Inglês 9 ano


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SERVIÇO PÚBLICO DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Varginha





Read the text:

1- Who is the target public?

a) Brazilian tourists b) Europeans tourists c) Foreign tourists

d) Foreign children

Data da Aplicação:___/___/___

BRAZIL. Everyone has heard of the country. They

know about the football team and they have heard

about carnival. They know there is a lot of coffee in

Brazil and they have heard of Copacabana, which

they believe is in Rio de Janeiro. After that it all gets

a bit hazy for some. What has become apparent is that there is a

growing interest in Brazil and all Brazilian things

among travelers in Britain and the rest of Europe. It is

as if Brazil has been rediscovered some 500 years

after the first Europeans landed in the state of Bahia

on 22 April 1500. The purpose of this website is to redress part of

the balance about what is known about Brazil and to

give a very brief tour of what the country has to offer

the visitor. From the country's best known city, to the

hidden secrets of the Pantanal, it is all here, and what

isn't is only a mouse click or phone call away at the Brazilian Embassy Tourist Office in London. () (accessed 24 September, 2009)

2- What are the main ideas of the paragraphs?

I- O primeiro parágrafo é sobre

II- O segundo parágrafo é sobre...

III- O terceiro parágrafo é sobre... ( ) o interesse que os viajantes europeus tem demonstrado ultimamente pelo Brasil, como se o

estivessem redescobrindo. ( ) o objetivo deste websit , que é mostrar aspectos sobre o Brasil já conhecidos e os ainda

desconhecidos pela maioria dos europeus. ( ) o conhecimento que o estrangeiro normalmente já tem sobre o Brasil.

A sequência correta é: a) II, III e I

b) III, II e I

c) I, III e II

d) II, III, I

3-The objective of this website is: a) to redress part of the balance about what is known about Brazil and to give a very brief tour of what the country has to offer the visitor b) to know about the football team and they have heard about carnival c) to know there is a lot of coffee in Brazil and they have heard of Copacabana, which they believe is in Rio de Janeiro d) to know Brazilian Embassy Tourist Office in London

4- What Europeans in general know about Brazil? a) Bahia, Pantanal, the citys and te cataract

b) Birds, church, beachs and Corcovad. c) Folklore, rivers, forests and architecture d) The football team, carnival, coffee, Copacabana and Rio de Janeiro

5- Look at the map.

I- The parking lot is behind the candy store.

II- The restaurant is between the bank and the

candy store.

III- The newsstand is across from the park.

IV- The candy store is in front of the parking lot.

V- The park is on Main Street.

Quanto ao uso das preposições de lugar:

a) estão corretas as frases I, II, e V

b) estão erradas as frases I, II e IV

c) todas estão corretas

d) todas estão erradas

6- Observe the cartoon by Randy Glasbergen and choose the corret answer.

The boy refers to a dialogue

he had with his father. Can

you guess the dialogue

between father and son?

a) "Dad, where babies from come?"

"He does the download internet."

b) "Dad, do babies come from where?"

"The Internet says you download them."

7- Read the comic strip.

c) "Dad, where do babies come from?"

"Oh, you download them from the internet."

d) "Dad, where do you come from babies?"

"Simple, I download them from the internet."

Disponível em:<>. Acesso em:24 fev. 2012.

When Monica says: "silence is a consent" what does it means? a) She thinks the mirror is broken.

b) The mirror can't talk the true.

c) She believes in her beauty.

d) Mirrors talks only with Cinder.

8- Read the dialogue:

Clerk: What can I do for you?

Meg: I want to buy some shirts.

Clerk: Anything expensive?

Meg: No, nothing expensive. I want something very cheap.

Clerk: Do you like this one?

Meg: Yes, it's very beautiful. How much is it? Clerk:

It cost 36 dollars.

Meg: I think I'll buy this red one and that blue one.

The dialogue occur in:

a ) a farm

b) a school

c) a shop

d) an office

9- The price this shirts is:

a) sixteen dollars

b) thirty dollars

c) thirty-six dollars

d) twenty-six dollars

10- Leia o texto abaixo:

Alberto Santos Dumont nasceu em 1873 e morreu em 1932. Os textos que falam sobre

esse herói brasileiro nos mostram que ele é pouco conhecido até mesmo em seu próprio país.

Observe os verbos em destaque nas frases abaixo e marque a alternativa correta:

After he was 18, Santos Dumont lived in Paris.

After the race, he asked Louis Cartier for a timepiece that would keep his hands free

- the first wristwatch.

In 1909 Santos Dumont designed the Demoiselle monoplane.

In 1910 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and retired from flying.

He returned to Brazil in 1916. I'll and despondent over the use of aircraft in

warfare, he committed suicide in 1932.

Podemos afirmar que o tempo verbal dos termos destacados é:

a) present continuous

b) present continuous contrasted

c) simple past

d) simple present

Complete the text with o Simple Present and answer the questions 11 and 12.

A Day in the life of a Brazilian student

My day ________ very early. I get up at six o'clock in the morning. I

_______ breakfast at half past six. After breakfast, I ______ to school, but I don't take a bus. I walk to school,

because we live near it. I start at seven o'clock. I stay there until noon. After school, I go home and have lunch. After lunch I study and I

______ my homework. At about five o'clock I take a shower. At seven

o'clock all my family ______ at home and we have dinner together. We talk

about our day. After dinner, we ________ TV or listen to good music. I don't

go to bed very late. I go to bed before ten o'clock.

MARQUES, Amadeu. Inglês volume único. São Paulo: Ática, 2000.

11- Mark the correct sequence:

a) go, is, starts, watch, have, do

b) have, do, watch, is, starts, go

c) is, have, do, go, watch, starts

d) starts, have, go, do, is, watch

12- This text is:

a) a description

b) a music

c) a narration

d) a poem

Avaliação cedida

pela S.R.E. de

Campo Belo
