Exercicios de Revisão - 8a. Séries


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  • 8/11/2019 Exercicios de Reviso - 8a. Sries


    Exercises of review:

    1) Complete os espaos com a conjugao corretados verbos no Simple present em Ingls:

    Kristin __________(wake up) everyday at 7. She

    ______(brush) her teeth and then ______(take) a

    shower. Then she _______(meet) with her friend

    Jennifer and together they _____(have) breakfast

    at a little diner near the offie. They _______(get)

    to the offie at around !"#$. Kristin_______ (go)

    to the first floor% where she ________(work)% and

    Jennifer _________(take) the elevator to the &&th

    floor% where her offie ________(be). 'ater% they

    _________(meet) again at & to have lunh.

    !)"reenc#a os espaos em branco com a formaade$uada do verbo destacado%&empoverbal:"resente simples

    )John.......with his parents in a ountry town.('ive)

    *)That guy........a lot of important information.(+ave)

    ,)-ur great grandfather........a pension.(et)

    /)She.......0nglish well but her brother.........it.


    0)2onaldo..........goals when he3s in good shape.(Sore)

    4)5e.......ontrol of our lives due to bad habits.('ose)

    )6ary and nna.........to ollege in the evening.(o)

    ') (se os verbos do parnteses e passe para opresente

    a) ___ to my 0nglish lass at 4,6 (drive)

    b) 8ou usually ___ hard (work)

    ) +e ___ up at 9 o:lok every morning (get)

    d) She ___ a great day very often in ,ama;ari (have)

    e) t ___ (rain) in Salvador terribly on winter

    f) 5e ___ seriously to be supermarket manager (train)

    g) 8ou ___ the 4oy)

    h) They ___ erman perfetly at ,atholi ?niversiy


    i) @edro and JoAo ___ 0nglish fluently with 6r.

    5almir 4raniso 6eneBes +igh (study)

    >) 5almir ___ arefuly about the eonomi situation

    of Salvador ity at ,atholi ?niversity (talk)

    l) ,arlos and 'uis ___ a lot of noise all night long


    k) 8ou and ___ ontinuously to onentrate on the

    ost of living. (try)

    l) Joseito for '7 pessoa do singular