries.

D) poets such as John Donne.

7. The performance of Drama by professional groups in permanent theatres is


A) the best achievement in the beginning of the 16th century.

B) the greatest accomplishment in the beginning of the 1600s.

C) a feat achieved in the early 1500s.

D) a surprising event in the age of the novel.

8. The establishment of the novel as an important genre in English literature was

something that occurred in the

A) second half of the 1600s.

B) seventeenth century.

C) eighteenth century.

D) first half of the 17c.

9. As to Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, according to the text he was

A) one of the first novelists in the English language.

B) the author whose works are considered the best in the genre.

C) an explorer who wrote novels.

D) an adventurous poet.

10. According to the text, in the mid 17c, the closing of theatres in England was due


A) the outbreak of a new plague.

B) religious concerns.

C) the lack of quality plays.

D) a dramatists’ strike.
