
Identificação Do Projeto Folhas

“Os Contos De fadas e o Incentivo ao Hábito da leitura no Ensino Fundamental

NRE: Loanda Fone: (44) 3452-16-26

Nome do Professor PDE: Eliani Barbiéri Série: 8ª

Colégio: Estadual Soldado Constantino Marochi

Conteúdo Estruturante: O Discurso Como Prática Social

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Conteúdo específico: Gênero textual: “Contos De Fadas”.

Município: Santa Cruz De Monte Castelo Título: “Os Contos De fadas E O Incentivo Ao Hábito da leitura No Ensino Fundamental”.

e-mail: [email protected] Orientadora: Sandra Moser (UEM)

Relação Interdisciplinar 1: Português Prof. PDE Titulada: Jane Cristina Beltramini Berto RG: 4105609-6

Relação Interdisciplinar 2: História Prof. PDE: Regina Aparecida Custódio RG: 4987442-1

How Many Lives Can You Live?

DDDooo you know how can you become another person? How can you travel without getting out of your house, without taking a bus, a train, airplanes and other transports?

Do you know Hans Christian Andersen? And what do Andersen and his famous fairy tale “The Ugly Little Duckling” have to do with this trip?

Hans Christian Andersen


1- Can you recognize what kind of text is that? How do you feel about that?

2- Who was Hans Christian Andersen?

Which was his occupation? 3- Which was his nationality? 4- What genres did he write?

5- What are his most famous works? 6- When was he born and when did he

die? Where did it happen? 7- How was he considered about his

works? 8- What were his influences?

Born: April 2, 1805 Odence, Denmark Died: August 4th, 1875 Copenhagen, Denmark Occupation: novelist, short story writer, Fairy tales writer, poet Nationality: Dane Genres: Children´s literature, traveloque Influences: Ludvig Holdberg, William Shakespeare

Danish writer considered “The king of literature for children”, Andersen revealed himself with homosexual tendency, however, he was virgin during all his life. He was son of a shoemaker and of a washerclothes, he was known all over the world and his works were translated into more than a hundred idioms. Andersen´s father died when he was eleven years old, he rarely went to school, and, in his free time, he created his stories. Andersen worked as an actor, dancer, weaver and a tailor assistant. He used to sing in a coral for boys and tried to dance ballet, but he was very unwieldy. Hans Christian Andersen transformed stories from oral tradition into tales to which he added characters and created new situations. He was a novelist and a dramatist. He wrote poems, novels, fairy tales and short stories. Among his most famous works are the fairy tales The Emperor´s New Clothes, The Little Mermaid, and The Ugly Little Duckling. The quality of his stories was not immediately recognised, and he died poor in 4th August, 1875, Andersen was sepulchered into the Copenhague Cathedral, with the presence of the Frederick IX, the nobless and the great popular mass.

Site: Christian Andersen

Let´s read and know the story The Ugly Little Duckling !

Illustrated by Eliani Barbiéri


Reflecting about the fairy tale The Ugly Little Duckling answer these questions below, in your notebook. After that, discuss about them with a partner and with your teacher:

1- Why was the ugly little duckling`s egg bigger than his brothers? 2- Why did the ugly little duckling run away from the farmyard where he lived? 3- Why was he considered ugly? What do you think about his feelings through the

story? 4- Now draw in your notebook or in a paper, your version of the character “the ugly

little duckling”, give him a name and then present to the class !

The Ugly Little Duckling

Once upon a time a little duck that was born very ugly, his egg was bigger than others, his color was different than his brothers, because of this he was rejected by all the animals from farmyard. Mother duck didn´t get accustom with the difference of the little duck, in the farmyard all the animals treated him ill, the ugly little duck was beaten by the cocks and was bitten by ducks too. His brothers wanted that the cat caught him and named him “Ugly creature”. The ugly little duck was so sad! Then he flew over the farm’s house. At that night he discovered a safe place to rest his little tired body. In the morning he was hungry so he walked round and found some wild ducks playing into a lake. he tried to talk with them but he listened to a noise from a gun, the ducks flew away and he was lonely again.

At night he flew over the fields and plains, but stopped because of a strong storm. The little duck seek for cover so found one old little house where he slept, there lived an old woman with her cat and her chicken. In the morning they saw the little duck, the old woman thought that he was one mistress duck which could put many eggs for her but after three weeks the eggs didn´t come. The cat and the chicken mocked the little duck, then he went to swim into the lake near the house. There he saw many swans, they were beautiful and white, their necks were long, the ugly little duck saw itself into the water and discovered that he was a beautiful swan too. He finally had a family, the swans liked him. Some children came to give pieces of bread for them and said that the new swan was the most beautiful of all. Adapted from Hans Chistian Andersen, Versão, Tradução e ilustração nossa- Eliani Barbieri

A história do Patinho Feio, apesar de ter sido escrita há muito tempo atrás, fala de alguns temas atuais. Um deles é o preconceito.

Let´s read: Enigmatic Letter

Task: Vamos pensar e conversar um pouco sobre algumas das questões abordadas na carta enigmática e no artigo 6º da constituição:

* Discuss in pairs and after that, talk a little bit about the questions to your friends and to your teacher.

1- What do think about the points presented in the enigmatic letter? Do you

agree or disagree with them? Why? 2- Do you think that the social rights are really being respected? What do you

think about that?

Vamos conhecer um dos artigos da constituição brasileira que trata dos direitos sociais:

Art. 6º São direitos sociais a educação, a saúde o trabalho, o lazer, a segurança, a previdência social, a proteção à maternidade e à infância, a assistência aos desamparados, na forma desta constituição.

Constituição-República Federativa do Brasil-1998 (Centro Gráfico Senado federal)

Actualy many people are discrimined in our society. It happens because of different reasons:

Because they don’t have or because they have too

much because they are too or too ,

because they are , , , they get AIDS, because they are from different religions,races or nationalities

like: , , , . Illustrated by Eliani Barbiéri The discrimination may to private these persons of their rights, all the people should have their rights assured by constitution.

Art. 6º São direitos sociais a educação, a saúde o trabalho, o lazer, a segurança, a previdência social, a proteção à maternidade e à infância, a assistência aos desamparados, na forma desta constituição.

Constituição-República Federativa do Brasil-1998 (Centro Gráfico Senado federal)

Além do conto de fadas O Patinho Feio, quais contos de fadas vocês conhecem? Em grupos pesquisem um, em especial, escolham uma cena que mais chamou atenção e representem-na para a turma. Isto pode ser feito através de: Apresentação livre, fantoches de mão ou de dedos, bonecos de sucata, cartazes, dentre outros;

Fairy Tales Fairy Tales are short stories told through the orally way. Usually they start with the phrase “Once upon a time...”. In these tales generally there is a hero who must win the evil to save the heroine from terrible dangers.

These tales are magic and in their plot there are enchanted characters like mermaids, princes, queens, kings Elfos, nymphs, etc; and animals which talk like human beings. Differently of fables, fairy tales doesn’t have one closed end. We can imagine how the characters will live. Generally the phrase used to finish a fairy tale is “And they lived happily ever since ...”. We can decide if we want to use something of a fairy tale in our lives or only enjoy ourselves. Through fairy tales we can travel to many nice and beautiful places in our minds.


1- In a fairy tale which character would you like to be? Why? 2- Draw yourself on a piece of paper and write some of your good qualities or bad qualities to justify your choice. Then present to the class.

Observe the pictures and think about some questions:

“And they lived happily ever after.....”

Illustrated by Eliani Barbiéri

Discuss with a partner the questions below. After that, discuss with your classmates and your teacher:

1- In fairy tales we can see the phrase “And they lived happily forever...!” used to end the story, what do you think does it means? What’s the underlying meaning?

2- Nowadays, is it possible to use phrases like that to talk about some relationships? Explain:


Illustrated by Eliani Barbiéri

3- What do you think the second picture shows? 4-In your real life, is the phrase “To be different is what makes the difference” true? Why? Give an example:

“To be different is what makes the difference!”

“The Little Duck Which Was Ugly”

Versão, tradução e ilustração nossa-Eliani Barbieri

1 Once upon a time, there was a little duck who was born very ugly, so he was rejected by his parents, by his brothers and by all the animals from backyard where he lived, it happened because the little duck was different. The little duck could not stand the rejection he was suffering so much, then he went away from there.

2 The duckling flew above the house, and discovered that beyond the backyard there were many different things. When the little duck discovered that vast world he decided to change his life. The little duck studied hard at school and lived together with many different animals, then he noticed that to be different was good. He began to use the Internet, he talked to other animals from all over the world in English at the MSN. The duckling made a BLOG, so he got to communicate and shared experiences with the animals from other backyards.

3 The little duck grew up and discovered that he was an intelligent swan. He also discovered a world with many possibilities. Nowadays his ORKUT is one of the most accessed by others animals.


1- Can you observe any differences between this story from the first one? Which?

2- What happened in

this story that didn’t happen in the first one?

3- Can you compare this story with your real life? Talk a little bit about it!

“Fairy Tales” For adults or for children?

Isabela Barbieri N. Albuquerque 9

Task 1

Interview one classmate with the questions below and then tell the class about your friend’s answers:

1- What do think about fairy

tales? Were they written for adults or for children?

2- What do you think about the expression “but they wrote them light”? What is the figurative meaning?

3- What old fairy tales do you know? Which do you like best?

4- What modern fairy tales do you know? And which do you like best?

Task 2

Your teacher and you should choose one fairy tale and watch it. Then discuss a little bit about the characters, the plot and if you enjoyed yourself. Below There are some suggestions:

Fairy tales came from the Celts, they were firstly written for adults. The first tales were written by folk, specially women. The brothers Grimm wrote many fairy tales taken from the oral tradition. They wrote them light. Then the adults liked them so much that they began to read these tales for their children who also love them. For that, the fairy tales were entitled Literature For Children.

Some of the most famous fairy tales’ writers are: The Brothers Grimm, Charles Perreault and Hans Christian Andersen. Some modern versions of films and short stories were created based on the original fairy tales, for example: Little Yellow Hiding Hood, Hoodwinked among others. We can also see some fairy tales mixed with humor like Shrek, where the story is a mix of a medieval and actual age with magic characters and animals which talk like human beings.

Deu A Louca Na Chapeuzinho

Woodwinked Informações disponíveis em:

Shrek 1Shrek 1Shrek 1Shrek 1, 2222 ou 3333

Informações disponíveis em:

Opitional Activity Now you know a little about fairy tales, old and modern ones! In groups, you can choose one fairy tale to present to class with a different ending. Start the task and enjoy yourself! A atividade sugerida pode ser realizada de acordo com sua realidade escolar e apresentada, por exemplo, na semana cultural, no FERA, ou em outro momento propício.

* Você pode utilizar materiais recicláveis, tanto na preparação do cenário, quanto na confecção das fantasias! Por Exemplo: papelão, papel higiênico, sacos de lixo, lacres de latas de refrigerantes, pedaços de tecidos, sacos de cebola, dentre outros materiais.

In order to organize the work: 1º Choose the fairy tale and read it; 2º Write a new end for the story and ask your teacher to help with eventual corrections; 3º Rewrite the story like a script; 4º Choose the characters that each student will perform; 5° Build the scenery according to the fairy tale chosen; 6º Make the clothes according to the characters; 7º Rehearse hard and present it;

* It’s a great activity,

you will enjoy it!

Obras Consultadas

ABRAMOVICH, F. Literatura Infantil: gostosuras e bobices, pensamento e ação no magistério. São Paulo: Scipione, 1997. BETTELHEIM, B. A Psicanálise Dos Contos De Fadas. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1980. COELHO, N. N. O conto de fadas O imaginário infantil e a educação. Criança: do Professor de Educação Infantil. Brasília: Ministério da Educação. v. 38, p. 10-12, 2005.

Quando lemos ou contamos um conto de fadas usamos o tempo passado para fazer isto, em inglês usamos alguns verbos que sofrem algumas modificações para indicar que alguma ação já aconteceu. Vamos ver como eles aparecem no dicionário, no texto e n de acordo com o dicionário.

no dicionário, no texto e na tradução

1- to consider - considered – considerar 2- to base- based- basear 3- to begin- began- começar 4- to sepulcher- sepulchered – sepultar 5- to come- came- vir 6- to choose- choosen- escolher 7- to can- could- poder 8- to create- created- criar 9- to determine- determined – determinar 10- to apear- didn’t apear – aparecer 11- to get- didn’t get- conseguir, adquirir 12- to support- didn’t support- suportar 13- to happen- didn’t happen – acontecer 14- to die- died – morrer 15- to discover-discovered- descobrir 16- to express- expressed – expressar 17- to fly- flew- voar 18- to find- found – encontrar 19- to get- got- conseguir, adquirir 20- to grow up- grew up- crescer 21- to have- had – ter 22- to happen- happened- acontecer 23- to increase- increased – crescer 24- to like- liked – gostar 25- to listen- listened – ouvir 26- to live- lived – viver, morar 27- to love- loved – amar 28- to make- made – fazer 29- to mock- mocked – zombar 30- to name- named – nomear, chamar 31- to notice- noticed – notar 32- to present- presented – apresentar 33- to recognise- recognised – reconhecer

34- to reject- rejected- rejeitar 35- to resolve- resolved – resolver 36- to respect- respected – respeitar 37- to reveal- revealed – revelar 38- to run away- runned away- ir embora 39- to say- said – dizer 40- to sing- sang – cantar 41- to see- saw- ver 42- to share- shared- compartilhar 43- to sleep- slept- dormir 44- to seek – sought- procurar 45- to stop- stopped- parar 46- to study- studied – estudar 47- to take- taken- tomar, pegar 48- to think- thought – pensar 49- to tell- told- dizer 50- to transform- transformed- transformar 51- to treat- treated – tratar 52- to try- tried – tentar 53- to be untitled- was untitled – ser denominado 54- to walk- walked – caminhar 55- to want – wanted- querer 56- to beat- was beaten- bater 57- to bit- was bitten – bicar 58- to be born- was born- nascer 59- to be known- was known- ser/ficar conhecido 60- to go- went- ir 61- to go out – went out- sair 62- to be translated- were translated- ser traduzido 63- to work- worked – trabalhar 64- to write- written – escrever 65- to write- wrote- escrever 66- to be- was/were- ser estar

CORACINI, M.J.R.F. Leitura: decodificação, processo discursivo...? In: CORACINI, m.j.r.f. (Org.) O jogo

discursivo na aula de leitura: língua materna e língua estrangeira. Campinas: Pontes, 1995. p. 13-20. FONTANINI, Ingrid. Cartas ao Editor: A linguagem como forma de identificação social e ideológica

Edusc. São Paulo, p. 225-238, 2002. LEFFA, V. Aspectos políticos da formação do professor de línguas estrangeiras. In: LEFFA, V. (ed.), O

professor de línguas estrangeiras: construindo a profissão. Pelotas: EDUCAT, 2006. p. 353-376. MACHADO, A. M. Contracorrente: Conversas sobre leitura e política. São Paulo: Àtica, 1999. MIRANDA- NETO, M. H. ; MOLINARI, S. L. ; SANT’ANA, D. M. G. Relações entre estimulação, aprendizagem e plasticidade neural do sistema nervoso. Arq. Apadec, 6 (1): 9- 14, 2002. MOTTA-ROTH, D. (org.) Leitura em Língua Estrangeira na Escola: teoria e prática/UFSM, PROGRAD, COPERVES, CAL, p. 12-30, 1998. Leitura em Língua estrangeira na escola: teoria e prática. PARANÁ. Diretrizes curriculares da educação básica do Paraná: Língua Estrangeira Moderna. Secretaria de Estado da Educação. Fundamental – Curitiba: SEED 2007. RAJAGOPALAN, K. O grande desafio: aprender a dominar a língua inglesa sem ser dominado/a por ela. In: GIMENEZ, T.; JORDÃO, C. M.; ANDREOTI, V. (orgs.), Perspectivas educacionais e o ensino de inglês

na escola pública. Pelotas: EDUCAT, 2005. p. 36-48. Sites Consultados Hans Christian Andersen: The Ugly Duckling:http//:, accessed on 20/09/2007. In this site you may to find the complet history about The Ugly Little Duckling. Andersen Fairy Tales: Contos de fadas e histórias clássicas de Andersen: Livros publicados na web com animações que acendem e com narrações. Você pode encontrar também jogos divertidos. http//, accessed on 21/09/2007. Contos de fadas, folclore, lendas, mitos BIBLIOGRAFIAS: Conto de fadas, literatura infantil e áreas afins. Bibliografia: Coletâneas de contos de fadas (originais e traduções) ... Ilustrações maravilhosas. http//, accessed on 15/09/2007. Shrek the Third - Shrek 3 - Official Site Official Site of Shrek the Third (Shrek 3), featuring the Voices of Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz. In theaters May 18th, 2007., accessed on 10/09/2007.

Hoodwinked the Movie kanbar entertainment · The Weinstein Company ... http//, accessed on 13/09/2007.
