v r I < J ff 1if i t f tJIIV lr h 1l x T ff 1t T 1 0 t t liifw > THE SUN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2 1884 I u ff Ii l Voiron ZOIPS ATIT cAinxttrll- rCsBtml I t e f Illliler SI npe nnd Police Corn mlsslnnrr JoiiriUn Mayor 11n of I llrooltlyn appointed John tt N 1nrtrldgo fbi OommlbBlonor of l i> fro flfl- 4ixcIo t jpitprilii In placo of lull toiirditn- ttopl Wll linn II rioeinnn loin OornmlB- sloncr k of Clly VorUsln nlaoo of Itlplny llnpits 4 Rep niriiard II 1olllon IolIIlrfl fjommls- ntonor iT In plncool John N Iurlrlduo nnil Adam t WhrolocU CItE TrcaFuior In nhcoof William II Flopmnn Iln tonppolntod Tux Collector I JaincB Tanner flop Hnnllh Coniiulw liinir- Jrnotih 111moI11HoJI10ulstrmlll Anvnrn 1 CormlHKlolor t- Ilulldlnus if Vllllun II Inklor Dnml KICIR- OCoinmlflsloiiirfl lllduud IJUIIT Dcin nnil ThomA r IXinalltop 1ronlilanlof tlio P r- Tnrtmriit ot AB I nitnantH John Trmlow nnd Corporation Couuiol John A Taylor Mr Ilneinan Id fij xoars oldnnil conBorxn- tlvo It IN OMHcleJ that lio will bn nioro k economical than Mr Motion It ho does ont entml him In vigor llu In mi Indnpcndcnt- v licinocrnt and XXIK tiirneriy n Supervisor f Thn removal of Ioleo Lorlls9InorJnnr- dAI his filonds miy t xvhlch In cotirioof tlnio tho Young Ito f publican Htnitlni xxltlt lie nucleus 01- Bcrllclcr81n IhcCorncUcnnipftlKnlunoniPtod < Mnrooxur It h I Haiti thnt Mayor toy haM uoxor foriflxen Con JOllnl for rcruslni to rlnon htii ro < Minor hands i xforu his appolntmont two ago tho Upr ml hl111 tiikiti thu Blaiul I I elll such coiiijiie I unmanly I Ills I nhnrp words to the Minor recent interview L wro faii vrstridtir to ltitu boon Now you had holler drop that mask 101 k play roforni I In public and politician In 111 lrop tim mask < A number of r IAn called on Oon Jourlnl q rtgrot f elordflorllll t his i nnico opt ttirnd Ilko that ofnn Incoming rather titan II rotirLiu oft t i clal Thn renppolittmpnt t of lMNe Comm l loners Lnuoi nnd lxiins wltosi uUltiulo to- ward ¬ tho lriiriil tins bnon hoitllo for Route I I titan xxas cotisldDtcd t ty soinn titan rmplinilH J of tho Majors nurposjtn uinKi Ins blow itt ono of tlio reprt eiitntlvoMtiiS1ll tt fnicibli1- Mn t > or Low ind > ustitrittty that nxxlni InGin- JnitidnnH 1 cmm linn wit h tlio hlnus Cnuntr- Kloxntml I Inliti il onip tny ho felt that It xxim i bettor for tin nIIIII1Ilmllon certainly nnd- prnbnlitt btittr nto fur HIP roml any that nil i tonitiot loll bIW1I it tutu t Ito tiItti itt itt rat Inn Should be liroitclt toim mid I In nmixvcr to thin I Hon JourdnnV fri tulichilinthat t hn I Is nuninni- Inlcriotcd t t In tniliiiii titan txl on lie wits unit Ji ippolnlod and that hh iiuHltlim ts 1nllcnCom Ii mlsRlonor hone no tolatlon I In nny nf his bus- tS < I OllltIIrIQ ColIolin K riiitrldcn xi n clirk xxhpn hn was mitiln Coin un ttiInttor I llu Ililtind 1 pinml- ncnrnln I thn Nutlnnil Uuiid HP I Into front i thn lttyor nhjL j out 11 I nut pnnpirnliurn I prp snrn nf- prixtto btlBlni It I N thnuuht that Ito will 1 l ninko Autnn Impnrtatit ohnnucM Tie IIRW tire Vumnlfiloiini xxasn oli smnto tc of Mayor Low itt tliu tulitpclinli Instltulo I Ho afterward isriidiiitod nt Wrst 1nlnt tint was for Homo iiara I In llio Iulnr antI y Is f Tax Colloctni Tmmurs rnapp lntinentlsfiMil t I ct to bo due to Iipectir nail It IsundiTHlond t tint t tile Mayors Intention risnoct to the veteran corporal has recently IMIOII clianKi g Tim promotion of Dnpiitr Treasurer Whoo Ionic has long bron delayed bydHTeiriiitMainrs His politics are not known but It t ii known Hint jljf for years lie has been tho Jit t Treasurer In fact t WILT NOT TAKK 111K nKIAS AMICK- Tkfj i Rev Mr It Hum Inse kl < kurc liy- Hllcklngr lo the Sulviitton Artnr t Jt Canadian nnwspapcrof iccont date con- tained ¬ a totter dated at St Ooorgos rectory 209 East Sixteenth street Now York anti addrossod l to the consrecatlons ol St Georges Cathedral Klnciton antI Christ Church Cataraiiu I On- tario ¬ t Tho letter said Mv Ilmorrti Pnortif II becomes my duty to Inform r you that all cftorU fir made to haxe me reliKtsted as- aaslstant minister of the parish I hate failed The Dan t Insists as a condltio nf nty return tutu t sever alt con necttcn xtlth the fnll lIon kriity Tills I cannot con I 1 lent to do The Army hat hen a great blcsAln to mv own soul and to hundreds of our > teotIe In spite of some things which haxe git en offence I hato pledged myself t to stout by the Ann long aa It I Is blessed by Oat to th aalvatlon of souls This pledje I intend to keep There seems no course open to me but to seek work In some other pnrt of Hods hell lorbenring now to peak of the trial title separation from you will be to- me and praying uollo tie s you end direct Ittit Whole matter fur tile glory and our saltation believe in 2 your most aOectlonutcl in Jrtus Christ I OIiCy- Mr iriUOX Wilson Is A tall sparelybuilt man of mlddlo nco Ho was rending newspapers in t tho study of HI Ocorcos rectory jontordny afternoon WItCH II reporter of Tuc SON called Tho Salvation Aimv he said camo to Klncston In lanuirv 1RSJ Abblo Thompson of Noxxark N J and Miss Wood of Toronto r wore the le idols llicf mootliiis drew crcat crowds anti they soon talneil the attention of tu churchgoer I bocatno greatly Interested In te their mission and nddnsbcd meatlm1 three nnd four nlhts i week More than list of Ito onhllllor At Ht dcoreos Cathedral attend nd In ten months nriuly 1 toot pnrgont pro- fessed ¬ t rellulon lirancbes woro stattod In nil tho xilliifM about I Klnf < lon The Armys i parades oro cover molcHteel- Do in Lystor however was opposed to tho t Army antI i xvm told I would hnxn to quit it or ictxu tho cathedral I niUnod my oluirco I in tho church that I lint holt fororersovnn teen vnnrs anti after a while came to Now York w to visit rayolil fileiul tlio Itnx W S Itnlns ford motor of tilts pnrlali hone l il u lottor from Itlshop I ixxls of Ottawa on tho subject If He says to mo I do lint CCO 110W CU CDII With iltreepect or regent to hitter creche to tte citttthiiie I by the Uen- titt you gte I tip I tilt cttnecttnn It th itt Selytitlont- t Anti I etit 1101 ii ttIIIlt to rrenice with ilte tutu ti glee you Chirlet Cttitrcti Cotoret1tit n litchi otir own energy h tee tint up n n eclftrflte etare I to licence eq you to preeeii cc sit etitigttiit ti KttigIon on the ground IIIBl II is ICJ slim iiij jiu t or in iiu rw v 4 I nm informed Dr Wilton continued that ray congregation will give mo A public reception on my return to HJuutiton on rob 11 r toaottta up my afTnir I fool conllilont that If Iromnlncu there to proncli a mnjoiityot tho I vrorshitipera church at the cutlioUral would loin my n WrllI vpiderlt NwYork sBstltFUk Wholesale dealers In salted flab here com- plain ¬ that their trail is Injured Iv the discrimination In I freight rates against this city ty the ralrcnds Hoston merchants they say ceo send tub to the West by xtay c of title city Just as cheaply as It can I be lent thither dl reel front New York bccaus the Itcottcttehingbe- 7J tween nniuii an t this cit get low rttel of freight on merchandise I shlppel tn theXXitlon Ilirnugli tilt of i lading Tile ritrs ntrr the I ny ltitrtied IlfIlY are also suniclentlt tow to s nut only ti itt the ronnnlislnn nrms hut nlio of the I large Jnhllng r houses on the v i ensile The cfttct Ills been to reduce t the trade xtfth notnts sn I nrft nvtli IC Htracuse Ihe g merchants mi they have been suffering fur fars trout 12 i title I dlscrlinhiatlnn I tigetit tketr- id Argo et ntokeI soltr terrlnte Oft orrhllI f tier and the dmilhrrn trnde during t he tt titter I Is usually niportinlbin t this kind I nt frtUhl I luelsiurd I li Ihe rail road teilpattlea lore a third cleat xt lienas U Is sent i trout iiwirand SI it l Xlenii hli auth oilier HoiillTerii I iF Itlesiis tourlli cla St the eorrccjtititlltig red uction itt ii freliht rates 15 Jpkolillnv the Hurlm ImprnYement f Judge Lawrence gave n decision In Hupremo Court Chambers terda upholding the constllu- llonallly f of the x arlous cell of the LeKlslature author- Ing the Inlted Males to acquire the nglt if way for the I Improvement nf the llarlrin Illver and 1 MiiijtTi Dtt Ill 5 reek Iriin the North Liter lo the Past lilt er slid cd- s Ing Jurisdiction Hie rtdernl Onvermmnt Prniirrt o owners hd tinned Intel tiCkle tile roc rdlngs Judge tstT relic hiddth it the taking eifthe lands Is ret a tuI tic Use anl that this luw duly prutlde fircninp nsatl n 15 lothenwners fur the elite of their I lrJcrty Alo tho idijectlon that tilde act were unconstitutional bscniise I I It ttaa sought under them lo cHow the city and count I of hew Wrk in Incur in Indeblednrss fr purposes nther t purrnsti tttIgs I awrcnce holds I llollhelIIPIIInl 10 ti II pnrr > e Altnthepnlnt t that lieu tents iC 114 city haxv been itiorelty ttwti away I II ha says It will tic hut rutoligh lo consider that iiilesllo- nwbtllllis i city complain A kcal Full sir MUMTT Htolcls xl BHdnFrslk Circulars ware roesiveti by the police ester t It d > y calling fur Hit arrest nf Ihltxetnho sloU anlrni- rhtstcoiiuliilng ft nitrlanlank nnlti to the amount of a oMMi las rr sin MO Smut tb latfurm In front c- ths ii main Post Ollc ict lluda P nh on the veiling ot Jan 1 The Ioox whUhxrts atom tolu shipped hut four snftl lik aunt wia I In a wicker wnrk basket LOX red with irtrn halrc No tree nl tho thieves tics lice tuIIII1 I thet an snpi n rd lo hhx fit lie lit this oun f rv A resell nf rfli e nnerrd for lutiirinallcin whkl will SiHurv tbte Ihlexc cod another of lltiOU for thel r arrest ur tlio rocut er of tie money iI I p tr Pleading Hunger Mrs J B rrnmo ot 358 Fifth avenue sent a- mUI F itt Iliiiridii ly rraikilourghly agd I5year > of WIn t Mutli etruCi l xvhols a mrsstnger cf the Mu- lual D strict TtirJ h rmnpsny He raid tbourity i mils th rninriuvs rAIn for taking the niestar- iionrrtity lUtlxrrrl t ihe message and kept the mone- Meliu arrested r lrriiiv un ionl lain of Huperlnlind- nt Pitt Itvder tie Iridvd t that he Has linngri and sptn Co the t Ill celtic tt let eotttt thus In rM XI Hh H I llOdfllt- nnthlng n ro rim an early light hrrnkfnM and xias faint llu na toinmtii In ttfaull of t3 i ioaniwtr I ilhtcdtlnn1r5- A vrrow A DTI IITINKIM 13 Step leaxt their fwu ore for Tutu fcc at tho onLy au orlred ui tovil ndtcrthelnentomcea 1238 llroadway corner 31st 4 till 0 X- IliiB Weit I3d n rooter Suit av till a P x- iSItO 8d or mlrance on 47th st till tl P M- BX 1 Kill st corner Union square tilt H P V- XOrl fast IZtth > t near 3d av tilt 7 lim P U- No elite charg- eANVHIIKR of experienced operators on lattice titan OungmlsseN learn tlie trade stead work HII OKI into I Finn im south flh qv A VIIKKIKK <tc 1VIISON operators on shirts nn xvnrk given out- HBhCIVllIC t HBOC8anrnadva- tIITIFKIAI A FIOWHK matters learners 1 highest prices and night ttnrk IlbliG A IIItO Broadway A pIeorEnsrtrcdzuLrorgenereittottuenork 1511 East S71- hAT i- tH Tin MSI KltMbX rrleiiced hands oil men stiff and Ptraw hats II XI P11A HUMAN A CO V4 Broadway O t iitAiott on IjlittnnhoU inachlne prefer one who can alsnot rntv ou mieetlc mncllne- L UllllfiOS t UP 410 Canal I st t near arlc- kP VltANOIHXiinteil net xptrlencedlara ollm ers who uniler tanil the litotuica t tliornuhl t steady work good wage at lllITfclli Ih lM WllIdw n- PvHANOIM > XTviH on experienced girt to ex rk of I II hit ri frntori HAM IIIPM It t flP PINII 11 xi en JJllroahxax ltL > xFN rfrr hands jlllexxriT callttvodHvs It TMJNUIIJTK u tali st H kn IVANrnn good hoot atere tile lthgheutpricee ii orb cti 1ibcruy at PATKIIrlrs to stun luitlis 2 Wuuerley- 5v pla- cezxprsIEcI1 2 women that bane worked rertsurants Lalliarly i I I LAItKS l au ranal s- tVMIIKKII inuttlt 1n tfoGN A irXttatied a cutter xtho uu demands I the business L i L HANS A imi 12 Walker s- tAOF fTM making fortunes on mr new speclalt 6o lolllve COLLIKlt 11 andetxal at BOY for offlie musl reside with parents good pen n Addresill A CO 11 Uradll- FRFMKIC IIOYwanUd Work on ruling machine Ltterty st- IflDK PAINTFltft Apple A M 11 read fnrwork M R 1 r Nl Ctiul loJI r t 1 1O1IIIINU ilminlili I mnrl tie tomietrnt nnne C Addrcsr ly letter l Jinx 3J9 bound llroox N J MAlltlii Janitor tiartcndcn rrncery clerk cngraxcrs farmers 7JJ Hr aOnr1 O PICJ nor wanted of good nldrtiut coed hand- writing 7H J PlreH JTIFF HAT CVHIKIIH anttd at Dll t e 3 MN A mioXN844to U hof omiko St W- IT O UAKIKNwanted a ycutugunan on cake and plea n lEA tl8tie corner Hlhn and7lhax W t TInA ilrst cUrs innn cccuviomid to run nlnjat H Rogers A Co platter and matcher at moulding mill corner Jda aunt mutt it IIFAIDIT A aLUM ENTtIAI V XIIUA few lojsfnr delivery wagon nnly tube into cf n coiuo wtll recoriinrnded ieed attly Lost A TAYLOR iraml ai d Uhryttlt sts t V xr Ii t men accuilomcd to polluting Inc aid mutter platea for engraving itid rfntlng i nr lioseiI Apptt I tn TcJit ttl ltLt S IIHOH I South lllllt I llrooklii Yo II or 7J 111 Ntw Vork V AMTKII1 xarnlsh oilher one who under stands l irnlshing must tie a Irm rrntr man good wages laid Address UATrMi OltllAN AND PIANO Co Triiro N 5- lJAiTEflxeiriated xiirnlsTi I salefinen Only VV thone aniUKlnttd in tin I unin rii uteod address slat t Ingnfmncif AHMS11 MANUKXOTlKKHS box IU7 nun M- ireirtvu Mrslclisii metal splnn rs A VT xrorK Call or addrr II I p A H M < n JIKRfiiili Hh si Plilladtli- blaWATKnA tiny wl n has worked at URII Dsliillng l alittc- NtTiltrLt A SMITH Iii Wrlh it VAliTUder for ruling nmclilne ellher toy uttitck tn JAS Ii rlhKB Iiymiallllern- srAVTH 1 > A Kniid teat j lenrh mflildeT I If utadj eniiioyinent it and it Powrrs at lJrnotiyit D- VAXrD ga pita to seth ii new ttinit Pttitttui I Julckly lIal rooltI 2 nJ tiroadti a- y5TATEIiOruitutittal lal anners Apply at ly MAKt IN rUKri eOIi JJe teittlttt It WANTKOA ttrutciuua lot truth f r Addre JON boi nu huii offlce WAWTKll Ortic I toy must anli nllh 1 tnTpa l iuh I- IVAXrmA i tint class it nod turner at lu Wt- iWmttrt I lurk- Uuttltoii 0 h i I1A K IJt5ttluttti I ly a tnt elms fire II man trench xinna I tread I aunt rille- uia n sieuilty a exptrlenctd In IHMilur I lit ilrtl riSes rtfrrm- ri Klvenl t tit oriounlr Cult in or uddrrss o J- H8tantonitini ure 11I I ltrtere Until c otter t id t I Inr tlie- st New lurk city I fir Hires Hoys- wanted I UICM V it i alit nxers ninde to order In the Uirst at tle t mite ui nird a rutting und 1 nniuiu i ll a etlall tJ n I i ui wartj koixln ntniitli f n hand Mtr MJK HJhthax P ln CrNIjI toy mutt > Hiintlon as MI it band ur I iiiInuUr Is a fri Iott xu rk tent oiublrof itii eitw Abuts KiMP I Its IM MIII titer SrilATMIN xiantid 11I raforitnrit I stir Viral clan I t MI I NHV I 111 i in I iriiili cltx or country HLIi llt Ill 11 > ii Vivut tIt it I- ISII1rIIS XT IIIl1 I I ty a ciiinrclrnt iltrmsn to I tug1ft Al krrn- l ittAtL I IitiEtitttji 011 Fet llth M V ril Miilly ant ztntlmrn ii utiitt tutu l nintitdiin at I tter end niindd I If u onlrel Mrs Ulihi r las I liJ LlirH it rear building Oral hour mugtmtlt NKV PAHKlIIIIATlti I t Urnd Matins Broad way anti JJlhst t I at a- IABTMAT1NIP TART NIOUT OreateM liramntlr Triumph nf the f enliitr The New KmnllMial Isiuta ii UMIA IOIIAN entitled THAT MAN I OltXNI THAT nAN THAT MAN MATINKK I THAT MAN THAT MAN AT a I THAT MAN Prcented wllti eiitlrtly new scenery and treat star cast Including AUNK1 nOOTII AllNPB BooTh Meet Punitsv Rrenlng Mrnnd Rucil Cnnrert NhXT XXKbKMALtlltlllYt TIIIIUIIAIXIU- H8UNION II ILkTlt l A CWltilI 7 Prorrelon- HISiXX 11 KXINISll JAN IIAIITltY I KId MiXX 0111 nil Y IHtxMA nlltleit- hiPAIlAflON The Cit Inrltnllrig Mcirn Charles rnghtan I John arslle J II stnlilnrd I Joseph h Whllmi Henry bnnfrnii rellx Mn is Julhn Mugiin aol lypatidkr hninpffin lOcation < sreyt lflle Ktlsler I J hlillpi Mnnd I i llnrrliii iabrlell < Du J t uld Nflls- ltherrll 0 I tint Plnlli lilts Act I Onthn httudanri 01010 It and III Trouxllle- iiirniund Aol IV llotrl tit Mnrenoe- Hatiirdiiy rh 2 first Matinee of SKPARATIO- SIVlll A V TII I ITItP nwar and Utult st a Proprietor Mull MunticirMr JOHN KThTKO- NNSTANTxNBOUHRUflIMI hOJM < ANT AlOHTKH The treat rnmedv Rensatiou of Ihe age IH > uMiun Pull to nverHowing xx hilt fun genuine ant hearty Interpreted by met nf rare excellence Kverx Ktenlngat 1a R Matinee Ballirdar I al 2 MONDAV thlt illlberl anti fiulllxans latest suit ctM PlllMhHH teA Keservi d seat can now tie secured NV TURK IMKIIY TIIFATKKBU- IIADWAY ANt 2UTII HT LeI I l HAN HIAMIKUI DIKIIX I IIOUSR I and Prnprletori Messrs I Hixt A Hpadir I ROIIIII K Matinees XVednesdv and Saturday I ir M THAX hSTY IOXlVANY In their famous musical rmnedy oddity FUN ON THE I IIIIIHTOL New Special Veatnre New Mutlc New sons Reserved seats f I and f I MI admission toe amlfl N IIIIOH tttnrv KBENB POtilK A illlxtoltll Proprlrtnri Manigen- ItlKEIIM DrLAlM ton Pint MnorlfiOr One meek onlx tile popular Tragedian MR THOK xVVlKNK In Colly ribhcrs vi rslnn nf NItukeipesres tragedy ItlCIIAKD III MATINRRH XVhMlSKSDAX SATURDAY AT2 one NEXT XERK Mils LAMITRY In A WIrES PUKIL- No adx ance In prices 1 HI RAT II T MIMIQUr TOO UROAOWAV- IIAItlllOAN A IIAttl Prniirklnrs JohN l OANNON Manager THF HOXIh I OKKI laICI SSIS- HltHTIl I XION11I 01 I I II UlllKIAN AM HART In Fdxxnril Hurrlciiirs HM Comcdr entitled OltlllIIAi ASPIIIXIIIINS Fire new MnhaHlenn I to Mr lAVth IlllAHA- MMVTIMPSTURullft AND Hit DAY U ill KT t roiiNnii irrii AV- Jor NlmM I I A Sflt Or HILL thus farewell performances of hue Inlniltamo stud reluliti tint- MIt t K I MXIIT This tclllnK at II Matinee Sndy only lull IN llll LAND link I n the Chuhituca tinChurch 1111 KONHAVtln IIMR JOHN T IIXXJKIM- ONK Full ONtiItEns ttElK ONLY NUVAIti TIIKVritli TODAY MADIHOt l I K at i4iu i Salnrdnj Matinee i at 2- ALPINI ItOsKs I Thr new plitiirisiue rotuanllc 4 AllINK IIOsi act lolljl AIPINh i HOSIS I I I II ItOMSON The characters xvlll include Mitts Ororgli l Citvvan atlis Marie Hnrrouiilis Mm XXhIHen Mine 110 ka xnn Slant it 1I7 lleurge Clarke Tlmnms VVIilllen J Le xlojne- X If 1011 Richard Afansncld I nnd others CONCKKT4 i FOK Y VO PRO PL P t t I I TI11IXIA1 I LonilllClor llllltl CONCKRI SAIURIIXI hit 2 at J precinely- STPINXXAY IIALL HIM EMMA llrn Miss MAil llXRIICllt Plino TIIK GUAMII ORCHI STRA- In an attrncltx e and brilliant programme- Dux oRlco open dilly trout 9 to gTKINMAY 11AII IlXVAEL JOiKKPY- KAFAIL JHIrt Jlrft appearance this sraloii wIth the aMUtaice of a Irand Orchestra TIIPODORi THOMAS fonductor- TUFMUY KVI NINO tlm 5 at 8- Adinhulnii Cl suits lOcculf ultra at Slehtwax Hall riItisy PAHTOKt THKVTRK 14TII ST 1 siwrrs t of LAI IIIITKIt MllFAXISotnFIIllllT- SeolhcORr XTFsr lltt > ll PLA Kvtr Prodiice1 lit I lIrAII IYII JIUIUI- JIII I I AT FtTCI ss III Till MAIE1I tss FAMILY TItNY PASTIlll AND DOUIIIli KIM Tl NHIIT ST rELix MST1 Its TIIL XHltKINhTTF- SinnoK I tICUttK HKSFIX FD MATS IAIIV tMta4 > BROADWAY AND tnTIL ST C i Kvrry ex enltiR at A MatInee Saturday at 2 LAST IIK IK Till IHIIiXK STlIIEM II tile MrCiull Opera Conilrinc Compunx- Fatllrda nmtlnie andixenlng 1ib J list performances stteclallj I diiilgii il oti i cit ire xrlll be presented MONDAY > rti 4TIIK XlbltllY I AI- iKTII AVKM7K T1IKVTHF EXTRA tf The Young ccentrlc haraiter ronudlan Mr IIIMIX K IIIXIY In hU irresistible Caricature IKX IMI AS MIX IDLK MISS SAIIII MAItTINOI AS PORTIA OTAK TIIRATKI1 IUXE I YOUR EYE- Every O enlng at H and Snttirdar niMlncf nt 2 MKfiTOI ANtI 11AR10N COMPANY IX XNTKII A XKTMlt- II XXI I tOLll EYPf t D AITS TII E ATI K Kvrrrexenlngats lAti- n I todav at 2- Perfection SEXENUVhNTY- LIllIlT nf comedy aclliiK LauEhterlllerally Incewint Herald < lliltA flouter hiwnr nearaotlut- I BIIOi I AT M XIATINIE TII IU At 2 Tti itt limit Inmpsny In lirlm t SWj1Jr 1 Prices VV II yiit 2 I xcrllent reserxeil seat 75- cPFOlIR8 TlirVTItr Hoivcrxopp Spring st t etc u ru 7 T XtuinipflXXrd 1 IIUItlfI 1111 in TIII I t hltl itt VAi- txonle fiil Miontlui Rent ImliAns- JONDA TIU MIUNiLlll OP PXIIS 11 l1li1fDl nn Mcicrr RiNKEM i XX IN LI I lUPAlHi t II I nx rnd31it i cit a alntihity JAn J1 one iiek otitv I1LS XXlILIAXlri- XXEUNhhllA I nnd SATURDAY In- XUTINKL4 One nf the Hncs- tGKAXIt OlFICA IIOVNK I utah i t t orcitietrn I tin le anil balcony r0cts Lnt tail 11 rformnnces Matinee Ht J eienlnir HtS ito aimi KLs HEIr I In KDUMXOOII FolKS ESt EIIAItlA NINT WEIK nsllhllALDA- Itroailna 1IAlKH mid 00th it fV Kveit iMiilntrtH emit Ratiifday Matin < Rti3U AN fcNTIPklYMSn FAIMCAL CUMKDY tOt thu let DHlFPTIOV GRAND KKCKPTION AMI nIL or Tim N Y RETAIl OROCEItV IMON MADISON cytlAIlF hARDEN FEB 3 1X- A4TII A II A TUKATKK TODAY HHKliniSKIDIS TONIGHT UrISTINUHK Dill klNOSHlAU c1iiott 3Jottrrg- A NIIATTAX TKMPrRA AriSO Cl ATII SiX loo er tnion I tivmnrrotv Hit tthay a it oclock units nueui tit 2 Aodroaa Itott I ilrick Ivutuerv3 Mr thtlLt iv hit icive tile rN with Iitty 3s0t pit TutL ltecttfttIittI Mr tephcuu Mac 511 lite a 3 IcucS7 t flute tI Iioh3ac tbvect 11011111 r titirr minunii aged I suit l IIIIIKIC TTII1 be fine Rain snow or shine thoininnilsxvitl nil Iheerrca huh to near Ilnck and the Prnf J Jay xaUoi hanilly J II f lithithSFrealdeat S I fur Kthlal ulttureJrnf l Pellx Adler wilt lecture t lirfmo Hie toilet at Ililckerln Hall cornerSlh ax andIPih n on hmidr > ill lust Door penrd at Hi Jii cluved at 11 Interested ari invited Subject t The Tnement Iriililci- uM IIiIII ttUnltllt ANO t 1IAMIIV OIlcAN AND FIANO ca 41 EASt urn Sr Hestandclesiieit oriins irj ittns fJ up rrntcd all tent allowed lu rnrcliaia Calalniuri inalltd tree A LA na witt cell piano uih toolri et llesdence- I 2JI halt Illlli II near Jd nv I I INCll rU 11 OMllenotvned for lm and dura biiiu t u7XeMjxihPtiindKi7liroadnay inn st J A nv u ci IIllne uuprigttt pIanoforte uit- Ilano oJ iii cold 21t I Naul JIll a- tQIOlIItllt f73 upright 5tli I rent gt ui cut IIflIWfIIItII Eact Hllisi- UI l1olmnllt1 hip ilJ olicc- cii ot i < > AKTVKUMHU i > lifulufore exlstlnr I J I lelmin Cm XX x eiwri xii 01I Markar XValcrNx undirlhe rrm naiiiorfll XV AM IX AIIHOX K is this slay illi rlril by ninlli il consriil Ilalnl Krb I I KM The bmluiM lull U coiillniird ly3lr M WALtlltilV- RHii9trurtipn I ii B tO K > AIKof ixiertnc > si Icfl hand leuinan chit0 t a lies utis puriUnation rl inlud build t reiiilii known tnrtniitaniniiMv nw melhe defer I IOtIer I InnllliiiiF litinlci a Deiirllieut CIIAS WLAUtKLT lleuster iimce M llmdersmi place Joey tit nOO U K ilxujj j tatuihit lit I IIII I J otoitttity I VttuJo 04 buttery up t Iota it hiriudway I Ural Q1 111ItC- I HAJ1UA > ITVicaili balance east ternti istorv I e 47 I lxnch II near Ilidfoiil at llrnok lyn lu mlnuiis frimi JIoO Wa ferry sti In ptnye titui I rico uiutri Ill Ii I tiai 1 Iitts at 0 n So = Crt nut > Iir liyottiori llulul al Zit htroflhwu lit I fold ohattc for a rllllcr J lnlyu VMI- IKYiValefMI AIIl- lu f rsii r l ahtr H 11 IrI fl rlr brat Snitilaut euttary- lv 1 i1 rlllI tI tJi rias All rOI I i ala Irf m ol- tUJ lJvn I pteauutI 10ofr la J V JtAliht1 1 Itttoi at loukt3 ii I il it vo utili- guCJiittj Dfll IIIIU celraia beth Ielthbcly tilt hoUI OIf tt aIAI it to fI1lr VeiLk a- t5sLrl S r 111 11111 IIII I day 111 0 JrIL 1m liU ar Ulh i OUR ENTIRE STOCK- OF OF and floya heavy clothIng we ituati dlpo of ly Mnrchli I n4 io ute Itoh htxo maile prices accordingly t mini tie great number of bwcalni xte rOar we make ptclal mention ot lie followIniri Ito UKN8 OVKHCOATH COKUIlt 1lttCH UIN- OW fIJ S 00 WliNS OVhltCUATS KOItMKK IlltOK f151 i SOW 10- CO MSS OVKIlCOATS FOIlMKR PRICK 14 t NOW 120 itoys hllCdATtl FimXtKllTy Itt NOW ItO nova OXKltrOXTH POIIMUIUV JI2I NOX- VTIIUB f6 > 414 MOIII AIT AT llIIIUCF1I P11ICE- 8BKSfl FtllTS rnilMRntA OID AT I I NOW riO MRSS lulls 1OrMIUttA hOt I AT 113 M1XT I1- MENS SUITS HIUHUIIIY SOIU AT 1it I NOW ItS Boys bOlTS FOIDIKlIY M1IH AT IlOt NOW W- IOS BOlTS HIRMHItlV SOUl AT ItS I I NOW 10 Men Oniloin vtlinti lit eiiormnm reduction Par nUhlnit boils attn reduced Every arinint In the house been marked down at hOlds that will Mil hem A Raoud n c cI- MI Co AND 838 BROADWAY OPPOSITE City lULL TilE V AR OMIIIS DIVIS S SEE THE SUNDAY STAR ton A GRAPHIC EXPOSE OF THE RUMRIDDEN CITY 10000 SALOONS- OF men 2000 are Dens of Vice and Crime Millions of money wasted and thousands or our jonth mined by tlioso PALACES OF SIN Immorality and Drunkenness READ TilE SUNDAY STAR tblIc otir- tp T OPFICK N OTIOELcttcrattrEttroptn- eed not be Rpecliill ilireiteil 1 for despatch bj any rartlculartteaiiicrinonlertonecure aiwlv delivery I al- ie tlnitinn as alt l trani nllniitlc mallj tics for ardcdby the rosiest xensil axattabtd Forelnu mutt fr the xeek endmz Feb 2 will clot at tlilxiltlioaifollowlb- ATLKUAY AtllA M for Europe per steamship City of II rlln via Qni ennlou n letters for llrrman Ac I ninit bo directed per City of Uerlln1 all ti A Mi Scotland direct I per steamship Anchorla lulllan rita letter mint be dirfttcd per tuhorla a t U A XI for Belgium direct per utoninvhlp llelden laud u I in Auttwertt 111 A M for Itiripe Inr lium- etch XXtrd xla Southampton andKretnen at 1 2 10 P Mtoi Culiaand the IVect lea her Mriin rl ship Newport xla llaxnim at 7 U M rot Trite Illo unit Kuatan Ir etcaninhip K 11 XXnril Jr die Sew OrleanN- SLNDA 1 7 nPMfor I Honduras antI Milnjiton l teani hlti Lucx P Xtlllcr xla Nex Orleann- i Her i for Ililna and Jfimn per stcamrlilp I Arabic I II lahan PrnncUcoj I clone here Jan J1 at 7 1 P MI Mulls for ttist yalta New calniil handulch nnil liJtl- ahistil i l li per Rtenmshlp < Itv of StIncy rlaSan Fran clico chin here Ub aat 7PM J t or on arrhnl nt Nrw Xnrk if uain < lili City of cluncr xlth British nitllsfrr AllMralin a The Boliplnleof clojinjnf Trins Pnclflc mills Is nr- ranccd nn tlieprenninption uf tlirlr iinlnlerritptM over tent I tranilt to San rmnrlfico xialts rriim the YI ar rlxinif on time at Salt francUio on thin dux of s tliuj u- lptiamerSRTeilespuKhnl ih nce thetame day IIFMIYi t PhAllOV Pontmaiter- rostOltlce New York N Y Jn21 H- rOIOIt < SKAIiil IMIOIOSAIS hia tint iindflrflvncd at th office of the AmirUan Comiuiit of t Hit Htntuo of llbfrtx 17 I Jlroautivay room II I until noon on tXeiluemla lh 21Ih- y tla uf ttfbruiry IHS4 for the tiirntahihnt of I lie tOlle slot nexvork necciisirt fur the lonitruulon of the pedes tilnf I thohtatiieot Liberty bnllithtenlni tue WorM on nl1l1uhlII I flu htisttttty I of ntcn reiiulre will I b Ova thounani six liiitiilrfd toil City all cubic yards more or I less 1 ach bid ii ill lie aicomianlcilbya > anipl of Illusion ftriMl shoxtlnjl one face rough one hammered ons toilutiel Plans and f peclflcatlons can be teen In the vOIce dally between hours of I JO and 3 JO I P M after rebruar I tirox she Committee renerve the right to reject any or nil bids CHARLES P STONE Engineer I III Chief New York Jan 94 1884 fl l g llItl AMERICAN HAVINON- 5th SlINk av and 421 n open dvlly Open Tuesday and Saturday nights Ac cotiutha opened by feb 3 suIt draw Interest from las 1 lit TRt5T14E4 I lion HENRY II VAN DYCSI LOu hank SuprllltlDj nt Herman O Armour Inmnls I White lion Job P Crlinmlni Iharl Macltae XTIIIlam mum lion John It Krady lion Jarohlicsr James A Striker Henry 11 Itussrll John Roach frederkk HIIIHir Henjamln S Watcotl IiaaoNenioiiKellKman- And 13 other gooi men I1 ht llIlrtu F ° LEAMETtte7ARROLTTOM htoThlti I Itelhi titan a laret llrsttla IIOUM in all Its appniut- m < nl xxlth acconimodatlims for over three liunOre guest now illiii a vein large liuilne > s I Is tftercd for I lease and furnllnre rOIl sale For further Information apply tn- H IRMN IEY8ER- IeIretldeuit > FOIL HAIK omro MKVTA centrally I locMe o properly In Newark N J near the inrner of Market at andllroa ate hull I1I If trick three atones ai hi1 IIJH iuiltattl for almost utty kliiI ot uoiauiuficttir lug tipiiieoa It lease the triiert ii Ill be tiut In gioii teusatatile cmlltloiu or toutls aittl ott caa Urlll lB phy to I1VNItY lIWLltit Otltte Of ili lnchIIIln tut 7761IroAlol Noarl S J n Olltt nnd t OIl- 1CC POhlrtl5y FUR Isle EItebti hulsi krrpliiK rocmi to respectablt parllts i tSO 43 haul IJIh st- GKNTIKUKM Itnnins furiiliheil tnxer lnubl onif rt > II M and f i JIll Hud at it W EillUJINItiuIII ronms tr housekeeihi7 froit 12 lou J5iJ weekly 27 Irani SI o tUt ftc IC 2 iNvIrs I ioltdoui dneaael seatikiuu sacquec ud hlinaus cad sit teaditig tuiuillottail fur syguit xt lit wear xvell and pit a etltir idiot tlvn un direct lo C O HimNB Ioj tnhnco si decided bargains Bf n 7- VUIJMKI r cxlra clink I lees f I lttuCtrIi fa oT- uiinl a j > ci iT ° < HM i iiouuds iiepi er ur iniKiard Me lllAMi8VH 2s0 I earl and 4u Fulton I- Ia S0V1IWoescrop teas fit I nrlh EL HHNMJHSVH2 Peail Mutt 40 Fullon n 0 tif ii C A ciurAIyv fur hewlache eoiisllpation I lilies iiiinan he tI I y diseases iierxmi- aKr1J e weahutoes A e l0HfW I Invigorating rup Jc Jk 1fIl nml fj old ur chronle eeoc pro no IIKTI uralilsiUcitiil nutlem el I Mainplii in 1111 circularsfr cell lee tree frouiOiuij i II cud i tot P bi i tiittiir liourKinsiiitAiioiM 3 nl fur naiiuiiiut NVTIUNAI lYE tlSE41 OlhcJ it flus rprjUhyimdriigjUl aiidalUriiieiiteii s I tli tiiliiuIt DfPfi iiHIilUttal11 1 noonsandexeli- i JIV I I is My uflcriioonii i New York oldest reimiiiusiitUallsi I l pbileUn cUtter ie > l skin diuasrsl- ivlM ItltitritHmi strictures tlmldrr kidneys tiutti iiii iiKthiuliicureiitrmuntiill t wont nl- c 5tAkstanei itrucius db hi > clasp uttUuhoto tail Ad tuik tnLe 1 Ilf UItuii EaseutCfLife tnruittttieilyrc iii yyrf JHli In tur intel ruiliira lin 1IiI l> I rl ce ft J a ini Illtln il Uii I lllli n two Uouitrroiu hi ir miluuNc irk I UItlV Yt tIt Priinklin mi I Imernau mpcrl I cure A iiToiuIn tInes In i ii otsi ri enl I ur ihrouli ItnUiliiigthixeuf iiibiuiv i ttt iru nceetit it Allen I aucu froU A M tuup I XI lr I IIIUIIIII nki r MIDKMI l MIITITTK ouch liit nwrv 4 I I All Mt rii iroiupl I tlurtu li trtat liienli t in illinell ludt- ilDll 1- I Ill NTH III t tftIlMfk l itttcIii5iltCitl xiur < 7 > ierlencediilij > liUiiiiilil I mil IItallOIlI eiud- oI > tJ > 1 IIICIixTorrlil I IVrfrtTrusllie letlcu ani a brat iptlUiuii In tile iitW tmijlncll U7 i nay IT IS A FACT hOT CUMPMMRSTAIIT 10 THE IN- DUSTRY OF TIlE REX TIIAT MOST MEN WEAR OUT TWO PAIRS UP TROUSERS ONI COAT AND VEST ACCORDINGLY ABOUT THIS TIME OP Till YEAR WHEN OBNTLEMEN USUALLY REPLENISH THAT PART OFTHBIR WARDROBE WE PRfPARE ron A RAID UPON OUR STOCK Of TROUSFRB TODAY BEGINS TilE ANNUAL TltOUHKIl HALE AND WE WISH TO MAKE IT A IWUflER AN KN- TIIIK SHOW WINDOW IS PILLED WITII 8AMPIB TROUSERS AND WE INVITE YOU TO EXAMINK TIlE MOCK AND TIlE PRICES STORK OPEN UNTIL D OCLOCK TO NK1HT Rogers Peet Co CIOIHM nHfAX NIIOEM OOU573 IIItltVUtVAY OriOSITE- UHTHOrOLITAN I10TKU BENE liE BROS 1IAti liS tIASl A ibltOiK RTOCIUt ilANt SEWED kiWI oil TIhIllt oWN MAKE MAIIII 01 TIlE III1ST llllAVllolKIIIi AM DOMLSTlr CALMKINM- XXIIII SIM1LK AND DOUIILK OAK SOLI WIIIOII- TItEV SELL AT 350 4 AND 5 A 2tX > 1Alltd TO SElECT IIO PAIRST Lnrce t Custom Shine llonipin IUt AK1 SOI CAIVAC- ORNER OK XIUI1IERRY ST 8 IXVJLttUl Ia ttt- oC Catarrhs C upcclfle for this dlcsic In tin IlcAil Ac Our CA TARRII CURE 75 centl ape dully prepared to meet refloat cue contains lie curntUe proiicrllct ot IdSUS EXTRACT our NASAl HVniSdh 23 Cents Inraliiitble fur UIO In catarrhal nfltactlonsit imiple and e9tcfiv BOLD HY ALL DRUnOISTS JAMES MEANS 3 SHOE moxt tlurtble made flneit calfskin perfect flttlnr Soil at t the fulnwiuig atoms In New YorkAl Saunas st t tI1 Oranil it 107Gth nv- llJBtti ax 5J Rouser 3124 iI nyccinuen Itowery urn Inane JKalav corner Kill av nnl Utli at 4JI Sll- nx 117 Hid av flrrrnwlcli m 187 Am A 41 Av 1104 Av O 21H hatliani att 2H1 midiou at 5li Silt n- In Hrooki ut31t Mirtle I ax 21 I rnnl at l I i10 Mjrlle- ar JOJ Cniirt > t 5JO to 534 llronilway 383 Irand it- UUAtlanlk ux 1tIUtOIlt1 PKXMiYIVAMA HAl LXOt U Nov 18 ttwj- OltlATTKUNK LINK AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE Trains I leave New York tie Dcsbrosse and Cortlandt streets Ferries atfolloixt- Ilarrliliurg Plttstmrgh the West Roil South with Pall min Palace Cars attached A V U and 8 P U daily Itctx York nut lhlcagn I Limited nf Parlor Dining bmoklrir and bleeping I Jars at n A M every day Vllllanuport Lock llaxcn 8 A MH P and Erie fitS P M connecting at tnrr for Thluavhhle Po- trneum Centre and the oil Regions Ualtlmore VXa hln ton and the south Limited Wash Ingtou Ixpresn of Pitllirnn Parlor Cardallv I except huniln 10 A Mt arrtteXXashlngtnn I 4O5P U Kegn her vIat nnIIIlII I ntflniaul H Jl AM 3 40 and up MnndU night xla II and O It It I soil 7 P MI and 12 night Bundox xla II WJrrtl II A M 0P M and 12 night Tin II nit P MI and U nighti For Atlantic mil except ilndin 1PM I KorCapeJIayexeeptsundayil I IUA XI Long Branch Iiuy Head Junciiini suit Intermediate sta- tions u III Katina coil Amboy II A M 112 noon J 10 end 5 P M On Sunday II v N i 1 131 do not stop at Asliur Park Boats of Ilrooklyn Annex connect with through trains at teraey ritaffording a speedy ant direct transfer for l3ruoilyui trax el Train arrive Prom Pittsburgh t10 coil 11 VI A M t 7 o stud HiM P M lalland 7AM dally except Momtnx Irnni Xa iiliutou and UiiUiinore 0 5 IIIO A xi i 411 i a z yi hiCti law and lu M 1 p M Sun dail ii V x ximixiand I in JJ P M From Hal tlmorc 1 JU xi on Mindtis u JUP MI From Phil Kilclntila HM itt n a HM 7except MnndM U20- f 0 f Ui 10 4011 3JA M JO 23 4 tJ VI 1 I JlUJJ 7 f- J > H 4 Hi aso Iii 05 1020 stir as I P M Sunday u20nytogouito75n UJ3 AM02i0 7jju > loin hl3 onollUJi t rfU1 r xt ° iIILAIELP11KA TilE OLDESTABLISHED ROUTE AND SnORT LIVE 20 TRAINS EACH WAY WEEK DAYS AND 0 ON SUN DAY 3 sTATIONS IN PHILADELPHIA 2 IN NEXYJkORK oounin TnACK TIIK MOST IMPROVED EQUIP NEST AND TllB FASTEST TIME CONSIHTEST XX1TII ABSOLUTE SAFEtY Expreti Train leave New York via Deiliroiso tad nrtlsndtlreete retries lotIons 6 liO 7 20 H M JO 19 and 10 Limited 1111 I 10 A MI 1 atmntf a 7 H find Ii Ji and I nllit mm tai p 13 a tu Limited i JI 10 A SI f 0 7 B and 0 Y> tt ind 12 night Trains leaving NEXT York dally Inert Sunday at H JU cud It 10 A rI 12 4 5 and i P M 7201 1 Trenton for Camden Itetunilnr trains I leaire Broad Street Station rinlndri- nlila UOI a1513204t31 eicert MomlaxKO 730 1tlli Vl IJinllid txprei 5 uft is a ii ii iuti a 74 n iif 1 12 ijII 3 14 43 trf C k 4 I 520 titititeI UOO 7i 745111101 4I ° at LeI lhthiaiheihtiiii via atliduut S2t A 31 daIly nCI Siittiiaiy Ticket ofltcs IH 413 nd DH Brositway I Actor IInuo auti fiat ut letniuunes auil Cortiauitb ala 4 COUll ct tin Bnooiclyuu lhiucx Station fioh of Iiutttn it u Jlrookljn Uu > ci lintel llnboktn tittiuu Jonsey ttly tOntgrant Ticket Oflice II Buttery 115Cc sitil Oss II I tturdeli The New York Trailer Company tylit cnll for ud chock SS K rm l hotels l l anti retldencn ChiA mill I R WOOD ileneral Vniiaor Henmi la enitfr ii n- tUiT iiiuiAiiiIii1It ANI 1IJ2AJZ2 BOUND ROOK ROUTE FOR TRENTON AND PHILADELPHIA 8totleii In Note Yuri foot Liberty st North Rive COMMFNCINll NOV IH 1FS3- Leaxn Mete York 74 13 01 2 lll I A MI 1 at fOO1O 0 in 70T I2PXI hilnlaJ H4A M1 I JP I XI her i4uiutur j Uwltliiirii mid Wllllmnsnori I i i U7 43 AM i 4 1 3- 11ave Ilitlaleluittha corner Uttu attl lireene ala 730 I aI iIa I 1 4 M I 13 uIi 241t ti43 13 P 31 t4tuut lIft t4ilI4 att Atit 12 N t leave Trenton Warretu and Tttekcr at I 2S C30 Slit 003 11010 I IIJI I A 31I I 4 41 024 734 11 t4itutilaye 125 II IK 4 at Ii 13 I 31 IJ1IA IIISIIIIIIJI As I till thay truilno Unit SLEEP i IMI CAltS au li nlblit trains II 1 P Ih4tluyIN Oleti Polnn I las Atielit i wr on I lUvM Gout Pass autti TIcket Arrnl PMIadelnhlii J K t OIl rrEN ilriirrnl Manninr shillpill- gp ClliCJwr lTKAM iIIP OOXIPANY Pier foul il i aiml st North Kivrr IUR TIll TUMUSOr PANAMA POLIIN colt Haturdav belt u niiiii luiiiiiillni for Tentra mid i South America mid Mexico YhtOh SAN FItANl4ui tat uiiI ltratiuiait ii U- O JAPAN AS IIINA I AO M tllVIIIOiiilUniiirsiliu Fut 7 noun rxcnrbin tlken bettxteii nun lraneico and loko hania IIrll lal route 1HOl HIANI MO TO IIONOLUIU NEW lEA tiANI MV AITUALIA 1ITi Of NtDNIY sails Friday Feb J 13 on ariltal of Liindou inalli at Salt tranelfeo Fur reifiulinisicgu tittt I ventral Inf rmstlnn altily al- oiniMii t orlle un i the imr fiot of I taiuol st N rlh llIr II J IIUILAY utp ritttethe- uitIEMALTIliNMAFiAc4TItCUM jr < Va H twern Nov York nnd Havre rompanysiiierncw u North iltcrroituf Morton si iii in nn fhiriinl rillu f lat Set tl IIIMMI 41 Lot D rillietdut I fli I I 5 4 xi rrlultjjirtm N A< enlmljitliiutlfeci- iii j 111 Nivit iiwiroto ANTHKIII llsalliiufroin New Vork und Anlitrrn amen Satnrdav llrltfrhlHiid Satnrunt Kel Jfl A XI rland Silt Iirh4v rebt 4p I M baloniiMstiteronin smoliingan Ijatnroo HHamtdsniDs Hub on f infl Licursfon Itlluto fli ud Cabli V5i t tncdmuhout Stilt J steerage iitxvunt fj bren ld triad Antwerp kiJ I Kxcursion f lo Deluding bedilliu- PITKItlillllillT11 A SONS HcnerM 4cit i oi nrimlira- yKOYAI M 111 TO IHK rilliltLAVOS sltavnn KOH spier AMDTHIDAM lout Nillsci tI Jeniey City Z tAiflbM eticda3 FII ti I I P mil lull fflittUt J at IIIiIIII Voltiuosa3y IL 13 71 1 A t Catuti IJ HIU lit IM II uX liett 4t JS M IVIIIIn it tVoU lIn 405 It iilitiit at Vgti I tiit I hI V 11111111 t his A cli u 1 I 7 4 t Srtii IIIIR rflor IIIOSII r N cute 11 t TlTtjrJiki 5 Irl01IIIIIII4e tie STATE Oil tAIII I iti s A 31 I CaiItt ted itced to y sitti Lit tarig Eel ut ti at thib anuuraiuin ticket I hilt suit 1 II Iii HIIJ ii tItter Uiilut biienuor to I o Eiroi 121 hrtj aId hunt Iuurotc fJI 1 AVbllli UALUIIIi a otj Alaut 03 I luah Jf Y 1 WALL STREETS WATERLOU I TOMORROWS SUNDAY WORLD WILL PR A QUADRUPLE SHEET La PAGEa OROWDKH WIll Special Stories of UniiKiial Interest AMONO TIIKM Wllli Bl TIIR a Truth About the Bache Tyng MysteryA- ND 0t Wall Street Illustrated l WITH POIITIIAIT3 OK Till LEADING MONEY MAGNATES Like HUNTINGTON MAC1CAY l > O J WILLS JIM KEENE VANJERIIILT- GOUL1 SAGE FIKLD SIDNEY DII LON MOniSINI HENRY CLEWS IIUFUB HATCH GEN WINSLOW CIIAS OSDOnN HENKY VIMARD- JSEMtiMAN hUGh JKWETT ecc- LOOK 1 OUT FORTOMORR- OWSSUNDAY WORLD t ZraWBDZAEBilS i ARE nngllESTKD TO BUND IN TIIKIrt EXTRA OllDlnS AH KAItLV AH IOSSIIHK Honest Men WR ALL rXITniRNCR A SENSE OP SECURITY WIlES IN TUG SOD lET OF IIONLST SlIts AND XV- EItGAU7R Till SAME PRRL1M1 OP SAFETY WHEN DUVINO OtOTIIINfl OF A ORFAT AND SUCOBSbFUt- iFIllll LIKE HIItSIIKIND a CO WHO UAI1K EVERY OARXIhNT IN ILAIN ftUUItFH AND UIVB EACH CUSTOMER A rOSITIXK GUARANTEE THAT IllS PIJI1CIIAIIE WILT rnoiK TO HR eXACTLY AS- ltfltItPSENTEI on THE MONEY WILL nn nu JJ FUNJItD TUG imxTu ALSO lIAR TUG Assun I U- ANOIS TIIAT IIIRSIIKIND i CO 8 PRICES ARE AL I t WAYS ioxvnn TII XN uisixx IIKIIK men is DUE 1 TO TIIRIR PLAIN PIIAUTICAI ECONOMY IK TIlE m INTEREST OP THEIR CUSTOMERS I III ILK ARE IH SO BROKEN AND JOII LOT IIQURES IIUSINhSS COATS M 50 EROOATS fl PASTS tt VESTS 7C BEAUTIFUL SLITS OAK ttK MADK UP AT 1 TIIESK PRICES XVHICII WILL CORRESPOND WITH TIlE USUAL SIS l SUITS SOLI IN MOST ESTAnLISH MEETS WISE BUYFIIS XVILLTHEREFORE PIND IT FOR THEIR INTEREST TO DIRECT ThRIll ATTEN- TION TO THESE INDUCEMENTS OFFERED I- IYHIRSBKINDCO JO AND 1198 BROADWAY COR WALKER S- TALL niiiE aiaxa OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL It OCLOCK non IH nn SCour CATARRH From Major Downs Mt Pleasant Academy Slni Slim N Y Dm Inn Hi t cry void iveather I was BPS uRerlni xxlth ratarrh- M AM Ir hmd and Hiroat nohe < Severely I tiutsottliged- tngiveuutuvervhiutngaiud y kerp Ulet Kly < CreaiD liiim War stiffffested 4 XXiibman Ionic I toll Hexed In a few days I S ii cured XX A DOWNS diEt HALM causes no patti ghu Si rollif at mice cleanieii t he hoad- rnusen < healtlix secre- tions ¬ itt P elate hillaninit 1- ioo 0 lion a tliorongh treat 4 nielit I wilt euro not si UU Iliiuld nr sniill applied I xvlth the fltigrr- Send for ehrctlor Molt I iii tnuigIi Malted for 34 cetitu ELY HltOTIn Ifitiggiute OWCKO N Y- BLOODDiSEASES f The SWIFt SPhrlKIC CO has opened In the city ot New orkaXfrdlciit Olllce fur Ire consultation and nd vice to sit applicants upon the subjects of Kkln bisenies Scrofula Khennialiein Uatirrh stud especlallx CAN Chits All applicants at thin oillce will receive Intelil cent liifiirnialiim and candid nh I Ice from our ulij sklana- Ofltc 1M tIES JII ST IctnecnidlialilTlliaxi OFFICE HOURS > ROMI I u A 31 1i > 7 j x- icambouts t I I- N ° ItIVlfl UN ILFAY0IiITRINSIDEWIN- TEll I ROUTE To Boston M Worcester f JW Nashua fJ 00 Portland Liil and no transfers Miaiiicrf CITY OK > HXV YORK and CITY OV LAX> RFNCE leave Pier 40 North River foot of alls at t next pier above DesbroBScs M Ferry dally except Sundays at 4el31f- lO4TON VIA BTOXIN4iTU 11 Mi rare onl > W nrst clais Inside route avoldln r Point Judith Dally except Sundaj ruin Pier JJ J if It Ja > ft i At 4 JU 1 UKRICAV Uhtr rlanJinJ Lihliart nttI toe loAiei uuew It and sectmd hntul at greet biirKains slit Cal a II IUttahllj A CO tilt UriTmlxi soy dither JItiu it rpllic IIKM KK HII lard Siut 1 Pw Table arT 91 the lIbel acirat and iluraie Milliard malerUlsoC exerj dnrrlptlru Send for cntalniriio unit trite hut Ill II XX uiLIKNUKIt c J 7UJ hhrooutiy i- yD K cK KIIM pool nnd bllllnrd tables the bent mate lowest prices areronnis 729 llroadiva- jIKX t tOIOK WltKH4teirePnrelea- i i 1 S rttnk y nuttier IJc cue ire tiC vrrtu lid oil I borax 15c i beiulnc HA xuol nlcohol < 133 l gal THE SUN FOR 1884 About sixty million copies of TIlE SUM Imvo gone unit of our csabll hnieii during tho putt ttclv month hi If 3nit ttere to paste end tn end nil the columns ot alt Tao Spy hriuiili 1 and sod la year you u ould get a con ttmimtftrlp rf Ineritlng Infiirmatlnii ifiiiiimii iimM- xiUdnin sound1 ictrlne mil rune iiI Imgeiouh to- reaili from Prlnthu Hum Nnir lo the tutu of Muunt j Cnprnldis In tlie mom men taik lo Prlitlng Hunt kinart and then Hire iiuarttrtur the way bout to the mroii again lint fill Sm Is irrlllen Per thiS Inhabitants nf thi earl It this same strip t if lutellliretn ttotld irlJlo the gluttwenty sex en 01 lii Cut tight I Unix Ietrry buyer ufativy o tne n Ijrlng th pulL 3 ar lus sj enl only cue ho ir nx er ll ciii I If hl tt ifs or lit zratiIfat icr hit spent until tier hour thus intrsnper In 153 l iaa aflardil I th hiiinnu raj thlrUtu I thouianJ Carl c f seuity rrrdlng nlht nnd dny ll Is only by utIle mil jlatlons Ilko these Ihxt 101 cin fiirm say Idea nf the circnlntiun if t Ihe mon pnj iiltr of American tics ipillici ° or of his InfJutmr un iheoplii lent and aethona iif Amerknn tunis and ti attica Ilus S gq itt is ill cuiulhtue tutu K a nairspnnr xthlcli tells th roOt ii ii unit fir Of ctunueui to lil h gets M tIm fail no matUr lion uiiuuht le- cists troees t icl i present the nest of all hit witnil ttilluijt ii hOle of aunt attit It lie nt readable Shape ii itIclI lixtorklng it elI all n lice a fti thi au if Itiuuyat rot ernutetil auth xililUi I Ilierrftre litlletui tlut Im i bin n i iitl an port it tat no end must to In lln etuiihiZ a car of inrl htrh irs I If you know IHK biNnu like It cIrcuIt I nut Ion xilll real It mil acculoined illIgMire a- ntottat ind I ruth liirln a sure lo I Ilie I liuMii in lii its Mt tory I If a inlnnoljeUiiim lmslu i tigit t a- lit t into llu iiiiuiiln- oIVniMlii a Mull h I HiilMc- mo111 it is The an rat iI iltu i I Itt a 5 tll u are Ciii i uttit hoitt a fulluut etiitlitt t7 iii at 8n it co i t Silt liituls SUSlAaI tiltt icr Etibs itittt fsruittui the cur rtiit Ittiut a lI I is it itiI ai ntlttii a 0 t sciIItiuil I uba lui crust u f thu I ii iittuit i Cl lit ii cit I itiera t t Is tu a of it IC inuill 15 I a 3 C ir Ott S liJlil hutea tif Ile lOit ilituitO for V itt ACulCltlliittil luslsnituieitt if ccliii litCilel ritiort suil hiuir cr ac ciii iCe avat uuu uuii uii lilt htijtiiu tusk I it I a i Sits tic ui huOtlit 0151cc tr lii tsmiiter tliits To oIute of lull 51 itt I alt eb t nut tlV tru I I tt LNUL blot loiillsr Lisa lji N I t OliJ nruy PxieeU us Nny of Iroeeetllnes- Tlio counsel at ctrollcoinnn William COO ray nlii nassuilcnrid ulel i Ittgel on rrldty nut fur fS killing IVIcr lreiiau in a tain n In PMI Tilrl slilh I I aired on Nov J atil x est nlay list an appeal hal licetu IP P male to I Hit biiprrm ltiiit fur a stat tt i roceedln snn a 1gf blllifiXK1 IIIIK Tnilt I they said lie ale mmidbe- vraiited I I i nn I tita ex ill 1 lnnri > sdialli nutli ttnuld I r be reliC nil Loiuunyhseulir iheerful Ii I Jtrrlurril > rTrfl HUT JIeti Mrs lliirbcck- Tlio C neiinril liiim of tlio Buiirumu four amrinl a catenuty the teclii uf Julie larruors I itt Itie suit I Carotin HartrrV for an ahiolutedlvorc i fruit Jihii II H < ibtcL luUnig that Hi parlies hal aittr itch lutortitil 4 4 CHKU imitu yon TUB MILLIOKS Wollauapphleil Markets Abroad sonS H fllnl tug Sinner Urine Jlnivn Ike Price It flour Is dull nnd weak on this market Paid ono xxholo nloilo ler nt the Produce UK- cliniiRO jostnrrlny Flour IB stall but will not ito tiny Imxor ° Niiltl nnothor Tlio prlcos worn Nn 2 fi i om W 10 I ly T37i per barrel i superfine fJ7ft- tef1V riOts fromf1 stop I cluntee wittIer extra L VW in tIll winter nlfiils f7ilo 7j iprlng clears M2J to li li lrlii slrslihl 13 vilofQ sj rhu patents fo to ffl6S- Ooiipjired xvllli last your unld another dottier thoso prlcot are from 23 to 50 contn lower ott winter urnilcN llm SJcontt being on- t hn cooil Hour Hpnnc rnilou urn Ito acme nsi- BBl >i > nr ovopt In Ihn host crnilos which RIO inn i no lo7 ccnm lower XVItut In tlio roupon for I Itimlron- Tlu nuirKolH of llm OM WorW nro well up- rlidd anti BII In this martinI Tim product of xxlioiit In tilt Unttnil Kttttos H >1 year was 421 Dtm 000 btiiliuls Tim jcni before It wits ts OdUUUO A xurv lurun hart t f Ito crof of 1HH2- XUIB cirrlnil over to 183J hy Ito farincra Iwcntno- IirlriB xxoto low they tttivuu boon unlnndlns- nnd Imvo brouultt doxvn Ihn inca agn lit Do tho tlnlly IliicUmtlons In xxhont Affect llio tirtus of Hour I It ttilcs n Tine t r n foil nf five or six cnntu on- n bttittcl to tunica 21 edits illlTfriiico on n barrel or Hour TIm trico varies much with tho ex- port ¬ dotnand Are tlouroxportntlont increasing Much moro rniildly than tho export of wheat Tho great Improvements In American mills x Itli n n foxv yours Imxo enabled Amen em millers In mnko bettor tutor for the money titan ito forolKii tnlllors Thnro IBaultnnn ox port 11 mla to tho Went Iinllos Zulu South Arncr ici llio 1aiillitnro and Itlchinontl mills an n- Inrco Sntilli Amiirlcan business A peculiarity ol tlio Voit India Irntln In tlmtn much bettor criuioot llottrls taken than required tot tho Kiirouenn market Tlio lnxvtxst Krndrs up to fair 10 to Uuroiip Tim Wist Jndli trade tnLos- lltitir nt say f3 ri prcsont prices lluxo the linproxotnontB In nillllntr mix chlnnry londoil to produce lower prices Hardly They hat clxen unproved pro ductn nl hluhiir prlcos Terlmps the lower urndoa nro choapor on Hint nccotint man irt7EK ir- n IJlTSIIUflfIll Trndluu tloatii KtuiU by tee nnd Several Iltl < itrilrl IIuuu the lllvrr- Pirriiitiiii IVli 1 1riie i iici8 icachocl the liLlir1 fcttiKi at 11 A M today when tho mKB iitlioiid txxentjono feet 1ortlons of- tllU liulanil I In Allcfhonx Citx nnd couth sldo hire utulii xxater but no unions dunaco has jstiltcd rio xxitturls now ruicdlni and nu- ttitu xxoathur is frcoriiiK no moro trottblo Is nn clpalcd Tho ico Is nonrly nil out of the Innnneatipin nnd Ito Allichany In bslnK rap- idly cleaiiU Tho Ice cnrcoi In tutu Youchl- irhitn nto Htll Iltni I and tho hnltom InndH nrn hooded bcxentl famllliS It ixinubcfiiroinpullo- dintlto ti to I tho suiniid hams of tltulr IIOIISOM At Vreepol t OIl lie jilliiuittia Ito Ico xxis lulled I ilrty foci hiuh nnil for a I lito I It xivs foarrd that tlio tmxn xxould bi llnnd d Tim irnr o tarlod Imxvexor just bnforo mlilnlclil nnd tilt uvater SUCh fell Tho Ito loaoliud Allcyliony nt 3 A M nail liax Hlnco hoen Htundlly pa < slni- ut boxurnl Hats ninnrod miir tlio brIdge wore net rdrift at about I 111 JI nnd ran Into ml Bunk tlio tradinir tiouls Mnnitoi and Lilly which irene tied up at tlio foot ol Sncoml street rho boils wore valued nt 1000 each Tho huts xunt toWn ito river and have not boon hoard front sinco Tho stramcrs Josoph Wal ton nnd John Case lying nt SliousotoxMi on- lio Ohio RIver had their wheola broken Irotecllnr the 1vll ur timn 1arUW- ASIHNOTON Fob 1The Sennto Committeo- on Terrltorc tills nioriitu flnlnal norlo tix n the el lowptone Pnrlt Mil tonII ordered I tliat U be rtportiJ with a in end ni ODtx Tlie bill at mantle I enl irjcf the turk thirty tiiilen on lie edit amltcn mlttaon the south and cuts 5 too utuiles on tlio utorit stud west The bill con tnlu stringent proUnotia jiroliibltln the kltllne of canto utuil the toukiuug of ttI wiiluln the lark hue Secre any mr tie tiuterltir is aiiliiriei to lease for tint ezcctilI- utg ton 3 ears uttutail tionttnuie if grouuul itt liii hark tint excrfHiiiK ten acres hut cxuni fir euclu Fart Out it luicli they be erected huteU anJ the nerMiAr nnllitiitJlniCR- bitlhticli leaiee fcttall not Includ city of Hi Bpysrrnor other objects or cnrlontt > ur inlren or vxclude the pub lie from tliti free auud cnm enknt ftt rnnch thereto or in- clu le an > around within oneipi irtvr of a mile ot any of I the efyffrt or the cllowitt nie Villa ttiuty Otto tract shall be teasel to any one jierton anBoclatHin or ruin miration AU contract atrrerincntii uur exrlusite prltl flues heretofore mule or gui cut In r zanl tit this park or any part otU whIch are inromlttunl with thl act ate declared to bo tuvalU Soldiers fine to to detailed to protect tIm park A Providence Man Arrested for Murder PROVIDENCE Feb 1Juet otter 9 oclock lust vining a colored domestic lu the lieu of hello Yat rout M9 fountain street found John Field a Jexiellcr 43 year of igo a boarder In the house ll Ing In thin front tall unronscliiui aol with K laTe hole In the hack of his heat Shell I had liven seen under the Influence of Hiinr earlier In the ex mine Mn Horcnc Sinclair a 11 Idow Ixlng In I hue ndluinmg holme Lava that just before U cluck a person ii hose voice she recognized ns that nf- harles Mtnll a giml ler and a mill at nut Inn n xi ho urnierlv III ed xx Ill hell atroiis came nn to the imitr- runk and mInI lo forco nn intranet Ha celled on- Icd bx name to 0111 n the lour cursing him and threat nlii xiolence After Skull entertd the hniise SOI- NIndiiatitu a Mrmrglc tiers heard In a little xrhilv all wa Rllll and skull came ont and xitnt to a lidiisn halt- by where tho atroni xvnman SYnC making a call brake a window uttered the house mil knocked bur dnun ixlce A misxiigir then nrrlxcil to nollf her of he iiccttrrtnce at tier own house and she returned mine fotiitt tot h skull xi ho xxas arrested at the scene nf tIle murder Field died thin inornlng xi llhont regain hug consciousness Ills holy wnj token to the Morgue Futnl Quarrel Itelweeu 1nrmer FrIend WILVINOTON Del Feb 1Il Cninbrldce- Md yester lay afternoon John xinrray shot John H Steele twlco xx hilt a plutol Murray Intd been teailng- Mceles lull son vihlih prnxoVcd a quarrel between he two men Steele struck Murray on lie head with a poker making a deep gash and xiurri then drew a Istol and stint Steele twIce In this lodt one bullet cutrrlmr laitaboxe tie heath Hecl dlod this after loon there w eTc no x> ltnt nts to the affray and cacti claimed that Ihe othsr was the agxreitor The tvo- nen had btcn friends for months Mr James SteelS a son of the xvojnded mm resides nt JtJl Nail rourteenth street this city To a reporter ii le saU that he hsd recelv d H delpntci calling liOn mme tn his dlng fathers bedside He cant to this city lull uuiuttier he said and was eniloedin Hroome street Murray and tile fattier hail been good frlfnds mid h coull not dertand the renson for the shoot Ing Mr Slstl left for tile home In Cambridge on ths 1 oclock train Hcnlenctd for Hlenllna llullrond Tickets riiiLiDFUiin Fob 1A J lloEfrsxvlio had tdiaded gofihy ho tie emhc < leimnt of ralruad tKkets while acoiiOuclur In the euutiloa of llu m ryhanla- Pnllroad and Uaulrl A Relff who xrai crnvctcd uf lie saute nftVni were today sentenced to an Imprlsn- nient of three months each Tin mas Luckett tu lit had been acquIt owl lon twin lulls pleaded guIlty this titter noon to K third bill to hunt uli ar4et lihn with einhiz- llnv < tickets within lbs jtirldlctlon of this court Ho- xxa lik vls I iintHiicd In three mrntlis Thomas l iisU r tiia ticket kialper wit hndl I ndd guilt ton celt tug the tickets and xx ho was n trs a wilnens fur th prosecution wit sentenced ht an Isil ilvonmint of ihirty day The Judge said lie I vliexed that Minw xas clearly more guilty I In I lila business than t hue oung men a sinst xvboin lie hail trstitlM butt h uai nexertttelcHS hound to take Into nnsldersti I the fuel that he had been of srtlc tri the Cmnmonweallh Mldnlikl Nnrirl tor fuck Flghicn- riiiMDEiPiiu Fob 1 cockIng main In the hotel of hit new Hunting Park In the northeasterly part nf the clt wits treated to a midnight turpris halt nlghtt b a fore of sixty ilckel I pollteinen The late hour chniten fir Hi flghtlbg xtos sitposed to warrant Hi sporting mm against lIthe rtvrtue Mid ih surprise canted a scnn uf wild confusion As tuniC of the pa- licemen seized two men alIee they eureeeded In ur resting nlnel Ixe ot Ilimo asscml Ird around the hit the prisoners being uncut 11 all trradrs In lifo A seareli- iltid HimiiKi the ard res In thu enftiire nf twenty teams sum nf lluni leltig well ap ulnltd drags The police also gathered up ioeuitytio live ellckrns of all sizes and tin ids slid hi ny number of gsflft scales fluid flitter paraphernalia m- prUonrs >d upon surh aslons i hue n f re taken ticfine tu jlstraleandtlnedlll eachh I44tintt lun nf them i luldlbeir titus prompt aunt thi remaining I twtntthree were tommitted Tk Nbello Ynuag Bride Desert Him 1niLADELPiiu Feb 1In answer to lie writ of hat lai mite Uriah lear I rodured tIn daughter Bertha In court this tnrr dug tier Imiland I hi 10 called lhlng Skeleton ° was also resent In open court thu girt declared that she wss nut restrained ol tier liberty In any way suit treferret I tn gn nlth tier father and not us lilt tier lulustand Thecasewas then di mlMe l There xvas a Wrest erowd In and nliut his cmirl IIOUM The Hktlelon has already suld thst If hlswlfe denied hInt In ipeli evurl he icr cud nut ask her to return to him CunptlllUn In Ik Telegrafk ALBANY Feb 1An examination of lie roe site In the Secretary of Slates office sties thttxtllhli the last three years III number of cmnjanlci Incorpo rated under the Telegra runlpanlm act I is 1IS dlstliut- rganUattnns xxltti a ca Ital amnnntli s In l2bIt jlsKi Tins llu luds many hslclitiins riimpniiifs siime of a h cat chsraeUr and leo schemes for this romutlon if Cu cry ilinsiif Uitrlcalci ntrlxancei for tliu trciumk- slin of Intelligence In no oilier simile tOte of aetlvity do ihs merit of tlie Secretary if stat stiow aiiyltiiiug Ilk this com ctltlon Illustrated by tilth flsures Fetal KacounUr wIth n Jug at Aiileuck MoNttio3tgsY N Y Fob lMr Ltiohenti a- faruiuer lIving three ntiiea sotullu of touaiuiuuciaitYillt while goltug hioni wIth so iuj rf at lie soutlskey cherlnt- at a neihhori to lrauirac annie I tiiiuieip It aiiiug thu jig lit a hart A uitit titan it t lie eiuihoy it 5 4 Its > en fttiitil ill C iur ottt licilt I liluuuu if frii liticnahhy to It ciileiil a hint is len 31 r luueuit reltunuieih this titaut- ii a lii a at uihlor itt t itiit I ru tittluleul uuiull eaierduu- iutorutiriz it tuCi ii died inrurtlux the Illue lilirs sir 11O1- tviUNO 1n Fob 1 1Surprise was cnusci her In da I h the arrest t f tlhl mill known cltlzei Ott the ciargo T horse racing xxltli slilihs on tho uldl- rosd The > were hell for court The charges tuna brought undrr I lie blue lansnf 17UI xvhleh trihitilt racing and protid tint otu riinxlctlin of lie aciiieeut Arsons the horses be xM and the lrocedo I laced it thi county t trstiury nits noiritLt jcnr Jest TXTO Minnie In Rrncklnc Verdict Tke Norel Wnjr In wklefc they VledI- UTWA N Y Feb 1It took tlio Jury In tho Howell cao just two minutes to docldo on- Ihelr verdict after lliey had jot to work Bald ono of their number today l Alter the Judcutc- hnnto the Jurors xvont directly ton hote1 and ste their upper They then wont In the room which they Imxo occupied throughout trlnl- Tliuy xvoro worn out ntifl niixloun to llnUh limit ttsk and one of thorn appointing himself miokcsninn said All who nro In favor of n verdict of not guiitygol on tho rich silo of thin room and cor > man imssod to the rluht Then thoxiicikuiinnn Rnlrt 1ist t nil xvhn nro In favor of the theory of nolfdnfenco KO over to thn oilier Bidennd nil ruftliod across Their work xtnsnccoinpllAhod anti nil thnt rnmnlnod for them to do Whit to Inform the Court thit they had njtroml- Mm howell XT out to her homo In Clnyvlllo- Ilili I morn lout Rite him tint BCOII lion huminnd lIlting her sojourn hero but her children Imxn visited liar anti sho xvnn d Rlrous of Inkltic- I horn homo xxllli her but Mr Unwell retains them ltoxcll snu ho xvlll nnxerbo reconcIled to tile wife 1nlinor linn nititned n nntr- ind niuo nropoROBtn Plrciijntp n BitbTrlptlon patter br ItoxvnllH tx ni lll Tho f foolIng nEiilnst- nlmor Is Honuixrhat nbalod U Is conornllr- oncrdod that his tostlmnnx ncnulttod llowoll slid that In Ills doBlro to lieln his partner out lIe allowed the lawyers for the defence to heap all tho odium on ills shoulders The Tcrrr uf kl Fiimltr Matthew Hunt of 307 Iast Tenth ftrrot was rresled upon complaint of Ms fslher James Hunt cad irnughl before Juitlconorinan at Esiex Market Your onor hue father ailil time months aga Justine ardner committed this boy to the Inland for a sear ton eating its mother and sister Ills mother unknown to- te iii scraped together rtJ and got hun out on a writ I Is suet by the Supreme Court As soon us ho uvus out he began to terrorize our home A week ago Ids mother atl liter crime tier to Suave hint arrested He locked ilinself In a room nnd threw inlisllts at hue tinUr until they throitened tn shoot htm then lie ruldtnlateil In- onrt tin tniither refused to nuke complaint and thus ollccinen kindly nll nnlhlng ot Ills bwl conduct I Yniit litm locked up units The hioy turned lo lila father and said I will kill ou for thhl sj ech- Jtinticellorinantentenced Hunt lo a Sears Imprison tent lvnn linns Hurled Mr Leon Unas xvlio idiot hlmiolf In the Cos inpolltan lintel on XXeducsiay ness lmilid > estcrdAV lifter a ser Ice nt lila home tIN Xxcsl Port fifth atrccl- he Interment tens In C prcM 1HIU Ccmetert- llefore leixmg hilt ptncu nf I usllici nt 4J Xlal Ion lath Ott XednesilR nnon Mr it ass euuitttd thnrles solmnon of the jeti cur nrm it Oii cnliclm ltiitt tiers A Xlrliilit In- lalden line to select for hut n anld svciclu uhlth he aid hue stunt to five lit flue of his sick children xthii atrnnxnlmcent He tunk xvlth him hi hint lie huul mt titan from I the hank Ills frlinds do not I think that then be went axtay he lied funned Ihe Intention of kilt tug himself The Ilnndlo XlcMnntie CarrIed John MoMnmiB of 231 East Fortyfifth street lid Policemnn James Maloney arrested on n charge of Mnutt suit bitter lie teitined In llio orkvllle Court eslerdit that ho wai stopped tty Mnoney on Tuesday iluht nut ordered tn show w hM he hid In aliundle He- bjvctol i and he sistint Mnlonet drunk him and then irtitti hut Die pidu email dinlrd bust hi struok Mr Julius Justice Mitrrat dismissed the liillceitK told lug that he had a lUlit to aicertain xt lust this bundle con anted Grievance of Ike llnckmen Col Charlos H Spencer argued before Mayor MSDII esterda that tie hackmcn were Icing driven out nt Inslness hv thin liter stable iroprletom This livery Stable Keepers Asnclatlnnn answer denied that itiet huh xlolattu anx city nrdhmncc or kept thifr- oaclies xvhere ttiet xteru not situ Iuoriunl to stind Their coachoi xtereehlefl Inlended turgiieslsat hotels Tlse Misynr ISnutlcal AdvIser Tho Secretary of tho Navy has asslcned Com- mander ¬ Henry O Taylor United State Navy to duty at he Mayor oRe Mnxor hdinn said ycslerdax that he assignment haul been made at his request lie tie aired a naxal nfllcer adtlce on many suujieta which nine before lila for lute action

I A Raoud ccI-...Vllllun II Inklor Dnml KICIR-OCoinmlflsloiiirfl lllduud IJUIIT Dcin nnil ThomA r IXinalltop 1ronlilanlof tlio Pr-Tnrtmriit ot AB I nitnantH John Trmlow nnd Corporation

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  • v r I < J ff 1if i tf tJIIV lr h 1l x T ff 1t T 1 0 t t liifw >THE SUN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2 1884 I u ffIil

    Voiron ZOIPS ATIT cAinxttrll-


    t e f Illliler SI npe nnd Police Cornmlsslnnrr JoiiriUn

    Mayor 11n ofI llrooltlyn appointed Johntt N 1nrtrldgo fbi OommlbBlonor of l i >fro flfl-

    4ixcIot jpitprilii In placo of lull toiirditn-ttopl Wll linn II rioeinnn loin OornmlB-

    sloncrk of Clly VorUsln nlaoo of Itlplny llnpits4 Rep niriiard II 1olllonIolIIlrfl fjommls-

    ntonoriT In plncool John N Iurlrlduo nnil Adamt WhrolocU CItE TrcaFuior In nhcoof WilliamII Flopmnn Iln tonppolntod Tux CollectorI JaincB Tanner flop Hnnllh Coniiulw liinir-

    Jrnotih 111moI11HoJI10ulstrmlll Anvnrn1 CormlHKlolor t-


    Vllllun II Inklor Dnml KICIR-OCoinmlflsloiiirfl lllduud IJUIIT Dcin nnilThomA r IXinalltop 1ronlilanlof tlio P r-Tnrtmriit ot AB I nitnantH John Trmlow nndCorporation Couuiol John A Taylor

    Mr Ilneinan Id fij xoars oldnnil conBorxn-tlvo It IN OMHcleJ that lio will bn nioro

    k economical than Mr Motion It ho does ontentml him In vigor llu In mi Indnpcndcnt-

    v licinocrnt and XXIK tiirneriy n Supervisorf Thn removal of Ioleo Lorlls9InorJnnr-dAI his filonds miy txvhlch In cotirioof tlnio tho Young Itof publican Htnitlni xxltlt lie nucleus 01-

    Bcrllclcr81n IhcCorncUcnnipftlKnlunoniPtod< Mnrooxur It hI Haiti thntMayor toy haM uoxor foriflxen Con JOllnlfor rcruslni to rlnon htii ro <Minor hands i xforu his appolntmont twoago tho Upr ml hl111 tiikiti thu BlaiulI I elllsuch coiiijiie I unmanly IIllsInhnrp words to the Minor recent interview

    L wro faii vrstridtir to ltitu boonNow you had holler drop that mask 101

    k play roforni IIn public and politician In 111lrop tim mask< A number of r IAncalled on Oon Jourlnlq rtgrot

    f elordflorllllt hisi nnico opt ttirnd Ilkothat ofnn Incoming rather titan II rotirLiu oftt

    i clal Thn renppolittmpntt of lMNe Comml loners Lnuoi nnd lxiins wltosi uUltiulo to-ward¬

    tho lriiriil tins bnon hoitllo for RouteI I titan xxas cotisldDtcd tty soinn titan rmplinilHJ of tho Majors nurposjtn uinKi Ins blow itt onoof tlio reprt eiitntlvoMtiiS1ll tt fnicibli1-

    Mnt > or Low ind > ustitrittty that nxxlni InGin-JnitidnnH1 cmm linn wit h tlio hlnus Cnuntr-KloxntmlI Inliti il onip tny ho felt that It xxim

    i bettor for tin nIIIII1Ilmllon certainly nnd-prnbnlitt btittr nto fur HIP roml any that nil

    i tonitiot loll bIW1I it tutu tIto tiItti itt itt rat InnShould be liroitclt toim mid IIn nmixvcr to thinI Hon JourdnnV fri tulichilinthatt hn IIs nuninni-

    Inlcriotcdt t In tniliiiii titan txl on lie wits unitJi ippolnlod and that hh iiuHltlim ts 1nllcnComIi mlsRlonor hone no tolatlon IIn nny nf his bus-

    tS < I OllltIIrIQColIolin K riiitrldcn xi n clirk xxhpn hnwas mitiln Coin un ttiInttor Illu Ililtind 1pinml-


    thn Nutlnnil Uuiid HP I Into front

    i thn lttyor nhjLj out11I nut pnnpirnliurnI prp snrn nf-prixtto btlBlni It IN thnuuht that Ito will1l ninko Autnn Impnrtatit ohnnucMTie IIRW tire Vumnlfiloiini xxasn oli smntotc of Mayor Low itt tliu tulitpclinli Instltulo IHo

    afterward isriidiiitod nt Wrst 1nlnt tint wasfor Homo iiara IIn llio Iulnr antI y

    Is f Tax Colloctni Tmmurs rnapp lntinentlsfiMilt Ict to bo due to Iipectir nail It IsundiTHlond ttintt tile Mayors Intention risnoct to the veteran

    corporal has recently IMIOII clianKig Tim promotion of Dnpiitr Treasurer Whoo

    Ionic has long bron delayed bydHTeiriiitMainrsHis politics are not known but It tii known Hint

    jljf for years lie has been tho Jitt Treasurer In factt WILT NOT TAKK 111K nKIAS AMICK-

    Tkfji Rev Mr It Hum Inse kl < kurc liy-Hllcklngr lo the Sulviitton ArtnrtJt Canadian nnwspapcrof iccont date con-


    a totter dated at St Ooorgos rectory 209East Sixteenth street Now York anti addrossodl to the consrecatlons ol St Georges CathedralKlnciton antI Christ Church Cataraiiu I On-tario

    ¬t Tho letter saidMv Ilmorrti Pnortif II becomes my duty to Informr you that all cftorU fir made to haxe me reliKtsted as-aaslstant minister of the parish Ihate failed The Dan

    t Insists as a condltio nf nty return tutu t sever alt connecttcn xtlth the fnll lIon kriity Tills I cannot con

    I 1 lent to do The Army hat hen a great blcsAln to mvown soul and to hundreds of our >teotIe In spite of somethings which haxe git en offence I hato pledged myself

    t to stout by the Ann long aa It IIs blessed by Oat toth aalvatlon of souls This pledje I intend to keep

    There seems no course open to me but to seekwork In some other pnrt of Hods hell lorbenring nowto peak of the trial title separation from you will be to-me and praying uollo tie s you end direct Ittit Wholematter fur tile glory and our saltation believe in

    2 your most aOectlonutcl in Jrtus ChristI OIiCy-Mr

    iriUOXWilson Is A tall sparelybuilt man of

    mlddlo nco Ho was rending newspapers int tho study of HI Ocorcos rectory jontordny

    afternoon WItCH II reporter of Tuc SON calledTho Salvation Aimv he said camo to

    Klncston In lanuirv 1RSJ Abblo Thompsonof Noxxark N J and Miss Wood of Toronto

    r wore the le idols llicf mootliiis drew crcatcrowds anti they soon talneil the attention of

    tu churchgoer I bocatno greatly Interested Inte their mission and nddnsbcd meatlm1 three

    nnd four nlhts i week More than list of Itoonhllllor At Ht dcoreos Cathedral attend

    nd In ten months nriuly 1toot pnrgont pro-fessed


    t rellulon lirancbes woro stattod In niltho xilliifM about IKlnf < lon The Armys

    i parades oro cover molcHteel-Do in Lystor however was opposed to thot Army antI i xvm told I would hnxn to quit itor ictxu tho cathedral I niUnod my oluirco

    I in tho church that I lint holt fororersovnnteen vnnrs anti after a while came to Now Yorkw to visit rayolil fileiul tlio Itnx W S Itnlnsford motor of tilts pnrlali hone lil u lottorfrom Itlshop I ixxls of Ottawa on tho subject

    If He says to moI do lint CCO 110W CU CDII With iltreepect or regent

    to hitter creche to tte citttthiiieI by the Uen-titt you gteI tipI tilt cttnecttnn Itth itt Selytitlont-t Anti I etit 1101 ii ttIIIlt to rrenice with ilte tutu tiglee you Chirlet Cttitrcti Cotoret1tit n litchi otir ownenergy htee tint up n n eclftrflte etare I to licence

    eq you to preeeii cc sit etitigttiit ti KttigIon on theground IIIBl II is ICJ slim iiij jiu t or in iiu rwv4 I nm informed Dr Wilton continued

    that ray congregation will give mo A publicreception on my return to HJuutiton on rob 11

    r toaottta up my afTnir I fool conllilont that IfIromnlncu there to proncli a mnjoiityot thoI vrorshitiperachurch at the cutlioUral would loin myn WrllI vpiderlt NwYork sBstltFUk

    Wholesale dealers In salted flab here com-plain


    that their trail is Injured Iv the discrimination In

    I freight rates against this city ty the ralrcnds Hostonmerchants they say ceo send tub to the West by xtayc of title city Just as cheaply as It can Ibe lent thither dl

    reel front New York bccaus the Itcottcttehingbe-7J tween nniuii an tthis cit get low rttel of freight on

    merchandiseI shlppel tn theXXitlon Ilirnugli tilt ofi lading Tile ritrs ntrr the I ny ltitrtiedIlfIlYare also suniclentlt tow to s nut onlyti itt the ronnnlislnn nrms hut nlio of the Ilarge Jnhllngr houses on the vi ensile The cfttct Ills been to reducet the trade xtfth notnts sn Inrft nvtli IC Htracuse Iheg merchants mi they have been suffering fur fars trout12i titleI dlscrlinhiatlnnI tigetit tketr-

    idArgo et ntokeI soltr terrlnte Oft orrhllIf tier and the dmilhrrn trnde during t he tt titter IIs usually

    niportinlbin tthis kindI nt frtUhl IluelsiurdI li Ihe railroad teilpattlea lore a third cleat xt lienas U Is sentitrout iiwirand SIit l Xlenii hli auth oilier HoiillTerii

    IiF Itlesiis tourlli cla St the eorrccjtititlltig red uction ittii freliht rates15 Jpkolillnv the Hurlm ImprnYement

    f Judge Lawrence gave n decision In HupremoCourt Chambers terda upholding the constllu-llonalllyf of the x arlous cell of the LeKlslature author-Ing the Inlted Males to acquire the nglt if way for the

    IImprovement nf the llarlrin Illver and1 MiiijtTi Dtt Ill

    5 reek Iriin the North Liter lo the Past lilt er slid cd-s Ing Jurisdiction Hie rtdernl Onvermmnt Prniirrto owners hd tinned Intel tiCkle tile roc rdlngs JudgetstT relic hiddth it the taking eifthe lands Is ret a tuItic Use anl that this luw duly prutlde fircninp nsatl n15 lothenwners fur the elite of their IlrJcrty Alo thoidijectlon that tilde act were unconstitutional bscniise

    II It ttaa sought under them lo cHow the city and countI of hew Wrk in Incur in Indeblednrss fr purposes nthert purrnsti tttIgs I awrcnce holdsI llollhelIIPIIInl 10 ti II pnrr > e Altnthepnlnttthat lieu tents iC 114 city haxv been itiorelty ttwti away

    I II ha says It will tic hut rutoligh lo consider that iiilesllo-nwbtllllisi city complainA kcal Full sir MUMTT Htolcls xl BHdnFrslk

    Circulars ware roesiveti by the police estert It d > y calling fur Hit arrest nf Ihltxetnho sloU anlrni-

    rhtstcoiiuliilngft nitrlanlank nnlti to the amount ofa oMMi las rr sin MO Smut tb latfurm In front c-ths

    iimain Post Ollc ict lludaP nh on the veiling ot

    Jan 1 The Ioox whUhxrts atom tolu shipped hutfour snftl lik aunt wia IIn a wicker wnrk basket LOXred with irtrn halrc No tree nl tho thieves tics licetuIIII1I thet an snpi n rd lo hhx fit lie lit this ounf rv A resell nf rfli e nnerrd for lutiirinallcin whklwill SiHurv tbte Ihlexc cod another of lltiOU for thelr arrest ur tlio rocut er of tie moneyiI I p

    tr Pleading HungerMrs J B rrnmo ot 358 Fifth avenue sent a-

    mUIF itt Iliiiridii ly rraikilourghly agd I5year >of WIn t Mutli etruCil xvhols a mrsstnger cf the Mu-lual D strict TtirJ h rmnpsny He raid tbourity imils th rninriuvs rAIn for taking the niestar-iionrrtity lUtlxrrrl tihe message and kept the mone-Meliu arrested r lrriiiv un ionl lain of Huperlnlind-

    nt Pitt Itvder tie Iridvd tthat he Has linngri and sptnCo the tIllceltic tt let eotttt thus In rM XI Hh HI llOdfllt-nnthlng nro rim an early light hrrnkfnM and xias faintllu na toinmtii In ttfaull of t3 i ioaniwtrI

    ilhtcdtlnn1r5-A vrrow A DTI IITINKIM13 Step leaxt their fwu ore for Tutu fcc at tho onLy auorlred ui tovil ndtcrthelnentomcea1238 llroadway corner 31st 4 till 0 X-

    IliiB Weit I3d n rooter Suit av till a P x-iSItO 8d or mlrance on 47th st till tl P M-BX 1 Kill st corner Union square tilt H P V-XOrl fast IZtth > t near 3d av tilt 7 lim P U-No elite charg-

    eANVHIIKR of experienced operators on latticetitan OungmlsseN learn tlie tradestead work HII OKI intoI Finn im south flh qv


    XTviH on experienced girt to exrk of IIIhit ri frntori

    HAM IIIPM It t flP PINII 11 xi en JJllroahxaxltL > xFN rfrr hands jlllexxriTcallttvodHvs It TMJNUIIJTK u tali st H kn

    IVANrnn good hoot atere tile lthgheutpriceeii orb cti 1ibcruy atPATKIIrlrs to stun luitlis 2 Wuuerley-

    5v pla-cezxprsIEcI12 women that bane workedrertsurants Lalliarlyi I I LAItKSl au ranal s-

    tVMIIKKIIinuttlt 1ntfoGN

    A irXttatied a cutter xtho uudemandsI the businessL iL HANS A imi 12 Walker s-

    tAOF fTM making fortunes on mr new speclalt 6ololllve COLLIKlt 11 andetxal at

    BOY for offlie musl reside with parents good penn Addresill A CO 11 Uradll-FRFMKIC IIOYwanUd Work on ruling machineLtterty st-

    IflDK PAINTFltft Apple A M11 read fnrwork M R 1 rNl Ctiul loJI r t11O1IIIINU ilminliliI mnrl tie tomietrnt nnneC Addrcsr ly letterl Jinx 3J9 bound

    llroox N J

    MAlltlii Janitor tiartcndcn rrncery clerkcngraxcrs farmers 7JJ Hr aOnr1O PICJ nor wanted of good nldrtiut coed hand-writing 7HJ PlreHJTIFF HAT CVHIKIIH anttd at Dll te 3 MN A mioXN844to U hof omiko St W-

    IT O UAKIKNwanted a ycutugunan on cake andplea n lEA tl8tie corner Hlhn and7lhaxW t TInA ilrst cUrs innn cccuviomid to runnlnjat H Rogers A Co platter and matcher atmoulding mill corner Jda aunt mutt it


    V XIIUA few lojsfnr delivery wagon nnlytube into cf n coiuo wtll recoriinrnded ieed attlyLost A TAYLORiraml ai d Uhryttlt stst

    V xr Ii t men accuilomcd to polluting Incaid mutter platea for engraving itid rfntlng i nrlioseiI Apptt Itn TcJit ttl ltLt S IIHOH I South llllltIllrooklii Yo II or 7J 111 Ntw Vork

    V AMTKII1 xarnlsh oilher one who understandsl irnlshing must tie a Irm rrntr man goodwages laid Address UATrMi OltllAN AND PIANOCo Triiro N 5-lJAiTEflxeiriated xiirnlsTiI salefinen OnlyV V thone aniUKlnttd in tin Iunin rii uteod address slattIngnfmncif AHMS11 MANUKXOTlKKHS box IU7nun M-ireirtvu Mrslclisii metal splnn rs AVT xrorK Call or addrr II Ip A H M < nJIKRfiiili Hh si Plilladtli-blaWATKnA tiny wl n has worked at URII Dsliillngl alittc-

    NtTiltrLt A SMITH Iii Wrlh itVAliTUder for ruling nmclilne ellher toyuttitck tn

    JAS Ii rlhKB Iiymiallllern-srAVTH


    > A Kniid teatj lenrh mflildeTIIf utadj eniiioyinent it and it Powrrs atlJrnotiyit D-VAXrD ga pita to seth ii new ttinit PttitttuiI Julckly lIal rooltI 2 nJ tiroadti a-y5TATEIiOruitutittal lal anners Apply atly MAKt IN rUKri eOIi JJe teittlttt It

    WANTKOA ttrutciuua lot truth f r AddreJON boi nu huii offlceWAWTKll Ortic Itoy must anli nllh 1tnTpaliuh I-IVAXrmA


    tint class it nod turner at lu Wt-



    Uuttltoii0 hi

    I1A K IJt5ttlutttiI ly a tnt elms fireII man trench xinna ItreadI aunt rille-uia

    n sieuilty aexptrlenctd In IHMilurI lit ilrtl riSes rtfrrm-


    Klvenlt tit oriounlr Cult in or uddrrss o J-H8tantonitini ure 11I Iltrtere Until c otter tidt IInr tlie-st New lurk city Ifir Hires Hoys-


    I UICM V it i alit nxers ninde to order In theUirst attle t mite ui nird a rutting und1 nniuiu ill aetlall tJ n I i ui wartj koixln ntniitli f n handMtr MJK HJhthaxP ln CrNIjI toy mutt > Hiintlon as MI itband ur IiiiInuUr Is a fri Iott xu rktent oiublrof itii eitw AbutsKiMPI Its IM MIII titerSrilATMIN xiantid11I raforitnrit Istir Viral clanI t MI I NHV I111i in I iriiili cltx orcountry HLIi lltIll 11 > ii Vivut tIt it I-ISII1rIIS XT IIIl1I Ity a ciiinrclrnt iltrmsn toItug1ft Al krrn-

    llittAtLI IitiEtitttji 011 Fet llth MV ril Miilly ant ztntlmrn ii utiitt tutul nintitdiin at Itter end niinddI If uonlrel Mrs Ulihi r las IliJ LlirH it rear buildingOral hour


    NKV PAHKlIIIIATlti It Urnd MatinsBroad way anti JJlhst tI at a-IABTMAT1NIP TART NIOUT

    OreateM liramntlr Triumph nf the f enliitrThe New KmnllMial Isiuta


    Prcented wllti eiitlrtly new scenery and treat starcast IncludingAUNK1 nOOTII AllNPB BooTh

    Meet Punitsv Rrenlng Mrnnd Rucil CnnrertNhXT XXKbKMALtlltlllYt TIIIIUIIAIXIU-

    H8UNION II ILkTlt lA CWltilI 7 Prorrelon-HISiXX11 KXINISll JANIIAIITltYI KId

    MiXX 0111 nil Y IHtxMA nlltleit-hiPAIlAflON

    The Cit Inrltnllrig Mcirn Charles rnghtanI Johnarslle J II stnlilnrdI Joseph h Whllmi Henrybnnfrnii rellx Mn is Julhn Mugiin aol lypatidkrhninpffin lOcation < sreyt lflle Ktlsler I Jhlillpi MnndI illnrrliii iabrlell < DuJ t uld Nflls-ltherrll0 I tint Plnlli liltsAct I Onthn httudanri 01010 It and III Trouxllle-iiirniund Aol IV llotrl tit Mnrenoe-Hatiirdiiy rh 2 first Matinee of SKPARATIO-

    SIVlll A V TII I ITItP nwar and Utult sta Proprietor Mull MunticirMr JOHN KThTKO-NNSTANTxNBOUHRUflIMI hOJM < ANT AlOHTKHThe treat rnmedv Rensatiou of Ihe age

    IH > uMiunPull to nverHowing xx hilt fun genuine ant hearty

    Interpreted by met nf rare excellenceKverx Ktenlngat1aR Matinee BallirdarI al 2

    MONDAV thlt illlberl anti fiulllxans latest suitctM PlllMhHH teAKeservi d seat can now tie secured


    ROIIIIIK Matinees XVednesdv and SaturdayI ir M THAX hSTY IOXlVANYIn their famous musical rmnedy oddity

    FUN ON THE IIIIIIHTOLNew Special Veatnre New Mutlc New sons

    Reserved seats f I and f I MI admission toe amlfl

    N IIIIOH tttnrv KBENBPOtilK A illlxtoltll Proprlrtnri Manigen-ItlKEIIM DrLAlM ton Pint MnorlfiOrOne meek onlx tile popular Tragedian

    MR THOK xVVlKNKIn Colly ribhcrs vi rslnn nf NItukeipesres tragedy


    one NEXT XERK Mils LAMITRY In A WIrES PUKIL-No adx ance In prices



    In Fdxxnril Hurrlciiirs HM Comcdr entitledOltlllIIAi ASPIIIXIIIINS

    Fire new MnhaHlenn Ito Mr lAVth IlllAHA-MMVTIMPSTURullft AND Hit DAY

    Uill KT t roiiNnii irrii AV-Jor

    NlmMI I A Sflt Or HILLthus farewell performances of hue Inlniltamo stud

    reluliti tint-MIt tK IMXIIT

    This tclllnK at II Matinee Sndy onlylull IN llll LANDlink I n the Chuhituca tinChurch 1111KONHAVtln IIMR JOHN T IIXXJKIM-

    ONKFull ONtiItEns ttElK ONLY

    NUVAIti TIIKVritli TODAYMADIHOtl I K at i4iui Salnrdnj Matineei at 2-ALPINI ItOsKs I Thr new plitiirisiue rotuanllc 4AllINK IIOsi act lolljlAIPINhi HOSIS I I I II ItOMSON

    The characters xvlll include Mitts Ororglil Citvvan atlisMarie Hnrrouiilis Mm XXhIHen Mine 110 ka xnn Slantit 1I7 lleurge Clarke Tlmnms VVIilllen J Le xlojne-X If 1011 Richard AfansncldI nnd others

    CONCKKT4i FOK Y VO PROPL Pt t I I TI11IXIA1I LonilllClorllllltl CONCKRI SAIURIIXI hit 2 at J precinely-



    In an attrncltx e and brilliant programme-Dux oRlco open dilly trout 9 to

    gTKINMAY 11AII IlXVAEL JOiKKPY-KAFAIL JHIrt Jlrft appearance this sraloii

    wIth the aMUtaice of a Irand OrchestraTIIPODORi THOMAS fonductor-

    TUFMUY KVI NINO tlm 5 at 8-Adinhulnii Cl suits lOcculf ultra at Slehtwax Hall

    riItisy PAHTOKt THKVTRK 14TII ST1 siwrrst of LAI IIIITKIt MllFAXISotnFIIllllT-

    SeolhcORr XTFsr lltt > ll PLA Kvtr Prodiice1lit IlIrAII IYII JIUIUI-



    ST rELix MST1 Its TIIL XHltKINhTTF-SinnoK


    tICUttK HKSFIX FD MATS IAIIVtMta4 > BROADWAY AND tnTIL STC iKvrry ex enltiR at A MatInee Saturday at 2LAST IIK IK Till IHIIiXK STlIIEM

    II tile MrCiull Opera Conilrinc Compunx-Fatllrda nmtlnie andixenlng 1ib J list performances

    stteclalljI diiilgii il oti i cit ire xrlll be presentedMONDAY > rti 4TIIK XlbltllYI AI-

    iKTII AVKM7K T1IKVTHF EXTRAtf The Young ccentrlc haraiter ronudlan MrIIIMIX K IIIXIY

    In hU irresistible CaricatureIKX IMI AS MIX IDLK


    OTAK TIIRATKI1 IUXE I YOUR EYE-EveryO enlng at H and Snttirdar niMlncf nt 2MKfiTOI ANtI 11AR10N COMPANY IX


    DAITS TII EATI K Kvrrrexenlngats lAti-n Itodav at 2-PerfectionSEXENUVhNTY-

    LIllIlTnf comedy

    aclliiK LauEhterlllerallyIncewint Herald

    < lliltA flouter hiwnr nearaotlut-IBIIOiI AT M XIATINIE TII IU At 2Tti itt limit Inmpsny Inlirlmt SWj1Jr 1

    Prices VV II yiit 2Ixcrllent reserxeil seat 75-cPFOlIR8 TlirVTItr Hoivcrxopp Spring sttetc u ru 7 T XtuinipflXXrd 1IIUItlfI 1111 in TIIII t hltl itt VAi-txonle fiil Miontlui Rent ImliAns-


    11 l1li1fDl nn Mcicrr RiNKEMiXX IN LII lUPAlHit III nx rnd31iti cit aalntihity JAn J1 one iiek otitv I1LS XXlILIAXlri-XXEUNhhllA


    nnd SATURDAY In-XUTINKL4 One nf the Hncs-

    tGKAXIt OlFICA IIOVNKI utahi t t orcitietrnI tin le anil balcony r0ctsLnt tail 11 rformnnces Matinee Ht J eienlnir HtSito aimi KLs HEIr IIn KDUMXOOII FolKSESt EIIAItlA NINT WEIK nsllhllALDA-Itroailna1IAlKH mid 00th itfV Kveit iMiilntrtH emit Ratiifday Matin < Rti3U






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    511 lite a 3 IcucS7 t flute tIIioh3ac tbvect11011111 r titirr minunii aged I suitl IIIIIKIC TTII1 befine Rain snow or shine thoininnilsxvitl nil Iheerrcahuh to near Ilnck and the Prnf J Jay xaUoihanilly J II flithithSFrealdeat

    S I fur Kthlal ulttureJrnf lPellx Adlerwilt lecturet lirfmo Hie toilet at Ililckerln HallcornerSlh ax andIPih n on hmidr > ill lust Doorpenrd at Hi Jii cluved at 11 Interested ari invitedSubject t The Tnement Iriililci-


    IIiIII ttUnltlltANO t 1IAMIIV OIlcAN AND FIANO ca41 EASt urn Sr Hestandclesiieit oriins irjittns fJ up rrntcd all tent allowed lu rnrcliaiaCalalniuri inalltd tree

    A LA na witt cell piano uih toolri et llesdence-I

    2JI halt Illlli II near Jd nv

    II INCll rU 11 OMllenotvned for lm and durabiiiut u7XeMjxihPtiindKi7liroadnay inn stJ A nvu ci IIllne uuprigttt pIanoforte uit-


    oJ iii cold 21tI Naul JIll a-tQIOlIItllt f73 upright 5tliI rentgt ui cut IIflIWfIIItII Eact Hllisi-


    l1olmnllt1 hip ilJ olicc-

    cii ot i < > AKTVKUMHUi > lifulufore exlstlnrIJ Ilelmin Cm XX x eiwri xii 01I Markar XValcrNxundirlhe rrm naiiiorfll XV AM IX AIIHOX K is thisslay illi rlril by ninlli il consriil Ilalnl Krb I IKMThe bmluiM lull U coiillniird ly3lr M WALtlltilV-




    B tO K > AIKof ixiertnc >si Icfl hand leuinanchit0 t a lies utis puriUnation rl inlud build t reiiiliiknown tnrtniitaniniiMv nw melhe defer I IOtIerIInnllliiiiF litinlci a Deiirllieut CIIAS WLAUtKLTlleuster iimce M llmdersmi place Joey titnOO U K ilxujj j tatuihit litI IIIII J otoitttity IVttuJo 04 butteryup tIota it hiriudway I

    Ural Q1111ItC-

    IIHAJ1UA > ITVicaili balance east ternti istorvI e 47 Ilxnch II near Ilidfoiil at llrnoklyn lu mlnuiis frimi JIoO Wa ferry sti In ptnyetitui I rico uiutri Ill Ii I tiai 1 Iitts at0 n

    So =Crtnut > Iir liyottiori llulul al Zit htroflhwulit I fold ohattc for a rllllcr J lnlyu VMI-


    AIIl-lu f rsii r

    l ahtr H 11IrI flrlr brat Snitilaut euttary-


    1 i1 rlllI tI tJiriasAll rOI I i alaIrf m ol-

    tUJ lJvn I pteauutI 10ofr la J VJtAliht1 1 Itttoi at loukt3 ii I il it vo utili-guCJiittj

    Dfll IIIIU celraia beth Ielthbcly tilt hoUIOIf tt aIAI itto fI1lr VeiLk a-t5sLrlS r 111 11111 IIII I day 1110 JrIL 1m liU ar Ulh i



    and floya heavy clothIng we ituati dlpo of lyMnrchliI n4 io ute Itoh htxo maile prices accordinglyt mini tie great number of bwcalni xte rOar we makeptclal mention ot lie followIniriIto UKN8 OVKHCOATH COKUIlt 1lttCH UIN-

    OW fIJS00 WliNS OVhltCUATS KOItMKK IlltOK f151i

    SOW 10-


    itoys hllCdATtl FimXtKllTy Itt NOW ItOnova OXKltrOXTH POIIMUIUV JI2I NOX-


    f6> 414 MOIII AIT AT llIIIUCF1I P11ICE-


    IOS BOlTS HIRMHItlV SOUl AT ItSI I NOW 10Men Oniloin vtlinti lit eiiormnm reduction Par

    nUhlnit boils attn reduced Every arinint In thehouse been marked down at hOlds that will Milhem

    A Raoudn ccI-MI








    OF men2000 are Dens of Vice

    and CrimeMillions of money wasted and thousands or

    our jonth mined by tlioso

    PALACES OF SINImmorality and Drunkenness


    tblIc otir-

    tp T OPFICK N OTIOELcttcrattrEttroptn-eed not be Rpecliill ilireiteil1 for despatch bj anyrartlculartteaiiicrinonlertonecure aiwlv deliveryI al-ie tlnitinn as altl trani nllniitlc mallj tics for ardcdbythe rosiest xensil axattabtd

    Forelnu mutt fr the xeek endmz Feb 2 will clot attlilxiltlioaifollowlb-ATLKUAY AtllA M for Europe per steamship City

    of II rlln via Qni ennlou n letters for llrrman AcIninit bo directed per City of Uerlln1 allti A MiScotland directI per steamship Anchorla lulllanrita letter mint be dirfttcd per tuhorla a tU A XI for Belgium direct per utoninvhlp lleldenlaud u Iin Auttwertt 111 A M for Itiripe Inr lium-

    etch XXtrd xla Southampton andKretnen at1 210 P Mtoi Culiaand the IVect lea her Mriinrlship Newport xla llaxnim at 7 U M rot TriteIllo unit Kuatan Ir etcaninhip K 11 XXnril Jr dieSew OrleanN-

    SLNDA 1 7 nPMforI Honduras antI Milnjitonl teani hlti Lucx P Xtlllcr xla Nex Orleann-


    i for Ililna and Jfimn per stcamrlilpI ArabicIII lahan PrnncUcojI clone here Jan J1 at 7 1P MIMulls for ttist yalta New calniil handulch nnil liJtl-ahistili l li per Rtenmshlp < Itv of StIncy rlaSan Franclico chin here Ub aat 7PMJ t or on arrhnl ntNrw Xnrk if uain < lili City of cluncr xlth Britishnitllsfrr AllMralina The Boliplnleof clojinjnf Trins Pnclflc mills Is nr-

    ranccd nn tlieprenninption uf tlirlr iinlnlerritptM overtentI tranilt to San rmnrlfico xialts rriim the YI arrlxinif on time at Salt francUio on thin dux of s tliuj u-lptiamerSRTeilespuKhnl ih nce thetame day

    IIFMIYi t PhAllOV Pontmaiter-rostOltlce New York N Y Jn21 H-



    SKAIiil IMIOIOSAIShia tint iindflrflvncd at th office ofthe AmirUan Comiuiit of tHit Htntuo of llbfrtx 17 IJlroautivay room III until noon on tXeiluemla lh 21Ih-

    ytla uf ttfbruiry IHS4 for the tiirntahihnt of I lie tOlle slotnexvork necciisirt fur the lonitruulon of the pedestilnfI thohtatiieot Liberty bnllithtenlni tue WorM onnl1l1uhlII I

    flu htistttttyI of ntcn reiiulre willI b Ova thounanisix liiitiilrfd toil City all cubic yards more or Iless

    1 ach bid ii ill lie aicomianlcilbya > anipl of IllusionftriMl shoxtlnjl one face rough one hammeredons toilutiel

    Plans and fpeclflcatlons can be teen In the vOIce dallybetween hours of I JO and 3 JO IP M after rebruarI tirox

    she Committee renerve the right to reject any or nilbids

    CHARLES P STONE EngineerI III ChiefNew York Jan 94 1884

    fl l g llItlAMERICAN HAVINON-5th SlINkav and 421 nopen dvlly Open Tuesday and Saturday nights Accotiutha opened by feb 3 suIt draw Interest from las 1litTRt5T14E4 I

    lion HENRY II VAN DYCSI LOu hank SuprllltlDjntHerman O Armour Inmnls I Whitelion Job P Crlinmlni Iharl MacltaeXTIIIlam mum lion John It Kradylion Jarohlicsr James A StrikerHenry 11 Itussrll John Roachfrederkk HIIIHir Henjamln S WatcotlIiaaoNenioiiKellKman-

    And 13 other gooi men

    I1ht llIlrtuF° LEAMETtte7ARROLTTOM htoThltiI Itelhititan a laret llrsttla IIOUM in all Its appniut-m < nl xxlth acconimodatlims for over three liunOreguest now illiii a vein large liuilne > s IIs tftercd for

    Ilease and furnllnre rOIl saleFor further Information apply tn-

    H IRMN IEY8ER-IeIretldeuit>

    FOIL HAIK omro MKVTA centrallyI locMeo properly In Newark N J near the inrner ofMarket atandllroa ate hull I1I If trick three atonesai hi1 IIJH iuiltattl for almost utty kliiI ot uoiauiuficttirlug tipiiieoa It lease the triiert ii Ill be tiut In gioiiteusatatile cmlltloiu or toutls aittl ott caa Urlll lBphy to I1VNItY lIWLltit Otltte Of ili lnchIIIlntut 7761IroAlol Noarl S Jn

    Olltt nnd t OIl-1CC POhlrtl5y FUR Isle EItebti hulsikrrpliiK rocmi to respectablt parlltsi tSO 43haul IJIh st-GKNTIKUKM Itnnins furiiliheil tnxer lnublonif rt > II M and fi JIll Hudat itW EillUJINItiuIII ronms tr housekeeihi7froit 12 lou J5iJ weekly 27 Irani SI


    tUtftc IC 2 iNvIrs I ioltdoui dneaael seatikiuu sacquecud hlinaus cad sit teaditig tuiuillottail fur syguitxt lit wear xvell and pit a etltir idiot tlvn un direct loC O HimNB Ioj tnhnco si decided bargains

    Bf n 7-

    VUIJMKIr cxlra clink Ilees f IlttuCtrIi fa oT-uiinla j > ci iT ° < HM i iiouuds iiepi er ur iniKiard MelllAMi8VH 2s0 I earl and 4u Fulton I-Ia S0V1IWoescrop teas fitI nrlh ELHHNMJHSVH2 Peail Mutt 40 Fullon n


    tif ii C

    A ciurAIyv fur hewlache eoiisllpationIlilies iiiinan he tI I y diseases iierxmi-aKr1J

    eweahutoes A e l0HfW IInvigoratingrup Jc Jk 1fIl nml fj old ur chronle eeoc prono IIKTI uralilsiUcitiil nutlem elI Mainplii in 1111circularsfr cell lee tree frouiOiuij i II cud i totP biitiittiir liourKinsiiitAiioiM 3 nl fur naiiuiiiutNVTIUNAI lYE tlSE41 OlhcJ it flusrprjUhyimdriigjUl aiidalUriiieiiteii s Itli tiiliiuIt

    DfPfi iiHIilUttal11 1 noonsandexeli-ii JIV

    I I is My uflcriiooniii New York oldestreimiiiusiitUallsiI l pbileUn cUtter ie > l skin diuasrsl-ivlM ItltitritHmi strictures tlmldrr kidneystiutti iiii iiKthiuliicureiitrmuntiillt wont nl-c

    5tAkstanei itrucius db hi > clasp uttUuhoto tail Adtuik tnLe1Ilf UItuii EaseutCfLife tnruittttieilyrciii yyrf JHli In tur intel ruiliira lin1IiIl > I rl ce ftJ a ini Illtln il Uii Illlli n twoUouitrroiu hiir miluuNc irkI UItlV Yt tIt Priinklin mi I Imernau mpcrlI cure A iiToiuIn tInes In i ii otsi ri enlI ur ihrouliItnUiliiigthixeuf iiibiuiv i ttt iru nceetit it AllenIaucu froU A M tuupI XI lr I IIIUIIIII nki rMIDKMI


    MIITITTK ouch liit nwrv 4I I All Mt rii iroiupl Itlurtu li trtatliienli t in illinell ludt-



    II Ill NTH III ttftIlMfkl itttcIii5iltCitl xiur ierlencediilij > liUiiiiililI milIItallOIlI eiud-oI > tJ > 1 IIICIixTorrlil IIVrfrtTrusllie lletlcu ania brat iptlUiuii In tile iitW tmijlncll U7 i nay











    Rogers Peet CoCIOIHM nHfAX NIIOEM




    350 4 AND 5 A2tX > 1Alltd TO SElECT IIO PAIRST

    Lnrce t Custom Shine llonipin


    8 IXVJLttUl Ia ttt-

    oCCatarrhsC upcclfle for this dlcsicIn tin IlcAil Ac Our CATARRII CURE 75 centl ape

    dully prepared to meet refloat cue contains liecurntUe proiicrllct ot IdSUS EXTRACT our NASAlHVniSdh 23 Cents Inraliiitble fur UIO In catarrhalnfltactlonsit imiple and e9tcfiv


    JAMES MEANS 3 SHOEmoxt tlurtble made flneit calfskin perfect flttlnr Soilat tthe fulnwiuig atoms

    In New YorkAl Saunas stttI1 Oranil it 107Gth nv-llJBtti ax 5J Rouser 3124 iI nyccinuen Itowery urnInane JKalav corner Kill av nnl Utli at 4JI Sll-nx 117 Hid av flrrrnwlcli m187 Am A 41 Av 1104Av O 21H hatliani att 2H1 midiou at 5li Silt n-

    In Hrooki ut31t MirtleI ax 21 I rnnl atl Ii10 Mjrlle-ar JOJ Cniirt > t 5JO to 534 llronilway 383 Irand it-UUAtlanlk ux



    AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTETrains Ileave New York tie Dcsbrosse and Cortlandtstreets Ferries atfolloixt-Ilarrliliurg Plttstmrgh the West Roil South with Pall

    min Palace Cars attached A V U and 8 P U dailyItctx York nut lhlcagnI Limited nf Parlor Diningbmoklrir and bleepingI Jars at n A M every day

    Vllllanuport Lock llaxcn 8 A MH P andErie fitS P M connecting at tnrr for Thluavhhle Po-trneum Centre and the oil Regions

    Ualtlmore VXa hln ton and the south Limited WashIngtou Ixpresn of Pitllirnn Parlor CardallvI excepthuniln 10 A Mt arrtteXXashlngtnnI 4O5P U Kegnher vIat nnIIIlIII ntflniaul H Jl AM 3 40 andup MnndU night xla II and O It It I soil 7 PMI and 12 night

    Bundox xla II WJrrtl II A M 0 P M and 12night Tin II nit P MI and U nightiFor Atlantic mil except ilndin 1PMIKorCapeJIayexeeptsundayilI IUA XILong Branch Iiuy Head Junciiini suit Intermediate sta-

    tions u III Katina coil Amboy II A M112 noon J 10end 5 P M On Sunday II v N i 1131 do not stop atAsliur Park

    Boats of Ilrooklyn Annex connect with throughtrains at teraey ritaffording a speedy ant directtransfer for l3ruoilyui trax el

    Train arrive Prom Pittsburgh t10 coil 11 VI A Mt7 o stud HiM P M lalland 7AM dally exceptMomtnx Irnni Xa iiliutou and UiiUiinore 0 5 IIIOA xi i 411 i a z yi hiCti law and lu M 1p M Sundail ii V x ximixiandI in JJ P M From Haltlmorc 1 JU xi on Mindtis u JUP MI From Phil

    Kilclntila HM itt n a HM 7except MnndM U20-f0 fUi 10 4011 3JA M JO 23 4 tJ VI 1I JlUJJ 7 f-J >H 4 Hi aso Iii 05 1020 stir as IP M Sundayu20nytogouito75n UJ3 AM02i0 7jju >

    loin hl3 onollUJi trfU1

    r xt° iIILAIELP11KA





    Expreti Train leave New York via Deiliroiso tadnrtlsndtlreete retries lotIons6liO 7 20 H M JO 19 and 10 Limited 1111I 10 A MI1atmntf a 7 H find Ii Ji andI nllit mmtai p 13 a tu Limitedi JI10 A SI f 0 7 B and 0Y >tt ind 12 night

    Trains leaving NEXT York dally Inert Sunday atHJU cud It 10 A rI 12 4 5 and i P M 72011Trenton for CamdenItetunilnr trains Ileaire Broad Street Station rinlndri-

    nlila UOI a1513204t31 eicert MomlaxKO730 1tlli Vl IJinllid txprei5 uft is a ii ii iuti a 74niif 1 12 ijII 3 14 43 trf C k4 I 520 titititeI UOO 7i 745111101 4 I ° at LeIlhthiaiheihtiiii via atliduut S2t A 31 daIly nCISiittiiaiy

    Ticket ofltcs IH 413 nd DH Brositway I ActorIInuo auti fiat ut letniuunes auil Cortiauitb ala 4COUll ct tin Bnooiclyuu lhiucx Station fioh of Iiutttnitu Jlrookljn Uu > ci lintel llnboktn tittiuu Jonseyttly tOntgrant Ticket Oflice II Buttery 115Cc sitil OssIII tturdeli

    The New York Trailer Company tylit cnll for udchock SS K rm lhotelsl l anti retldencnChiA mill I R WOODileneral Vniiaor Henmi la enitfr ii n-



    8totleii In Note Yuri foot Liberty st North RiveCOMMFNCINll NOV IH 1FS3-

    Leaxn Mete York 7413 01 2lllI A MI 1 at fOO1O0 in 70T I2PXI hilnlaJ H4A M1 I JPI XIher i4uiutur jUwltliiirii mid WllllmnsnoriI i i U7 43 AMi4 1 3-11ave Ilitlaleluittha corner Uttu attl lireene ala 730I aI iIa I 1 4 M I 13 uIi 241t ti43 13 P 31 t4tuutlIft t4ilI4 att Atit 12 Ntleave Trenton Warretu and Tttekcr at I 2S C30Slit 003 11010 IIIJII A 31I I 4 41 024 734 11t4itutilaye 125 II IK 4 at Ii 13 I 31IJ1IA IIISIIIIIIJI As I till thay truilno Unit SLEEPiIMI CAltS au li nlblit trains

    II 1P Ih4tluyINOleti Polnn Ilas Atielit i wronI lUvM

    Gout Pass autti TIcket Arrnl PMIadelnhliiJ K t OIl rrEN ilriirrnl Manninr

    shillpill-gpClliCJwr lTKAM iIIP OOXIPANYPier foul il i aiml st North KivrrIUR TIll TUMUSOr PANAMA

    POLIIN colt Haturdav belt u niiiii luiiiiiillni forTentra midi South America mid MexicoYhtOh SAN FItANl4ui tat uiiI ltratiuiait ii U-

    OJAPAN AS IIINAIAO M tllVIIIOiiilUniiirsiliu Fut 7 nounrxcnrbin tlken bettxteii nun lraneico and lokohania IIrlllal route1HOl HIANI MO TO IIONOLUIU NEW lEA

    tiANI MV AITUALIA1ITi Of NtDNIY sails Friday Feb J13 on ariltal ofLiindou inalli at Salt tranelfeo

    Fur reifiulinisicgu titttI ventral Inf rmstlnn altily al-oiniMii t orlle un ithe imr fiot of Itaiuol st N rlhllIr II J IIUILAY utp ritttethe-

    uitIEMALTIliNMAFiAc4TItCUMjr 7 j x-


    N° ItIVlfl UN ILFAY0IiITRINSIDEWIN-TEll IROUTE To Boston M Worcester fJWNashua fJ 00 Portland Liil and no transfers Miaiiicrf


    CITY OV LAX> RFNCEleave Pier 40 North River foot of alls att next pierabove DesbroBScs M Ferry dally except Sundays at4el31f-lO4TON VIA BTOXIN4iTU 11 Mi

    rare onl > W nrst clais Inside route avoldlnr PointJudith Dally except Sundaj ruin Pier JJ Jif ItJa > ft i At 4 JU 1



    rlanJinJ Lihliart nttI toe loAiei uuewIt and sectmd hntul at greet biirKains slit Cala II IUttahllj A CO tilt UriTmlxi soy dither JItiu itrpllic IIKM KK HII lard Siut1 Pw Table arT 91the lIbel acirat and iluraie Milliard malerUlsoCexerj dnrrlptlru Send for cntalniriio unit trite hutIll II XX uiLIKNUKIt c J 7UJ hhrooutiy i-yD K cK KIIM pool nnd bllllnrd tables the bent matelowest prices areronnis 729 llroadiva-

    jIKXt tOIOK WltKH4teirePnrelea-i

    i1 S rttnk y nuttier IJc cue ire tiC vrrtu lid

    oil I borax 15c i beiulnc HA xuol nlcohol < 133l gal

    THE SUN FOR 1884About sixty million copies of TIlE SUM Imvo

    gone unit of our csabll hnieii during tho putt ttclvmonth hiIf 3nit ttere to paste end tn end nil the columns ot alt

    Tao Spy hriuiili1 and sod la year you u ould get a conttmimtftrlp rf Ineritlng Infiirmatlnii ifiiiiimii iimM-xiUdnin sound1ictrlne mil rune iiI Imgeiouh to-reaili from Prlnthu Hum Nnir lo the tutu of Muunt jCnprnldis In tlie mom men taik lo Prlitlng Huntkinart and then Hire iiuarttrtur the way bout to themroii again

    lint fill Sm Is irrlllen Per thiS Inhabitants nf thiearl It this same stript if lutellliretn ttotld irlJlo thegluttwenty sex en 01 lii Cut tight IUnixIetrry buyer ufativy o tne n Ijrlng th pulL3 ar lus sj enl only cue ho ir nx er ll ciiiI If hl tt ifs orlit zratiIfat icr hit spent until tier hour thus intrsnperIn 153l iaa aflardil Ith hiiinnu raj thlrUtu IthouianJ

    Carl c f seuity rrrdlng nlht nnd dnyll Is only by utIle mil jlatlons Ilko these Ihxt 101 cinfiirm say Idea nf the circnlntiun if tIhe mon pnj iiltr of

    American tics ipillici ° or of his InfJutmr un iheopliilent and aethona iif Amerknn tunis and ti attica

    Ilus S gq itt is ill cuiulhtue tutu K a nairspnnrxthlcli tells th roOt ii ii unit fir Of ctunueuito lil h gets M tIm fail no matUr lion uiiuuht le-cists troeest icli present the nest of all hit witnil ttilluijtii hOle of aunt attit It lie nt readable Shape ii itIclIlixtorklng it elI all n lice a fti thi au if Itiuuyatrot ernutetil auth xililUi IIlierrftre litlletui tlut Im ibin ni iitl an port it tat no end must to In lln etuiihiZa car of inrlhtrh irs I

    If you know IHK biNnu like It cIrcuItI nutIon xilllreal It mil acculoined illIgMire a-ntottat

    ind I ruth liirlna sure lo I Ilie I liuMii in lii its Mttory IIf a inlnnoljeUiiim lmslu i tigit t a-lit tinto llu iiiiuiiln-


    Mullh I HiilMc-


    it isThe an rat iI iltu i I Itt a 5tll u are Ciii i uttithoitt a fulluutetiitlitt t7

    iii at 8n it co i t Silt liitulsSUSlAaI tiltt icr Etibs itittt fsruittui the currtiit Ittiut a lI I is it itiIai ntlttii a 0 t sciIItiuil

    I ubalui crust

    u f thuI ii

    iittuiti Cl lit ii cit I itiera t t Is tu a of it ICinuill 15 I a 3 C ir

    Ott S liJlil hutea tif Ile lOit ilituitOforV itt ACulCltlliittil luslsnituieitt ifccliii litCilel ritiort suil hiuircr ac ciii iCeavat uuu uuii uii lilt htijtiiu tusk I it Ia i Sits tic uihuOtlit 0151cc tr lii tsmiitertliits

    To oIute of lull 51 itt I alt eb t nut tlV tru II tt LNUL blot loiillsrLisa lji N I tOliJ

    nruy PxieeU us Nny of Iroeeetllnes-Tlio counsel at ctrollcoinnn William COO

    ray nlii nassuilcnrid uleli Ittgel on rrldty nut furfS killing IVIcr lreiiau in a tain n In PMI Tilrl slilhI I aired on Nov J atil x est nlay list an appeal hal licetuIP P male to IHit biiprrm ltiiit fur a stat tt i roceedln snn a1gf blllifiXK1 IIIIK Tnilt Ithey said lie ale mmidbe-vraiited II i nn I tita ex ill 1 lnnri > sdialli nutli ttnuld

    I r be reliC nil Loiuunyhseulir iheerfulIi I Jtrrlurril > rTrfl HUT JIeti Mrs lliirbcck-

    TlioC neiinril liiim of tlio Buiirumu fouramrinl a catenuty the teclii uf Julie larruors IittItie suit I Carotin HartrrV for an ahiolutedlvorc

    i fruit Jihii II H < ibtcL luUnig that Hi parlies halaittr itch lutortitil

    4 4

    CHKU imitu yon TUB MILLIOKSWollauapphleil Markets Abroad sonS H fllnl

    tug Sinner Urine Jlnivn Ike PriceIt flour Is dull nnd weak on this market

    Paid ono xxholo nloilo ler nt the Produce UK-cliniiRO jostnrrlny Flour IB stall but will notito tiny Imxor

    ° Niiltl nnothor Tlio prlcos wornNn 2 fii om W 10 Ily T37i per barrel i superfine fJ7ft-

    tef1V riOts fromf1 stop I cluntee wittIer extra LVWin tIll winter nlfiils f7ilo 7j iprlng clears M2J tolili lrlii slrslihl 13 vilofQ sj rhu patents fo to ffl6S-

    Ooiipjired xvllli last your unld anotherdottier thoso prlcot are from 23 to 50 contnlower ott winter urnilcN llm SJcontt being on-tt hn cooil Hour Hpnnc rnilou urn Ito acme nsi-BBl > i> nr ovopt In Ihn host crnilos which RIOinn i no lo7 ccnm lower

    XVItut In tlio roupon for IItimlron-Tlu nuirKolH of llm OM WorW nro well up-

    rlidd anti BII In this martinI Tim product ofxxlioiit In tilt Unttnil Kttttos H > 1 year was 421Dtm 000 btiiliuls Tim jcni before It wits tsOdUUUO A xurv lurun hart t f Ito crof of 1HH2-XUIB cirrlnil over to 183J hy Ito farincra Iwcntno-IirlriB xxoto low they tttivuu boon unlnndlns-nnd Imvo brouultt doxvn Ihn inca agn lit

    Do tho tlnlly IliicUmtlons In xxhont Affectllio tirtus of Hour IIt ttilcs n Tine t r n foil nf five or six cnntu on-n bttittcl to tunica 21 edits illlTfriiico on n barrelor Hour TIm trico varies much with tho ex-port


    dotnandAre tlouroxportntlont increasingMuch moro rniildly than tho export of

    wheat Tho great Improvements In Americanmills x Itli n n foxv yours Imxo enabled Amenem millers In mnko bettor tutor for the moneytitan ito forolKii tnlllors Thnro IBaultnnn oxport 11 mla to tho Went Iinllos Zulu South Arncrici llio 1aiillitnro and Itlchinontl mills an n-Inrco Sntilli Amiirlcan business A peculiarityol tlio Voit India Irntln In tlmtn much bettorcriuioot llottrls taken than required tot thoKiirouenn market Tlio lnxvtxst Krndrs up tofair 10 to Uuroiip Tim Wist Jndli trade tnLos-lltitir nt say f3 ri prcsont prices

    lluxo the linproxotnontB In nillllntr mixchlnnry londoil to produce lower prices

    Hardly They hat clxen unproved productn nl hluhiir prlcos Terlmps the lowerurndoa nro choapor on Hint nccotint

    man irt7EK ir-n


    Trndluu tloatii KtuiU by tee nnd SeveralIltl < itrilrl IIuuu the lllvrr-

    Pirriiitiiii IVli 11riie iiici8 icachoclthe liLlir1 fcttiKi at 11 A M today when thomKB iitlioiid txxentjono feet 1ortlons of-tllU liulanil IIn Allcfhonx Citx nnd couth sldohire utulii xxater but no unions dunaco hasjstiltcd rio xxitturls now ruicdlni and nu-ttitu xxoathur is frcoriiiK no moro trottblo Is nnclpalcd Tho ico Is nonrly nil out of theInnnneatipin nnd Ito Allichany In bslnK rap-idly cleaiiU Tho Ice cnrcoi In tutu Youchl-irhitn nto Htll IltniI and tho hnltom InndH nrn

    hooded bcxentl famllliS It ixinubcfiiroinpullo-dintltoti to Itho suiniid hams of tltulr IIOIISOM

    At Vreepol t OIl lie jilliiuittia Ito Ico xxis lulledI ilrty foci hiuh nnil for a I lito IIt xivs foarrdthat tlio tmxn xxould bi llnnd d Tim irnr otarlod Imxvexor just bnforo mlilnlclil nnd tiltuvater SUCh fell Tho Ito loaoliud Allcyliony nt3 A M nail liax Hlnco hoen Htundlly pa ur inlren or vxclude the publie from tliti free auud cnm enknt ftt rnnch thereto or in-clu le an > around within oneipi irtvr of a mile ot any ofIthe efyffrt or the cllowitt nie Villa ttiuty Otto tractshall be teasel to any one jierton anBoclatHin or ruinmiration AU contract atrrerincntii uur exrlusite prltlflues heretofore mule or gui cut In r zanl tit this park orany part otU whIch are inromlttunl with thl act atedeclared to bo tuvalU Soldiers fine to to detailed toprotect tIm park

    A Providence Man Arrested for MurderPROVIDENCE Feb 1Juet otter 9 oclock lust

    vining a colored domestic lu the lieu of hello Yatrout M9 fountain street found John Field a Jexiellcr43 year of igo a boarder In the house ll Ing In thin fronttall unronscliiui aol with K laTe hole In the hack of hisheat ShellI had liven seen under the Influence of Hiinrearlier In the ex mine Mn Horcnc Sinclair a 11 IdowIxlng In Ihue ndluinmg holme Lava that just before Ucluck a person ii hose voice she recognized ns that nf-

    harles Mtnll a giml ler and a mill at nut Inn n xi hournierlv III ed xx Ill hell atroiis came nn to the imitr-

    runk and mInI lo forco nn intranet Ha celled on-Icd bx name to 0111 n the lour cursing him and threat

    nlii xiolence After Skull entertd the hniise SOI-NIndiiatitu a Mrmrglc tiers heard In a little xrhilv allwa Rllll and skull came ont and xitnt to a lidiisn halt-

    by where tho atroni xvnman SYnC making a call brakea window uttered the house mil knocked bur dnunixlce A misxiigir then nrrlxcil to nollf her of

    he iiccttrrtnce at tier own house and she returnedmine fotiitt tot h skull xi ho xxas arrested at the scene

    nf tIle murder Field died thin inornlng xi llhont regainhug consciousness Ills holy wnj token to the Morgue

    Futnl Quarrel Itelweeu 1nrmer FrIendWILVINOTON Del Feb 1Il Cninbrldce-

    Md yester lay afternoon John xinrray shot John HSteele twlco xx hilt a plutol Murray Intd been teailng-Mceles lull son vihlih prnxoVcd a quarrel betweenhe two men Steele struck Murray on lie head with a

    poker making a deep gash and xiurri then drew aIstol and stint Steele twIce In this lodt one bulletcutrrlmr laitaboxe tie heath Hecl dlod this afterloon there w eTc no x> ltnt nts to the affray and cacticlaimed that Ihe othsr was the agxreitor The tvo-nen had btcn friends for months

    Mr James SteelS a son of the xvojnded mm residesnt JtJl Nail rourteenth street this city To a reporteriile saU that he hsd recelv d H delpntci calling liOnmme tn his dlng fathers bedside He cant to this

    city lull uuiuttier he said and was eniloedin Hroomestreet Murray and tile fattier hail been good frlfndsmid h coull not dertand the renson for the shootIng Mr Slstl left for tile home In Cambridge on ths 1oclock train

    Hcnlenctd for Hlenllna llullrond TicketsriiiLiDFUiin Fob 1A J lloEfrsxvlio had

    tdiaded gofihy ho tie emhc d upon surh aslons i huen f re taken ticfine tu jlstraleandtlnedllleachh I44tintt lun nf them iluldlbeir titus promptaunt thi remaining Itwtntthree were tommitted

    Tk Nbello Ynuag Bride Desert Him1niLADELPiiu Feb 1In answer to lie writ

    of hat lai mite Uriah lear I rodured tIn daughterBertha In court this tnrr dug tier Imiland I hi 10called lhlng Skeleton ° was also resent In opencourt thu girt declared that she wss nut restrained oltier liberty In any way suit treferret I tn gn nlth tierfather and not us lilt tier lulustand Thecasewas thendi mlMe l There xvas a Wrest erowd In and nliut hiscmirl IIOUM The Hktlelon has already suld thst Ifhlswlfe denied hInt In ipeli evurl he icr cud nut ask herto return to him

    CunptlllUn In Ik TelegrafkALBANY Feb 1An examination of lie roe

    site In the Secretary of Slates office sties thttxtllhlithe last three years III number of cmnjanlci Incorporated under the Telegra runlpanlm act Iis 1IS dlstliut-

    rganUattnns xxltti a ca Ital amnnntli s In l2bIt jlsKiTins llu luds many hslclitiins riimpniiifs siime of a hcat chsraeUr and leo schemes for this romutlon ifCu cry ilinsiif Uitrlcalci ntrlxancei for tliu trciumk-slin of Intelligence In no oilier simile tOte of aetlvitydo ihs merit of tlie Secretary if stat stiow aiiyltiiiugIlk this com ctltlon Illustrated by tilth flsures

    Fetal KacounUr wIth n Jug at AiileuckMoNttio3tgsY N Y Fob lMr Ltiohenti a-

    faruiuer lIving three ntiiea sotullu of touaiuiuuciaitYilltwhile goltug hioni wIth so iuj rf at lie soutlskey cherlnt-at a neihhori to lrauirac annie I tiiiuieip It aiiiug thujig lit a hart A uitit titan it t lie eiuihoy it 5 4Its > en fttiitil ill C iur ottt licilt I liluuuu if frii liticnahhy toIt ciileiil a hint is len 31 r luueuit reltunuieih this titaut-ii a lii a at uihlor itt t itiit I ru tittluleul uuiull eaierduu-iutorutiriz it tuCi ii died

    inrurtlux the Illue lilirs sir 11O1-tviUNO 1n Fob 11Surprise was cnusci

    her In da Ih the arrest t f tlhl mill known cltlzeiOtt the ciargo T horse racing xxltli slilihs on tho uldl-rosd The > were hell for court The charges tunabrought undrr Ilie blue lansnf 17UI xvhleh trihitiltracing and protid tint otu riinxlctlin of lie aciiieeutArsons the horses be xM and the lrocedo I laced itthi countyt trstiury

    nits noiritLt jcnrJest TXTO Minnie In Rrncklnc Verdict

    Tke Norel Wnjr In wklefc they VledI-UTWA N Y Feb 1It took tlio Jury In

    tho Howell cao just two minutes to docldo on-Ihelr verdict after lliey had jot to work Baldono of their number today l Alter the Judcutc-hnnto the Jurors xvont directly ton hote1 andste their upper They then wont In the roomwhich they Imxo occupied throughout trlnl-Tliuy xvoro worn out ntifl niixloun to llnUh limitttsk and one of thorn appointing himselfmiokcsninn said All who nro In favor of nverdict of not guiitygol on tho rich silo of thinroom and cor > man imssod to the rluhtThen thoxiicikuiinnn Rnlrt 1istt nil xvhn nro Infavor of the theory of nolfdnfenco KO over tothn oilier Bidennd nil ruftliod across Theirwork xtnsnccoinpllAhod anti nil thnt rnmnlnodfor them to do Whit to Inform the Court thitthey had njtroml-

    Mm howell XT out to her homo In Clnyvlllo-IliliI morn lout Rite him tint BCOII lion huminndlIlting her sojourn hero but her children Imxnvisited liar anti sho xvnn d Rlrous of Inkltic-IIhorn homo xxllli her but Mr Unwell retainsthem ltoxcll snu ho xvlll nnxerbo reconcIledto tile wife 1nlinor linn nititned n nntr-ind

    niuonropoROBtn Plrciijntp n BitbTrlptlon patter

    br ItoxvnllH tx ni lll Tho ffoolIng nEiilnst-nlmor Is Honuixrhat nbalod U Is conornllr-oncrdod that his tostlmnnx ncnulttod llowoll

    slid that In Ills doBlro to lieln his partner outlIe allowed the lawyers for the defence to heapall tho odium on ills shoulders

    The Tcrrr uf kl FiimltrMatthew Hunt of 307 Iast Tenth ftrrot was

    rresled upon complaint of Ms fslher James Hunt cadirnughl before Juitlconorinan at Esiex Market Your

    onor hue father ailil time months aga Justineardner committed this boy to the Inland for a sear toneating its mother and sister Ills mother unknown to-

    teiii scraped together rtJ and got hun out on a writ IIssuet by the Supreme Court As soon us ho uvus out hebegan to terrorize our home A week ago Ids motheratl liter crime tier to Suave hint arrested He lockedilinself In a room nnd threw inlisllts at hue tinUr untilthey throitened tn shoot htm then lie ruldtnlateil In-onrt tin tniither refused to nuke complaint and thus

    ollccinen kindly nll nnlhlng ot Ills bwl conduct IYniit litm locked up units

    The hioy turned lo lila father and said I will kill oufor thhl sj ech-

    Jtinticellorinantentenced Hunt lo a Sears Imprisontent

    lvnn linns HurledMr Leon Unas xvlio idiot hlmiolf In the Cos

    inpolltan lintel on XXeducsiay ness lmilid > estcrdAVlifter a ser Ice nt lila home tIN Xxcsl Port fifth atrccl-

    he Interment tens In C prcM 1HIU Ccmetert-llefore leixmg hilt ptncu nf Iusllici nt 4J Xlal Ion lath

    Ott XednesilR nnon Mr it ass euuitttd thnrles solmnonof the jeti cur nrm it Oii cnliclm ltiitt tiers A Xlrliilit In-lalden line to select for hut n anld svciclu uhlth he

    aid hue stunt to five lit flue of his sick children xthiiatrnnxnlmcent He tunk xvlth him hi hint lie huulmt titan from Ithe hank Ills frlinds do not Ithink that

    then be went axtay he lied funned Ihe Intention of kilttug himself

    The Ilnndlo XlcMnntie CarrIedJohn MoMnmiB of 231 East Fortyfifth street

    lid Policemnn James Maloney arrested on n charge ofMnutt suit bitter lie teitined In llio orkvllle Courteslerdit that ho wai stopped tty Mnoney on Tuesdayiluht nut ordered tn show w hM he hid In aliundle He-bjvctoli and he sistint Mnlonet drunk him and thenirtitti hut Die pidu email dinlrd bust hi struok MrJulius Justice Mitrrat dismissed the liillceitK told

    lug that he had a lUlit to aicertain xt lust this bundle conanted

    Grievance of Ike llnckmenCol Charlos H Spencer argued before Mayor

    MSDII esterda that tie hackmcn were Icing drivenout nt Inslness hv thin liter stable iroprletom Thislivery Stable Keepers Asnclatlnnn answer denied thatitiet huh xlolattu anx city nrdhmncc or kept thifr-

    oaclies xvhere ttiet xteru not situ Iuoriunl to stindTheir coachoi xtereehlefl Inlended turgiieslsat hotels

    Tlse Misynr ISnutlcal AdvIserTho Secretary of tho Navy has asslcned Com-


    Henry O Taylor United State Navy to duty athe Mayor oRe Mnxor hdinn said ycslerdax thathe assignment haul been made at his request lie tieaired a naxal nfllcer adtlce on many suujieta which

    nine before lila for lute action