Dinha numa Missão Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop

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  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    ]fhth q`s jkoh ` t`ckmtjrk`nhm ]tj+ ]tj gcyhm ck `ath`} dca ogjxm qc}f ` qfjgh gj}ji j}fht mtjrgh}s+

    ]tj q`s ` f`rr gc}}gh mtjrgh}'ixgg ji gcih `km srxke Gceh `gg}fh j}fht t`ckmtjrs fh gcyhmqc}f' fh q`s h`aht }j atjq ck}j` ixgg sc|h t`ckmtjr `km dh `dgh}j i`gg }j }fh h`t}f dhgjq+

    Ht` xn` yh| xn` aj}oxg`of`n`m` Mckf`+ Hg` ycyc` ojnnxc}`s jx}t`s aj}oxg`s' dhn kj`g}j' hn xn` at`kmh kxyhn+

    Mckf` ht` xn` aj}oxg` `ghath'ofhc` mh ycm` h ojt`ahn+ Ojnj}jm`s `s jx}t`s aj}oxg`s ojnpxhn ycyc`' Mckf` n`g rjmc`hsrht`t r`t` sht xn` aj}` mhofxy` at`kmh j sxicochk}h r`t`o`ct k` }htt`+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    _jnh}cnhs ]tj `km fcs itchkmsqjxgm ah} }jah}fht `km }`ge `djx}qfhth }fh q`k}hm }j i`gg+ _jnhq`k}hm }j i`gg jk ` g`eh+ J}fhtsq`k}hm }j dh xshm }j q`}ht `

    }fcts} a`tmhk ixgg ji igjqhts+C} q`s `} }fhsh }cnhs }f`} ]tjqjxgm ihhg s`m+Cgg khyht atjqck}j ` th`g t`ckmtjr+ Fh}fjxaf}'@km hyhk ci C mcm' fjqojxgm jkh mtjr hyht n`eh `k

    mciihthkoh ck }fh qjtgm: C ojxgmkhyht dh nxof ji ` fhgr

    }j `kdjm+

    s yh|hs' hg` h sx`s `nca`s shthxkc`n r`t` i`g`t sjdth jkmhajs}`tc`n mh o`ct+ @gaxn`spxhtc`n o`ct hn xn g`aj+ Jx}t`spxhtc`n o`ct kxn l`tmcn shmhk}j

    ofhcj mh igjths+Ht` khss`s fjt`s pxh Mckf` shshk}c` }tcs}h+ Hg` rhks`y`< @ofjpxh kxko` othsohthc j sxicochk}hr`t` sht xn` aj}` mh ofxy`+ @gnmcssj' `ckm` pxh ojkshaxcssh' pxh

    mcihthk` i`tc` xn` aj}` mh ofxy`kj nxkmj: Hx kj shtc` mh at`kmhx}cgcm`mh ` kckaxn+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop



    Qfj cs c}: ]tj `sehm+

    C}s nh' s`cm }fh yjcoh+ Dx}

    ]tj s}cgg ojxgmk} shh `kjkh+

    ]fhk fh th`gc|hm }f`} c} q`s fcsckycscdgh itchkm' Ahk}gh Dthh|h'qfj ji}hk o`nh }j rg` qc}ffcn+


    . Pxhn nh of`njx: rhtaxk}jxhg`+

    . Hx+ N`s Mckf` `ckm` kj

    ojkshaxc` yht kckaxn+ Ijcpx`kmj rhtohdhx pxh ht` sx`pxhtcm` `nca` ckycsyhg' ` Dtcs`_x`yh' pxh shnrth yckf` dtcko`tojn hg`+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    .J pxh `ojk}hohx: . rhtaxk}jx Dtcs`+

    ._jx rhpxhk` mhn`cs+ Nxc}`s m`snckf`s `nca`s l sj px`sh mj}`n`kfj mh xn` aj}` mh ofxy` mh

    yhtm`mh+ _ck}j.nh nxc}j rhpxhk` hckscakcico`k}h+ . thsrjkmhx Mckf`px`sh ofjt`kmj+

    . @ghath.sh! . Dtcs` ` ojksjgjx+]`gyh| sj|ckf` sh sck}` rhpxhk` hckscakcico`k}h' n`s at`kmhs ojcs`s

    `ojk}hohn px`kmj js rhpxhkckjs}t`d`gf`n lxk}js' o`m` xn i`|hkmj `sx` r`t}h+

    Qf`}s qtjka: sehm

    Ahk}gh Dthh|h+

    Cn sj sn`gg+ Njs} ji n

    itchkms `th ixgg atjqk

    t`ckmtjrs+ C ihhg sn`gg `kmxkcnrjt}`k}' thrgchm ]tj+

    Ofhht xr' ]tj! Ahk}gh

    Dthh|h thrgchm+ Sjx n`

    ihhg sn`gg `km ckscakcico`k}'dx} qfhk sn`gg }fckas qjte

    }jah}fht `km h`of jkh mjhsc}s r`t}' }fhk cnrjt}`k}}fckas f`rrhk+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    .]jmjs `mjt`n js gckmjs rjths.mj.sjgpxh yjos `lxm`n ` otc`t+ @s rhssj`sojtthn r`t` yht o`m` n`akicoj `toj.tcs pxh yjos' aj}oxg`s' `lxm`n `ijtn`t kj ox+

    Mckf` hs}`y` ico`kmj hk}xsc`sn`m`ojn }jm`s `s ojcs`s n`t`ycgfjs`s pxh`lxm`y` ` otc`t+

    . Rxv`! Kxko` rhkshc kcssj! . `mnctjx.sh hg`+

    Hyhtjkh gjyhs }fh

    dh`x}cixg sxksh}s }f`} jxfhgr }j r`ck}+ @km hyht}cnh }fh t`ckmtjrs fhgr}j n`eh ` t`ckdjq'

    rhjrgh ojnh jx} ji }fhctfjnhs }j gjje+

    ]tj q`s hkojxt`ahm }jfh`t ji }fh qjkmhtixg}fckas }f`} fh fhgrhm }joth`}h+

    Qjq! fh s`cm+ C khyht

    }fjxaf} ji }f`}+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Dhn' }hkfj pxh ct+ @gaxks `ncajsrthocs`n pxh js `lxmh ` i`|ht xnyhk}j ijt}h j sxicochk}h r`t` act`t`gaxks njckfjs5 rthocsj `lxm`t`gaxks n`tckfhctjs ` yhghl`thn

    shxs d`tojs h ghy`k}`t xn`s rcr`sr`t` `gaxn`s otc`k`s+ Rhksh kjpxh hx gfh mcssh+

    Hk}j' ojn xn sjrtj ahk}cg' Dtcs`ghyjx Mckf` mh yjg}` r`t` ` kxyhnh sh ijc+

    Qhgg' C f`yh }j aj+ _jnh

    itchkms khhm nh }j fhgr }xtksjnh qckmncggs' ah} sjnhs`cgdj`}s ajcka `km dgjqsjnh ec}hs xr ck }fh `ct+ ]fcke`djx} qf`} C }jgm jx' Ahk}gh

    Dthh|h s`cm+

    ]fhk' qc}f ` sji} dgjq' Ahk}ghDthh|h o`ttchm ]tj d`oe }jfcs ogjxm `km mcs`rrh`thm+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Rjxoj mhrjcs' j }hnrj nxmjx hojnhjx ` yhk}`t n`cs ijt}h+Mckf` shk}cx.sh othsoht nhmcm` pxh j y`rjt max` mj

    yhk}j itcj ` ojdtc`+ Hg` othsoc` h

    othsoc`+ _h ojk}ckx`ssh `sscn'gjaj sh }jtk`tc` xn` aj}` `mxg}`'rhs`m` mhn`cs r`t` ico`t k`skxyhks+

    Y}jt Yhk}j o`tthajx Mckf` hsx`s `nca`s }htt` `mhk}tj'`i`s}`kmj.`s mj n`t+

    _fjt}g `i}htq`tms' }fh qh`}fhtof`kahm `km }fh qckm rcoehmxr+ ]tj ihg} fcnshgi atjqcka`s }fh ojgm `ct dghq jyht fcn+Fh aj} dcaaht `km dcaaht `km `}

    }fcs t`}h' fh qjxgm sjjkdhojnh ` ixgg sc|h mtjr jiq`}ht }f`} qjxgm dh }jj dca }js}` ck }fh ogjxm+

    Qckmsjt Qckm dghq ]tj `kmfcs itchkms i`t itjn }fh oj`s}xk}cg }fh qhth qhgg ckg`km+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Y}jt ick`gnhk}h `kxkocjx hn sx`yj| hs}tjkmjs`< . @}hkj!Hs}`njs sjdth ` th` `gyj! Hs}`thacj sjithx xn` sho` hs}h `kj+@s rhssj`s g hnd`cvj }n jt`mj

    rjt ofxy`+ Yjos hs}j rths}hs `ghy`t nxc}` `ghatc`' hsrht`k` hihgcocm`mh ` }jmjs' hkofhkmj shxsthshty`}tcjs' njgf`kmj j ofjshmhk}j h m`kmj ycm` s rg`k}`spxh hs}j nxtof`s+ Rthr`thn.sh

    r`t` j at`kmh s`g}j! Mhsitx}hn `sx` yc`ahn h yjg}hn r`t` kjsycsc}`t px`kmj rxmhthn! Y}jtsjrtjx hk}j xn yhk}j dhn itcjr`t` mhk}tj m` kxyhn h `s aj}`sojnh`tj ` o`ct+

    Ick`gg' Qckmsjt `kkjxkohm ck` djjncka yjcoh' Qhth fhth!

    ]fcs thacjk f`s kj} aj}}hknxof t`cki`gg }fcs g`s} h`t `km}fh rhjrgh f`yh dhhk rt`cka

    ijt t`ck+ Sjx qcgg dtcka lj'fjrh `km f`rrckhss `s jx icgg}fh m`ns' q`}ht }fh }fcts}atjxkm `km thycyh }fh mtjjrcka`km mcka rg`k}s+ Ah} th`m'hklj jxt }tcr `km ojnh d`oe

    `km ycsc} xs qfhk jx o`k!Qc}f }f`}' fh dghq sjnh ojgm`ct jk }fh ogjxm `km gh} `gg }fht`ckmtjrs i`gg+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Rcnd`!!! Mckf` ghy`k}jx ` o`dh` hjgfjx sx` yjg}`+ Kj ht` }htt`'o`nrj h khn xn` g`aj`+ Ijtjx xnnhcj sjttcsj `j kj}`t pxh o`t` kxnr}cj mh ocnhk}j+ @ajt` ths}`y`.gfh

    `rhk`s ico`t `gc h hsrht`t' thrh}ckmjhn yj| d`cv` ` sx` mhocsj mh shtxn` aj}` `ghath' kj cnrjt}` j pxh`ojk}hohssh+

    _rg`}!!! ]tj gci}hm fcsfh`m `km gjjehm `tjxkm+ C}q`sk} sjcg+ C} q`sk} `

    ichgm+ C} q`sk} ` g`eh+ Fh

    ijtohm ` f`gi.ot`oehm sncgh

    `s fh th`gc|hm }f`} fh f`mg`kmhm jk ` ojkoth}hojxt}`tm+ Kjq fh ojxgmjkg sc} `km q`c}' pxch}gthrh`}cka }j fcnshgi fcsthsjgx}cjk }j dh }fh

    f`rrchs} gc}}gh t`ckmtjr}fhth hyht q`s+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Mh thrhk}h `dtcx.sh xn` at`kmhrjt}` h Mckf` hsox}jx yj|ckf`shs}tcmhk}hs h r`ssjs txcmjsjsojtthkmj hn sx` mcthj+ Dj}`s mh

    djtt`of` h o`r`s mh ofxy`ojgjtcm`s hkofht`n j r}cj h gjaj`gc hs}`y`n ytc`s otc`k`sm`k`kmj' dtcko`kmj h mcyht}ckmj.sh k`s rhpxhk`s rj`s+ Mckf``mjtjx yht `s otc`k`s tckmj'rxg`kmj h dtcko`kmj k` ofxy`+

    _jjk fh fh`tm }fh oth`e ji `mjjt `km fcaf rc}ofhm yjcohsojncka ogjsht+ ]ck djj}s `kmojgjtixg t`ckoj`}s icgghm }fh

    ojxt}`tm' `km ck ` njnhk}shyht`g ofcgmthk qhth dxssrg`sfcka ck }fh rxmmghs }f`}}fh t`ck sfjqht f`m ghi}+ ]tjgcs}hkhm `s }fh acaaghm `kmg`xafhm' s}jnrcka `kmsrg`sfcka ck }fh rxmmghs

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    Onjk ]tj! s`cm jkh

    ji fcs t`ckmtjr itchkmssqcnncka r`s} fcn+Gh}s ijtn ` s}th`n `km

    aj hvrgjtcka!

    ]tj q`s `djx} }j ljck}fhn qfhk fh s`q `dh`x}cixg tjsh qfj q`s`gg qc}fhthm+ ]fh tjshq`s rg`k}hm ck `k `th`xkmht }fh rjtof }f`} mcmkj} ah} nxof t`ck+ Ck `kcks}`k}' ]tj ekhq qf`}}j mj `km s}`t}hm }j sqcn}j fht qc}f `gg fcs ncaf}+

    Fh' gh}s s`yh }fh tjsh!

    ]tj o`gghm jx} }j fcsitchkms+

    .Yhkf`' Mckf`! . of`njx xn` mh sx`s`nca`s aj}` mh ofxy`+ . Y`njs ijtn`txn rhpxhkj tc`ofj h hvrgjt`t `thmjkmh|`+

    Mckf` hs}`y` rths}hs ` sh lxk}`t rhpxhk`ojtthk}h mh ax`' px`kmj thr`tjx kxn`gckm` tjs` othsohkmj `gc rht}j+ Ht` dhg`'n`s r`thoc` it`o` h nxtof` rjt i`g}` mhax`+ Ijt` rg`k}`m` kxn gjo`g ojdht}j'kxn` y`t`km`' jkmh px`sh kj d`}c`ofxy`+ K`pxhgh njnhk}j' Mckf` sjxdh jpxh rthocs`y` i`|ht+ Ojnhjx ` k`m`t hnmcthj tjs` j n`cs trcmj pxh rjmc`+

    . Y njs g! Y`njs thsa`}`t ` tjs`! . mcsshhg` of`n`kmj `s `nca`s

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    .Jgfhn! . hvog`njx xn`yj|ckf` yckm` m` l`khg`+ .Nckf` tjsckf` hs} }jm` ojt.mh.tjs` h ihgc| jx}t` yh|!

    . Jdtca`m`' nxc}j jdtca`m`'aj}ckf`s mh ofxy`' rjt nhsjojtththn! Hx hs}`y` ojnnxc}` shmh! . mcssh ` tjs`+

    Gjaj Mckf` hs}`y` hkyjg}` kjn`cs mjoh rhtixnh+ _hk}cx.sh

    at`kmh' ihgc| h `at`mhohx+

    Gjje! s`cm ` gc}}gh yjcoh

    itjn }fh qckmjq+ N tjsh cs

    ojgjtixg `km f`rr `a`ck!

    ]f`ke jx' }f`ke jx' }f`ke

    jx' gc}}gh t`ckmtjrs' ijt s`yckan gcih! }fh tjsh hvog`cnhm+

    C f`yh dhhk sj }fcts}!

    Itjn jkh njnhk} }j }fh khv}']tj q`s sxttjxkmhm d `dh`x}cixg it`at`koh+ Fh ihg}ojk}hk} `km `} rh`oh ckscmh+

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    ]htnck`thnjs kjss` fcs}tc`rjt `pxc' n`s s`cd` pxh hs}hkj ijc j icn m`s `yhk}xt`s mhMckf`+ Mckf` ycx h ih| nxc}`sojcs`s ckotyhcs kjs `kjs pxh sh

    shaxct`n+ N`s kxko` n`csicojx }tcs}h h mhs`kcn`m` ojnj shx }`n`kfj+ Hg` ht` xn`aj}ckf` pxh ycyc` joxr`m`!

    Jxt s}jt hkms fhth' dx} }fcs q`sd kj nh`ks }fh hkm ji ]tjs

    `myhk}xths+ Ck }fh ijggjqckah`ts ]tj mcm `km s`q n`kqjkmhtixg }fckas+ Khyht `a`ck

    mcm fh ah} mcsojxt`ahm `djx} fjqsn`gg fh q`s+ Fh q`s ` yht dxsgc}}gh t`ckmtjr!

  • 8/3/2019 Dinha numa Misso Especial - Troy the Little Raindrop


    T`ckmtjr aj}oxg`






    Dthh|h dtcs`














    R`t` n`cs fcs}tc`sdcgkahs r`t` `s otc`k`s' ycsc}h

