

Nome: ____________________________________________________

Data: ______/________/________ Turma: Ingls Intensivo para Concurso

Teacher: Roberto CavalcantiAssunto:REPORTED SPEECH

REPORTED SPEECHStatementsH duas maneiras de relatar o que uma pessoa disse:

1. Atravs do discurso direto (direct speech), onde repetimos as palavras do orador as quais devem estar inseridas entre aspas.Eg.:Ann said, I am very tired.Paul said: I want to buy this car.

2. Atravs do discurso indireto onde repetimos o que a pessoa disse indiretamente, sendo que usando as nossas prprias palavras.Eg.:Ann said she was very tired.Paul said he wanted to buy that car.

NOTE:No discurso direto usamos dois pontos ou uma vrgula aps o verbo introdutrio da orao.Eg.:Pamela said, I am studying.Peter said: Im going to Chicago on business.Como transformar o discurso direto em indireto

1. Se o verbo introdutrio estiver no Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect ou Simple future o tempo verbal no mudar no discurso indireto.Eg.:Tom says, I worked hard yesterday.He is saying: It may rain.He has said: I am tired.He will say, I need some rest.

2. Todavia, se o verbo introdutrio estiver no passado, ento, o verbo no discurso indireto ter que ser mudado, conforme o quadro abaixo:

Discurso DiretoDiscurso Indireto

Simple PresentSimple PastPresent Continuous Past ContinuousPresent Perfect Past PerfectPresent Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous Simple PastPast PerfectPast ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousSimple FutureSimple ConditionalFuture ContinuousConditional ContinuousSimple ConditionalConditional Perfect / Simple ConditionalCanCouldMayMightCould, might, should, oughtCould, might, should, ought

Tabela de alteraes de: pronomes pessoais, pronomes possessivos/demonstrativos e advrbios

Discurso DiretoDiscurso Indireto

1) this1) that2) these2) those3) here3) there4) today4) that day5) yesterday5) the day before / the previous day6) last week6) the week before / the previous week7) ago7) before8) tomorrow8) the following day / the next day9) next week9) the following week10) now10) at that moment / then11) I11) he / she12) you12) I / we13) we13) they14) my14) his / her / your15) your15) my / our16) our16) their17) myself17) himself / herself / yourself18) go18) come

Eg.: She said: Pat was here yesterday.She said (that) Pat had been there the day before.

As oraes no discurso direto podem ser divididas em:

a) Afirmativas / negativasb) Interrogativas com: pronomes interrogativos / verbos auxiliaresc) Imperativas: afirmativas / negativas

Ao transformarmos o discurso direto em indireto das oraes afirmativas /negativas deveremos observar o verbo da orao introdutria, pois o mesmo ser responsvel pela mudana ou no no tempo verbal da orao seguinte.

Eg.: John said, Ill never do this again.

R.S.: _________________________________________________________.

Eg.: The young man said, My sister is learning French here.

R.S.: _________________________________________________________.

Eg.: Tom said: I dont like tea.

R.S.: _________________________________________________________.

As oraes interrogativas do discurso direto dividem-se em:

a) Interrogativas com pronomes interrogativosb) Interrogativas com verbos auxiliares

As oraes interrogativas iniciadas por pronomes interrogativos tais como: when, where, why, what, whose, who(m), how, quando passarem para o discurso indireto, mantero os mesmos pronomes sendo que estes sero seguidos de sujeito mais verbos no devido tempo.

NOTE :Se o verbo introdutrio for say, ele dever ser mudado para ask, wonder, inquire ou want to know.Eg.: D.S.: He said, Where does she live?R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.

NOTE :Quando o verbo say for seguido de objeto indireto, apenas o verbo ask poder ser utilizado no seu lugar. Os verbos inquire, wonder e want to know no podero ser seguidos de objeto indireto.Eg.: D.S.: Paul said to me, Where do you want to take off your coat?R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: The woman said to the boys, How did the fight begin?.R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: Kevin said to her, what will you do tomorrow?.R.S.: kevin asked her what she.would do the following day.As oraes interrogativas iniciadas por verbos auxiliares: do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, may, might, can, could etc., quando passarem para o discurso indireto, utilizaremos as conjunes if ou whether, sendo esta ltima mais formal. Eg.: D.S.: My uncle said to my aunt, Are you tired?.R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: John said to Mary, Will you bring me the books?.R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: Tom asked me: Did you mail the letter for me?.R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: He said to me: Can you show me your passport?.R.S.: _____________________________________________________________________.As oraes imperativas do discurso direto dividem-se em:a) afirmativasb) negativasO verbo mais comumente utilizado quando da passagem de direto para indireto tell. Tambm poderemos utilizar outros verbos tais como:Advise, Ask, Beg, Command, Encourage, Forbid, Invite, Order, Request, WarnNas oraes imperativas negativas, alm de mudana do verbo introdutrio, haver a mudana de dont para not to. Contudo na orao imperativa afirmativa s utilizaremos a preposio to.Eg.: D.S.: The dentist said to me: Please, open your mouth.R.S.: ___________________________________________________________________.Eg.: D.S.: Father said to his son, Dont do what Ive done.R.S.: Father asked his son not to do what he had done.EXERCISESI - Turn the sentences below into reported speech:1. She told Fred, Dont make fun of me.___________________________________________________________________.3. Mary said to me, Hurry up if you want to go out with me.___________________________________________________________________.4. She said, Ive just hurt myself.___________________________________________________________________.5.Last month Peter said, Mary, you are going to receive an invitation for my party.___________________________________________________________________.

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