  • 8/13/2019 2letras Vistas a Lupa Brochura Variacao







    Aa The Old Style or Humanist serif typefaes developed in the 15thand 16th enturies and are harater

    ized by a low ontrast in stroke weight

    and angled serifs. Example:Garamond.

    Old Style typefaes are, well, old shool.

    They date from the 15th-

    17th entury. If you

    look at the horizontal vs vertial stroke,

    there is ontrast in thikness, but not a

    major one. The ross-

    bars are quite straightand the serifs are sloping, or onave.

    o l dstyle



    Aa Geometri sans-serif typefaes, as theirname implies, are based on geometri forms. Insome ases letters, suh as the lower ase o,

    are perfet geometri forms. Example:Futura.

    Some sans-serif types are

    built around geometri forms.

    In Futura, designed by Paul Renner in1927, the Os are perfet irles, and the

    peaks of the A and M are sharp triangles.




    Modern serifed typefaes developed

    in the late 18th and early 19th entury

    and were a radial break from the tradi

    tional typography of the time with highontrast of strokes, straight serifs and a

    totally vertial axis. The stroke transi

    tions are rather abrupt, with even more

    extreme ontrast between horizontal and

    vertial strokes than seen in Transitional

    fonts. The serifs have gone on a diet.

    Improvements in late 18th entury paper pro

    dution, omposi

    tion, printing and binding

    made it possible to develop a type style with

    strong vertial empha

    sis and fine hairlines.

    m o -der-








    s l a b



    Slab Serifs (a.k.a. Egyp

    tian) typefaes made their debut in

    the 19th entury, along with advane

    ments in print tehnology. A major de

    parture from their dainty predees

    sors, these beefy slab serifs werent

    meant for long lines of text; They weredestined for headlines. Youll re

    ognize them by their monotone stroke

    weight and their heavy, square serifs.

    Born out of the Industrial Revolution and

    the inreased use of posters, billboards

    and other forms of advertising, slab ser

    if typefaes, with their strong, square

    finishing strokes, are extremely effe

    tive for ommanding readers attention.

    The bridge for the gap between Old

    Style and Modern serifed typefaes, Tran

    sitional type has a more vertial axis

    and sharper serifs than humanist forms.

    Transitional typefaes mark the Age of

    Enlightenment, a bridge between Old

    Style and Modern. They ame at a peri

    od in history where there was a depar

    ture from handwritten (or alligraph

    i) letterforms. They typially have a

    more notieable ontrast between hori

    zontal (thinner) and vertial (thiker)strokes. The serifs are a little straight

    er than youll see with Old Style fonts.

    Grotesque, or Grotesk in

    Germany, is a style of sans-ser

    if typefae from the 19th en

    tury. The name was oined by

    William Thorowgood, the first

    person to produe a sans-serif

    type with lower ase, in 1832.

    apital-only faes of this style

    were first available from 1816,

    made by William aslon IV of

    the aslon foundry under the

    name 2 Line English Egyptian.

    A sans serif style with low

    stroke ontrast and modern pro

    portions. Usually features a

    one-story lowerase g, losed or

    angled strokes on and S, and

    a sloped, non-ursive itali.




