Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Literatura Conteúdo: Quinhentismo; Barroco; Arcadismo; Romantismo 1ª g. Gabarito 01 Trata-se de uma imagem negativa, mostrando que os índios eram desorganizados e cheios de vícios. Não corresponde à realidade, pois era uma visão preconceituosa do branco-europeu. 02 Por ele usar um raciocínio lógico, enquadra-se no estilo conceptista. 03 A infância pode representar um local seguro e idealizado, o que permite uma fuga, ao eu-lírico, em relação ao mundo em que ele vive. 04 Para os românticos, a natureza é um local idealizado em que tudo é perfeito. É neste local que o eu-lírico se realiza. 05 O egocentrismo, presente na 2ª geração, aparece principalmente quando o eu- lírico aborda o sofrimento próprio, enfatizando suas dores e angústias. 06 Percebe-se por meio de termos e expressões como: “tombadilho”, “tinir de ferros”, “estalar do açoite” que os versos pertencem à 3ª geração, marcada pela luta contra a escravidão. 07 d 08 e 09 e 10 c Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio · Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Matemática – Prof. Leandro Conteúdo: Leis dos senos e cossenos. Circunferência trigonométrica

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Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Literatura

Conteúdo: Quinhentismo;



Romantismo 1ª g.

Gabarito 01 – Trata-se de uma imagem negativa, mostrando que os índios eram

desorganizados e cheios de vícios. Não corresponde à realidade, pois era uma visão preconceituosa do branco-europeu.

02 – Por ele usar um raciocínio lógico, enquadra-se no estilo conceptista. 03 – A infância pode representar um local seguro e idealizado, o que permite uma

fuga, ao eu-lírico, em relação ao mundo em que ele vive. 04 – Para os românticos, a natureza é um local idealizado em que tudo é perfeito. É

neste local que o eu-lírico se realiza. 05 – O egocentrismo, presente na 2ª geração, aparece principalmente quando o eu-

lírico aborda o sofrimento próprio, enfatizando suas dores e angústias. 06 – Percebe-se por meio de termos e expressões como: “tombadilho”, “tinir de

ferros”, “estalar do açoite” que os versos pertencem à 3ª geração, marcada pela luta contra a escravidão.

07 – d 08 – e 09 – e 10 – c

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Gramática

Conteúdo: Texto / acentuação / coesão e coerência / sintaxe

Gabarito 1. D

2. E

3. Império /saúde /neurônio /violência

4. c/d/e

5. c

6. a

7. e

8. a

9. c

10. a

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Matemática – Prof. Leandro


Leis dos senos e cossenos. Circunferência trigonométrica. Medidas de tendência central.

Gráficos. Medidas de dispersão.


1. 28 m 6. C

2. 7 m 7. A

3. 5 cm 8. E

4. 13 h e 36 min 9. 60 alunos

5. 0y 10. a) 62 dias b) 48 dias c) 103,65 litros

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação de Matemática – 1º bimestre


1º Bimestre – Calculo de função; Matriz e Números complexos


1) Resposta: A

2) Resposta: B

3) Resposta: B

4) Resposta: (62/1116/11


5) Resposta: 2 ou -4

6) Resposta: 2

7) Resposta: 3

8) Resposta: 32(cos 300º + i.sen 300º)

9) Resposta: -3 - i

10) Resposta: √3

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Biologia


Ciclos Biogeoquímicos (Ciclo do carbono, Ciclo do oxigênio, Ciclo do nitrogênio, Ciclo da água)

Genética: Cruzamento teste, genealogias, mono-hibridismo sem dominância ou herança intermediária, semidominância ou dominância incompleta, codominância

Genética Molecular: estrutura dos cromossomos, bases nitrogenadas e ligações entre elas, replicação do DNA, Transcrição e tradução gênica

Gabarito 1-e




















Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Física






1- d


3- b








11 –c

12 – e

13 – d

14 –d

15 –c

16 –c

17 – b

18 – a)8.10-2 b) 7,5.1015

19 – d

20 - d

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Química

Conteúdo: Classificação cadeias carbônicas Radicais orgânicos Hidrocarbonetos ramificados Massa atômica, mol, massa molar



2- a)3 b)6




6- Molécula B (oxigênio) Molécula D (Hidrogênio)

7- cíclica, homogênea, insaturada, normal

8- a) saturada e normal b) insaturada e normal c) insaturada e normal d) saturada e ramificada




12 (01)




16- 2,4 X 1024





Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – História

Conteúdo: Grécia e Renascimento Cultural


1. C

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. C

6. E

7. E

8. C

9. E

10. B

11. A

12. A

13. A

14. B

15. E

16. B

17. B

18. A

19. C

20. B

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Geografia

Conteúdo: Frente A - Geografia geral/ Fundamentos de Cartografia; Orientação; Projeções cartográficas; Noções de Topografia; Fusos horários. Frente B - Geografia humana/ Fundamentos de Demografia; Estrutura da população; Movimentos migratórios; Urbanização; Hierarquia urbana e rede urbana brasileira.

















16 E





Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Língua Inglesa



simple present/ present perfect / present perfect – medical vocabulary/ Just/yet/ already/for/ connectives Who/what/where/whose

Gabarito 1.Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns: I can't see Mary. I can't see ________ Him she her Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to ________ He him they Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help ________? They you them Drink your apple juice! Drink ________! It its your We are going to the cinema. Come with ________! We us them These are my bananas. You can't eat ________ They them it Carol is at school. She can't come with ________ We us they The cat is under the chair. Can you see __________? He it she Dave can't swim. Help ________! Him her he

2.The Evolution of the Telephone Sam Goddard - published by Ezine Articles (The text below has been modified to better suit the exam) 1. Alexander Graham Bell most likely had no idea that he had discovered what would eventually change the world in more ways than could be imagined. The technology at the origin of telephones has led to many more inventions in the telecommunications field that keep people in touch and connected around the world. On March 10, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first speech using electricity. From that day forward, the telephone system changed every aspect of life. Although it did not immediately change the world, it set communication on a path that would alter its future. 2. The initial lack of acceptance of Mr. Bell's discovery was due to the telegraph being the dominant form of communication and it had been around for over 50 years. This voice traveling across electrical lines that Mr. Bell was proposing was a new and daunting discovery. In the late 1870's Mr. Bell took his public telephone demonstrations on the road

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio

in an attempt to raise awareness and public finance for the project. Mr. Bell presented the telephone as a broadcasting system. However, he wasn't the only person working on ideas that would have an impact on telephone technology. Thomas Edison invented the first transmitter and receiver that would be practical for commercial use. He had already invented a type of multiplexing that allowed messages to be sent in opposite directions simultaneously. 3. In the 1880's the switchboard came on board. During this time, there was no dialing, no signaling system, and no electronic switches. Callers would crank the handle and speak with an operator who would then connect them to their party so that they could have their conversation. This type of system had no ringer to alert of incoming calls and no privacy due to the operator being the middle man holding the call together. By 1946 the number of telephone callers made switchboard operators' jobs too much for people alone to handle. Nearly a quarter of a million operators were working for AT&T in 1946 but that number would decrease significantly with the widespread implementation of automatic call switching. 4. Although this switching system was invented in 1889, it was not until 1914 that it was installed on a large-scale basis in New Jersey. Then, it wasn't until 1976 that the first computerized switch was put into action and by 1982 almost half of all telephone calls were switched electronically. Bell’s patent ran out at the turn of the century and approximately 6000 independent phone companies opened up shop. Questão 01) Which of the alternatives below best replaces the expression “most likely” (first paragraph)?

a) Probably. b) Certainly. c) Similarly. d) Possibly.

1)How did the telephones work in the 1880´s?_____there was no dialing and no signaling system 2.when did Grandbell use the first telephone?______1n 1876__________________

3.The Present Tense – Present Perfect

The present perfect (simple) tense is used to describe a fact that has been true from sometime in the past and continues to be true up through the present.

• Use the helping verb “has” before a verb in present perfect simple tense to describe (he, she, it).

• Use the helping verb “have” before a verb in the present perfect simple tense when used to describe all other subjects (I, we, you, they).

he / she / it [has] [verb in participle form] I / we / you / they [have] [verb in participle form] Example: It has rained a lot this week.

Example: I have flown on an airplane before. Example: They have been nice in the past.

.Complete the following sentences in the present perfect simple tense. 1) She ____ _________ (to be) nervous all day. 2) It ______ always _________ (to rain) here in December. 3) Dan ____ _________ (to be) late for three days. 4) Li and Susan ____ _________ (to try) four times already and will not give up. 5) The old car ____ _________ (to be) a piece of junk since I bought it. 6) We ___________ not _________ (to take) this road before. 7) My uncle ____ _________ (to be) to Malayse. 8) Our father ____ never _________ (to drive) to Orlando before. 9) I ____ _________ (to speak) to the Pope before. 10) The man ____ occasionally _________(to feel) depressed.

4.Write the present perfect form of the verb in the spaces below and complete with for or since 1) We _____ _________ (to learn) English _____ one hour. 2) He _____ _________ (to go) to school here ________ five years. 3) I _____ _________ (to play) the piano __________ I was eight years old. 4) Li _____ _________ (to talk) on the phone _____ forty five minutes. 5) Wang, Ted, and Ko _____ _________ (to drive) __________ morning. 6) Andy and I _____ _________ (to look) for my keys __________two hours. 7) The Colorado River _____ _________ (to flow) _______ centuries. 8) My CD player _____ _________ (to skip) _________ I bought it. 9) Tommy_____ not ___________ (to save) his money ________ eight years. 5.Match the columns with the present perfect tense: each question: 0,34


1. Why is your office in such a mess? A. They have been traveling so much that they never have time to do anything.

2. Why has the water bill been so high recently?

B. We have been losing a lot of stock because of shoplifting.

3. Why have you got three new store security guards?

C. I have been having a lot of problems with it recently.

4. Why are they so behind with their work?

D. I have been having a leaking in the pipe system lately. I have to call a plumber

5. What is you car doing in the garage? E. I have been interviewing people all day and haven´t had time to fix it.

6.Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the Present perfect.

1. That man__________has played______________________ (play) outside for 2 hours.

2. Ann _______has gardened_____________(garden) all afternoon.

She_________has planted__________ (plant) a lot of rose bushes.

3. She__________has farmed_______________ ( farm) for two years, she is doing very well.

4. The price of cigarettes fell sharply and__ has fallen ______________(fall) ever since.

5. Because of the recession, many businesses____have not invested_____ (not/invest) in

capital equipment .

6. We_____have not used_____ (not/use) Express Delivery service very much recently .

7. They ____have not tried_______(try) to sell their food distribution division, but so far there

has been very little interest in it.

7.Complete the sentences with the correct verb tense:

The Ohio Rugby team ____ _____never __ ______ a chance to win the national

championship. A - have; have B - has; had

C - had; have D - hadn’t; had E - have; had

She has been in the States …………………. Three months. A) for only B) since only C) since D) there are E) already The president of the company ……………………… his speech for the convention . A) Hasn’t prepared B) haven’t prepared C) is not prepared D) did not prepare E) has prepare …………………….your jacket yet? Yes, I ………….. . I……………it two hours ago. A) Have you bought – did – bought B) Haven’t you bought – have – bought C) didn’t you find – didn’t – have bought D) Did you buy - did – bought E) did you buy – have – have bought Jane took my book although she knew it was ________and she left it with a friend of _______. a) my own – her b) mine – hers c) my - hers d) hers – mine I gave my sister her book, but she won´t give ____________to me. a) her b)its c)their d)hers Whose shoes are these? They are __________shoes. They belong to __________. They are ____________ a) their / them/ theirs b) hers / she / her c) his/ he/ him d) our / us/ ourselves Mothers generally ask the pediatrician for suggestion for ______________children´s meal a) her b)hers c)them d)their e)theirs 8.Woman Dies During Liposuction at Home -Adapted from: Centre Daily Times

A couple who authorities say performed liposuction in the basement of a home has been

charged with practicing medicine without a license after the female patient died. Carlos

Ribeira, 49, a native of Brazil, and his1 wife, Maria Ribeira, also 49, were arraigned in district

court on Monday following the death of a 24-year-old woman Sunday. The Ribeiras pleaded

not guilty. Ribeira was ordered held on $250,000 cash bail. His wife was held on $50,000

cash bail. Both2 were ordered to surrender their 3 passports. The Middlesex District

Attorney's Office, which is investigating the case, would not release the identity of the patient

4. An autopsy was to be performed Monday. Authorities said the woman5 was unconscious

when she was brought to the hospital Sunday. She6 was pronounced dead shortly after

arriving at the hospital. attorney's office said authorities believe that Ribeira and his wife

administered illegally obtained drugs and performed the surgical procedure on the woman.

Neither Ribeira nor his wife are licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts.Police charged

Ribeira7 with unauthorized practice of medicine, drug possession and distribution, and illegal

possession of a hypodermic needle. His wife was charged with unauthorized practice of

medicine and drug distribution. A spokeswoman for the district attorney's office said she8 did

not know what type of drugs.Framingham, a town of about 67,000 about 20 miles west of

Boston, is home to an estimated 14,000 Brazilian immigrants.

Considerando o texto “Woman Dies During Liposuction at Home”, é correto afirmar:

01)Carlos e Maria Ribeira pagaram um total de 300 mil dólares para a obtenção de

passaportes falsos.

02)Carlos Ribeira era médico legista e iria realizar uma autópsia em sua esposa na segunda

feira. 03) Médico brasileiro foi acusado, em Massachusetts, de posse ilegal de uma

agulha hipodérmica.

04) Aproximadamente, 14 mil brasileiros residem na cidade de Framingham.

05)Framingham é um bairro de maioria brasileira no setor oeste de Boston.

06) Maria foi acusada pela polícia por distribuição de drogas.

De acordo com o texto “Woman Dies During Liposuction at Home”, é correto afirmar:

01) “his1 ” refere-se a um homem nascido no Brasil.

02) “Both2 ” faz referência aos valores de 250 mil dólares e 50 mil dólares.

04) “their3 ” refere-se a Carlos e Maria.

05) “patient4 ”, “the woman 5 ” e “She6 ” referem-se a uma jovem de 24 anos de idade.

06) Ribbeira7” refere-se aos irmãos Ribeira.

(07) “she8 ” faz referência a Maria.

9.Write the meanings in Portuguese: Medical words Addict _______viciado______________________ Chickenpox:___variola_______________________ Cramps_____caimbra_______________________ scar_______cicatriz______________________ Delivery ___parto_________________________ Heartburn________azia____________________ Fever _____febre_________________________ Shot______injeção___________________________ Health _______saúde_______________________ Weakness______fraqueza__________________ 10.Choose the correct alternative: He had a shot yesterday and it was very________________________. a)clogged b)painful c)ache d)feeble e)fever He often has attacks of ___________________ a)migrane b)cancer c)medication d)lump If you have a fever and keep blowing your nose and feeling bad, you have _________________ a)bleeding b)influenza c)diarrhea d) delivery

11.Imagining a world where the species were suddenly extinguished – Weisman has written a sort of pop-science ghost story, in which the whole earth is the haunted house. Among the highlights: with pumps not working, the New York City subways would fill with water within days, while weeds and then trees would retake the streets. Texas’s unattended petrochemical complexes might ignite, scattering hydrogen cyanide to the winds – a "mini chemical nuclear winter." After thousands of years, rubber tires, and more than a billion tons of plastic might remain, and eventually a polymer-eating microbe could evolve, and, with the spectacular return of fish and bird populations, the earth might revert to Eden.

a) O que, segundo o texto, aconteceria em Nova Yorque, caso ocorresse uma repentina extinção da espécie humana? ___________os metros de Nova York vão se encher de água e a cidade ficará cheia de mato e árvores__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b) Segundo o texto, quais poderiam ser as consequências da permanência de pneus e plásticos na Terra, milhares de anos após o desaparecimento dos seres humanos? Um micróbio ira evoluir e a terra voltará aser um éden. 12.Complete with the correct relative pronoun: The people ....... moved in next door seem very friendly



which The man ..... answered the phone was rather rude Which


whom Where are the people ........ ordered the taxi?



---- I've lost the paper ...... I had written her phone number on



that - The day ...... I started work there was a disaster



where The man ....... interviewed you is the boss



which The man ....... house was robbed has still not been paid by the insurance company



whose He's got three dogs, all of ..... are aggressive



---- Who's moved the papers ...... I left on my desk?



that You should complain to the people ....... supplied it



which They arrested the man ...... was over the alcohol limit



whom The men, , ....... were in a hurry, didn't finish the job properly



which The pub, ........ lost its licence, has been turned into a shop



---- Two guys, ....... car had broken down, asked me for a lift



which I'd love to meet the idiot ...... made these rules



whose Did you get everything ....... you wanted?



whose The boy ....... bag was stolen is over there



whose - She failed the exam, ...... came as a great surprise to us all



that The film, ...... lasted for three hours, was boring



---- The flats, ....... will house over two hundred families, were completed last month



which The boxer ...... career was ruined by health problems , was on TV last night



who The day ....... we met was the happiest of my life



whose You'll have to speak to the person ..... is in charge



that He's the guy ...... brother was sacked for stealing



whom Is there a shop nearby ...... sells stamps?



which 13. complete with - If + present - will

1. If you (send) ………send…….this letter now, she (receive)……will send… . it tomorrow .

2. If I (do)……do……………… this test, I (improve )………………. my English.

3. Peggy (go ) …will go … shopping if she (have) ……has…………. time in the afternoon.

4. Simon (go) ……will go………. to London next week if he (get ) ……gets……… a cheap

flight. 5. If they (study / not ) ……don´t study…..harder, they (pass / not ) …won´t

pass……... the exam. 6. If it (rain ) …rains……. tomorrow, I (have to / not ) ……won´t

have……water the plants.

14 : complete with if + Simple Past - Conditional - would

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

1.If I ( be ) ………were…… rich, my life ( change ) ……would change… completely.

2.I ( invite ) ……will invite…..all my friends if I( have ) …had….. a house by the beach.

3.If we (have) ……had…… a yacht, we (sail) ……would sail …… the seven seas.

4.If they (tell) ………told ……… their father, he (be) …would be …very angry.

5.We (help ) ………would help ……… you if we (know ) …………knew……..how.

6.My brother (buy ) ……would buy…….a sports car if he (have ) .....had………the money.

15.Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parêntese:

a) They’ll stop talking if you ________ask_______ them to.(to ask)

b) If you had told me, I _____would help__________ you.(to help)

c) If you _____were__________ smart, you would buy that house.(to be)

d)If you _____dive______ (to dive) into this river, you _____will hurt_______ (to hurt) yourself. e)If the sun ____shines____ (to shine), the children ____will play___ (to play) outside. f)Richard ___will walk______ (to walk) to school if he _____misses_______ (to miss) the bus. g)Emily ___will buy____ (to buy) the cola if you ____pack____ (to pack) the picnic basket. h)If I ___were________ (to be) in Venice, I __would rent ___________ (to rent) a boat.

i)My sister ___would be ________ (to be) angry if I ___turned___ (to turn) on the music too loud. 16.Fill in the gaps with the corrct verb.

01. If _______________to the show, you will have a good time.

a) you go b) you’d gone

c) you were gone d) you was gone e) you went

02. I _______________ have gone if I _______________ received your letter.

a) could – have b) would – had

c) would – have d) would – did e) could – did

03. You’d have caught the subway if you _____ earlier.

a) come b) had come

c) came d) will come e) have come

04. If he _________ here , he’d help us.

a) was b) had been

c) were d) would e) is

05. If Jacob and Ben ________ another sandwich, They ’ll get sick. a) eat b) will

c) ate d) had eaten e) eats

06. If she _______________soon, we will go to Teatro Magico´s show.

a) had arrived b) would had arrived

c) would arrive d) will arrive e) arrives

17.Complete with the Relative pronouns The students ______________ live near school will work in the fair.

a) what b) which

c) whose d) whom e) who

02. I know the boy _____ wrote you this book.

a) whose b) whom

c) which d) who e) what

03. Were those the politicians to ______ you prepared the speech?

a) which b) who

c) whose d) whom e) when

04. That’s the man_________ daughter suffered an accident this morning.

a) which b) Who c) whose

d) whom e) when

05. The magazine ____ I was reading was a love story.

a) whose b) what

c) whom d) Who e) which

06. Did you know ______there are many kinds of fobias?

a) if b) than

c) that d) what e) which

07. The shirt ______ has yellow buttons belongs to me.

a) whose b) where

c) whom d) Who e)that

08. The woman _______ was here a week ago went to Berlin.

a) which b) what

c) whom d) Who e) whose

09. I don’t like people _______ make fun at me.

a) whose b) which

c) who d) what e) whom

10. His father, _________ lives in Rio, will return soon.

a) whose b) that

c) who d) whom e) “b” and “c” are correct

11. I have a strawberry and a banana. ______________do you prefer? a) whose b) which c) who d) what e) whom 12. There were 2 boys at the park, _____________one was Bobby? a) whose b) which c) who d) what e) whom 18.To Scientists, Laughter Is No Joke - It’s Serious March 31, 2010. So a scientist walks into a shopping mall to watch people laugh. There’s no punchline. Laughter is a serious scientific subject, one that researchers are still trying to figure out. Laughing is primal, our first way of communicating. Apes laugh. So do dogs and rats. Babies laugh long before they speak. No one teaches you how to laugh. You just do. And often you laugh involuntarily, in a specific rhythm and in certain spots in conversation. You may laugh at a prank on April Fools’ Day. But surprisingly, only 10 to 15 percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke, said Baltimore neuroscientist Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for decades. Laughter is mostly about social responses rather than reaction to a joke. “Laughter above all else is a social thing,’’ Provine said. “The requirement for laughter is another person.’’ Over the years, Provine, a professor with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, has boiled laughter down to its basics. “All language groups laugh ‘ha-ha-ha’ basically the same way,’’ he said. “Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. ... There’s a pattern generator in our brain that produces this sound.’’ Each “ha’’ is about one-15th of a second, repeated every fifth of a second, he said. Laugh faster or slower than that and it sounds more like panting or something else. Deaf people laugh without hearing, and people on cell phones laugh without seeing, illustrating that laughter isn’t dependent on a single sense but on social interactions, said Provine, author of the book “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.’’ “It’s joy, it’s positive engagement with life,’’ said Jaak Panksepp, a Bowling Green University psychology professor. “It’s deeply social.’’ And it’s not just a people thing either. Chimps tickle each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them. By studying rats, Panksepp and other scientists can figure out what’s going on in the brain during laughter. And it holds promise for human ills. Northwestern biomedical engineering professor Jeffrey Burgdorf has found that laughter in rats produces an insulin-like growth factor chemical that acts as an antidepressant and anxiety- reducer. He thinks the same thing probably happens in humans, too. This would give doctors a new chemical target in the brain in their effort to develop drugs that fight depression and anxiety in people. Even so, laughter itself hasn’t been proven to be the best medicine, experts said.

Segundo o texto, a risada A) foi estudada pelos cientistas em locais com aglomeração de gente. B) só é prontamente entendida entre falantes do mesmo grupo linguístico. C) agrega diversos sentidos, como visão e audição, para ser comunicada. D) já foi estudada por cientistas das principais universidades do mundo. E) é uma resposta social, que pode ser observada em alguns animais.

According to the text, A) chimpanzees have the same laughing pattern as humans. B) one responds to laughing if people around are laughing too.

C) laughter is prompted mostly by a joke or a trick. D) both Provine and Panksepp agree that laughter is a social response. E) children laugh as soon as they start learning a language. Jeffrey Burgdorf discovered that A) rats that laugh grow bigger. B) there is a chemical produced in the body by laughter in rats. C) people who laugh a lot are less prone to anxiety and depression. D) benefits produced by laughter are better than many medicines. E) all animals that laugh feel better.

The excerpt of the first paragraph – You just do. – means that A) people simply laugh. B) you laugh because you learned it. C) people laugh involuntarily. D) you started laughing since you were a baby. E) people laugh the same way.

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. – a palavra whether pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por A) Whatsoever. B) In due time. C) Nevertheless. D) No matter if. E) Furthermore.

No trecho do quarto parágrafo – Laugh faster or slower than that and it sounds more like panting or something else. – a palavra like indica A) preferência. B) probabilidade. C) semelhança. D) condição. E) ênfase 19.Fill in the spaces below using either Just, Yet Or Already. 1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes!! I have _____just____cleaned this floor!!! 2. Have you finished that composition for History class ___yet___? You only started an hour ago!! 3. I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again. I've ____already______seen it twice. 4. I'm sorry. You have ____just____missed Katie. She left the office about three minutes ago! 5. Haven't you finished that composition for history class ___yet___? 20. Fill the spaces with the pronouns a) Dad gave __________ a beautiful car .he said I deserved ____________ A - ( ) me - it B - ( ) me - mine C - ( ) my - my D - ( ) mine - me E - ( ) myself - it b)What´s the problem with them? why don´t ............ come to talk to me? a) than b) theirs c) they d) them c) Wagner prefers his mother´s car , so he uses __________ instead of __________. a) their /hers b) yours/hers c) its/hers d) theirs/their e) hers/his

c) Peter is my best friend, and I often go out with _________. a) their b) her c) him d) them e) they

d)My sister was so hungry that she ate all _______ sandwich and ______ too. (MACKENZIE) a) herself / my b) her / myself c) her / mine d) hers / mine e) her / my EXERCICIOS DE RECUPERAÇÃO 2º. BIMESTRE ) complete the sentences using the system : If + verb ….will ou if+ verb....would a) I´ll go to the movies if I ........find.................... ( to find ) my tickets. b) I would go home if I ……could………. (can) c) If I ……were……….(to be) at college, I would like to be a trainee at d) If Brad Pitt comes to Brazil , people ……will ask……………… (to ask) for autographs. e) I’ll talk to Jill and Liz if they…come……………… (to come ) to my house. f) If I spoke Spanish, I………would move…………. (to move) to Mexico. g) If Marcos were famous, he …………would………… work at UNICEF.

6. Complete with the correct verb: 1. The clergyman _______ had a sore throat preached a fine sermon. a) what b) which c) whose d) whom e) that 02. I know the girl _____ wrote you this letter. a) whose b) whom c) which d) Who e) what 03. Were those the physicians to ______ you introduced you brother? a) which b) Who c) whose d) whom e) when 04. That’s the businessman_________ daughter suffered an accident this morning. a) which b) Who c) whose d) whom e) when 05. The book ____ I was reading yesterday was a detective story. a) whose b) what c) whom d) Who e) which 06. Did you know ______ agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open places? a) if b) than c) that d) what e) which 07. The shirt ______ buttons are yellow belongs to me. a) whose b) which c) whom

d) Who e) what 08. The lady _______ was here a week ago went to London. a) which b) what c) whom d) Who e) whose 09. I don't like people _______ laugh at me. a) whose b) which c) who d) what e) whom 10. His father, _________ lives in Rio, will return soon. a) whose b) what c) who d) whom e) "b" and "c" are correct. LIVRO 07. Complete com o tempo verbal adequado do verbo entre parêntese: a) They’ll stop talking if you ___ask____________ them to. (to ask) b) If you had told me, I ___would have helped____________ you. (to help) c) If you ____were___________ smart, you would buy that house. (to be) 08. Write the correct combinations: His flowers _______________ better if he _______________ them more carefully. a) would grow – waters. b) would have grown – had watered c) would have grow – watered d) will grow – watered e) will grew – will water 03. Those students _______________ if they _______________ hard. a) will succeed – work b) succeed – will work c) succeeded – had worked d) will succeeded – worked e) n.d.a. 04. If _______________, you’d have had a good time. a) you go b) you’d gone c) you were gone d) you was gone e) you went 05. I _______________ have gone if I _______________ received your letter. a) could – have b) would – had c) would – have d) would – did e) could – did 06. You'd catch the train if you _____ earlier. a) leave b) had left c) lived

d) will leave e) left 07. If he _________ thirsty, he'd have drunk some water. a) was b) had been c) were d) would e) is 08. If Ted ________ another sandwich, he'll be sick. a) eat b) Will c) ate d) had eaten e) eats 09. If she _______________, I'd have known it. a) had arrived b) would had arrived c) would arrive d) will arrive e) has arrived 10. No one ________ you if you do not shout. a) will hear b) wouldn't have heard c) would hear d) hear e) would have heard 9. Reading comprehension - conditionals If I had brains I would have splashed water on the bow all day and drying, it would have made salt, he thought. But then I did not hook the dolphin until almost sunset. Still it was a lack of preparation. But I have chewed it all well and I am not nauseated. The sky was clouding over to the east and one after another the stars he knew were gone. It looked now as though he were moving into a great canyon of clouds and the wind had dropped. “There will be bad weather in three or four days,” he said. “But not tonight and not tomorrow. Rig now to get some sleep, old man, while the fish is calm and steady”.(…)

HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The old man and the sea. New York: Scribner, 1999, p. 80. In case of a hypothetical situation, the sentence “there will be bad weather” could be written as:

a)There was bad weather. b)There would be bad weather. c)There has been bad weather. d)There were bad weather. e)there had been bad weather 10.EXCHANGE TRIPS ADVERTISEMENTS (anúncio 1) My students and I would very much like to set up a penfriend scheme with students from Scotland and then arrange an exchange or visit programme. They are aged 13-14, and we live in a beautiful, sunny and historical town in Portugal. The people here are also very friendly.

Pedro Alvarez, Rua da Misericórdia 55, Évora, Portugal (anúncio 2)

I work with adult students of English. We are very interested in making contact with other adult learners to make friends, exchange ideas and information and also arrange exchange visits.

Carmen Perez, Calle Oriental 102, Punta Arenas, Chile (anúncio 3) I’m a teacher of English to primary-school students aged between 7 and 11. I’d like to make contact with a UK primary teacher so that our students could exchange letters and visits.

Ursula Seitl, Bajcsy – Zs u 29, Budapest, Hungary A frase que apresenta o verbo na forma condicional está na alternativa: a)The people here are also very friendly. b)My students and I would very much like to set up a pen friend scheme. c)They are aged 13-14. d)We live in a beautiful, sunny and historical town. e)… with students from Scotland and then arrange an exchange program. 11. MBA PROGRAMS - by Stephen Thewlis

If you __ ( I ) __ an international student seeking an MBA, why __ ( II ) ___ the United States? Because American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a leading edge in the business world through top-of-the-line education, diverse specialized programs, and unparalleled networking opportunities and resources. There are over a thousand MBA programs in the U.S.A. You will find an array of options to fit just about any need – from specialized degrees to unique programs geared toward international students. Most American business schools – regardless of the major focus – will train you in the principles of general business management, which is a combination of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and statistics, among other topics. American universities also offer a wealth of specialized MBA programs and classes to tailor your degree. Depending on your intended career goals, you’ll find programs that offer a more focused approach, including business administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, nonprofit administration, and more.

(Adapted from Study in the U.S.A.)

The alternative that contains the verbs which complete blanks I and II in their appropriate tense is: a) were - had you considered b) have been - can’t you consider

c) can be - haven’t you considered d) are - should you consider e) will be - don’t you consider

12. Global warming

The ranks of global warming deniers have mostly been forced to concede that the Earth really is getting warmer. 2007 could be a turning point in the effort to control global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, marshaling the research of nearly 1,000 scientists from 74 countries, issued a longa waited report on climate change “impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.” The study found that global warming was already affecting the Earth’s ecosystems; it predicted that continued climate change, in combination with other environmental stressors such as population increases and greater urbanization, would lead to more severe and widespread drought, greater coastal and riverine flooding, and “increased risk of extinction” for 20 to 30 percent of plant and animal species. Depending on how much temperature rises, food production in the temperate regions (including parts of the United States and Canada) could actually increase, but would probably decline in much of the tropics.

Newsweek, April 16th, 2007. The expressions “could be”, “would lead”, “could actually increase” and “would probably decline” in TEXT indicate: a) things which are unlikely to occur. b) occurrences in the recent

past. c) things which will certainly happen in the future d) occurrences in the present. e) things which may happen in the future.

13. IRAQI SCHOLARS FIGHTING FOR AN EDUCATION Violence, and fear of violence, are corroding educational standards in Iraq. Getting to school or university is a daily struggle. Students and teachers are frequently delayed by bomb attacks, or by traffic jams near checkpoints.In the English department at Baghdad University, linguistics teacher Shatha al Jeidi sniffs and struggles to hold back tears. "From the moment I get out of my house, I think of inevitable death, at any moment... that I may not see my family again and they fear the same," she said. She says her students have to endure this too - so how, she wonders, can they concentrate on their studies and do well? On a bookshelf, there are four photographs of colleagues who have been killed. Rafi, an English-language lecturer, received a warning one day not to give low marks. He ignored the warning and

continued to apply the usual standards to students' exam papers. Rafi was shot dead getting into his car to go to work at the university. Two other lecturers have received death threats. One found a bullet on her desk with her name written on it. Another came to work one morning to find a message scrawled on her office wall: "Warning - you risk the same fate as Rafi." Students have been threatened too. A 19-year-old told me a man approached her near her home, and said women shouldn't study, and that she would be killed if she carried on going to college. She is still going to college.

SYKES, Hugh. Disponível em: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr//2/hi/middle_east/6491443.stm

Considerando a estrutura do texto, é INCORRETO afirmar: a)A sentença Students and teachers are frequently delayed by bomb attacks, na voz ativa, seria: “Bomb attacks frequently delay students and teachers”. b)A afirmação "From the moment I get out of my house, I think of inevitable death”, she said, relatada por uma terceira pessoa, seria: She said that from the moment she got out of her house, she thought of inevitable death”. c)A sentença she would be killed if she carried on going to college expressa uma situação hipotética que poderia ocorrer em um passado distante. d)A expressão 19-year-old (início do último parágrafo), no contexto em que aparece, refere-se a “student”. 14.Instrução: Observe atentamente a figura abaixo.

Em relação ao trecho we thought we’d bring you some worms, julgue os itens. 0. A forma verbal we’d bring está no Present Perfect Tense. 1. A forma we’d é a contração de we had. 2. O pronome you refere-se à personagem Ziggy. 3. A forma verbal we thought está no Past Simple Tense.

15. Fill in the gaps with "Could , can , may , must , might , should" a) He ____can__________walk thirty miles a day. b)When she was young, she _____could_____________swim across the lake. c) _____could_____________you please tell me how to get to Almond Street?

d)You ______should______________try asking the bus driver to help you. e) He wished he ______could______________visit France. f)I _____might_________ helped you when you asked. g) If he were stronger, He____could_____________help us push the car out of the snow. h) If he ____might______________have solved the problem, he would have felt happier. i) He says I ___may____________take the day off. 16. PORTAL POSITIVO DNA may help solve crimes, but now the building blocks of life can also hang, framed, on the wall. With a simple swab from inside the cheek, companies can create abstract portraits of the genetic code. The U.S. founder of this concept, Darrin Grandmason, came up with the idea after taking an advanced microbiology course. His company specializes in genetic blueprints of the family pet. Because of 99.9% of human genes are identical, the company works with the 0.1% that are different, specializing in family portraits. Which sentence is correct according to the text: a)Dr. Darrin Grandmason has found a new concept of abstracting the genetic code by just having a simple swab from inside the cheek. b)Dr. Darrin Grandmason’s company has been helping families by healing pets through their genetic blueprints study. c)Companies are making prints that are based on what makes a genome unique as a piece of art. d)A British clinic deals with the 0.1 percent of non-identical genes to specialize in family behavior. 17. Youth and scientific culture Hard-wiring science into youth culture Despite their love of gadgets and technological wizardry, too many young people see science as being uninteresting, distant and, above all, ‘uncool’. This has translated into a gradual dropping off in the numbers of young people pursuing science and technology (S&T) studies and careers. This has potentially serious consequences for Europe. Modern society’s prosperity and well-being is based on continuous scientific and technological progress. As Europe continues its quest to construct the world’s most competitive knowledge-based economy, the demand for top research talent is set to grow massively. If more young people do not join the ranks of the scientific community, this shortfall will become even greater. Rethinking science Making science more appealing to the young requires a serious rethinking of the way science is conveyed. Young people attribute their lack of interest in S&T to the way science is taught in schools, the complexity of these subjects, and an apparent shortage of attractive career prospects. Addressing this requires revamping school science syllabuses to make them more relevant to

young people’s experiences and highlighting the bright prospects S&T offers intellectually and financially, as well as the important role it plays in solving the major challenges that concern them. In short, it requires hard-wiring science into youth culture and awareness. (ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/index.cfm? fuseaction=public.topic&id=107, access on Aug. 17, 2007)

a)Que atitude dos jovens é fonte de preocupação na Europa? __________________________

eles não acham a ciência interessante b)O que as escolas precisam fazer para incentivar os alunos?_______________________________ ___by Trying to make science classes more appealling_____________________


A)percebe a tarefa difícil que é Deus amar a todos. B)está aborrecida porque acha que Deus não a ama. C)pede a Deus que ame a toda sua família. D)ama todos os membros de sua família o tempo todo.

e)considera sua família numerosa. . QUIZ ON LINE 19.Faça esse exercicio na internet QUIZ ON LINE http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/102.html 20. Esse tambem: http://esl.about.com/library/quiz/blgrquiz_reported1.htm

Recuperação do 1° Bimestre – Filosofia

Conteúdo: O que é filosofia O que é mito

Primeiros pensadores (cosmogonia cosmologia) Pré socráticos


1-C /2-B/ 3-D /4-A/ 5-A/ 6-C /7-B /8-D /9-D/ 10-D /11-A

12- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-05

13- Resposta: 31

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-04-05

14- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 03-04-05

15- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 02-03-05

16- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-04

17- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-05

18- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 02-03-04-05

19- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-05

20- Resposta:

Alternativa (s) correta (s): 01-02-03-05

Colégio FAAT Ensino Fundamental e Médio